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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 17:58:46 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

@wildfire: hey wildfire how’s ur weekend going ^^

what are u trying to do in visual studio? :0 ru coding something?
ooh what’s gonna be for dinner tn, ru gonna do the apple meat dish :3

i think today might be a cleaning/errands day for me :0


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:01:51 )

@Wildfire: Yep that sounds like a lot to do but do take your time with it :)

Yeah I really didn't have a good friday I screwed up on my painting so fantastically and I was waiting on something on delivery that never came e.e And is not even for me but my brothers but he had last minute work shift to do yesterday. But the painting really ruined my mood the most.

But that's enough rant I'm going try again today hopefully. Once I get my other stuff done.


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:07:14 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

aww sorry to hear abt the painting purpsy, may i ask what was the painting of?


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:07:30 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

i hope u have a better day today! :-)


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:11:28 )
@xvz: Yes, I am working with code and with some graphics.

@Purpsy: Oh, that really stinks! I'm so sorry. It's probably why the one painting commission I'm working on is taking so long - I'm kind of afraid to screw it up... when I find time and creative energy to actually work on it. I really need to get over that. But, I understand your frustration.


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:16:49 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

@wildfire: oh cool! are u doing like computer graphics / rendering?? no pressure if this is like talking abt work for u but would love to know more :0

yeah commissions feel like so much more pressure! when it’s for fun it’s like quick and easy but when it’s for someone else i’m like ohh it has to be good i can’t mess it up lol and it ends up taking a really long time
what ru painting?? ^^


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 18:43:03 )
@xvz: Today, I am working on one of my sites, trying to transition to updated software and technology, and trying to get some of the customizations I need for it put in to place. And I'm working at an extra disadvantage since my desktop computer died this week. All the stuff I'm trying to do now requires installation of and learning of new (or newer versions) of software to make the edits I'm trying to make, whether code-based or visual (or both). It is proving to be tedious and frustrating right now, tbh.

Yes, commissions are special. But this one really should have been done a long time ago. But my ability to be in both the right frame of mind to work on an actual painting, and have the time to work on it (without other things demanding my attention), has been a challenge and things have drawn out.


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:08:15 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

@wildfire: oohh cool, sorry to hear it's frustrating though! and rip desktop u_u
i'm sure you'll get it though! what are your sites for?

yeah i feel that - it's hard to get in the right mindset for it, esp if there's a lot of stuff going on, i feel like i can get that a lot too!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:10:56 )

@xvz: I showed it at the main forum event but it was one of my wonderland inspired avatar here I wanted to draw . I was pretty excited about it too but thankfully I can able to trace the original drawing on paper just in case I mess up (which happens very often when it comes with watercolour) But is still upsetting...

@Wildfire: Yeah I get that feeling very well especially on traditional art since there's no undo button to fix up my mistakes. That's why I trace some of my drawings and keep the original for back up. But I don't think I can use the same method for actual canvas  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:18:08 )
@xvz: Thanks. I'll get through the frustration. I just want to do it... not fight with it. Maybe some day I'll let you guys know what exactly it is that I'm working on and what (some of) my sites are, but not right now (there are a number of reasons for this).


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:19:15 )
@Purpsy: LOL! I have taken to scanning my sketches periodically (if they're small enough to scan) so at least I have a digital copy of the different stages of a sketch. That's so funny! <3


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:22:50 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

@purpsy: oohh i must have missed it! ah watercolor feels tricky to me! i feel like with other types of paints you can just paint over it, but watercolor can be less forgiving
do you think you'll give it another try?

@wildfire: haha no worries / no pressure to share! and yeah i def understand that
hopefully it'll be all the more satisfying once you finally get it tho?? hehe


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:25:47 )
@xvz: LOL. Maybe. I'm just tired of fighting with this site, really. I need to get this done asap - for my sanity as well as for other reasons. I'm glad you understand :3 I wish I could share what I'm working on, actually...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:34:31 )

@Wildfire: I've only scan my drawings once for some T-shirt design contest I believe.
I actually trace mines manually but only when I'm doing less simpler drawings.

@xvz: It is so tricky! But I'm getting a hang of it and despite it's challenges I find it so satisfying painting on paper owo
Like is not the same with acrylic or oil I supposed I've done both. Yep I'm done with the sketch but I'm hesitant on painting still.


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:42:05 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

@wildfire: oof best of luck, i hope you get it today!! :-)
if it helps at all - sometimes when i get stuck it helps to talk it out to someone (like ur spouse or kid maybe?) - even if they don't know what you're talking about, just explaining the problem sometimes can make things click for you (also known as rubber duck debugging if you've heard of it!)

i always think it's interesting to know what ppl are working on but i 100% understand and respect if someone wants to keep irl stuff separate from online/voltra ^^

@purpsy: ooh yeah it is nice to have that like, tactile / texture element that you might not get from digital
i feel more like, at watercolor's "mercy" than w acrylic/oil lol - like there's more caution / precision involved i feel
if you have a scanner/printer would you consider printing a copy on watercolor paper? :0 maybe it will feel lower stakes to paint on a copy?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:46:52 )

@xvz: I just recently thrown our old printer here so scanning is out if the option right now and if I do I'm scared the printer ink may smudge since I am dealing with water here.

Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:49:20 )
@xvz: LOL <3 This is not going to be finished today. Oh, I've enlisted my techie hubby to help sort some of the technical issues out, but it's just a pain. He'll have a lot of work to do once I get some of these basics taken care of. He knows what I'm up against :3 I can't tell you guys what I'm working on right now - partly because right now it's a close-held secret even to the folks on my site right now, and partly because, well, competition. I have not heard of rubber duck debugging - I'll check it out.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 19:50:57 )
@Purpsy: I wish there was a way to "undo" something with a iRL painting or drawing that was more like just hitting a button like you can electronically, but the only way I know of is to take a similar approach to iRL things as with eDrawings and use lots of layers... but then the art becomes something else completely... XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 20:09:53 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

ohh true i forgot printer ink isn't waterproof ... ! well i hope you go for it anyway!! i would love to see it :0 !


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/14 20:14:18 )

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⠀|⠀post art by kiwi!⠀|⠀spooky chat

oh haha well i hope you get it ... soon/eventually!
that's great that the two of you can be a team together :-) having another person can really take the pressure off (for me anyway) ... like sometimes if i'm feeling overwhelmed by a task i'll ask if my friend can come keep me company or help """supervise""" and it helps to get me started even if they don't do anything

oohh fun secret :3 (tries to guess in my head what could be lol) i hope the rubber duck thing can help or if anything can be something you can add to ur toolkit ^^
i find that verbally explaining a problem to someone else forces u to get clarity on the system in question :0


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∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

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