Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
@Purpsy: That's one of the questions I'm wrestling with, actually. My experience over the years tells me that "productive" is anything that you want it or need it to be and that it's not necessarily something tangible that you can look at or point at and say "see, I did that!". Sometimes, 'productive' is simply letting yourself rest, if that's what you need, or doing research in to a topic (or doing other legwork) that seems unproductive but will add to your list of experiences and knowledge to help you later on... things like that. ... but it's still hard to shake the "but the house is a mess and I didn't even do the laundry" type sense of "productive", isn't it?

Ok... I'm off to cook dinner and stuff. On tonight's menu at my house: paleo sesame chicken with steamed mixed broccoli and cauliflower... and maybe some noodles for my son. And maybe a salad. bbl.

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: im hoping it wont since i need to test new settings for the millionth time.
since my last one the pressure kept disappearing and i could barely color my art or draw.
so hoping new settings will fix that.
but yeah maybe i'll even do a study today.

@Wildfire: im hoping it wont since i need to test new settings for the millionth time.
since my last one the pressure kept disappearing and i could barely color my art or draw.
so hoping new settings will fix that.
but yeah maybe i'll even do a study today.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.
@Wildfire: thanks :)
trying to finish up the rest of work for today, then dunno what i'll do. maybe games or draw.
trying to finish up the rest of work for today, then dunno what i'll do. maybe games or draw.
I am not an actual NPC.

@Wildfire: Hmm never saw it that way. But I can recall moments similar to that, is always doing anything creative for me. In the eyes of other is a skill that may not bring food in the table or pointless but still feel passionate enough to continue it anyway.
But productive to me these days is just anything to get me out to the laptop or on my bed and part of it is doing tasks that is uncomfortable to face but I know it will benefit me in the end.
@Wildfire: good morning *yaaawn*
We sell like gourmet burgers with special meat patties :) and on weekends special meals. Its Not like you mix the burgers and the traditional food
We sell like gourmet burgers with special meat patties :) and on weekends special meals. Its Not like you mix the burgers and the traditional food
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
@Wildfire: Yes, I'm still new to Voltra events since I wasn't much active after I joined a couple years ago, but they're fun! :3

@Wildfire: Yes, I'm still new to Voltra events since I wasn't much active after I joined a couple years ago, but they're fun! :3
@Purpsy: Aaaah yes... I remember that. I felt the same way before I had kids. Then everything shifted. I'm glad "productive" for you still means artwork or creativity. But even in that microrealm I remember having days where what I was working on just wasn't working out and the day overall didn't feel very productive... but it really was. And yes, that's basically the point I'm trying to make - productive is anything that benefits you in some way, at some point. So really, everything all the time is productive... or at least has the potential to be (I'm thinking watching silly youtube videos or tv doesn't tend to be productive unless you intentionally spin that to becoming 'trivia expert' or are using those things as tools from which to learn)
@Anarchist Beauty: LOL.
@Miss Sandman: Good morning. That sounds like it could be pretty yummy!! :3
@KittyBeary: I didn't think I ran in to you, but your name is familiar to me somehow... somewhere...

@Anarchist Beauty: LOL.
@Miss Sandman: Good morning. That sounds like it could be pretty yummy!! :3
@KittyBeary: I didn't think I ran in to you, but your name is familiar to me somehow... somewhere...

What's going on for you on this lovely Thursday?
My Thursday involves doing a couple of errands (yay - more groceries /eyeroll/) and I'm not entirely sure what else, tbh - but that's partly because the coffee is not yet freely flowing through my system XD

@Wildfire: Ah, I use it on Trisphee, not Gaia though. ;w; (Well not technically, I do use it for a mule that I use the animal base with, but I barely log into it :c )

@Wildfire: Ah, I use it on Trisphee, not Gaia though. ;w; (Well not technically, I do use it for a mule that I use the animal base with, but I barely log into it :c )
@KittyBeary: Anywhere else? I haven't been on Gaia in years and don't think I ever even joined Trisphee. It doesn't really matter -I'm happy to meet you and chat with you regardless- but your name does sound familiar. /shrug/
Do you have anything planned for today?

Do you have anything planned for today?

@Wildfire: I do also use it on twitter. :0
And atm not really. Just late spring cleaning. ;w;

@Wildfire: I do also use it on twitter. :0
And atm not really. Just late spring cleaning. ;w;
I mostly lurk, but will post from time to time.
@KittyBeary: Aah, who knows. It's probably just my imagination.
I should do some Spring cleaning too, actually, but I've had too many other things going on lately to really think about doing it.
Did you draw the cutie sitting in your siggy?

I should do some Spring cleaning too, actually, but I've had too many other things going on lately to really think about doing it.
Did you draw the cutie sitting in your siggy?

@Wildfire: Well I have a pretty bad youtube addiction so... ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒)
Yeah I suppose I've done some productive stuff then and even today but I'm still a harsh critic to myself and feel like I should be doing something more also.
@Wildfire: Good Morning. I'm not going to try and say 'I'll be relaxing' or anything like that. cx Feel like I'll jinx it. I very narrowly avoided a dog fight this morning. I didn't realize my husband took the dogs' yard collars off. I was too tired this morning to check. My dogs were acting weird. Eldest went down to the bottom of the yard, where my 2 females hung out by the house. It's usually the other way around. I call my girls in, assuming something's not right. And I called my old guy [he's only 9, but he's an energetic husky] up to the house. He came reluctantly. I started down the yard a bit and saw two pitties sizing him up across our fence. Mind you there is no fence. It's a wood horse fence that fell down. The owner of the pitties was trying really hard to round them up. The pitties were being evasive, so I just worked on getting mine in. The owner seemed grateful that I got mine in smoothly.
I love pitties, they're great dogs. However, the last time my eldest dog interacted with a pitty he didn't know, they had an alpha fight and I had to apologize profusely and ask if I needed to hand them money for the vet. //shakes off that old memory//. Otherwise, I've introduced him to different Pitbulls since and haven't had an issue. Just a matter of introducing and showing non-threatening behavior.
-Now I need to read back and respond to everyone from yesterday. <3 -
I love pitties, they're great dogs. However, the last time my eldest dog interacted with a pitty he didn't know, they had an alpha fight and I had to apologize profusely and ask if I needed to hand them money for the vet. //shakes off that old memory//. Otherwise, I've introduced him to different Pitbulls since and haven't had an issue. Just a matter of introducing and showing non-threatening behavior.
-Now I need to read back and respond to everyone from yesterday. <3 -
@Purpsy: There are all sorts of stigmas and theories about left-handed people. My grandma is a lefty, even though her mom believed lefties to be demon-children. She's ambidextrous now. That's only because her mom beat it into her, ruler and all. I never met my great-grandma, I can't remember if she was some narrow form Christian or catholic. My gramma made sure none of us met her.
I actually come from 2 grandma's that are lefties and they are polar opposite people and have never met. So my other grandma is so creative! and her ambitions and creativity were never squandered. Her cursive is phenomenal. She still writes letters to her great-grandkids [my kids and my siblings' kids].
@Anarchist Beauty: OMG. If my mom had her way, she'd have dumped my dad's 4 daughters off at goodwill and hoped they'd find good second homes. XD Those girls were wild. My parents were like "Brady Bunch is such a great show, If they can do it, we can too!" They both went into marriage with 4 kids Each. Then I came along. Divorced followed. Seven out of Eight of the kids went into puberty and it became a hellhole for my parents. lmao.
I actually come from 2 grandma's that are lefties and they are polar opposite people and have never met. So my other grandma is so creative! and her ambitions and creativity were never squandered. Her cursive is phenomenal. She still writes letters to her great-grandkids [my kids and my siblings' kids].
@Anarchist Beauty: OMG. If my mom had her way, she'd have dumped my dad's 4 daughters off at goodwill and hoped they'd find good second homes. XD Those girls were wild. My parents were like "Brady Bunch is such a great show, If they can do it, we can too!" They both went into marriage with 4 kids Each. Then I came along. Divorced followed. Seven out of Eight of the kids went into puberty and it became a hellhole for my parents. lmao.

@Koah: Yeah the stories I heard about left-handed people are not that severely bad. I heard we're known to be more creative but suffer more into mental illness. I heard that most likely one of the twins will be left-handed which fits my description perfectly. And not gonna lie... that fact there is umm 10 or 11% of us exist today makes feel a bit of a special little snowflake xD
Yeah just learned my mother used to be left-handed as well until she had to learn to write right-handed. I guess I got it from her lol. I think that's why my mom wanted to do the same thing to me when I was younger until my dad talk her out of it. But damn older generations has it bad that I'm glad in a way to be alive around this era. I heard even spankings were used to disciple children around my father's time and used it to me when I was younger.
@Purpsy: oops. LOL - my point is that pretty much anything can be productive - it depends on how we think about that word and what it means to us.
@Koah: Ouch. I'm glad you got out of that situation without a fight breaking out. As an owner of dogs who, unfortunately, don't always react the way I'd expect them to, I'm always grateful to another dog owner who sees what's going on and can round up their dogs while I do my best to wrestle mine in to some sense of composure.
My grandmother was left-handed. I'm not quite ambidextrous, but am close. The idea of making people right-handed is definitely a thread from a few generations ago when left was considered evil and right was, well... right. If you look at some of the languages, it's shown there quite obviously - for example, in Italian "sinestra" is left and "giusto" is right (or 'suitable')...

@Koah: Ouch. I'm glad you got out of that situation without a fight breaking out. As an owner of dogs who, unfortunately, don't always react the way I'd expect them to, I'm always grateful to another dog owner who sees what's going on and can round up their dogs while I do my best to wrestle mine in to some sense of composure.
My grandmother was left-handed. I'm not quite ambidextrous, but am close. The idea of making people right-handed is definitely a thread from a few generations ago when left was considered evil and right was, well... right. If you look at some of the languages, it's shown there quite obviously - for example, in Italian "sinestra" is left and "giusto" is right (or 'suitable')...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.