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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 19:20:35 )
@pachi: Yeah, this whole thing is crazy. I think I read somewhere that they're planning on extending it another 30 day? @ ___@ I wonder if I'll ever go back to my building.

It's funny trying to people watch though. They don't think to look at the window since there's a bush right in front of it too. o 3o

Awwwyehhh, memory still kicking.
I try and do that too, but then I get bored of it, and I switch to other app games. I try to play it when I'm watching shows too, so that doesn't help.
Geez. 65k? Gib some to me pls. AHAHahaha. When I got off last night I was at 23 gold or something. That broke lifeee.

YEEEEE. I've been waiting for the newest update. AM EXCITE!!

@dragonickittens: Kittennsss! I didn't know you were still on voltra!!! : D


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 20:12:22 )

@Yandere: Yeah. I decided to try again. I'm probably not gonna be very active unless I'm talking to friends like you and stuff. I'm also trying to sell art on here again.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 20:26:07 )
@dragonickittens: Yeah, with everyone stuck at home, there's lots of time for stuff. Hahaha.

Aaah, that's all I really do too tbh. I don't wander to many places other than my own threads. n ___ n ;;;
Best of luck!!! Arts shops are still relatively slow in my opinion, but there's a few art buyers lurking around. >:3cc

Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 22:20:22 )

@Yandere: Yeah, lol. I have been streaming a whole lot and I reached 50 follows on twitch. xD

They are also slow over there on Gaia, so it doesn't really surprise me that its slow here too.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 22:40:00 )

    @Yandere: i'm anticipating it to be wayyyy longer than that lol... hunkering down and waiting with all my supplies hrg

    wow LOL creepin on peopleee

    i've been playing the hypmic game a lot lately fhdhhgdf i wanna rolllll
    but i still go back to cat game to check crafts
    throws my $$ at you

    the next part is looooong... i think i might just start posting entire chapters in 1 go instead of cut off parts
    vaguely gestures


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 14:03:01 )
@dragonickittens: Ahhh, I saw that on twitter! Congrats!!! * V* /// I joined in one of your streams sneaky sneaky one time.
Yeah, fair enough point. I guess everyone is just sorta... doing their own thing? You would think more people would be online though...

@pachi: Auggghh. As long as I can still go for my vacation in the summer, I'd be alright. q vq ///

The things I do in quarantine. BAHAHHAA. To be fair, my hubby is upstairs for most the morning and I don't know what to do with myself. lmao.

Hypmic? I've never heard of that before. squints.
Heck yehhh. I check cat game like... 5 times a day maybe? I usually play it while I'm on the elliptical thing and just.. work out and play the games. Hahaha.

Oh geez. o Ao !! You think so? That's a lot of work. askjdfajsdf. Meanwhile my comic is... 4 panels and I complain about it. WHEEZE.
I usually copy/paste a lot of the lineart/color things too.
im ded.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 14:43:51 )

    @Yandere: hope so!! ~u~
    man i need a vacation too......... work is So Much right now

    LOLLLL gotta keep yourself occupied somehow haha

    hypnosis microphone, it's basically rap boys and stuff-- i'm like passively into it LOL
    they just released the rhythm game for it so i've been going ham playing that

    you update weekly so theres that :b drawing comics is a lotttt of work 😔
    ps hmu if you wanna see a preview--


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 19:50:52 )

@Yandere: Lol, feel free to talk if you want. :) I just recently uploaded an emote on there for twitch subs for Tier 1, but with the stream points (mine are called floofs) people can buy the emote and use it. But people can't buy Tier 2 and 3 emotes sadly, so I think I'm just gonna keep it it with Tier 1 for my stream emotes. Mostly so everyone can use it. :) But I gotta wait til twitch approves it, but I might remove it so I can resize it correctly. I figured out how to resize things on CSP without it looking like a pixelated mess now.

I know, right? But I think its because people aren't really posting that much due to wanting to either binge watch things or play games. But who really knows.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 23:50:07 )
@pachi: Awhman, tell me about it! I mean, my hours are technically shorter and my job is a bit easier considering that I don't need to actually stand up and do stuff. I want spring break so badddd. ahhhhh. They were talking about it today, and they were saying that right now it's still good, but we'll know by the end of the week if it's cancelled or not. I really just... want to sleep in. WEH. I also think I'm getting sick so... frick me. I could use that time to actually cover and stop killing myself. Heh

Ohhh. Hey, do what you gotta do. I thought it was maybe like some mystic messenger type of thing, but I suppose I was wrong. KOFF.

It really is a lot of work. ;;;; I didn't realize I'd still be doing it at this rate, but ehhh.
Coming up with material is the toughest part.


@dragonickittens: I would, I just feel anxious around new people. You know how I am. > > ;;;;
Ahhhaha, is that the raised arms that say floof one?? It's super cute. I always wanted to try twitch emotes, but I never had the patience to actually sit down and really figure out eh measurements and draw things so... here I am. > > ;;;;
I always though CSP resizing was pretty clean tbh. At least compared to re-sizing on my other art program. Heheh.

Hmmm, probably. I mean, Animal Crossing is super popular right now, but you would think a bunch of people would be flooding back after not being around for such a long time. Ha


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/2 01:04:49 )

@Yandere: Everyone that's been in my chat is pretty friendly so far. MagicSweetChi is usually in there and is the one to greet just about anyone. Same goes for Tiny Woosh. They are my mods.
Yes, lol. Though that emote is for my subs. But since there are stream points on my server, people can buy the emote with the points they gathered up. I would love to buy some from you if you decide to do so. xD
Yeah, I didn't know this til yesterday night. I was able to resize a icon I made for my stream points using that. I drew it up on a 500x500, and I was able to resize it down to 28x28, 56x56, and 112x112. You gotta upload each file like that too. One of my friends on twitter usually resizes her emotes down to 258x258 and goes from there.
I actually re did the emotes, so I think it looks much better than it did before.
Both are 28x28.
Old version

New version, less pixelated.

Yeah, you'd think so, but not a lot of people are doing that.

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/2 05:01:19 )
~I am the animal crossing~

@Yandere: I’ve been so obsessed with animal crossing...
I kinda don’t even know what day it is or anything
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/2 17:49:03 )

    @Yandere: omggg hope you get that break!! it's stressful working in this situation, my coworkers both said they felt like they're working more than they did at the office lol u_u

    i guess there maaay be elements of that to appeal to the otome fans but the bl part of this fandom is pretty big though
    idk too much though, i'm a casual LOL

    ohhh yeah i feel that ;u;
    it's awesome that you kept it going though!! that perseverance !!!!

    ayeee i can PM you one heh


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 13:47:06 )
@dragonickittens: Ahh, yeah Chi is super nice. U WU That's about the only person I really know though. I never know what to say when you're playing either, since I don't really know the game so I just sneak watch. Haha.
Ahh, that is cute. Really small though, dang. I thought discord emotes were bad. > > ;;;
Ahaha. I'd have to master the art of emotes first. It's tough for me to show so much expression in a small area. ;;;;

Ohhh. Dang, it looks pretty good. I'm surprised you'd get it anywhere near crisp at that size. o u o I feel like I've written down that size before... but ehhh.
They look super cute!! Ahh, I hope you're able to get some people to use it! >:3ccc

@lina: I mean... I've just been doing the daily type of things, but this event has me on a new level of hunting things. O ___ O I even had the ghost pop up yesterday? Then I have Flick today. So much to do, so little time...
If it wasn't for me working every day, I'd be the same way. U WU

@pachi: Ahahaaa. They took away 4 of the days. So it's really just like an extended weekend? I really can't complain though, my job isn't really too difficult and if needed, I could step away from the computer if I really needed to.
Ahhh, I feel bad for them. D: It's a lot tougher to do things at home. My hubby is trying to do online classes as well, so we end up needing to sit in other rooms and do our work. afkjshdfkajds

Hahahah. I was obsessed with MM when it was out. I'm just a giant weeb. JASHFJKAS
I MEAN. You like what you like, you know?

Yeah. Might take a short hiatus though. It's been sort of an exhausting week. I'll promote ur comic though. Heuehehe



Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 15:26:37 )

    @Yandere: ahh that's good at least... i have to be on the computer for mine and im at my limit soon LOL _(:3/// it's only gonna get busier from hereon out too screams

    LOLLLL a lot of my friends were super into it when it came out :0
    i just saw it's getting a new webtoon too? wow

    yesss take the break you need to refresh and revamp!! and thank you aww

    heh sent ;3


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 15:52:53 )
@pachi: ahhhh. I think I might need to star video-ing soon. I'm not doing it today though. Way too tired for that and it's short notice so. EH.
Seriously? You would think it would be easier from here on out. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm not ready for more work. I want to live that comfy life. ;;;

Haha, it was all over the place! I wasn't really... good at it, but it was nice to play and get messages. LMAO. I was always so mad when I went to bed and missed the late night ones. cdJHADKJahs.
Whaaaaa? That's awesome! O _ O !!

Yess. Just need to draw something or write for it. No motivation. Literally burnt out. /flops.


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 17:51:44 )

@Yandere: Lol, she's really awesome, plus I think she usually makes anyone feel really welcome. :) Plus feel free to ask questions about the game I'm playing if needed. Especially if its Graveyard Keeper. Anyone new to that game can get really confused. I know I was when I first played it til I watched a few videos.
The best advice I can give for emotes is to draw on a bigger canvas, but make sure its still in a square shape. I usually draw in a 500x500 canvas, so it helps. Plus if your art program has a way of resizing it built in, that helps too. All you'd need to do is just type in what you want to resize it to. I'm pretty happy that I learned that pretty quickly on CSP. That's probably the best program I've ever bought alone for my art work. I'm so happy I got it on sale.
Yeah lol, I'm glad its much crisper than my first attempt. I'll probably try to do more emotes later.
Yeah, so far a few people have used them. :) Plus since I have it enabled for people to buy the emotes through stream points, a whole lot of people can use them.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 22:52:41 )
@dragonickittens: Yeah! I had fun talking with Chi when we were both online. U WU
Ahhh, I wouldn't even know where to start tbh. ;; I've only tuned in to one stream I think?? I can't remember what you were doing though. /squints. THEN I MISSED THE ONE LAST NIGHT. WEEP.

AHhh. yeah. I draw fairly large and squeezing in details would get tough. kajfhksjhfs. I'm not used to filling the whole canvas either, you know? I suppose some of the background would be transparent anyway. > > ;;
CSP is great though! I was thinking about getting into animation again, but their animation is way too confusing and I'm too lazy to try and learn. Haha.

Awwh, that's awesome! TT___TT If I streamed, I'd be ecstatic if people used it. aaaa
Oooh, I didn't even know you could do that on twitch. o ___ o They can buy from just watching? Unless you're talking about another stream thing- then I remember seeing that there too, which was pretty awesome.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 22:57:33 )

    @Yandere: i'm getting more and more irritated with work but ranting it off helps LOL fhdjhg

    omg yeah i remember people doing that |D i personally wasn't in it but damn it was everywhere
    just feeling all the fandoms pass around me as im going at my own pace--

    oofffff that burnout
    i feel you so hard
    i was gonna start a new doujin earlier this year but i gave up real fast 'cause no inspiration ahaha


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 00:10:16 )
@pachi: Ahhh, that's good at least! * V* Feel free to rant away! ( I know I do all the time already so... here I am. BAHAHHA)

I think I started it late, so I saw a lot of the spoilers and stuff but I was like AAAAAAAAAAA.
There's too many fandoms to keep up with all of them. aksdjhfaksdf.

I didn't even draw anything... I just.... used an old drawing and typed on it. BAHAHAHA. NEXT LEVEL LAZY.
Seriously. The art struggle is real sometimes.

Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 00:10:31 )

@Yandere: Lol, its cool. And sorry you missed that stream, but I'll probably have another one in the future.

Yeah, I think your regular size you draw on should be fine, you just have to resize it once you're done. You don't have to draw on the entire canvas to make one though.
Even if you decide to get it for animation or not, its a good program. The brushes aren't too bad either. :) Plus there are tons of brushes you can download that other people has made. I have a few a friend has sent me to use too. They are really good for lineart.

Yeah, they can buy it, but its only to be used on your channel only and they can use it for only 24 hours. But you gain about 50 points for watching 10 minutes or so and you also gain about 10 points over time. Its really cool.
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