Decided to change things up here. RIP.
Feel free to continue posting.

Feel free to continue posting.

Welcome to Mama Bloo's Kitchen, a cooking-themed hangout! ♥ This was my original idea for a hangout, but I didn't think that anyone would be interested... OTL But then I was like... AH, OH WELL! Someone must enjoy discovering new foods and recipes just as much as me! Previously, this was a hangout themed around fashion.
This thread is for people who like to cook, discover new foods, or eat! (Or just a friendly place for anyone to be!) Please feel free to share any new recipes you find, meals you've cooked/prepared, or any food pics that you take and/or are drooling over! Feel free to tell us about your day, that silly thing your pet did, or anything that you just need to get off your chest. c:
This thread is for people who like to cook, discover new foods, or eat! (Or just a friendly place for anyone to be!) Please feel free to share any new recipes you find, meals you've cooked/prepared, or any food pics that you take and/or are drooling over! Feel free to tell us about your day, that silly thing your pet did, or anything that you just need to get off your chest. c: