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Forums Role Playing Demigods and Werewolves 1x1

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 09:07:57 )
(I feel irritated that lately, the location image is glitching like a drunk loon, I don't like that.)

"Thanks Cap, and Olivia, thanks and glad to have you along,"

Kyle gave a more chill response than what he gave a few minutes ago, still as welcoming as ever, though feeling the time to get everyone together elsewhere in the area for the next few hours is getting closer, the more they're done eating the food available before Kyle looked to Olivia,

"What I figured is that if the 2 known terminals got hacked hard enough besides replicating hard data and stuff for current maps, it'd mitigate current security levels for more heavily-guarded places and have them moved elsewhere, it'll mitigate immediate hostiles fought, and set up back-up plans and countering what they'd get, too,"

While Kyle relayed some of the basic details of the available plans so far, Marrok was looking to see how many of the strike forces assembled were closer to being done eating, so that the meeting may commence soon,

(This ought to be big whenever Aurora shows up, again, whoo boy...)

"Fair warnings that the box says not to use what's inside it until 1 hour's passed, so for the training Area if I'm gonna be using anything until then, it won't be that one,"

Cherie found it best to let Ella know about it, already wondering if Ella needed to eat anything while the both of them were moving somewhere else on campus before Aurora finds them, not doubting the off-chance she could likely read on the auras of others, it was hard to discern if she underwent the same kind of training Cherie did on those regards, only that an Ares kid was among those to teach Aurora Leviar how to fight, and knowing this is enough to expect persistence coming from her,

"Rizer was awkward enough to start with and I'm no saint about it, but Ella you hungry and what do you prefer to eat, exactly?You can tell me, fruits and sweets I'd totally get,"

It was either that or the training area, and Cherie wanted to have some fun while they both prepare to head to their living spaces, before Cherie admits this bit upfront,

"If you do Archery drills and I'm there to watch, I'll focus on your chest before watching your aim, I'll let you know if you're missing your aim though,"

Cherie may wanna vent her desires upon Ella, but making Ella fail her sessions on-purpose feels bad in long-term survival, lest Ella pulled an Adonis and ends up dead for it, which would be bad while the 2 beautiful women were getting closer to wherever they're meant to go, all while Mr. Sparrow talks with the bluejay about this bit as the birds kept observing the happenings going on as Mr. Sparrow's words are as follows,

"I like this plot development,"


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 09:44:45 )
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Olivia pushed herself up from the ground, brushing off her butt as she did so. Stretching her arms above her head, there was a satisfying crack as her limbs stretched, causing the girl to let out a relaxed sigh. "Sounds like a good plan to me. Besides the more information you guys can get from those terminals the better." Nodding at the thought both of her hands were put on her hips as she looked around seeming to get a small wave of energy.

"So I take it we're almost good to start getting everything together?" Olivia asked, eyes moving back to Kyle and Marrok as she started thinking about the mission in front of them in detail. It would be interesting to see how it all played out, and while she hoped the were on the winning end she still wasn't sure of the full capabilities of her companions but it was too late to worry too much about that. Instead she would just have to make sure that there was an escape route if needed, as well as ensuring that whatever plan they used it gave the greatest chance for success.


(She'll of course show up at the most inopportune time. ;) )

"I meant more of just showing you were things were located, I'm not quite sure I'm ready to train yet. Or meet anyone I avoided earlier." Laughing softly at the situation she had put herself in earlier, she started walking while pulling Cherie along, either way just wanting to leave the area before Aurora had the chance to show up.

At the question of food Ella seemed to honestly think about it before giving a small shrug. "In terms of food I eat almost anything? I guess I prefer more unhealthy foods than healthy, but I will honestly eat almost anything that is put in front of me. There are just a few foods that I do not enjoy." Seeming happy with her response since it was the truth, Ella turned her gaze on Cherie a small smile on her face. "What kind of things do you enjoy eating?"

When Cherie mentioned the archery drills, Ella couldn't help but shudder at the thought. "I don't really do a lot of archery drills, at least where people can watch me." Deciding not to comment on where Cherie's gaze would be for her own heart, "But I am fine to watch you do whatever kind of training you would like to do!" Ella added turning her smile on Cherie once more.

The bluejay fluttered after the girls, turning to the sparrow momentarily. "As do I. Although, I do not think that this peace will last." Was all the bluejay replied, making sure to keep his distance from the girls so they would not overhear anything he or the sparrow said.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 20:51:20 )

"Same here, and you've clearly worked out long before we've met, I like that,"

Bodily comments on Olivia felt secondary compared to how strong she was to not end up dead then and there, since now she got some time to know the strike forces gathered in the Lupa clan a bit before the following got noted on by him,

"You know what I think?I think we should go check the armory, it's not much but a bladed weapon or a gun could help hopefully before we check the defensive area after hitting the breeding room hard enough, never know when automatons or worse are up ahead,"

Remembering Olivia's question, this much can be said in Kyle's own words since everyone else was almost done eating,

"We're almost there, and besides once we do that, I figured a sneak peek at our stuff before a meeting's had can help a bit, cover fire and all,"

(Aurora's got Very Big, VERY BI Energy and there's beauty in the honesty of it.)

"Wonder if they're hot, some are disciplined but still,"

Cherie felt like asking, of course moods-wise she's working to get with Ella, but it was clear that the Apollo babe was on campus longer than Cherie was, so that wonder had to be spoken aloud anyways, while Cherie hoped she and Ella can avoid Aurora for some time before Cherie and Ella get to deal with their businesses for the remaining few hours,

"My aunts commented that I'm a sweet-tooth, not the biggest they've met but it happens, calzones are delicious, and key lime pies are divine,"

Cherie already felt the need to mentally mark on her list of things a chance to make sure her grandmother gets to eat some of those when possible, probably nothing pork-related particularly just to be sure but anything like apples, oranges or peaches could be fair game, before adding this,

"Besides, Citrus fruits and berries need more appreciation in terms of things to eat, how about you?"

When returning to subject matters regarding training sessions, Cherie giggled a bit when she felt Ella not wanting to be a flustered mess regarding where Cherie's gaze would go to upon Ella, Cherie admits this,

"I could use some sessions regarding bladed weapons, get me an automaton or two or some sentient ballistics gel bodies and I'll go test my stuff with them, falling behind my brother's not on my to-do list,"

While Cherie goes over things while she and Ella were heading to their next destination, Mr. Sparrow commented on the following while going where the bluejay goes, commenting on the following like it's something either of the Gods who sent their breeds to observe would've said,

"It's often the calm before the storm, as they say,"


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 07:02:59 )
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At the mention of armory Olivia's interest piqued, causing her eyes to sparkle a bit. "Seeing the armory I think would be useful as well, so I have a feeling what kind of weapons you guys have." Smiling a bit at the thought, Olivia nodded in agreement with Kyle at his statement realizing they had similar thoughts.

Moving closer to Kyle she leaned forward, bright eyes looking into his momentarily before leaning back hands moving behind her. "Lead the way captain." The girl finally said, leaning back on her heels as she waited for Kyle to lead the way.


Ella gave a small shrug to if they were hot or not, her gaze moving forward as they walked. As the conversation of food continued, she couldn't help but laugh a bit at the mention of Cherie liking sweets. "I should have been able to guess that." The girl replied softly.

Listening as Cherie pushed the conversation back on her, Ella bit her lip trying to think hard about foods that she liked since the girl didn't seem to take her original answer. "Burgers are good. So are tacos. I do enjoy sweets as well, though I tend to stick with chocolates and cakes." Smiling at the thought Ella closed her eyes imagining desserts before opening her eyes again.

As the conversation went back to training she nodded at the request. "That should be easy, most of the training areas are equipped with those." Remembering her first walk through of the training area Ella knew for sure they had those types of things and much more. Even if the girl hadn't used them herself it was still easy to remember.

"The calm before which storm though time has yet to tell." The bluejay responded, referring to the storm that would brew when Aurora finally caught up tot he two, or the mission that was sure to come their way.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 10:20:25 )

"Marrok's the Captain, I'm the boss, don't forget about it,"

Kyle chuckled a bit when he gave Olivia's eyes and chest another brief once-over, before leading the way to the armory, all while Captain Marrok kept a mental count for how many guns were available in the armory in particular along with the specific ammo for this operation, when Kyle finally brought Marrok and Olivia to the Armory, where in it were some bladed and blunt weaponry, and at the moment 2 small steel cabinets were close by in the Armory,

"Let's see, we've got a few Auto-shotguns, A few Assault Rifles, a few Sniper Rifles, and a few Submachine guns, and half as many sets of Ammo for either Anti-armor or EMP Shells and while we do have 2 Grenade Launchers and some Grenades meant for those regards, it's best to make every shot count, these guys detect heat, right?"

Kyle asked Olivia an honest question, taking to account that Olivia likely didn't have the easiest time getting away from her pursuers, to say the least, Magic or no Magic,

"What can I say?I love lollipops,"

Cherie giggled in response from Ella not guessing on that part, before listening in on Ella's responses and replying in kind, and downplaying the subtle gazing on Ella's chest when doing so,

"Tell you what: If they serve any of that stuff I'll be sure to buy you some when we get to the food courts, my treat, and there's Automatons and multiple weapon-types over the training area?Neat!!!"

While Cherie was busy keeping up with Ella as the Apollo daughter led Cherie to where they were going, Mr. Sparrow gently replied to the bluejay,

"Good point, either it's a storm of steam or a storm of smoke and stench, Time's the best judge as they say,"
It's fairly clear that Mr. Sparrow didn't forget that sooner or later, Aurora will see Cherie and Ella again, they have a role to play in all this but what kind remains to be seen in the grand scheme, really,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 21:20:06 )
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"Captain, boss, both are very similar, besides it was just a saying." Sticking her tongue out briefly to the other male she followed after him as he lead the way to the armory. During their walk she paid attention to the details around her, as well taking in every detail once they were in the armory.

As Kyle questioned her she gave a small nod. "That's correct, though I see them upgrading in the future. Since they have to realize the shortcomings of only using that as a means to pursue us." Olivia replied frowning as she thought about what technology the enemy could utilize in the future. There was no doubt in her mind that it would become harder and harder to fight them if they didn't try and finish this now.


Ella couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips as she looked away from Cherie as they arrived at the training area. "You don't have to do that, I'm more than capable of paying for my own food." The girl said softly, eyes moving to the groups of people it easy to tell they had arrived at their destination due to the sounds and sights of people training.

Letting out a breath to try and calm her nerves, Ella turned towards Cherie plastering a smile on her face once more. "Here we are, there are a lot of group training sessions that go on here, some training games, and a lot of opportunity for individual training. I know you said you won't be doing any training soon but this is on the way to the food court so I decided it would be best to show you where it is at so that you can at least find it on your own later." Nodding at her words, Ella motioned to the area before turning as she quickly went to move on.

"Like I said there is a lot of opportunity to train, which I'm sure you'll spend time doing based on your own interests." Waving a hand as she quickly changed the subject back to food. "The food court has a lot of options, and they even have an area where you can make your own food if their food isn't up to standard. Most don't really make their own food, but it is useful if you're wanting something super specific."

"This is all true. Or will it be a mix of both?" Letting out a cackle the bluejay kept flying with the girls, making sure to keep a fair distance between them.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 17:09:59 )

"Sounding witty, I really love that,"

Kyle's words were nothing if not totally sincere about what he said to Olivia, while Marrok was already looking around by the Armory, wondering if it'll be possible to get more grenades and other weapons later on, as Kyle added this aloud,

"All the more reason why the quicker we can get Terminal map data, wreck that Breeding Room and hit the Prison, the better, we'll need a bigger crew and more arsenals if the defenses get tighter,"

While Kyle noted on this, Marrok was already looking at a Battle Axe, already wondering on whether or not the Axe itself may be strong enough to shatter Titanium alloys with ease for either regular users, or if it's something that folks like Kyle and Marrok are strong enough to get away with but not too many others can do this at the moment, not to mention some weapon-modifying will be needed later down the lines, before Marrok asked this,

"Any idea what sort of Grenades you'll be using, if any?I feel that more weapons will be needed, soon,"

"I insist on it, trust me Ella,"

Cherie smiled to Ella, feeling happier by the minute before realizing how close the training area was to the food courts, which raised further intrigue regarding this place in many ways, while Cherie went to go gaze at Ella's eyes, hips and breasts for a bit longer, before Cherie asked this,

"Have you ever had calzones before, Ella?"

Meanwhile Mr. Sparrow was already flying not too far from the bluejay, commenting on the following in a curious manner befitting of birds,
"Whatever may happen, let's enjoy the present while it lasts, in the meantime I do wonder what Aurora's up to,"


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/3 05:45:12 )
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Olivia nodded ina greement at the mention of needing to upgrade their own arsenal as well as get more people. "I'm good without grenades. And I'm sure you guys will get plenty of weapons of this mission goes well. It would be almost impossible for you guys not to get weapons from this mission."

Olivia's thoughts once more went to the mission that they would leave for soon. It would be a major win for this group if the mission went completely as planned which put more pressure on the girl.

"Will either of you be using grenades?"


"I haven't." Ella replied to the girls question a small smile on her face. "I've heard of them but never had a chance to really try them. To be honest I haven't spent a lot of time outside of camps similar to the one we're at now." Pausing, Ella's mood seemed to lower a little bit before she forced a smile on her face.

"I did a little bit as a kid, but I got brought back to camps like this. Not that it is a bad thing." Shrugging her shoulders, Ella turned her attention on Cherie once more as she forced a big smile. "But it means that I tend to stick to the basic side of food here, through I do take recommendations on what I should try from other people though."

Wanting the attention off of herself she changed the topic to Cherie instead of herself. "Did you spend a lot of time in the outside world? Or were you in camps and the like?"

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/5 10:12:04 )

Kyle and Marrok looked at each other for a bit, as though before Kyle was the overall boss-in-charge, he and Marrok were bash siblings back in the day before the both of them replied as such,

"Only for their Machines!!!"

Kyle felt there's no need to get in-depth on how things were like before he and Marrok got to meet, before this operation gets resolved and enough of the strike forces do what's needed to be done with the first few steps, while Marrok goes to admit this aloud,

"I'm in charge of making sure we get what we need from the Terminals, the boss plans on personally hitting the Breeder Room and the Defensive Area hard and fast, We can handle armored forces up-close, the high-tech machinery's another story, so some of those EMP grenades will be for those, and the off-chance enemy Magic-users are in cahoots with these guys, we'll take more serious steps,"

Kyle smiled, appreciative on how well Marrok nailed the plans relayed to Olivia, though it'll still be easier said than done to get the work done and get through this one alive,

"Marrok, Olivia if things go well, we'll rendezvous at the Defensive Area,"

'Hopefully there'd be Transports and other vehicles and weaponry for us to work with once we get the Breeder Room,' but Kyle didn't need to say it aloud, he's aware the other 2 would know about the plans as soon the meetings will ensure, then the prep-work and waiting game for the rain storm to happen will ensure, and then the main events commence,

"Sounds like it's gotten more dangerous outside campus than it is inside it, not your fault but hmm,"
Cherie was already working out on ways to help remedy this, or at the very least how to take Ella outside of Campus without putting her in danger all over the place, no doubt that Magi-tech regards would be viable at least to mitigate the potential harm involved,

"But seriously though, Calzones are Godsends, as in the Gods gave us access to this stuff as gifts, we may as well use them, they're 'divinely delish' as one of my Aunts with Grandma's blood would've said,"

Cherie was referring off-handedly to the Aunts with Aphrodite's blood who helped to train her, when she said the words but already she was feeling very free to express herself, before she adds this, and then prepares to deal with Ella's question to answer,

"If we stick together you'll have more food nuances I hope, maybe I will too, also I was sent on covert work often, against the family's enemies and whatnot, Olympus-related or otherwise here and there,"

Cherie casually comments to Ella while they kept looking at their destination with one of the happiest smiles she's ever given, still sucking the lollipop in her mouth as she does so, really,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:12:24 )
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Nodding at Marrok's words thinking through the chances of magic-users being at either of these locations. "I think expecting a magic-user or two would be wise especially at the defensive area. The breeding area will more than likely be easy to take on, minus getting people out. I've found though that the enemies are starting to try and recruit magic users since it makes it easier to fight against us." Putting her hands on her hips, Olivia shook her head as she thought about the enemies they could possibly be facing.

Eyes shifting to Kyle, Olivia nodded. "I'll definitely be seeing you at the Defensive Area, since this is bound to work." Clapping her hands together Olivia grinned. "Besides, I would don't see you falling in this battle. I take it that it is time to finish the preparations?"


"I mean don't get me wrong, it is dangerous on the outside," Ella paused in her response before shaking her head. "I guess short answer is that not everyone likes direct descendants of Apollo. Sometimes our powers go a little bit haywire, or aren't exactly trustworthy."

Wringing her hands together, Ella looked over at Cherie as the other girl continued to talk about food. The conversation brought a small smile to the girl's face as a small laugh escaped her lips at the enjoyment she was feeling.

"Well I enjoy trying new foods so I enjoy the chance to stick next to you to try them." Ella replied simply nodding at the mention of Cherie doing covert work. "I do a bit of covert work as well, or I'm in the range position, a bit of distraction. I try and fit wherever I'm needed in the mission, except front line. I'm just not meant for melee combat."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/12 00:54:29 )

"The more professional or specialized the Mages they employ, the better their long-term options will get in defending this place,"

Marrok was noting while Kyle was gazing at Olivia's hips, before Kyle realized her eyes turned to his own as the Boss of the strike force replied in Marrok's ear-shot thus to Olivia,

"It shouldn't take too long, Once a few hours passed then there's room for heavy rain-storms going on, and then the real fun starts, just don't die before we meet up, got it?"

"Probably to do with how either they'd want one specialized in sharp-shooting or happened to be dedicated healers, they're fine with Boxers if any show up but if you can find someone who balances out healing with sharpshooting it's a Godsend too,"
Cherie replied with why it doesn't seem like too many folks would trust Apollo-blooded folks too often for whatever reason, all while gazing longfully at Ella's chest with a smile on her face before she admitted this regarding the general conceptions,

"Otherwise if they don't specialize in a life-or-death department that's handy, it's often best to get out of the way, but what do I know?One of my parents is one of Grandma's kids, so knowing how to do covert work's a big deal when going up close is bad,"

Cherie still hoped to eat alongside Ella herself, before she admits this bit aloud, pausing from glancing at Ella's chest before gazing at her b00ty, before looking back to the Apollo girl's very eyes,

"I'll enlighten up when we get to eat together, my treat, but also in the meantime, I could hold out in close-quarters for some time, but since I'm not carrying the blood of Kronos's kids nor am I some of my Aunts, my twin brother can outlast me in front-line regards if we both had to work there, it's why i'd prefer to do covert work, leave it to Rizer to lead a professional squad though when he's able to give them ideas, and that's without us having to study Magic by Combat Instructors drilling lessons on us,"

Cherie felt like giving Ella another soft and brief kiss, risking another one of those shocking jolts in having done so just long enough for the crowds to not notice them much, thinking it was probably someone testing on those prototype electromagnetic grenades or whatever, but who knows to them, all while Cherie took a deep breath and replied thus,

"I hope you're okay there, and Ella, you're hot!!!!"


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/9 12:33:58 )
@kairie: (I hope that until you get back, you won't mind and it's not against forum rules if I give this thread a bump, to prevent a lock-out from happening to this thread, okay?)

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