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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 18:11:30 )
@Purpsy: Well now I feel Although, I'm not really. I think spanking depends on family to family. It was used in my household growing up. It was a fast way to learn what you did was Really Really bad. I got spanked at like.. 5 years old I think, by my mom, Which was a total shock as she was the one that babied me. But I remember why. I crossed the road to get to the neighbor's house while there were cars coming and going. I didn't look at the road, I was focused on the neighbor's house/dogs. Best believe I looked both ways after that. And I was watched like a hawk for months after. XD

I grew up feeling so special that I was a lefty. Lefty scissors definitely exist and helped Greatly~ <3 My mom attempted to make me a righty while I was learning my lefts and rights, ABCs, 123s. Anyhow, It messed me up and most of my childhood I went, "Wrong and Right." instead of "left and right" . XD
I'm not even mad, it makes for an entertaining story. She tried, she failed. I remember she got so frustrated when I was in elementary school, she had to sit across from me and have me 'Mirror' her to learn some things since I'd get confused side-by-side.

@Wildfire: Oh yeah~ I know how it is. My huskies used to run off a lot. We're mostly good now on that. The less panicked I am, the easier it is to catch em'. I used to yell and run and try and corner my old husky when he was younger, he turned it into a fun game while I was sweating and tearing up and yelling my vocals dry. Now when he decides to play that game, I look him in the eyes with composure and say "Heel." and it clicks that I'm not playing.
The dog fight I somewhat described was about 6 years ago and the alpha pitbull was at the dog park. He tried to hump my [at the time] female husky to claim dominance and it ticked off my male husky. He snapped. Blood was drawn. Dog owners panicked. BLEH.

* Also if my stories are annoying, I'm sorry. When I'm under a lot of stress in RL, I find telling my life stories brings me joy and it pulls the shadows away from my stress/depression. My RL friends right now are getting different stories. My husband has heard all my stories, so he's no fun rn <.< *

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 18:21:00 )
(1) I like your stories! They're an interesting way to relieve your stress!
(2) OMG, you are far from 'old'!! (*is actually old* XD )
And oh, I can definitely see why that situation would upset your male dog! I get the whole 'dogs are part of the family' thing, but dog owners who forget that they are still dogs and still do certain dog things annoy me. We've encountered some of that and it hasn't been to the benefit of my dogs, that's for sure... which only makes them more weird and socially awkward /eyeroll/


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 18:23:35 )
I'm running to an appointment with my eldest. I'll be back in about an hour or so.

... and I'll be looking for another story from you, Koah, when I get back!! XD Of course, everyone is encouraged to post a story ...


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 19:23:34 )
@Wildfire: Thank you~ <3 I do get selfish in conversation when it comes to my storytelling. Then I get guilty for taking up people's time and not letting others' talk for a moment. e.e'
It's a better release than other methods of stress-caused ...releases. <.< I couldn't think of the right word. XD
Last year, I lived in North Dakota, I found a small town coffee shop that made me feel welcome. I'd go in with stories. The older gal working 'humbled me' by letting me know that I overwhelm folks with my stories because I'm young and lived a more adventurous life than most people in the town. My dad's wife said the same. So I kept to myself for the year I spent in North Dakota. My only friend last year was a college kid who wanted to know more about life outside of ND, I held back my stories, even with her. She would ask questions, and I'd answer them. She had a lot of guy-drama.

I like to think of my huskies as a huge part of our family, but I think of them from an angle of a wolf-pack. Got the lead dog, which is surprisingly not the Alpha. then momma dog, who is wild at heart. I drained our pond the other day amidst the plumbing issues [to feel useful while things out of my control were happening], When I let momma dog out, she looked at me like I took away everything she loved. The NASTY pond was her swimming hole and she's still an indoor dog. So every time she jumped in, she'd follow me inside and smell like a duck pond and wet dog.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 19:35:23 )

      @Koah: Omg, at that point I would have just ran away.
      No more kids, no more partner.
      I'm running off and changing my name. XD

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 19:50:12 )
@Anarchist Beauty: lmao! Same. I only got 2 kids and they're small and I fantasize sometimes. lol. But teen years are just around the corner and I'm mentally preparing for it early. My kids are only 6 months apart. XD boy and girl. It'll be hell in my house when puberty hits.
I'm learning Norwegian so I can go to Norway for a couple of months at a time to escape my life later. lol. I'm not even joking on that one. XD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 21:09:19 )

      @Koah: I'm just going to be smart and never have children ever.
      Nor will I get with someone who has or wants children.
      I will live my childfree life and it will be glorious and mostly headache free. lol

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 21:37:12 )
@Koah: Many people don't actually LIVE, so that's not really a surprise that your stories would intimidate some people. But that's not your fault by any stretch of the imagination!!

@Anarchist Beauty: You're funny.

The kids DO eventually grow up and move away and it's a bit of a shock...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 21:47:22 )

      @Wildfire: I'm serious. lol
      I don't like kids.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:03:23 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Fair enough~ :d I like kids, what I don't like is .. I guess, parents. Specifically the 'modern parents'. <.< " Tis' a controversial topic. XD

@Wildfire: Appointment go well? c: Welcome back.
I suppose I shouldn'tve taken that so seriously. I was just trying to live in ND peacefully under the radar, avoid attention to myself the best I could. It was a temporary residency. lol. Then I got the job at the library and basically, the whole town knew me within a couple of weeks. XD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:32:43 )

      @Koah: I don't like parents who don't actually parent their children.
      Like telling your child 'no' is not abuse.
      Setting boundaries for your child, is not abuse.
      Please learn to parent.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:37:43 )
@Anarchist Beauty: yeah exactly. I made a parent-friend with kids the same age as mine [and one older] and she couldn't set boundaries with her kids. omg. They were little terrors. Her kids were scared of me because my kids respected me and listened. Her kids would look at me like I was a lion tamer or a witch with magic hands that would turn them into squirrels.

@Totalanimefan: I'm doin' alright. Could be better. But I'm good, just finished one of my books and I'm just trying to rest. How are you?

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:49:59 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh nice! :3 I usually do the 500 pieces myself. The thousand pieces take forever! Kudos to you. C:
With a different event, I tried to do that watercolored random Alice in Wonderland-themed puzzle. A thousand pieces was so difficult with that puzzle. e.e

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:58:54 )
@Anarchist Beauty: lol. I get it.

@Koah: Yeah, the appointment went well-thanks for asking.

I'm with you guys on the parents who don't parent - if you don't want the actual job, then don't have kids. Anyone can "breed" - it's not the same thing as parenting, and having kids is not something to do just in order to check it off some list of 'things to do to prove you're an adult'

@Ava: Oh, that seriously suuuucks! :( I'm angry For you!!! good grief! Do you have other salon options, maybe??

@Totalanimefan: Hey you. I was wondering if you were going to pop by


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 22:59:36 )

      @Koah: It's because people seem to think parenting only has two modes: being a doormat, or being abusive in some way.
      And it's like....Wow.... You're so, so, so wrong and I feel so, so, so sorry for your children.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 23:12:20 )
@Totalanimefan: I've gotten in the habit of doing a 500 piece of the latest winter one. <3 I can do that one pretty quickly now. I haven't timed myself, but I'm sure it's well under 30 minutes. But I do it on repeat.

@Anarchist Beauty:
I lived in an inner-city for a year and I did not click with Anyone there. I'd walk to the school to pick up my kids and parents steered clear of me once they'd ask "Where are you from?" and I'd respond "Wyoming." They either thought I was too hick [which my appearance is not that lmao] or maybe conservative. OR maybe I just came off with "don't talk to me." -Shrugs- Something about me was off for the other parents. XD I was like "I neeeed frieeeends"
I'd hang out at the school for a half-hour after school, so my son could do the after-school program. I set one kid straight. Little 3rd grader was a magnet towards me. She saw me playing on my phone and made fun of my little iphone 5, because she had a 10 or something. I came back with "Well, I don't like your shirt." and she went "It's my favorite!" and I said "Well this phone is my favorite and it's less likely to break compared to yours." I tossed my phone [had an otter box on it] and it bounced off the pavement twice and I picked it up and continued playing my game. XD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 23:12:53 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh! So that's what prompts a visit to my thread?? Good to know! XD LOL! It's not like you've been inactive this entire time...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 23:14:42 )
@Koah: lol. Yeah, I've run in to snotty little kids like that. Knowing they exist suddenly explains so much in this adult world, doesn't it? -sigh-

When does the event end-end? It's not tonight, is it? (edit: May 8th)


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 23:32:14 )

      @Koah: Kids like that are the worst because you just know it comes from their parents thinking they're better than everyone else.
      Like 3rd graders don't come up with insults like that on their own, they were taught that.
      And that's just sad.
      Like why are you raising your child to be an asshole?
      A classist asshole at that.
      Making fun of people who might not be able to afford the same luxuries as you...
      That's... Trash.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/6 23:44:36 )
@Ava: I bet it can be difficult to deal with sometimes :( I hope the other salon is still around and can help you out... and at a much more reasonable price!!

@Totalanimefan: lol. Oh, that battle...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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