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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 19:43:36 )

I'm going to take a short nap yes.
Mah brain needs a break xD
brb again

Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 19:46:05 )
@Purpsy: patience is often a virtue when it comes to art, but I know completely what you mean - I think that's why I enjoy doing so many different things. I'm not sure how many of them qualify as hobbies at this point because... well... time and opportunity is often lacking :3
LOL about the avi sites... so you went through a phase where you hit most of them, huh?
Ok, have a good nap. I hope you get the rest you need and you wake feeling better!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 19:51:41 )
@Wildfire: aaah! then I dont need to stress with the jigsaws. thats at least something.. just wish I remembered my mules password but I unfortunately dont... nd the 'relcaim' pw process is broken. :/

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 19:53:45 )
@TeaTales: Yeah, you can let up on some of the stress :3
I'd post about your mule and the password reset in the help forum, and ping one of the Admins/Admin Assistants - I'm certain that one of them can reset your password for you :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 19:54:59 )
Actually, I'm going to go take a small break and maybe take a tiny nap too. I can't think straight or remember the details I should be remembering, and I could use some feedback on the stuff I've been working on anyway before I go any further with it, so maybe somebody will sign in while I'm away and provide that for me. And maybe my headache will go away if I change things up for a little bit. I probably won't be long. Feel free to hang out and chat... bbs.

edit: I'm back. Ping me if you want to chat :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 21:53:44 )
@Wildfire: Oh your new avi is wonderful. :3
I'm inside now. I'm nearing the point of burning and my kids are starting to get all rambunctious.
My little garden is coming along nicely, and my yard is mowed, and I laid a blanket out and some-what napped in the sun like a cat. c:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 22:27:03 )
@Koah: Oh, thank you! <3 I'm glad you got out and made some progress with your garden! It does sound like it's time to come in, though, if the kids are getting rambunctious! :3

... my magnolia bushes are blooming!!! <3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 23:48:00 )
@Wildfire: Oh I bet that's beautiful!
My apple trees are full of white flowers right now.
I think I spent most of my time outside just standing around admiring different things. lol. I got a few things done that needed done.
Kids are coolin' their jets now. They went outside and played and the sun was maybe too much.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 14:12:29 )
@Koah: My magnolia bushes are a little scraggly actually, but yes, they're pretty to look at and the blooms smell wonderful. Oh! Apple tree blossoms - I haven't seen that in years! :3 It sounds like you and the kids have had a great day, actually. I'm really glad! <3

@Ava: Oh Hi Ava! I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you posted - I was probably cooking, or maybe sitting outside watching the birds and reading a book. I'm glad you enjoyed the waking up earlier thing. It really does seem to make a difference in the amount of apparent day-time, doesn't it? What did you do with your 'extra' time?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 14:18:13 )
Good morning!

Random Animal Facts
-----> Bats are the only mammal that can actually fly.
-----> Octopuses have three hearts.
-----> Elephants can't jump.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 15:42:53 )
@Wildfire: I love fun facts. <3
Good morning. I guess my dogs let me sleep in. I woke up like "what year is it?.." kind of feeling.
I'm making coffee and calling a plumber soon.
I took a shower yesterday morning and the toilet began to bubble and then I took note that the shower drain wasn't swallowing water like normal.
A few hours later [after garden stuff was done], there was .. toilet back-up in the shower. e.e

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 15:50:05 )
@Koah: LOL ... the dogs let you sleep in. Not the kids... the dogs! XD (and I get that, as funny as I find it). I'm glad you got some good sleep :3
It sounds like you have a clog somewhere. That's always fun. Good luck with the plumber :3 - here's hoping it's a simple fix! At least you weren't IN the shower when the problem started to ... uhhh... make itself obvious!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 15:56:14 )
@Wildfire: I guess having my dogs outside most of the day with me yesterday and a couple of friends over, the dogs are as tired as I am. lol
oh yeah, it's the dogs that dictate my sleep schedule. XD lol. The kids have each other in the morning.
I'm tempted to go get a snake for drain clogs before I call a plumber. But. I'm kinda lazy. :T

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 16:16:53 )
(sorry - getting distracted on FB, etc.... which I really should be avoiding completely)

@Koah: the snake might be a good idea... and some good clog de-clogger. It is probably a simple problem... and/or a very expensive one!

Yeah, I get the whole sleep cycle being dictated by the dogs thing. It's still funny :3

Other than plumbing issues, what's on your list for the day today?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 16:26:55 )
@Wildfire: lol, I got distracted on FB just now too. e.e' I follow the PMJ [post modern jukebox] music page. Anytime they post new videos or even old ones, I pause my scrolling and enjoy their music. c:
OH I did the mock interview thing with my friend last night. Her current mental state wasn't efficient for a good mock interview. She's struggling with personal affairs. So we talked about the stuff heavy on her heart and mind. We did a few interview questions and I gave her advice. I DID get in my business attire, however, it was a hot day yesterday and I didn't want it getting sweaty. lol.
She was more shocked when I stepped out of my business clothes. lmao. Went from Secretary appearance to 'I'll steal your boyfriend' kind of look. [according to her]. XD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 16:38:27 )
@Koah: ROFL! That could be a pretty jarring transition! It sounds like you helped her, even if it didn't end up being so much of a mock interview situation. My FB distraction is not nearly as interesting or rewarding as yours, tbh. I'm having to exert too much self-control to not post certain things, and really should just get off of the stupid site and forget, again, that it even exists. I'm much happier that way. Besides, I'm just procrastinating doing some coding and some graphics (which is kind of weird, actually... at least with the procrastinating doing the graphics... the coding, not so much, but at least it's nothing mind-boggling)


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 16:56:49 )
@Wildfire: I'm envious you've managed to forget facebook. It's so ingrained in my muscle memory, I just auto-click it open when I'm in idle mode. D:
I don't have anything on my plate today. I can relax, I think I'll call the plumber and then play some sims or something. The kids got ahead yesterday in school, so they don't have a whole lot for today.
I hope you get around to the coding and graphics soon. :d

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 17:09:09 )
@Koah: I managed to forget about it because all it was doing was making me super mad all the time and I was feeling extra-stressed because of it. I had to break that habit for my own well-being. But, it seems to be sneaking back in to my life again, unfortunately - partly from using FB Marketplace to sell the kayak. One good thing happened though from my FB MisAdventures today - I realized that I need to start writing again... so there's that. And generally avoiding FB, except for propagating my writing, maybe (that's a difficult line to walk sometimes).

I'm glad you guys can have a little bit of a lazy day. I could use one of those again... preferably on the beach :3

Yes, I'm going to grab something for lunch, then try to refocus and tackle this graphics and coding stuff that I need to do.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 17:32:03 )
@Wildfire: oh! Writing is fun. I haven't leisurely written in years now. =o Do you write short stories? roleplay? poetry? etc? lol, I also follow a page on FB called "Writing about Writing" it's a meme/motivational page and literature jokes to keep you motivated to write. I don't write anymore, but I appreciate the memes and jokes. c:
I'm never tempted to post on FB. I'm a quiet user there. I'm active, but I'm a very private person. I post pics occasionally to appease family, I don't update my personal info. I dunno, I don't get why I love scrolling. I don't like telling others about my life- so why do I 'snoop' theirs? It's mainly humor I seek out now. But I might scroll for a minute and discover someone I was once close to died or someone had a horrible injury and my whole day is thrown off with that publicized info.
It reminds me of a time I asked my dad why he ordered and read the newspaper from his hometown. "I look at the obituaries." was his response and it bummed me out.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/30 17:45:48 )
@Koah: I used to be a much more active FB user back in the day - but that was when the kids were young and I was trying to keep family more updated with what they were up to, and I was trying keep up with karate people and groups, and all the homeschool groups and activities which chose that forum as a means of communication. The last year+, I have strayed away from FB partly because my kids are now grown and the need to connect with some of these groups and people is less necessary now, and then, of course, there was just a TON of really angry and hateful social-political stuff being posted that was not doing me any good to see - especially since it seemed inescapable. Complicating things even further was the fact that every time I did choose to post something (and it didn't matter what it was!), my post was met with hateful comments and arguments. I got tired of seeing and being subjected to all of it... to the degree that I even started another account, just to be able to check in, but in a more personally-controlled environment, but without losing all the connections I have/made on the other "main" account. -shrug-

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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