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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/23 20:49:26 )
@pachi: Yeahh, I can understand that. > > ;; Mine is sorta different depending on what I need to do for the day.
Hahaa. I'd still be at work right now not responding soooooo, more time for me. * V* I end up saving a bit of money too! So, I've been spending it on alcohol and games. BAHAHHA.

YEH, THEY ARE. Especially the last one we just had- it's awful. I hate collecting those items and saving up the coins is annoying. I hate that game too.
TT____ TT I usually only get one cat and 1 item. WEEP.

Yessss. The graphics are so pretty too!!! I love the game. aksdjfhasd

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 01:32:06 )

    @Yandere: wooo went to work today but now we're going into mandatory shutdown starting wednesday >>;;; they're still trying to keep the place open tho, idk how that'll go.

    i play the mini games a lot because it's just some idle thing i can do while i watch youtube LOLLL but also same i'm perpetually broke--
    (wanna join my guild?

    ohohoh okay~ 👀


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 15:04:39 )
@pachi: Ohhhh man, that's crazy. adkhjfjkasdfhasd.
We're in lockdown as of the 22nd? Only emergency places are open like hospitals, grocery stores, etc. If it gets really crazy, they're going to shut down though. ;;; Would you be able to work remotely??

Yeah, I do that too. Like the block stacking thing.
Is your guild active with lots of people? > > ;; I don't talk to anyone in mine, so I'd be alright with the switch over, they do donate a lot of event stuff to me though, which is nice.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 15:56:49 )

    @Yandere: yeah i'm still working remotely most of the week so i'm okay
    our province released a list of "essential" services and it just looks like basically everyone's still gotta work LOL

    yesss thats the one i like to play too haha
    and i'd say we're fairly good and active, i donate a bunch of stuff during events too
    club name is honeyglazed ^u^


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 18:43:47 )
@pachi: Ah, that's good at least. Thank god for technology is these times. Hahaha.
Wha? How is everything essential? Lmao. I mean, hair salons don't need to be open, or main offices for things??

YES. That one is so much easier! >:3ccc
HOW CUTE. Omg. I'm joining now~

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 00:05:59 )

    @Yandere: yeah stuff like salons and stuff are closed but i just feel like their list covers sooooo much lol
    theres 74 things on the list, literally

    yayyy i see you in there >:3c welcome welcome


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 00:15:04 )
@pachi: Idk it;s taken me so long to reply to this. squints. Too busy playing cat game. ahahaaa. fak.

Yeahh. There were people cutting down trees near one of my co-workers today. Like WHAT. xD Why are they working omg. Unless the tree is going to fall down within days???

Yesss. Thank you for invite!! TT__TT I hope I can make your guild proudddd.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 03:27:31 )

    @Yandere: i've been working and then drawing |D
    checking cat game in-between~

    omg lollll whattt
    i guess city workers are considered ~vital~?
    on that note though, i feel bad for our neighbours, they run restaurants and they had to cut down on staff and aren't getting enough customers to sustain themselves ;-; they were talking about not being able to make rent now

    yeee thanks for joining!! just in time for this event~~~


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 18:00:52 )
~I am the animal crossing~

Love the art shop!!
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 22:41:56 )
@pachi: Work has kinda... slowed down a bit? Haha. I took at nap mid-day and only woke up to like 2 emails, so that's pretty good.
Just trying to get those event items O VO! Much better than the last event. Eugh. I hate collecting those coins and those limited items.

I guess so? Seems kinda silly though. I just heard the people mowing lawns yesterday too. Smh. It's too early for all of this stuff anyway. Yeesh.
Oh no, that is really bad. D: Do they offer take out/delivery? I know a lot of people are still ordering from those type of things. Hopefully they make a rent freeze soon, I know a lot of people aren't working and don't have the money for it now. q vq

Yee, of course! Your guildmates seems nice already. = w= /////

@lina: Ahhhh, thank you! * V*
Animal Crossing has kind of prevented me from drawing though. Hehe.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 00:28:39 )

    @Yandere: LOLLL if i was able to nap, i would too |D
    omggg i just chug along tbh... but i generally do ok in these events anyway since they extended the duration |D

    so far i've seen a firetruck and... not much else.
    also yes... there's supposedly a benefit grant for small businesses/self-employed and etc... hope they can get it ~_~

    hehe i dragged a few friends in to play with me too so we're all chillin' in the guild~


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 12:54:53 )
@pachi: Thankfully my boss isn't as crazy as the other one. > > ;; They've been making them stream all day long and making them dress up. hahahaa. I've been wearing pajamas for the most part so. I needed that nap, the night before was a bit hectic. akdjhfaksdf.

I've seen TONS of people walking around if I really look outside. I went to go pick up food and counted the groups of peopl (which was about 5-8 blocks away?) and there was 22 groups of DIFFERENT PEOPLE walking around. The most I saw in a group was 5. LIke, PEOPLE GET IN YOUR HOUSES AND STAY THERE OMG. This is why it is spreading. UGH.
I hope so too. q vq I'm still working, but the money would be nice right now tbh. I need to pay off my credit card. ahaha.

Awwyissss. It's been slow the past few days, so I've been able to play a lot. Haha.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 13:41:04 )

    @Yandere: i haven't changed outta my pjs since monday pretty much LOL
    though i gotta go outside today +_+ ughghgh

    ugh wow why won't they listen to science
    they probably think they're fine until they're nOT
    yesss i hope we can all get that $$$$$$$

    i started some other games recently so i haven't been able to play as much but i do check back on my crafts |D thank god for 1m crafting


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 02:42:18 )
@pachi: Lmao, I've been trying to look nice, but eh. I also didn't shower like two days in a row and was like... whoops.
I'm not allowed to step outside now. AHahaaa. /lays down.
Literally can't even go and get food, so family members have been going out. fak me.

I KNOW. I can't... handle people. I swear. aaaaaaaaa. It's putting others at risk. This is why my state is now the epicenter. /headdesks.
And my family wonders why I hate people.
YES. GOTTA PAY THE BILLS, BRUH. I mean, thankfully I'm still working, but still. q vq ;;;

Ahhhh. 1m crafts are amazing- though I never seem to have enough gold for it. rip me.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 03:22:18 )

    @Yandere: i went outside and i was like wow. pants. LOL
    omg... at least they're running errands for you-- mine are too ;_; and still working too orz

    just watching the numbers go up is so sad
    but i saw an article about how social distancing is actually helping slow the effects over in british columbia so i'm glad for that at least... hope people do it long enough here too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm kicking myself because i saved up gold for 1m crafting today aND THEN MISSED IT BECAUSE I WAS DOING OTHER THINGS LMAO fhjshfg


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 15:39:20 )
@pachi: Hahaha. It is a weird feeling when you've been wearing pajamas for a few days. LMao.
Yeah. q vq The supermarkets are kinda barren too, so it's rough getting certain supplies too. aaaaaa. I think mine are working too? I'm not really sure. Someone even brought over alcohol for us. Hehehe.

It really is. It's putting everyone in a funk. q vq
Ahh, that's really good! Now, if people would just STAY INDOORS. SMH. I know some people NEED to get out (because they're not a total recluse like me) but, go in the backyard or something or an open park where there aren't any people. I don't know why they feel the need to just STROLL around where there's TONS of people. /headdesk.

OH nOOOOOOOOOOOO. I never seem to have enough gold- I'm always crafting something. I dropped down to 200 gold during the 1m crafting and was panicking. ahahaha.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/29 20:32:52 )

    @Yandere: it was so weird seeing people lining up, ~social distanced~ for the grocery store

    ugh ikr? i think i'm ok solely because i have huge windows so i get that sunlight haha

    i haven't been crafting that much so now i somehow have like 50k gold LMAO... i keep missing the timed events though fhhdhhg


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 00:51:46 )
@pachi: I haven't gone outside, but the pictures I've seen have been pretty crazy. I saw a picture where they wouldn't even let customers go to the counter. It was like, they put on the counter and they would go up grab it and then leave. No contact at all. Pretty crazy. ;;;

Ohhh, I see. I sorta... live underground technically??
My window is on ground level? I am bad at explaining things. ;;;

Damn. o ___ O I don't think I've ever been over 20k gold. omg.
Savage af. Congrats on getting all the guild kitties though!!! Pretty sure that was you in chat who said that. ;;;
I don't really pay attention to them. haha. I usually try and look for the 1m crafting, but I always forget. Heh.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 04:38:09 )

    @Yandere: that's to be expected for this sort of situation u_u gotta keep safe... never know who has it...

    no i get you haha there are houses here with that too

    heheee thank youuu yep it was me
    i think it's also because i keep playing the blocks game for event points but wow my $moneydollars$$$
    i'm at like 65k rn hmm gotta spend it all

    phew i've been comic grinding this entire weekend it turned out to be super productive !!!!


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 05:03:09 )

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