One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?
He looked over her monitors again, checking them against how she'd been, and then nodded.
"Dr. Edwards said if the numbers didn't change drastically, then I would have the authority to disconnect you." he told her.
"And the numbers have changed, but not drastically, and well within expected numbers upon your awakening." he reasoned.
"So I shall proceed to disconnect you properly." he finished, before doing so carefully, methodically, and procedurally. Overall, it took him about 10 minutes, and he sighed when he was done.
"And I assume Dr. Nicolo is here already, and has been impatiently waiting." he sighed.
"Do you wish to remain her so he can visit, or do you wish to leave and meet him out there?" he asked her.
Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?