This isn't really a lie I was told, as to how horrible I was as a small child. Read below.
I had this parakeet that was given to me when I was super young. Older than four but younger than ten, so 6-7 maybe? I named the parakeet Freddie. He was one of those basic green/yellow ones you get at the pet store. Well one day, I was playing "school" with my stuffd animals. I had them all lined up and had a chalk board and all that. Then I brought Freddie out and sat him on the floor. I also had this long wooden dowel I was using as a pointer. Freddie kept chirping or in my mind "talking without raising his hand/wing?" so I bopped him in the head with the dowel. Stupid kid me kept doing that until he went quiet. Little did I know, I gave the poor thing brain damage so he sat there alright, and quite. But obviously he ended up dying. I was so freaked out I didn't want my parents to find out so I stuffed him in my pants? Why there I have no idea.
Another instance was we used to have a aquarium full of fish in our house. It was a regular ten gallon tank, with all the filters and what not, and we had some ...swordtails I think they were called. Anyway, I fished one out to play with it because stupid kid me, didn't know they needed water to breathe. It ended up dying (of course) and then I hid it under my bed.
Another instance was we used to have a aquarium full of fish in our house. It was a regular ten gallon tank, with all the filters and what not, and we had some ...swordtails I think they were called. Anyway, I fished one out to play with it because stupid kid me, didn't know they needed water to breathe. It ended up dying (of course) and then I hid it under my bed.