@0v7: Ha, looking at a screen probably isn't helping your head, bro! Rest up, hope you feel better soon ;v;
Haven't found another mom n pop place quite like that since. One day, hopefully! I need another easy date spot lol
I've been eating out less just because of the money, honey omg. It eats at your wallet when like... You can cook SO MUCH MORE food yourself and have leftovers. Diet is a huge one, too. Hate how quickly you feel hungry after eating junk but man, I love garbage filler foods and snacks soooo much lmao
That's so many pieces omg. Gonna take forever and a day to fill the art section noooooo.
I've never done the dream address, but would love to see your island, if you can! Mine's such a mess rn, need some inspo on certain areas haha
Outlast is a survival horror/thriller type game! You can't fight enemies so all you got is running and hiding. HOOO boy I've yelled at that game so much haha, it gets ya good but it has an awesome story going for it, once you get past the jumps and scares. Oh, man. I was terrible at Bayonetta, too! Still fun, though. The combat is so busy and you gotta keep combos in mind. Nice for a challenge, though! Super zany and off the wall humor, too.
Okami took soooo much sleep from me when I played it! Gorgeous art, character design, enemies, and style. Will never get old
Walmart has deals sometimes, yeah! I usually look in Gamestop for old used games. Ebay/Amazon work, too!!

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: Thank you ;w; I lowered the contrast on the two sites I'm using right now - via CSS.
Me too - plus the pandemic, plus my diet.. Most restaurants serve meat, which I'm ultimately avoiding right now. I love junk food but it makes me feel terrible, but it tastes so good... The struggle.
Yeah I'm like holy crap, how on earth is a non-time traveller gonna fill their museum ??
I should set mine up while I'm thinking about it - it's a bit of a WIP since I'm not sure what I wanna do with the empty spots of my island >w>
Oh good!! I'm not actually that easily scared... I can't think of the last time a horror game got me :0 Jumpscares don't usually get me either. Is Bayonetta one of those fighting games that are kinda like Smash ??
I have no idea where the nearest Gamestop to me is lol, I should check Amazon tho!!
Me too - plus the pandemic, plus my diet.. Most restaurants serve meat, which I'm ultimately avoiding right now. I love junk food but it makes me feel terrible, but it tastes so good... The struggle.
Yeah I'm like holy crap, how on earth is a non-time traveller gonna fill their museum ??
I should set mine up while I'm thinking about it - it's a bit of a WIP since I'm not sure what I wanna do with the empty spots of my island >w>
Oh good!! I'm not actually that easily scared... I can't think of the last time a horror game got me :0 Jumpscares don't usually get me either. Is Bayonetta one of those fighting games that are kinda like Smash ??
I have no idea where the nearest Gamestop to me is lol, I should check Amazon tho!!
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: Not eating meat seems so hard. I've been trying to find other ways to get enough protein in a day but options seem so limited when we're stuck with.. Not a ton of free time haha. Trying, though! Soups and burrito bowls with beans are a nice, filling way to get what you need out of your food. Leftovers for dayssss, too :)
I like to cook and I like to eat, it's a deadly combo haha. I'm so weak when a pizza or burgers are put in front of me, man. it's a hard habit to kick, for sure.
Holidays help a TON with getting me to eat less. Gotta save money for gifts TvT
Non-time travellers sit on the beach and cry while waiting for Redd's boat LMAO.
They gave us too much power when we could decorate outside haha. Wish we could hang things up on cliffs, though! Think most people's islands are in a perpetual state of being in a WIP
Outlast sounds up your alley, then! Past the scares, the lore you get from exploring (while running from murderers LMAO my hearrrrt couldn't take it) and picking up documents on the people you see is SO interesting. If there's a deal on it, I'd recommend hopping on it ;)
Bayonetta is more like a hack n slash? But with more angels, demons, guns, and the like. Best way I know of describing it haha. It's a wild ride, not sure if it'd be your cup of tea but I enjoyed it (and it was on sale. I'm a sucker for dealzzz)
Lmk if you find anything good on amazon! i want new games to play, too ;v; What do you play on PC btw?
I like to cook and I like to eat, it's a deadly combo haha. I'm so weak when a pizza or burgers are put in front of me, man. it's a hard habit to kick, for sure.
Holidays help a TON with getting me to eat less. Gotta save money for gifts TvT
Non-time travellers sit on the beach and cry while waiting for Redd's boat LMAO.
They gave us too much power when we could decorate outside haha. Wish we could hang things up on cliffs, though! Think most people's islands are in a perpetual state of being in a WIP
Outlast sounds up your alley, then! Past the scares, the lore you get from exploring (while running from murderers LMAO my hearrrrt couldn't take it) and picking up documents on the people you see is SO interesting. If there's a deal on it, I'd recommend hopping on it ;)
Bayonetta is more like a hack n slash? But with more angels, demons, guns, and the like. Best way I know of describing it haha. It's a wild ride, not sure if it'd be your cup of tea but I enjoyed it (and it was on sale. I'm a sucker for dealzzz)
Lmk if you find anything good on amazon! i want new games to play, too ;v; What do you play on PC btw?

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: I usually eat tofu/tofu based things now! And fish, since tofu doesn't have a whole lot of protein. I love beans, but I've eaten them so much recently that I'm taking a break with them loll
I like cooking but my back's so bad that I rarely get to now :( I had a dream we ordered pizza and it was all meat... ;-;
Redd let all of the non-time travellers visit your boat!!! They're begging !!!
I wish we could hang things on everything vertical and flat that isn't a door. Like simple panels! I know some people on social media have completed islands and I'm like damn, wish I had that free time :/
I hope Outlast ends up being on sale sometime - it seems pretty fun! Although, Switch games seem to hardly be on sale.
Hmm, I dunno if I'd like Bayonetta - I'm more lore and exploration oriented with a preference of no fighting :0
A couple games I liked on PC were Undertale (who hasn't played that tho lol), Transistor despite it's faults, Stardew Valley, the Sims 4 briefly.. hmm, I played Terraria but boy did I suck at it lol.
I like cooking but my back's so bad that I rarely get to now :( I had a dream we ordered pizza and it was all meat... ;-;
Redd let all of the non-time travellers visit your boat!!! They're begging !!!
I wish we could hang things on everything vertical and flat that isn't a door. Like simple panels! I know some people on social media have completed islands and I'm like damn, wish I had that free time :/
I hope Outlast ends up being on sale sometime - it seems pretty fun! Although, Switch games seem to hardly be on sale.
Hmm, I dunno if I'd like Bayonetta - I'm more lore and exploration oriented with a preference of no fighting :0
A couple games I liked on PC were Undertale (who hasn't played that tho lol), Transistor despite it's faults, Stardew Valley, the Sims 4 briefly.. hmm, I played Terraria but boy did I suck at it lol.
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: I wish I could get myself to like tofu, man. Seems like such a healthier choice but ugh, something about it throws me way off haha. Fish, though? I could chow all day haha, but my husband doesn't like it, so it's not often I indulge. Great you're finding other sources of protein, though. Keep it balanced!
I burned myself out on beans, too omg. You know how often I eat red beans and rice? Too. Much.
Bad backs are a struggle of their own, man. Sorry you have to deal with that :(
Meat pizzas are my favorite tbh. So whacky it came up for you in a dream like that, though haha
Custom designs on simple panels would be the BEST for decoration. I've been wanting to make a beachside tiki bar for a while, using the panels as the shelves for drinks ;0 Need to collect A LOT more before I do that, though.
People probably went hard with decor when covid hit. My job is "essential" smh, I was never able to stop going to work and DAMN them bills be hitting TvT
It's on more than just the switch, though i'm not sure if Outlast is on PC tbh.
Loved Undertale! been thinking of playing it again. A friend has been trying to get me into Stardew and oooh, I think I'm about to cave and try it out REAL soon haha
I burned myself out on beans, too omg. You know how often I eat red beans and rice? Too. Much.
Bad backs are a struggle of their own, man. Sorry you have to deal with that :(
Meat pizzas are my favorite tbh. So whacky it came up for you in a dream like that, though haha
Custom designs on simple panels would be the BEST for decoration. I've been wanting to make a beachside tiki bar for a while, using the panels as the shelves for drinks ;0 Need to collect A LOT more before I do that, though.
People probably went hard with decor when covid hit. My job is "essential" smh, I was never able to stop going to work and DAMN them bills be hitting TvT
It's on more than just the switch, though i'm not sure if Outlast is on PC tbh.
Loved Undertale! been thinking of playing it again. A friend has been trying to get me into Stardew and oooh, I think I'm about to cave and try it out REAL soon haha

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: I like tofu when I cook it - others? not so much lol. I had shrimp tacos for lunch, and they were good despite not having actual taco seasoning.. I improvised my own. >w>;
I eat beans and rice a lot - dunno why, actually, but I got burnt out on both so now I have to expand my diet. lol
I have some simple panels with custom designs but not TOO fancy yet. I have a little market, and a café, aaand... a tea party area but that doesn't use simple panels. Yet. I haven't gone hard on decor 'cause I have so much to do lately...
Hmm, I wonder if my Switch is compatible? I have the Lite version, aka no separate Joy-cons.
Stardew Valley is so cute! I have to use a couple of mods to really enjoy it, since some aspects of the game are not great.
I eat beans and rice a lot - dunno why, actually, but I got burnt out on both so now I have to expand my diet. lol
I have some simple panels with custom designs but not TOO fancy yet. I have a little market, and a café, aaand... a tea party area but that doesn't use simple panels. Yet. I haven't gone hard on decor 'cause I have so much to do lately...
Hmm, I wonder if my Switch is compatible? I have the Lite version, aka no separate Joy-cons.
Stardew Valley is so cute! I have to use a couple of mods to really enjoy it, since some aspects of the game are not great.
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: Sucks to not have the convenience of someone else making it, but hey, least you know what you like! Should lmk how you make tofu, might change my mind about it lol, I've never found any that I've liked
I haven't had shrimp tacos in forever!! That sounds delicious. When my husband made taco seasoning for beans and rice, I asked him how he did it. All the doofus said was "I put cumin and cilantro" lmfaoooo
We were trying to build a little farmer's market type area as a DIY/craft station! Would love to see your market and cafe, that sounds super cute, man.
I haven't heard of any compatibility issues! Might be a little hard to see on a tinier screen, is all haha. The game is SUPER dark
What mods are you running on stardew, if you don't mind me asking? Thinking of getting it when I get off tbh lol. Sorry for the late reply btw, I'm at work and my shifts are 12 hours long TvT
I haven't had shrimp tacos in forever!! That sounds delicious. When my husband made taco seasoning for beans and rice, I asked him how he did it. All the doofus said was "I put cumin and cilantro" lmfaoooo
We were trying to build a little farmer's market type area as a DIY/craft station! Would love to see your market and cafe, that sounds super cute, man.
I haven't heard of any compatibility issues! Might be a little hard to see on a tinier screen, is all haha. The game is SUPER dark
What mods are you running on stardew, if you don't mind me asking? Thinking of getting it when I get off tbh lol. Sorry for the late reply btw, I'm at work and my shifts are 12 hours long TvT

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: I could make some ahead of time but it doesn't refrigerate well :( I usually press the tofu for a really long time, then toss it in corn starch and pan fry it until it's crispy. From there I add seasoning - my fave is soy sauce/brown sugar mixed together with a dash of garlic powder added in the last minute or so to make a glaze! Other seasonings I like are paprika + garlic powder + onion powder, or just barbecue sauce lol
I use lime and cilantro for rice, and Sazon Goya for beans :0 Not super fancy, but all I learned how to cook was broke Mexican food lol
A craft station is a really good idea! I still haven't added my dream address, 'cause I keep time travelling and dropping stuff on my alter's front porch area LOL
I can always crank up the brightness >:3 Aren't all horror games super dark tho? lol
Short-nosed Goblin Henchman bc antisemitic caricatures aren't my thing
Diverse SDV with Seasonal Outfits because I got sick of seeing p much all white people lol
NPC Map Locations 'cause... you can't normally see where they are >_>;
I use lime and cilantro for rice, and Sazon Goya for beans :0 Not super fancy, but all I learned how to cook was broke Mexican food lol
A craft station is a really good idea! I still haven't added my dream address, 'cause I keep time travelling and dropping stuff on my alter's front porch area LOL
I can always crank up the brightness >:3 Aren't all horror games super dark tho? lol
Short-nosed Goblin Henchman bc antisemitic caricatures aren't my thing
Diverse SDV with Seasonal Outfits because I got sick of seeing p much all white people lol
NPC Map Locations 'cause... you can't normally see where they are >_>;
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: Fresher is usually better, but I get suuuper bummed when food doesn't keep good for long :(
I honestly never thought of frying tofu but wow, that sounds like a game changer lol.
I cook most of my meats in a similar marinade/glaze tbh! Very good stuff ;0 Can never go wrong with a solid bbq sauce too haha
I've never heard of sazon goya before. Think I need to pick some up, that looks SO convenient. Read the ingredient list, too. Can only imagine what it tastes like but I want it!!
Oh, man I know the feeling. I throw so much junk in my storage and in front of my husband's house just because my pockets are full. It's a nightmare when either one of us doesn't hop on for a while, TRASH. EVERYWHERE. Lmao
I know it's supposed to be dark but damn... I'm a blind mf lol. Need the extra light to not run into walls and shit smh
Those are all solid mods. So sweet there's a mod out there to make the game more diverse, really digging that one. And an NPC map? Genius, wish more games had it lol
I honestly never thought of frying tofu but wow, that sounds like a game changer lol.
I cook most of my meats in a similar marinade/glaze tbh! Very good stuff ;0 Can never go wrong with a solid bbq sauce too haha
I've never heard of sazon goya before. Think I need to pick some up, that looks SO convenient. Read the ingredient list, too. Can only imagine what it tastes like but I want it!!
Oh, man I know the feeling. I throw so much junk in my storage and in front of my husband's house just because my pockets are full. It's a nightmare when either one of us doesn't hop on for a while, TRASH. EVERYWHERE. Lmao
I know it's supposed to be dark but damn... I'm a blind mf lol. Need the extra light to not run into walls and shit smh
Those are all solid mods. So sweet there's a mod out there to make the game more diverse, really digging that one. And an NPC map? Genius, wish more games had it lol

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: It keeps a bit - it's just not as crispy :0 You could also bake it, but I haven't tried, because I feel like it'd get dry >w>;
I should up my marinade/glaze game. Maybe add sesame oil... but only a bit because I can taste it super easily.
It's so good! You can add it to pretty much anything - rice, beans, Mexican style soups (tortilla soup for one!), etc etc. I keep stocked up because it's a good staple for Mexican food.
It's okay for us to litter, we're the mayor resident representative LOL!!! I need to log on but one more round of avatar site dailies... Redd is visiting my island, or well, he did yesterday but I'm time travelling to milk paintings out of him.
ME TOO!! I'm like, I can't see where am I going. I play games like that on full brightness >w>;
There's more good mods, but since I haven't played in a while I'm not sure what new ones there are :0 I'm sure if you look on NexusMods you can find more :3
I should up my marinade/glaze game. Maybe add sesame oil... but only a bit because I can taste it super easily.
It's so good! You can add it to pretty much anything - rice, beans, Mexican style soups (tortilla soup for one!), etc etc. I keep stocked up because it's a good staple for Mexican food.
It's okay for us to litter, we're the mayor resident representative LOL!!! I need to log on but one more round of avatar site dailies... Redd is visiting my island, or well, he did yesterday but I'm time travelling to milk paintings out of him.
ME TOO!! I'm like, I can't see where am I going. I play games like that on full brightness >w>;
There's more good mods, but since I haven't played in a while I'm not sure what new ones there are :0 I'm sure if you look on NexusMods you can find more :3
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: Fried foods just taste and feel so much better when they're fresh homemade. I can't resist anything crunchy and salty lmao. Feel like tofu would be no different
Sesame oil is strong but omg it's so tasty. I put it in noodles a lot and it reallyyy kicks it up a notch. Stir fries are good with it, too!
Seems like a good base to put on mexican styled foods. Great blend of herbs and spices, man. Gotta see if i can find some next time we're out for groceries.
Ooooh, I gotta ask tho.... Do you like taco pizza? Lol
My husband is the mayor, I just live there and party hard :P lmao.
Redd's finally blessed u 👏 bet your museum is gonna be the coolest on the block now, bud. Get any good art pieces?
I know the darkness is supposed to be for "immersion" or whatever but I'm not trying to play a blindness simulator smh
Nexus usually has great stuff, tho I've only ever looked for skyrim. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Can't wait to try this game out haha
Sesame oil is strong but omg it's so tasty. I put it in noodles a lot and it reallyyy kicks it up a notch. Stir fries are good with it, too!
Seems like a good base to put on mexican styled foods. Great blend of herbs and spices, man. Gotta see if i can find some next time we're out for groceries.
Ooooh, I gotta ask tho.... Do you like taco pizza? Lol
My husband is the mayor, I just live there and party hard :P lmao.
Redd's finally blessed u 👏 bet your museum is gonna be the coolest on the block now, bud. Get any good art pieces?
I know the darkness is supposed to be for "immersion" or whatever but I'm not trying to play a blindness simulator smh
Nexus usually has great stuff, tho I've only ever looked for skyrim. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Can't wait to try this game out haha

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: The only fried food I like that isn't homemade is like, KFC fried chicken. That's sooo good, unhealthy..but good. Tofu is cool because it's flavorless, so whatever you add it'll absorb like a sponge!
I wanna add sesame oil to my hypothetical hot pot broth now. I used to make simple Asian inspired noodles with soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar (only a little, because that is strong for me too), chili garlic paste, and a bit of almond butter. It was nice because the noodles I got were the microwavable kind that took 90 seconds, so I got a meal in under 5 minutes. TwT
It'll often be in the "ethnic" aka non-American food aisles - usually with the Mexican ingredients like masa, crema de leche, etc etc. I do like taco pizza! I wonder how easy it'd be to make using a storebought pisza..
LOL that's the same for miss sunny, she is just vibing™!
I got about... 6 new pieces? I'm still missing a lot tho. I made a fancy spreadsheet checklist that's red if unchecked and green if checked.
MOOD!!! The accessibility of some horror games is.. not lol
If you can't find good mods on Nexus, I think there's the actual Chucklefish forums that host some? I can't remember the URL tho - I had fun until I basically beat the game after 6 or so months lol
I wanna add sesame oil to my hypothetical hot pot broth now. I used to make simple Asian inspired noodles with soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar (only a little, because that is strong for me too), chili garlic paste, and a bit of almond butter. It was nice because the noodles I got were the microwavable kind that took 90 seconds, so I got a meal in under 5 minutes. TwT
It'll often be in the "ethnic" aka non-American food aisles - usually with the Mexican ingredients like masa, crema de leche, etc etc. I do like taco pizza! I wonder how easy it'd be to make using a storebought pisza..
LOL that's the same for miss sunny, she is just vibing™!
I got about... 6 new pieces? I'm still missing a lot tho. I made a fancy spreadsheet checklist that's red if unchecked and green if checked.
MOOD!!! The accessibility of some horror games is.. not lol
If you can't find good mods on Nexus, I think there's the actual Chucklefish forums that host some? I can't remember the URL tho - I had fun until I basically beat the game after 6 or so months lol
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: Don't blame you, dude. KFC is the bomb. Love those bowls stuffed with potatoes, chicken, cheese, and corn. Damn, I got munchies lol
Grilling burgers tonight just to try and curb a fast food craving tbh. Shit is stronggg
The noodles sound delicious, don't think I've ever tried anything like that. Any meal done in five minutes already awesome. Did it make for good leftovers, too? Would be good stuff to bring for work lunches.
We use a lot of masa, beans, and chilis, so I've probably passed by it a thousand times lol just never thought to try it out. Until now >:)
I've made personal pizzas on the grill before, that was fun. Might get drunk and fire it up to make a big ass taco pizza this time around
Six pieces is still a good chunk! Nice job, man. That's very cool. A list is a good route to go but I don't mind grabbing dupes. Some fake art pieces are actually pretty cool looking on their own, too lol.
Grilling burgers tonight just to try and curb a fast food craving tbh. Shit is stronggg
The noodles sound delicious, don't think I've ever tried anything like that. Any meal done in five minutes already awesome. Did it make for good leftovers, too? Would be good stuff to bring for work lunches.
We use a lot of masa, beans, and chilis, so I've probably passed by it a thousand times lol just never thought to try it out. Until now >:)
I've made personal pizzas on the grill before, that was fun. Might get drunk and fire it up to make a big ass taco pizza this time around
Six pieces is still a good chunk! Nice job, man. That's very cool. A list is a good route to go but I don't mind grabbing dupes. Some fake art pieces are actually pretty cool looking on their own, too lol.

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: I ended up getting sushi yesterday! It was a bit of a treat since I hadn't had any for months. Tonight, I dunno what I'm making for dinner... maybe something easy since I've been so distracted lately. I kinda want burgers now that you mention it - I think I've got veggie-based ones still >:3
I think it would if you're careful about reheating it - almond butter heats weirdly :0 I usually only make enough for a meal tho, 'cause I hardly plan my meals ahead. I might find the recipe I based my mix off of maybe?
It's a lifesaver spice mix for me, since my aunt makes suuuper bland tacos and stuff. How does grilling a pizza work? I would love to try doing that but I'm like "what if it falls through the grill grate" LOL
I'm waiting for Redd to come back to get more art - I ended up getting 12 over the course of a couple days :D
I have.. yet to set up my dream address for my island. Maybe I'll do that while my friend's porch is free of stuff I've dropped there lol
I think it would if you're careful about reheating it - almond butter heats weirdly :0 I usually only make enough for a meal tho, 'cause I hardly plan my meals ahead. I might find the recipe I based my mix off of maybe?
It's a lifesaver spice mix for me, since my aunt makes suuuper bland tacos and stuff. How does grilling a pizza work? I would love to try doing that but I'm like "what if it falls through the grill grate" LOL
I'm waiting for Redd to come back to get more art - I ended up getting 12 over the course of a couple days :D
I have.. yet to set up my dream address for my island. Maybe I'll do that while my friend's porch is free of stuff I've dropped there lol
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
@0v7: My husband doesn't like sushi, so it's hard for me to get some REAL good stuff at a dedicated place lmao. Sounds greaaat, hope you enjoyed! What type of rolls did ya get?
Ended up being too rainy to grill, don't got a canopy at this place atm :V Had to cook inside, but was still good. A bacon cheeseburger has never wronged me before lol.
I'm used to cooking for entire families, so dishes I make are usually for... 4-10 people, it's wild haha. Would love to see the recipe, if you find it! Need to add variety to my cooking, especially if we gotta stay in for meals more.
I blind baked the dough on its own for a while, gave it a stable base and some grill marks. While still hot, I let everyone pick their toppings, I would add it on for them in the case of the kids (or anyone scared of the heat/fire lol), and I would close the grill and all the vents to make it a sort of hot, smoky oven until toppings are cooked, cheese is melted, and dough is done throughout. Came out better than expected! Was a fun way to get everyone involved in dinner, too.
I was SO close to setting up a dream address buuuut, think I messed up an incline and the placement of my house lmfao. Gotta redo so much now TvT
No rush at all, man. I get how easy it is to start 1,000 things then need to clean them up LMFAO this game will have me hooked forever, i swear
Ended up being too rainy to grill, don't got a canopy at this place atm :V Had to cook inside, but was still good. A bacon cheeseburger has never wronged me before lol.
I'm used to cooking for entire families, so dishes I make are usually for... 4-10 people, it's wild haha. Would love to see the recipe, if you find it! Need to add variety to my cooking, especially if we gotta stay in for meals more.
I blind baked the dough on its own for a while, gave it a stable base and some grill marks. While still hot, I let everyone pick their toppings, I would add it on for them in the case of the kids (or anyone scared of the heat/fire lol), and I would close the grill and all the vents to make it a sort of hot, smoky oven until toppings are cooked, cheese is melted, and dough is done throughout. Came out better than expected! Was a fun way to get everyone involved in dinner, too.
I was SO close to setting up a dream address buuuut, think I messed up an incline and the placement of my house lmfao. Gotta redo so much now TvT
No rush at all, man. I get how easy it is to start 1,000 things then need to clean them up LMFAO this game will have me hooked forever, i swear

"You've had too much of the digital love -
@McMoney: I got the NEO roll which is inspired by a local place around here, plus a side of their noodles, and a strawberry Ramune soda :3
I hasn't rained here for a while, and I'd love to grill but I am afraid of appliances and also the grill is falling apart u_u
This is the closest to the recipe I use that I can find! I'm not entirely sure where the hell that one recipe went, it was like... 5 or so ingredients?? EDIT!!! I found it!!!! It's good and easy if you take shortcuts, like those fresh noodle packs you can microwave - the only thing I changed about this recipe is less rice vinegar and not using arugula at all :3
That sounds sooo good!!!! Makes me wanna make a pizza in the oven but I'm not super hungry in the mornings :0 I might have some for lunch later... I should grill more but I don't have much to grill - have you ever grilled elotes?? Those are so good :Q
Inclines and houses are both hard to place - have you tried making a simple custom path to mark where things go? I just.. use some rock designs I made, but I've seen people do the classic pink/black missing texture square lol
I hasn't rained here for a while, and I'd love to grill but I am afraid of appliances and also the grill is falling apart u_u
This is the closest to the recipe I use that I can find! I'm not entirely sure where the hell that one recipe went, it was like... 5 or so ingredients?? EDIT!!! I found it!!!! It's good and easy if you take shortcuts, like those fresh noodle packs you can microwave - the only thing I changed about this recipe is less rice vinegar and not using arugula at all :3
That sounds sooo good!!!! Makes me wanna make a pizza in the oven but I'm not super hungry in the mornings :0 I might have some for lunch later... I should grill more but I don't have much to grill - have you ever grilled elotes?? Those are so good :Q
Inclines and houses are both hard to place - have you tried making a simple custom path to mark where things go? I just.. use some rock designs I made, but I've seen people do the classic pink/black missing texture square lol
You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.
I just started the game yesterday so I am working on getting bells, miles, and setting up. Just got the phone call that Blathers is coming and got his place set up. :) I want to eventully get friends and visit others as well.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.