Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/10 22:26:29 )
@Purpsy: It's a weird feeling to describe, my hands just.. get numb-ish. Like that 'asleep' feeling, pins-and-needles. It's not necessarily painful but super uncomfortable. Then it's almost like my hands don't cooperate with my brain. Like a Lag.
For example, if we had a snowball fight and my gloves failed to keep my fingers warm, my throws would be terrible because releasing the snowball would become difficult for me.
As of recently, new this year, my pinky toes go numb when my feet get cold.
I should be working out and working on cardio to get my blood circulation at least a little better so I don't have this problem for the rest of my life. I don't wanna even imagine how much worse this could get if I don't do something soon. o3o"
Thermos socks Are Amazing! I'd also recommend Alpaca socks. c: But again, expensive stuff, but worth iiiit. <3