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Forums Role Playing Pandora's Echo

Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 02:28:28 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

Nate just shrugged.

"I have no idea." he said.

"I don't like it." he told her.

He then looked at the bed before trudging over towards it and flopping down on it dully.

"Guess I'll crawl under the covers and... I dunno." he said.

"Don't care."

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 03:01:26 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Alicja just sat down next to him.

"... Do you think you're going to do anything drastic?" She asked, her voice curious, concerned.


She was silent as she got out of bed, her steps were unsteady, and a bit sluggish.

"Oh geez..." She muttered, trying to avoid causing problems. However, she wasn't able to reach the door before her legs gave out beneath her and she hit the floor, hitting the dresser on her way down.

Loudly at that.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 03:36:36 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"...doubt it." he responded.

She could tell he was sincere when he said that... but at the same time, something in his voice also said that that might change in the future, he didn't know. She didn't know. And it scared her.


The noise she made did not go unnoticed by another that was in the house. And he quickly rushed to where she was.

"Lunet!?" Cain exclaimed, storming into the room.

"AH!" he yelled, seeing her crumpled on the floor and running over.

"Lunet, are you okay!?" he asked. "What happened!?" he asked further, as he started to check her over for any injuries.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 03:59:50 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
The only injuries were a welt that was starting to form quickly on her arm, where she'd hit the dresser. The low light made it hard to tell, but she was not looking good, at all. She was pale, however it could have been largely from the low lighting, giving that impression.

"I..." She started, coughing violently.

"C-Cain... I just... I can't." She added, referring to doing much of anything for the momnt. She just felt so weak, half dead. This had been building for a few days by this point, and she was saying with Cain because Hal was off on a mission for the past few days, since a day or two after she'd started to feel crummy. She'd convinced him that she'd be fine, and she'd honestly believed that at the time. After a couple days, she didn't think being alone was a good idea, so she was staying with Cain.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 04:19:06 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"..." Cain was silent as he heard how rough and horrible Lunet sounded, before he lifted her up and laid her back down on the bed. He gritted his teeth slightly, before shaking his head slightly.

"This isn't good." he said.

"You look like you need some serious medical attention." he said further.

"You think you need to be taken to a professional?" he asked.

"Like Angela?"

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 04:24:06 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Lunet was silent before just sighing.

"I ... I don't..." She started.

"I have... no idea." she admitted.

"maybe..." She was going to say outright now, since there was no way for her to. She could easily see that there was a chance it would be necessary. Sure, she wasn't one that would stay dead, but that didn't mean she wanted to die.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 04:44:05 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

Cain didn't say anything in response. He merely got a thermometre and placed it in her mouth, under her tongue. He waited for a bit, and when it beeped, he took it out... and his eyes widened.

"...that is NOT good." he muttered.

"At ALL." he stated.

"Lunet, I'm taking you to see Angela." he told her, grabbing his cell and sending a text to the woman in question.

Call me ASAP. was all it said.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 04:55:02 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"... Sorry..." Lunet said quietly as she just relaxed a bit more into the bed.

"I... I'll be ok... we both know that." She added after a few seconds, not even seeming to process that he said that he was going to take her to Angela. It was about ten minutes later before his phone rang. When he looked, he saw it was Zeke calling. Upon answering it though, Angela's voice echoed through the device.

"Hey there, Cain." She greeted.

"What's going on?" She asked, her voice concerned


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 05:16:11 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"Lunet's sick." he replied.

"I know she wasn't feeling the best when her father left for his assignment, but... it's gotten worse. Significantly worse." he told her.

"I was making some breakfast for her when I heard a noise from the bedroom. A bump and a thud. Seems she'd collapsed and hit the dresser on the way, banged her arm up." he went on.

"She also sounds like crap." he continued.

"Just took her temperature, too. As in, just before I texted you." he then told her.

"...she's running a fever of almost 106."

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 05:29:06 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
".... what." Angela said. It wasn't a question.

"Am I sending someohne to you to bring her here, or are you bringing her?" She asked, switching to 'medic' mode quickly and without missing a beat.

"Just tell me what's going on, and I will make sure to have it arranged and have her here within five minutes." She added.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 05:50:33 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"I can't get through the barriers." Cain responded. "I'm not cleared to, seeing as I don't technically work there." he told her.

"So if you want this to be as quick as possible, or as expedited as possible, then you need to send someone here." he said.

"I'll make sure she's ready to be transported." he went on.

"...and I am coming with." he stated. "No if's, and's, or but's." he finished.

"...if that's all right." he then added quietly. His concern for Lunet had caused him to 'take charge' and become a 'leader', but this was Lunet's health, and Angela was the medic. The best he knew.

What she said, went.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 05:54:05 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"You have three minutes. What room?" Angela asked.

"Mine. In the basement." Cain answered.

"Three minutes after this phone call is ended, someone will be there to pick you two up, then." She told him.

"Do not dawdle." She added


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 06:14:43 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"...done." was all Cain responded with, before the call was ended.

"Three minutes." he said.

He then proceeded to make sure Lunet had a change of clothes in a backpack, her phone, and her tablet. After that, he raced upstairs to put the food he had been preparing away, and grab shoes for them both.

Meanwhile, as Angela hung up, she looked to the one who was nearby.

"I heard enough." Zeke said.

"In less than 3 minutes, I'm to grab Lunet and Cain." he said further.

"Where am I going, exactly?" he asked.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 06:19:16 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"His bedroom in the basement." Angela answered.

"I can send someone else though." she told him. "If you don't want to. You are easily one of the best options though."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 06:40:49 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

Zeke shook his head.

"If Lunet needs help, I will help." he said.

"Simple a that." he stated.

"But seriously. You know I'll always help her when I can." he went on.

"Cain might not agree with my teleporting, mana-wise, but I know he can handle it." he said further.

" bad IS it?" he asked.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 06:47:18 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Angela was silent for a moment before sighing and giving him the finroamtion that she had, which admitedly wasn't too terribly much.

"From the sounds of it, quite." She told him afterwards.

"I'm going to get somewhere prepared." She added, getting to her feet.

"Just hone in on my mana and you'll find me, and where to bring her, specifically."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 07:08:58 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"....geez." Zeke muttered.

"That fever is... just... geez." was all he could say.

"And yeah, go and do that." he told her. "I'll make my way to Cain and Lunet, and then bring them back here." he told her further.

With that, she left to get a room prepared, and it didn't take her long at all. Or, rather, she had made the bed ready for Lunet, and just as she finished setting it up, Zeke appeared in the corner of the room with Lunet in his arms, and Cain at his side.

Cain collapsed against the wall, and shook his head, as Zeke walked over towards Angela and laid Lunet down on the bed.

"Here she is."

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 07:16:41 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"Cain. Bottle on the table next to you." She told him, motioning to the small table that was next to him agains the wall as Lunet was laid down.

"It'll help get the ... ickiness to you from Zeke's mana off and nullify whatever remains." She added.

"Meanwhile, I need to tend to Lunet." As she spoke, she continued working, setting Lunet up, getting her completely connected to everything for monitoring and such.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 07:39:41 )
Forgive, O Lord, my
my little jokes on thee...

"Cool. Thanks." Cain mumbled, grabbing it to ingest its contents.

"Kinda could use it right now." he commented.

Zeke, meanwhile, just sighed and stepped back.

"She really IS burning up." he said.

"And yeah, that arm IS pretty injured." he added.

"Did it just spike suddenly?" he asked Cain.

"More or less." Cain replied. "She wasn't doing good before, but it was nothing to worry about. And she got a smidgen worse, but again, nothing to worry about. It wasn't concerning or alarming yet, seemed like natural cycle of whatever she had." he went on. "And yeah, pretty much overnight, she turned to be like THIS."

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/1 07:43:49 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Angela just sighed.

"We'll I'll make sure she survives, unless it ends up being decided it's better for her to revive." She told Cain, knowing he'd likely want to know.

"For now, Zeke... if you'd be so kind, takke him out of here, and just make sure he's going to be ok. I, meanwhile, am going to do what I need to with Lunet."

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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