Oh, one of those! That sounds like a weird situation, tbh. But, you must have a really cool water bottle! ... or was the kid just desperate to buy as much stuff as he could??
Of course it was! You didn't really expect anything else, did you?
Although I never understood parents who let their kids just completely run amok in a store either. It's near impossible to keep any mess or chaos from happening with kids, but I've seen some horrific behavior that went unaddressed. I'm sure you have too. Of course, I've also seen some wonderfully behaved kids.
It sounds like it, but that's to be expected, IMO, when there are multiple kids in one location at the same time.
So what are your plans for the day?
I need to clean up the house a little bit (nothing too extreme, but the house needs some attention, Thanksgiving or not), go shopping to get a couple things for tomorrow, and try to get some work done on the computer. At least I'm feeling better today than I have been - so that's a big plus!! :3
I would be surprised if it's busy. I would think that most people are going to be dealing with Thanksgiving -whether or not they're going to have people over or be going somewhere for the holiday :3
@Another Movie Addict: We'll be doing a bit of a mix... a low-key Thanksgiving and hanging out. I'm cooking, but not as elaborately as I have for past Thanksgivings and it's just going to be 5 of us.
I'm doing ok, thanks - ran to the grocery store and picked up a few things, made a stew for the family (butternut squash, sweet potato & black bean), and am currently taking a break from reality before I go and do some basic cleaning up of the house.
What are you up to today, Seb?
How'd the drawing go, Purpsy??