Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:43:03 )
@xvz: Today, I am working on one of my sites, trying to transition to updated software and technology, and trying to get some of the customizations I need for it put in to place. And I'm working at an extra disadvantage since my desktop computer died this week. All the stuff I'm trying to do now requires installation of and learning of new (or newer versions) of software to make the edits I'm trying to make, whether code-based or visual (or both). It is proving to be tedious and frustrating right now, tbh.
Yes, commissions are special. But this one really should have been done a long time ago. But my ability to be in both the right frame of mind to work on an actual painting, and have the time to work on it (without other things demanding my attention), has been a challenge and things have drawn out.