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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 21:19:23 )

@Koah: Yeah I tried to fight the sleep off until after lunch. Being full just makes me more sleepy oof
My sleep has gotten a bit better lately just except last night. Fell asleep around five.

Did the fresh air help you stay awake?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 21:23:56 )
@Purpsy: oh gosh, I get that. Eating [depending on the food] makes me super sleepy too.
5 in the morning? D:
Fresh air wakes me up.
And I got bad circulation in my hands and toes, so once I'm up, my feet get cold and I'm awake. I've tried my body to fall asleep once my hands and feet are warm. XD There are some nights I lay in bed for hours waiting for my temperature in my feeties and hands to go up.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 21:27:52 )

@Koah: Yep, it can get pretty bad in some nights...
Ooh I get that too! But that happens more during winter for me. My hands though are the worst it can get icy cold while my feet can easily warm up if I wear some thick fuzzy socks.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 21:40:09 )
@Purpsy: I really hope you get better sleep tonight. <3
I got raynauds. Which is just forever-cold toes and fingers. :< But I'm used to it. I just can't touch ice directly anymore or my fingers get too cold and I can't use my hands properly for an hour or so.
Oh my gosh! I have a plethora of fuzzy socks. <333 I am now an adult and every year on Christmas, I get socks and get excited about it. lol!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:18:40 )

@Koah: Oh wow :o
Does it hurt to the point you can't use your hands? For me it just makes me feel uncomfortable to do things often. And yes! I am slowly gaining a collection of fuzzy socks, I currently own six. I have this one pair that are not fuzzy socks but very thick ones, I believe they're called thermal socks? Wore those in a -40 weather once and it kept my feet toasty and warm. I need a few more pairs of those but they be expensive x.x

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:26:29 )
@Purpsy: It's a weird feeling to describe, my hands just.. get numb-ish. Like that 'asleep' feeling, pins-and-needles. It's not necessarily painful but super uncomfortable. Then it's almost like my hands don't cooperate with my brain. Like a Lag.
For example, if we had a snowball fight and my gloves failed to keep my fingers warm, my throws would be terrible because releasing the snowball would become difficult for me.
As of recently, new this year, my pinky toes go numb when my feet get cold.
I should be working out and working on cardio to get my blood circulation at least a little better so I don't have this problem for the rest of my life. I don't wanna even imagine how much worse this could get if I don't do something soon. o3o"

Thermos socks Are Amazing! I'd also recommend Alpaca socks. c: But again, expensive stuff, but worth iiiit. <3

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:33:55 )
@Koah: lol. Gotta love that stage! I remember it well :3 XD

@Purpsy: Thank you - I'll have to track down that item.

Try wool socks - I wear them even in Florida, and sometimes even over the summer :3 ;)


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:34:03 )
I put up some shelves to hold my forthcoming (maybe?) herb garden on the lanai, and I poked holes in recycled containers that I spray painted and intend to use for some small plants. I spray painted a couple metal outside side tables that were looking their years. I walked the dogs. And now I'm getting ready to make dinner (fish with some combination/recipe that I haven't decided on yet, but which includes eggplant, zucchini, & tomato).

This is all after running around this morning to get blood drawn and dealing with the college for my son.

It has been a busy day.

Too bad the house is still a mess - lol!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:40:31 )

@Koah: Ah it sounds like a similar feeling when my leg is a sleep because of laying down in an awkward position for so long.
Yeah I have pretty crappy blood flow too if we're both having a slightly similar experience. Although I don't feel the pin and needles in my end it just feels like I stuck my hands on the freezer for a few minutes.

Ugh I get pretty painful umm frosty hands and feet if I stay out on freezing temperatures for too long. I literally can't go out in the winter without wearing gloves, some people have the tolerance with that, you'll be surprised with some of the canadian folks with their minimal winter clothing during winter seasons here. I just want to stay bundle up and wear extra layers as much as possible.

And wool socks? Hmm might give that a try :3

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:43:10 )
Yes, wool socks. They seem like they'd be overkill but they are lovely breathable and warm without getting sweaty and icky like some of the other "warm" socks. I have a couple pair that are really too big to wear with shoes, but I wear them around the house more like slippers and they're great.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 01:35:31 )
@Wildfire: You have been so busy today! :D

@Purpsy: sounds like you might have some bad circulation too in your fingers and toes. :o

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 05:00:06 )

@Wildfire: Yeah, now there's a problem of wanting to get rid of some things that will...... eventually happen. ;w;
I mostly lurk, but will post from time to time.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 13:39:22 )
@Koah: Yeah, I was pretty busy yesterday, wasn't I? Right now though (just waking up), it seems like I'm paying for it - I'm groggy and stiff, and feel like a pot of coffee (instead of my usual one-to-two cups), plus some yoga is going to be required before I feel human instead of made out of tin or something (I have this image of a creaky tin man running around my head - in need of oil, etc. before becoming functional - LOL!)

@KittyBeary: Yes, I'm in that same boat of "ok, I know that I don't want or need this, but now what do I do with it?" phase. I have decided to just put boxes together for the time being: sell (but even this has three categories in my head: online / garage sale / homeschool groups), donate, and then trash. And probably the hardest part of even doing that is knowing that there's so much more decluttering to go before I'm ready to do anything with the stuff I will eventually be getting rid of except for the trash pile...

We'll get there :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 13:44:02 )
So Hello. Good Morning. ...and UGH. /dead/

mine today -----> + probably ... and I really wish I had an espresso machine right about now!!!

Today shouldn't involve as much running around for me today, but I do need to clean up the house - I think there's more dog hair on the floor than there is carpet at this point (ugh. gross.), look through my new recipe books and put together some meal plan ideas, maybe run to get some groceries (didn't I just do this a couple days ago? Yes, yes I did!), and I'd like to get back to doing my little workouts since it has been a week since the last time.

What are you guys up to today?

It looks like we're still earning currency..................


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:18:20 )
@Wildfire: Good Morning. I'm going to be needing some extra coffee too.
Our new roommates moved in last night. They came in rather late in the evening. So ended up staying up and catching up with them.
I did thoroughly clean out my little car yesterday. c: There was a lot of kid food in the back seat. =3= and I thought that was bad until I found the lunch my husband had at work that he left in there. [the source of stink]. Been in there a good 2 weeks as my husband only drives my car if his truck is in the shop.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:23:26 )
@Koah: Good morning. And don't you look ethereal today?!! <3
Ewwww at the stinky food left behind in your car! Yuck! That is definitely not my favorite smell or situation to deal with!
I'm glad your roommates moved in, even if it meant a later night for you than you were intending. I guess they just needed a little kick in the booty to get there, huh?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:30:10 )
@Wildfire: yeah, we definitely lit the fire under their butts to get here. XD Or at least, pay rent if they aren't here yet. They agreed to the rent part of the convo last week. I wasn't expecting them yesterday actually.
Hopefully, financials will sting less in the near future.
I'm sorry about your super 'tin-man' feeling today. Gotta lubricate your body with water instead of oil. lol!

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:32:07 )
I have my previous avi equipped in my inventory dressing room. I like this one, but not as much. I finally got my hands on a Seamstress item and wanted to make use of it.
your avi looks like it can tell a wild story. <3 It's got Sass!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:38:20 )
@Koah: Hopefully they'll be better about communicating with you in the future than they seem to have been so far!! I'm glad them moving in -or at least paying rent- will help you out with the financial situations you're dealing with :3

Yes, caffeine for now. Lots of water once I'm awake enough to deal with something not caffeinated XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:40:05 )
LOL - yeah, this is a fun avatar. I'm not sure what story it would be telling, but there does seem to be one behind it, doesn't there?

I'm playing with another avatar at the moment, though. I really should be dealing with replenishing my supplements and looking at menus, etc., though XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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