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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 09:27:44 )
@Kairie: Miku's also a well-endowed woman, as you clearly see through her pics. :P
Guess Pandar's in good company, really.

The women with Apollo's blood = numerically 'the second-hottest' and they get away with it.

Once that's out of the way, then it'll be checking by the PM inboxes and then we can check by the profiles accordingly. :wink:

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 09:41:56 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yes that was very easy to see. x3

This is 100% truth.

And my profiles are updated. u wu Though I don't think there is anything for me to reply to in the inboxes? :o Just need you to post your profiles in our rp thread and then I'll start it sometime tomorrow when I get the chance. u wu Is there a certain time/area you want me to start it at, or just kind of wing it? :D (I have a vague idea of where I would start it if I wing it, but figure it would be good to ask in case you have an idea since that will probably be better than my idea. xD )

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 09:50:54 )
@kairie: Pandar looks like someone from Arakawa Under the Bridge eh?
Interesting, wonder whom it is though.
But yeah, you should see Miku Izayoi's bikini pics sometimes. ;)

The main reason we're talking numbers, is because we're talking the women carrying EITHER one's Godly blood up in here.
Everything else regarding the details is secondary, but yeah, Pandar drawing on-lookers to her's a thing.

My profiles are at the inboxes, but you can wing a start before another combat skirmish breaks out if you like, once I get the profiles up and running really.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:00:59 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't seen/heard of arakawa under the bridge, but from a quick youtube preview it looks interesting. :O /adds to list of things to watch/

This is very true.

I saw them/your characters look interesting! :D So yeah just post them to the thread and I'll start us probably tomorrow or Saturday since I'm starting to get sleepy now haha. And I just remembered we have a meeting Saturday morning so I won't be up late tomorrow I don't think orz

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:05:41 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't seen/heard of arakawa under the bridge, but from a quick youtube preview it looks interesting. :O /adds to list of things to watch/

This is very true.

I saw them/your characters look interesting! :D So yeah just post them to the thread and I'll start us probably tomorrow or Saturday since I'm starting to get sleepy now haha. And I just remembered we have a meeting Saturday morning so I won't be up late tomorrow I don't think orz

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I use Saucenao when I wanna look up which images your PC's using, but I just know that Miyuki Sawashiro's in it but not voicing whom Pandar looks like, that's for sure.

If Pandar don't draw 'the right enough kinds' of Aphy-blooded attention, something's amiss, really.

I just did that at the thread if you don't mind looking, also if you checked out your inbox, wanna talk by Discord if at all possible?
Answer a yes or a no at the inbox for that question, please.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:36:51 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ooo that is a nice site :O
I will definitely be testing it out with random things for a bit xD

True true.

I got my post out, so if I don't get one out today due to work/whatever at least now I won't feel too bad. haha.
And I don't really use discord unfortunately. ;( Otherwise I would, I really only ever use it if I'm doing something in ffxiv, otherwise it's always closed on my computer haha.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:48:18 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ooo that is a nice site :O
I will definitely be testing it out with random things for a bit xD

True true.

I got my post out, so if I don't get one out today due to work/whatever at least now I won't feel too bad. haha.
And I don't really use discord unfortunately. ;( Otherwise I would, I really only ever use it if I'm doing something in ffxiv, otherwise it's always closed on my computer haha.

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It's a glorious site, seriously I tried it, you can't go wrong with it.

Can't wait for Pandar to get compliments over her looks and body. ^.-

I gotta think of a response.
But yeah, if we're gonna do Discord let's agree to save most of it for in case ToS for Voltra gets risked otherwise, I don't play FF XIV but it's more to do with it hasn't happened to me rather than love or hate, so eh...
But yeah, if you go on Discord feel free to send me a friends' request, in the meantime I'm doing a response as soon as possible, really.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 11:13:44 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I will definitely mess with it.


Yeah no worries take your time haha. I'm going to bed anyways now that I'm caught up on everything that I need to be. u wu
And when I hop onto discord I'll send you a friend request just so that if anything pops up that we need to discuss right away or something we can message each other there. c:

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 11:16:55 )
Have fun with it, seriously.

About high time Pandar gets such compliments, she could use some and she shouldn't let the Aphy-blooded ladies get 'all the glories' to themselves to start with.

It'll take me a bit to get started, but for now I'm doing stuff from the PoVs of the antagonists on one side of the post, and the other, the folks who'd wanna flirt with Pandar because she's worth it.
Yeah, I'll hold you to that regarding Discord and I'm looking forward to it. :3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 07:30:47 )
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Finally home from work! :D Though I have a meeting bright and early tomorrow so idk how long I'll be on tonight. u Au

And it is definitely fun to mess with. :D

Exactly~ ;)

And yeah no worries! I'll try to reply tonight, I'm eating rq right now, but I might go to bed soon because the meeting is at 8am. orzz

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 07:50:53 )

That's a lot of yikes, it's 11:50 PM at our sides and you just got back. :(
Hey you got an awesome site to make full glorious use of, take advantage of that. ;P

Some of those Aphy-blooded hot babes are for Pandar to date and generally do however she likes to them. :P

It wasn't easy to do that long post, it'll take me some time to fully adjust to the cast and folks but I'm working on that, seriously.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 07:54:15 )
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Yeah I work 4pm-12am usually so I'm gone most of the evening unless I get a day off.

Yes they are. ;)

No worries! uw u I don't expect every post to be long, just opening posts I kind of get carried away with haha.
And of course length varies depending on how our characters are interacting and what not.
I'm working on my reply now though, I decided I wasn't quite as tired as I thought I was/I wanted to get a reply out. :D

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:05:12 )
@kairie: Wow, that's a lot of work over there, no lies about it.

It'd make Pandar feel bad if(regardless if intended or not) the Aphy-blooded hot babes got 'all the glories' all to themselves
when it's enough that they'd take the overall justifiable majority of hot babes in numbers as it is, leave some for the other Godly bloodlines if possible please.
All the more reasons why women like Pandar being hot babes NOT of Aphy's blood's a plethora of big deals really.
Plus, Pandar gets the sunnier starting points at her side, she's allowed to flirt away wily-nilly. :P

Now here's hoping the latest posts go very well, 'a certain someone's' yet to show up too, for now you're just seeing the enemy forces in here and tip of the iceberg among those at most, anyways.

As far as 'a certain someone who's yet to show up' knows, there's a Godly-blooded owl of some kind with a Hexenwulf relic of some sort, and by 'Owl hatchling,' it's keeping in touch with how Owls are Athena's holy birds for a reason.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:08:13 )
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Yeah. ;( I at least get two days off next week which is nice. :D

Ahahaha. Flirting willy-nilly is always good. ;) Especially if it is to bring all the ladies to her.

Yes yes. Def need a certain someone to show up haha.

Yeah! :D Owls are definitely attached to Athena haha.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:17:41 )
@kairie: Here's hoping that goes well and we'll both respond at more regular paces for both of us.
Wanna check your inbox soon, too?

Pandar's and Olivia's contrasts are definitely justified in terms of how they'd start, considering the kinds of things Athena would've encouraged for those connected with her if they can get away with it.
But seriously at Pandar's side, she's a Hot Babe who's justifiably being flirted on by another Hot Babe, so long as that's no sibling or half-sibling, it's all good for her. ;P ;P ;)

Let's hope he appears real soon, really.

Funny fact: Athena may take most Owl breeds for her own as Sacred birds, but she shares with Ares Barn Owls and Eagle Owls, definitely gets Vultures and would definitely get Wood-peckers for sure.

It's a thing, bird-wise.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:22:34 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I realized I forgot to quote you in my reply to the rp, forgive me if I don't. ID I'm so used to just bookmarking rps/checking them I forget to mention people. orzz
And it's the discord thing right? I haven't been on discord yet. xD

Trueee. No half-siblings/siblings and it is all good.

He better.

That was a fun fact that I did not know.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:27:52 )
@kairie: Yeah, hold on I'll look at it now.
I don't get too many threads joined too often so no worries.
And yeah, both for Discord, and for that question I sent you at your comments of course. ;)

Cousin-on-Cousin can be 'okay-ish' though, Godly genetics mitigate the side-effects(physical or mental) somewhat by varying extents.

Oh he will. ^.-

Vultures and Woodpeckers are definitely Ares' birds for sure, a few bird breeds are shared with Athena, pretty much.
I just realized it now, really.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:29:25 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Like I said I apologize, I will try to remind myself to mention you/get in the habit. ID

Ah ye that's right. xD

Yeah especially since gods are related but not and just a whole string of relations lol.

True true.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:41:38 )
@kairie: I'll take care to quote you, be sure to quote me in turn when you reply in-RP.
Yeah, I was waiting on both of those on the Voltra inbox. ;)
(both for pic regards on Pandar as asked on comments, but also Discord matters.)

Lots of folks commented on how the Gods of Olympus have very few 'Earthbound' rivals for actually NEEDING a flow chart or two regarding the blood-relations and stuff, with RPs like these they justify why 'blood-relation bunnying' is inevitable, but as noted, 'Sib-on-Sibl/half-sib-on-half-sib' doesn't have to be.

It's very insightful and will help later on with the PoV shifts in both halves of the posts, really, plus it's just the first page too so there's that.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:59:36 )
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I will do my best. ; A; If I ever forget I am so sorry, it might take a minute to build the habit. ;(

That is very true! But as long as siblings are avoided it is all good. xD

True, the rp is just starting so there is a lot of areas we can go/will go. >:)

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