Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/19 22:21:25 )
@eerie: we’ve been slowly switching all our old furniture to new white or light gray ones.
The apartment is small and doesn’t have much light, but it’s getting so much brighter now. And even feels bigger!
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 15:08:30 )
@eerie: you must at least have bedroom furniture.
That’s all we had when we moved in.
We had like bedroom desks out in the living room and stuff.
It’s taken some years, but it’s all coming together finally.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 15:14:06 )
@Lina: haha well I don't own it. it came in the apartment and honestly I should get rid of it and buy a new one because it's whatever the person before me had
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 15:43:19 )
@eerie: ah, I see.
Nothing wrong with used furniture.
But I’ve been noticing how much of a difference having furniture I really like, is making in my general mood at home.
Like, I knew it would be pretty, but I also feel more comfortable and happy in my apartment now that it feels like it’s “my” place.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 16:30:33 )
@Lina: hmm well I guess the thing is that I don't really rent the place either. it's rented by the academy since housing is part of our salary. so I never really wanted to buy furniture. I know people who do though haha
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/24 12:28:09 )
@Lina: hmmm not so much. I'm really trying not to have clutter since it's hard to move, but I've still inevitably got a bunch of stuff I'll have to chuck when the time comes haha
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/25 20:42:29 )
@eerie: I kinda get that.
But I’m 100% a nester. I immediately fill a space with things.
It makes me feel more comfortable and safe to be surrounded by my items.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/26 02:40:17 )
@Lina: hmm I used to hoard all of my stuff because ~sentimental~ but it's just not possible to take it all around to different countries, so I finally learned to let go of stuff
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/26 13:08:26 )
@Lina: haha yes exactlyyy
so I'm happy with less stuff. I do still have stuff at my parents' house though ahahaha they're storing it but one day I should tell them to chuck the rest of it probably.