Forums Mini Shops [x]

//sets up crystals to try and do just that

@Apollo Im Burning: I dunno
But I'mm TRY!
In all seriousness though.
Sugar, I freaking love your stuff. I KNOW I've said so before, but I adore your work~<3
Because this thread is awesome, I'm going to be adding a post specifically for things like this in my own art shop.
Experimental quicy headshots that are free thing~<3

@Apollo Im Burning: Yessssss blussssshhh because you are greatttt

@Apollo Im Burning: One of these days, I'mma bribne the shit outta you.
I just gotta get the volts for it again XD

@Apollo Im Burning: Haha so adorable!!!!

@Apollo Im Burning: I never get pings from you...:vanora_xd:
Aw, oh no! Have you taken anything to help ease the pain? Kinda odd that you're feeling it in your shoulder, though...wonder why. :O
Her agenda is the lore, you mean? Or with Zarya? :vanora_smirk:
Ah, people did? I thought it was one of her best ones, honestly. Never saw anything about people having a problem with it...unless it was like "she looks too butch!" cuz I know a lot of people have problems with female characters presenting in a manly way? If that makes sense. But heck yeah more Zarya skins! : D If only I was good with her...
I'll be able to visit her, yeah...but I'll be about 3-4 hours away so not super often, unfortunately. But she'll be a lot happier being able to run around and destroy everything haha. Oh noooo, you're enabling me LOL. Now I'm gonna end up adopting a dog. :x
Aw, sorry that the cats disappeared... :c That would be so hard to go through. But yeah, indoor cats are nice too! How long have you had them for?
That's about where our temperature stays, though probably higher end closer to 50 in the winter. We rarely get below freezing, though last year we had really awful weather.
Pfft, the area of Washington I'm in isn't all that exciting LOL. Mostly sagebrush and radiation. Seattle's a cool place, though! And is that where the game is set in?? :o
Yeah, I've donated a bit to help out with some stuff but I feel like I should help out more...I just can't afford to and it sucks. :vanora_cry:
Ooh, for sure! I like trying new things a lot. : ) Though I tend to get nervous about ordering stuff I can't pronounce LMAO.
I rarely use my mic, haha. I tried it a couple of times and always got people who would trash talk me for being a girl...or I'd be on a team with screaming children so it was like "yeeeeah no, I'm good now". But if you ever feel comfortable enough to use a mic I can always use mine as well ahaha!
It's always Ana luring someone into a secluded space and the team chat being spammed with "I need healing!" Like...sure, let the healer come to your rescue while everyone else dies. Or Ana sleep darts the healer and the first person runs off...#TrueTeamPlayer
Yeah Blizz took away a lot of the fun stuff from Overwatch. Like I don't like how you can't do multiple heroes in a match on Quick Play (though I can sorta see why), but like...AI matches especially? WHY?? It was soooo fun having an entire team of mercy or Ana or Genji...like you'd likely lose but it was fun just running around goofing off.
Ah, sure! :D I'll probably end up drawing him cuz he looks like a 100% cutiepie.
Her agenda is the lore, you mean? Or with Zarya? :vanora_smirk:
Ah, people did? I thought it was one of her best ones, honestly. Never saw anything about people having a problem with it...unless it was like "she looks too butch!" cuz I know a lot of people have problems with female characters presenting in a manly way? If that makes sense. But heck yeah more Zarya skins! : D If only I was good with her...
I'll be able to visit her, yeah...but I'll be about 3-4 hours away so not super often, unfortunately. But she'll be a lot happier being able to run around and destroy everything haha. Oh noooo, you're enabling me LOL. Now I'm gonna end up adopting a dog. :x
Aw, sorry that the cats disappeared... :c That would be so hard to go through. But yeah, indoor cats are nice too! How long have you had them for?
That's about where our temperature stays, though probably higher end closer to 50 in the winter. We rarely get below freezing, though last year we had really awful weather.
Pfft, the area of Washington I'm in isn't all that exciting LOL. Mostly sagebrush and radiation. Seattle's a cool place, though! And is that where the game is set in?? :o
Yeah, I've donated a bit to help out with some stuff but I feel like I should help out more...I just can't afford to and it sucks. :vanora_cry:
Ooh, for sure! I like trying new things a lot. : ) Though I tend to get nervous about ordering stuff I can't pronounce LMAO.
I rarely use my mic, haha. I tried it a couple of times and always got people who would trash talk me for being a girl...or I'd be on a team with screaming children so it was like "yeeeeah no, I'm good now". But if you ever feel comfortable enough to use a mic I can always use mine as well ahaha!
It's always Ana luring someone into a secluded space and the team chat being spammed with "I need healing!" Like...sure, let the healer come to your rescue while everyone else dies. Or Ana sleep darts the healer and the first person runs off...#TrueTeamPlayer
Yeah Blizz took away a lot of the fun stuff from Overwatch. Like I don't like how you can't do multiple heroes in a match on Quick Play (though I can sorta see why), but like...AI matches especially? WHY?? It was soooo fun having an entire team of mercy or Ana or Genji...like you'd likely lose but it was fun just running around goofing off.
Ah, sure! :D I'll probably end up drawing him cuz he looks like a 100% cutiepie.

@Apollo Im Burning: Good to know!
//evil grin
I'mma just need to get the volts again so I CAN bribe the hell outta ya =P
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
@Apollo Im Burning: Lol, nah, I think it's cuz it doesn't counter the spoiler tag as a word and the system needs a few words after a ping to work, I guess? :P
CUTE AVI BTW. Sorry this took a while to respond to...this flu is reeeeeeeally testing me. :vanora_sweat:
Glad you're pain free! : D Don't re-injure yourself again though LOL.
Yeah I wish Blizz would release more Lore stuff. It feels like we barely know anything about Overwatch and a lot of the characters, and a lot of the lore they do have contradicts itself a lot. :c
Eeeehhh I dunno if they'll do it, honestly. I'm REALLY surprised they made Tracer a lesbian since she's the mascot (I mean, don't get me wrong HELL YEAH BLIZZARD FOR DOING THAT) but I agree with it probably being the "Safer" route for them to go (I think mainly because it's still so easy to "sell" a female character, regardless of how they're "presented" to the audience? if that makes sense?) But like, for the male characters, they HAVE to be the IDEAL character to a player or the "real garners" are gonna flip out and not play it, i guess. That's how I see it at least.
But I really hope they do! I'm not sure who they'd end up announcing, though. McHanzo seems to probably be the most popular, especially with the voice actor for McCree lmao. he loves it. But Reaper76 seems a good route as well since they have lore history and stuff. Not sure who they'd end up choosing...it'll be interesting to see since they've said there will be multiple heroes who identify as LGBT. : O I'm still praying for Pharmercy
Ahh, people will complain over pretty much anything. :vanora_xd: I really like Zarya's playstyle! I'm terrible at actually keeping people alive with her barriers, but she's really fun. : D The only tank I can decently play is D.va, though.
Ahaha, I'll be sure to send pics if I get one. Though I may end up taking my sister's kitten cuz her dog doesn't like it so she needs to get rid of it. At least foster it until it gets larger. Aw, so you've had Charlie quite a while. :D What kind of cats are Charlie and Harper?
Loool I hope it's wrong too. D: I hate the cold.
Hopefully it's warm here to makeup for the miserable winter last year. :I
LOOOL. The um, history of where I live is pretty dark. Part of the Manhattan Project was where I live. They weren't very careful back then with how they disposed of nuclear waste, so they basically just dumped it into giant pits. The reactors also leak like every year, it's great. I also work at a company that handles instruments that generate X-Rays, so I'm exposed to a lot more radiation than what non-radiation workers are allowed to receive. But nah a majority of the radiation comes from the Hanford Site. :vanora_sweat:
BLUUUUH SPACE NEEDLE IS WAY TOO HIGH. I've never been to it before but NOPE. TOO HIGH.
They took down the gum wall a few years ago. :O But they're starting it back up again ahaha.
Ooh, yeah I've seen a lot of people selling things for relief stuff. Maybe I should try that. :O It might help get some donations going!
Ah, thank you! :vanora_xd: Now I know how to say it if I see it on their menu!
Haha, it doesn't bug me too much cuz it's like "well who got 5 gold medals as Lucio/solo support?" :vanora_sun:
Eww, ugh someone seriously asked for nudes? D: Why do people do that...
I had one match where I had the team chat on but my mic off, and the whole team kept talking about which overwatch girl they wanted to bang...I was like....wowow....this is great.
I forget that custom games are a thing honestly haha. I should do them more. They're a lot more fun to play different modes and just hang out with people and not really care much about anything else. :> But yeah you should try the Pharmercy one, haha. It's super fun....but a bit nauseating too.
Oh, cool! He seems super interesting so I'm excited to draw him ahaha. : D Was he always for GW2 or do you like use him in stories or RPs or anything?
Glad you're pain free! : D Don't re-injure yourself again though LOL.
Yeah I wish Blizz would release more Lore stuff. It feels like we barely know anything about Overwatch and a lot of the characters, and a lot of the lore they do have contradicts itself a lot. :c
Eeeehhh I dunno if they'll do it, honestly. I'm REALLY surprised they made Tracer a lesbian since she's the mascot (I mean, don't get me wrong HELL YEAH BLIZZARD FOR DOING THAT) but I agree with it probably being the "Safer" route for them to go (I think mainly because it's still so easy to "sell" a female character, regardless of how they're "presented" to the audience? if that makes sense?) But like, for the male characters, they HAVE to be the IDEAL character to a player or the "real garners" are gonna flip out and not play it, i guess. That's how I see it at least.
But I really hope they do! I'm not sure who they'd end up announcing, though. McHanzo seems to probably be the most popular, especially with the voice actor for McCree lmao. he loves it. But Reaper76 seems a good route as well since they have lore history and stuff. Not sure who they'd end up choosing...it'll be interesting to see since they've said there will be multiple heroes who identify as LGBT. : O I'm still praying for Pharmercy
Ahh, people will complain over pretty much anything. :vanora_xd: I really like Zarya's playstyle! I'm terrible at actually keeping people alive with her barriers, but she's really fun. : D The only tank I can decently play is D.va, though.
Ahaha, I'll be sure to send pics if I get one. Though I may end up taking my sister's kitten cuz her dog doesn't like it so she needs to get rid of it. At least foster it until it gets larger. Aw, so you've had Charlie quite a while. :D What kind of cats are Charlie and Harper?
Loool I hope it's wrong too. D: I hate the cold.
Hopefully it's warm here to makeup for the miserable winter last year. :I
LOOOL. The um, history of where I live is pretty dark. Part of the Manhattan Project was where I live. They weren't very careful back then with how they disposed of nuclear waste, so they basically just dumped it into giant pits. The reactors also leak like every year, it's great. I also work at a company that handles instruments that generate X-Rays, so I'm exposed to a lot more radiation than what non-radiation workers are allowed to receive. But nah a majority of the radiation comes from the Hanford Site. :vanora_sweat:
BLUUUUH SPACE NEEDLE IS WAY TOO HIGH. I've never been to it before but NOPE. TOO HIGH.
They took down the gum wall a few years ago. :O But they're starting it back up again ahaha.
Ooh, yeah I've seen a lot of people selling things for relief stuff. Maybe I should try that. :O It might help get some donations going!
Ah, thank you! :vanora_xd: Now I know how to say it if I see it on their menu!
Haha, it doesn't bug me too much cuz it's like "well who got 5 gold medals as Lucio/solo support?" :vanora_sun:
Eww, ugh someone seriously asked for nudes? D: Why do people do that...
I had one match where I had the team chat on but my mic off, and the whole team kept talking about which overwatch girl they wanted to bang...I was like....wowow....this is great.
I forget that custom games are a thing honestly haha. I should do them more. They're a lot more fun to play different modes and just hang out with people and not really care much about anything else. :> But yeah you should try the Pharmercy one, haha. It's super fun....but a bit nauseating too.
Oh, cool! He seems super interesting so I'm excited to draw him ahaha. : D Was he always for GW2 or do you like use him in stories or RPs or anything?
@Apollo Im Burning: I 180% lied, LOL. Apparently I'm just not destined to get pings from you. :vanora_cry:
You're welcome! And thanks, though I always thinks your are much better LOL.
Ah, I think I'm finally over it. :D I managed to actually not get nauseous today after eating something!
I'm glad Blizzard did that. : ) Extra glad they gave her a voiceline about her girlfriend/SO in game! I was like "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" cuz I figured they'd just stick it in the comic and leave it at that. I'm hoping it'll be Reaper/Soldier for the canon gay male. It would make the lore so much better, especially if they had a romance during the Overwatch days! Yeah, I guess he talks about McHanzo a lot and likes the fanart and stuff! Mathew Mercer seems like a super cool guy, haha. A lot of the voice actors/actresses seem awesome, like Sombra's and Symmetra's! I wanna meet them all, haha.
Yeah, I think Genji/mercy are aimed at having some sort of romantic thing together but...I can hope. LOL. though I don't mind those two together, either.
Mm, sorta. I like that she can use the missiles while her defense matrix is up, cuz I ALWAYS used defense matrix to protect teammates. So it's nice to be able to do some damage while defending, haha. But I also keep flying off ledges with the boosters because they don't cancel the same way so...oops.
I like cats a lot, too haha. I have a cat that sorta adopted me. She's super sweet but I'm pretty sure whoever used to own her may have abused her because she freaks out over small things. :c She likes to put her paw in your hand though and gets rally upset if you don't hold it. :vanora_xd:
Awwwww, they're both adorable! I take it they really like boxes?
I don't work at the actual plant so...not too bad....I think. LOL. Some of those people get like a lifetime exposure of adiation in a few weeks it's like....scary. But they also make like 50k in a month so...worth it.
I think it's like 600 feet or something? I dunno...I don't like heights so if it's more than 15 feet off the ground I'm good :vanora_sweat:
I'm a terrible Lucio..it's basically "you stay in my circle or you die" cuz I'm not about chasing down teammates to heal them LOL
They demand nudes just cuz of your voice? Damn girl, you must have the voice of a goddess. :vanora_xd: I sound like an old man put through a garbage disposal...so I guess that's my natural defense?
AND O HUSH SHH SHS HSH SHSHS SH SHS SHS HSHHHH SHUSH. Don't think I didn't see your selfies on the selfie thread. >:O You're gorgeous!
I guess if people just keep begging for nudes, send them pictures of those great tit birds? Is that what they're called? I don't know. Just troll them LOL.
Though....you might go to jail if it's a child so...maybe not? :vanora_xd: or send me their usernames and I'll troll them. It's my favorite thing to do, to be honest.
I love Mei! She's so adorable. :D Easily the cutest character in Overwatch, haha. her new hop emote is so great when you can get the whole team to jump with her haha. Though playing against her is like....the worst. :vanora_cry: How can one character be full of so much evil? (LMAO I was playing a match the other day and our Mei put up an ice wall to block a McCree ult and we were all like "omg you're the best! :D" and she lowered it too quickly and our entire team died LMAO. They felt soooo bad but it was so funny.)
yeah I'm bad at landing in-air hits, too. There was one time I managed to get the sharpshooter POTG from a match and I was like ??? because the entire time it was just "MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. HIT." Like...thanks for that...glad everyone saw my skills. But it's definitely good practice! Plus everyone else misses pretty much always, haha. I tend to just punch other Pharah's out of the sky cuz it's more fun LOL.
Oh cool. :D Did you just remake him in GW2 or do you play him as his character? If that makes sense...I actually don't know what Guild Wars 2 is so...
His basckground stuff sounds super cool! You should definitely try to start an RP with him, or maybe make a comic! :D It would be cool to see that story grow, if you decide on keeping it haha.
And sure, if you make a character sheet I'd love to see it! :> I'll probably constantly ask questions about him cuz I always worry I'm going to mess something up...:vanora_sweat:
(Like, can he turn into a dragon?!)
Ah no, you're fine! yeah, i left yesterday cuz I really wasn't too involved in projects haha. I kinda jumped onto staff initially because I was offered it by Spring but didn't have a lot of time on my hands, and I have some other big projects I'm doing including that webcomic that i need to make...rip2me
Ah, I think I'm finally over it. :D I managed to actually not get nauseous today after eating something!
I'm glad Blizzard did that. : ) Extra glad they gave her a voiceline about her girlfriend/SO in game! I was like "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" cuz I figured they'd just stick it in the comic and leave it at that. I'm hoping it'll be Reaper/Soldier for the canon gay male. It would make the lore so much better, especially if they had a romance during the Overwatch days! Yeah, I guess he talks about McHanzo a lot and likes the fanart and stuff! Mathew Mercer seems like a super cool guy, haha. A lot of the voice actors/actresses seem awesome, like Sombra's and Symmetra's! I wanna meet them all, haha.
Yeah, I think Genji/mercy are aimed at having some sort of romantic thing together but...I can hope. LOL. though I don't mind those two together, either.
Mm, sorta. I like that she can use the missiles while her defense matrix is up, cuz I ALWAYS used defense matrix to protect teammates. So it's nice to be able to do some damage while defending, haha. But I also keep flying off ledges with the boosters because they don't cancel the same way so...oops.
I like cats a lot, too haha. I have a cat that sorta adopted me. She's super sweet but I'm pretty sure whoever used to own her may have abused her because she freaks out over small things. :c She likes to put her paw in your hand though and gets rally upset if you don't hold it. :vanora_xd:
Awwwww, they're both adorable! I take it they really like boxes?
I don't work at the actual plant so...not too bad....I think. LOL. Some of those people get like a lifetime exposure of adiation in a few weeks it's like....scary. But they also make like 50k in a month so...worth it.
I think it's like 600 feet or something? I dunno...I don't like heights so if it's more than 15 feet off the ground I'm good :vanora_sweat:
I'm a terrible Lucio..it's basically "you stay in my circle or you die" cuz I'm not about chasing down teammates to heal them LOL
They demand nudes just cuz of your voice? Damn girl, you must have the voice of a goddess. :vanora_xd: I sound like an old man put through a garbage disposal...so I guess that's my natural defense?
AND O HUSH SHH SHS HSH SHSHS SH SHS SHS HSHHHH SHUSH. Don't think I didn't see your selfies on the selfie thread. >:O You're gorgeous!
I guess if people just keep begging for nudes, send them pictures of those great tit birds? Is that what they're called? I don't know. Just troll them LOL.
Though....you might go to jail if it's a child so...maybe not? :vanora_xd: or send me their usernames and I'll troll them. It's my favorite thing to do, to be honest.
I love Mei! She's so adorable. :D Easily the cutest character in Overwatch, haha. her new hop emote is so great when you can get the whole team to jump with her haha. Though playing against her is like....the worst. :vanora_cry: How can one character be full of so much evil? (LMAO I was playing a match the other day and our Mei put up an ice wall to block a McCree ult and we were all like "omg you're the best! :D" and she lowered it too quickly and our entire team died LMAO. They felt soooo bad but it was so funny.)
yeah I'm bad at landing in-air hits, too. There was one time I managed to get the sharpshooter POTG from a match and I was like ??? because the entire time it was just "MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. HIT." Like...thanks for that...glad everyone saw my skills. But it's definitely good practice! Plus everyone else misses pretty much always, haha. I tend to just punch other Pharah's out of the sky cuz it's more fun LOL.
Oh cool. :D Did you just remake him in GW2 or do you play him as his character? If that makes sense...I actually don't know what Guild Wars 2 is so...
His basckground stuff sounds super cool! You should definitely try to start an RP with him, or maybe make a comic! :D It would be cool to see that story grow, if you decide on keeping it haha.
And sure, if you make a character sheet I'd love to see it! :> I'll probably constantly ask questions about him cuz I always worry I'm going to mess something up...:vanora_sweat:
(Like, can he turn into a dragon?!)
Ah no, you're fine! yeah, i left yesterday cuz I really wasn't too involved in projects haha. I kinda jumped onto staff initially because I was offered it by Spring but didn't have a lot of time on my hands, and I have some other big projects I'm doing including that webcomic that i need to make...rip2me
@Apollo Im Burning: I got your ping this time LOL.
AKJSFKDFS LOOK AT THIS AVI NOW, so cute...:vanora_heart:
Yeah, I usually just save a screenshot of the avi haha. But a save feature would be nice!
It's such a cute voiceline...I love it. :vanora_cry: I forgot about the family he was looking at! I hope they continue that. :O I wonder if it's his family?
Do you not like shipping characters with other characters if they have partners already, or?
I've never been to a convention before, haha. They seem fun, though! So cool that you got to meet Matt though. Did you not get to meet the other two cuz you were too busy? If Johnny Cruz (I think that's his name? Lucio's VA) is there I'll fly down there just to see him LOL. I've always wanted to cosplay. What cosplayer are you going to see?
Uhh, I think it's with the same button you use for the rockets? But if they're off cooldown then you end up shooting them and it's like...cooooool.....thanks. Maybe. I don't remember to be perfectly honest LOL.
I wonder what attracts cats to boxes...? :vanora_xd: They're odd creatures.
Yeah, I buy them gifts and wrap them up. :D My bunny has been banned from being near presents cuz she'll eat them LOL.
Yeah I used to try to go after teammates to heal them, but then i was like "nah, they can come to me." Once the team figures out sticking near me and keeping me alive keeps them alive, things work out pretty well LOL.
Ahhhh, it's not raspy like soldiers unless I'm sick ahaha. it's just weird.
That first bird legit just made me crack up. It reminded me of this image from Sims. I downloaded this skin mod and I wasn't expecting this to happen, but I went to put a swimsuit on one of my sims and it made the breast area ultra realistic and I absolutely lost it. NSFW just in case? xD
Ooooh dang, nice! You're a good Mei! I can't play her well at all ahaha. Good job stoppin that D.va though. :D
Her hallowen skin was so cute! I think I got everyone's skins but McCree's....but I hardly play him so it's fine. :vanora_xd:
Uhh I have some saved highlights and stuff on my PS4. But I'll have to pull them from it. :O
Oh, cool! it's always interesting to see how much characters change and develop, haha. Do you have any idea which tribe you might do? :O
Oh the fusion dragon thing sounds pretty interesting!
You should try writing a story! :D maybe someone will adapt it into a comic, or a movie! It'd be cool to see him on the big screen. :vanora_smirk:
Nah, I get what you mean! :> It's how I do things with characters sometimes, haha.
LOOOL FKSDFSJDAD oh gez..ye i have a link to it still. It was the old version though. It was actually just a modern day love story type thing for YEARS, and I even started the comic like back in Feb? Got almost one chapter done but then i got busy and stopped. but I had kinda re-wrote a story for it a couple years ago when I was sick and playing Skyrim for a week, sorta as a joke/AU like thing but then really liked the way the characters personalities and stuff got pushed in that story, so i decided to go with the more....not happy version, if that makes sense? :vanora_xd: It flip flopped for a while. I think this new version is a lot cooler and allows for more character exploration and such...as well as really pushing me as an artist so, I'm really nervous but excited.
But yeah if you wanna read the old version's whopping like 18 pages...here's a link
It's so bad, I'm gonna hide in shame now. Though I still like that story itself a LOT.
Yeah, I usually just save a screenshot of the avi haha. But a save feature would be nice!
It's such a cute voiceline...I love it. :vanora_cry: I forgot about the family he was looking at! I hope they continue that. :O I wonder if it's his family?
Do you not like shipping characters with other characters if they have partners already, or?
I've never been to a convention before, haha. They seem fun, though! So cool that you got to meet Matt though. Did you not get to meet the other two cuz you were too busy? If Johnny Cruz (I think that's his name? Lucio's VA) is there I'll fly down there just to see him LOL. I've always wanted to cosplay. What cosplayer are you going to see?
Uhh, I think it's with the same button you use for the rockets? But if they're off cooldown then you end up shooting them and it's like...cooooool.....thanks. Maybe. I don't remember to be perfectly honest LOL.
I wonder what attracts cats to boxes...? :vanora_xd: They're odd creatures.
Yeah, I buy them gifts and wrap them up. :D My bunny has been banned from being near presents cuz she'll eat them LOL.
Yeah I used to try to go after teammates to heal them, but then i was like "nah, they can come to me." Once the team figures out sticking near me and keeping me alive keeps them alive, things work out pretty well LOL.
Ahhhh, it's not raspy like soldiers unless I'm sick ahaha. it's just weird.
That first bird legit just made me crack up. It reminded me of this image from Sims. I downloaded this skin mod and I wasn't expecting this to happen, but I went to put a swimsuit on one of my sims and it made the breast area ultra realistic and I absolutely lost it. NSFW just in case? xD
Ooooh dang, nice! You're a good Mei! I can't play her well at all ahaha. Good job stoppin that D.va though. :D
Her hallowen skin was so cute! I think I got everyone's skins but McCree's....but I hardly play him so it's fine. :vanora_xd:
Uhh I have some saved highlights and stuff on my PS4. But I'll have to pull them from it. :O
Oh, cool! it's always interesting to see how much characters change and develop, haha. Do you have any idea which tribe you might do? :O
Oh the fusion dragon thing sounds pretty interesting!
You should try writing a story! :D maybe someone will adapt it into a comic, or a movie! It'd be cool to see him on the big screen. :vanora_smirk:
Nah, I get what you mean! :> It's how I do things with characters sometimes, haha.
LOOOL FKSDFSJDAD oh gez..ye i have a link to it still. It was the old version though. It was actually just a modern day love story type thing for YEARS, and I even started the comic like back in Feb? Got almost one chapter done but then i got busy and stopped. but I had kinda re-wrote a story for it a couple years ago when I was sick and playing Skyrim for a week, sorta as a joke/AU like thing but then really liked the way the characters personalities and stuff got pushed in that story, so i decided to go with the more....not happy version, if that makes sense? :vanora_xd: It flip flopped for a while. I think this new version is a lot cooler and allows for more character exploration and such...as well as really pushing me as an artist so, I'm really nervous but excited.
But yeah if you wanna read the old version's whopping like 18 pages...here's a link
It's so bad, I'm gonna hide in shame now. Though I still like that story itself a LOT.
Awww. It's too bad you won't be around much.
But nice that you're so commited to finishing art.
But nice that you're so commited to finishing art.

pls don't

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.