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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 15:59:07 )
@Wildfire: I am also caffeinating and working on a grocery list for Costco. And also playing with an avatar currently. XD lol

I can tell with my new roomies, it's the girlfriend that Really wanted to move in and get back here to get settled. The boyfriend [my husband's childhood friend], seems hesitant, nervous, definitely not as thrilled about such a big move compared to his lady.
I've heard stories of the guy since my husband and I got together 10 years ago. So I have a vague idea of what kind of person he is and what to expect. However, his gf is a mystery. I got her laughing pretty hard last night, but she's pretty shy.
[[I won't be able to talk about them over the phone or with friends, so I'll probably tell you about them as we move along in the roomie-relationship]]

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 16:06:53 )
@Koah: Costco. Ooof. I should consider doing that too. We really aren't using our membership and we should probably change that. :3 Thanks for the reminder.

It's really hilarious how often you and I seem to be on exactly the same page - doing the same things, feeling similarly, etc.! XD

I understand about the roommate situation - yeah, this is stuff you can't vocalize if anyone is in the house. It's fine. I'm happy to be your sounding board. I hope all things work out well with them. It seems like you're starting off ok - especially if you made the GF laugh and get out of her little shy box already!!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 16:27:36 )
@Wildfire: lol! I think we have similar habits due to Mom-Brain. XD
Yesterday, my husband reminded me we need to make a Costco trip. We'll be tight on money for a bit, so he's hoping I'll get ambitious and make a menu.
I stink at makin' menus. I've done it a few times before, but to make a menu and to implement it is not in my skillset right now. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 17:24:44 )
@Koah: it does take practice and a certain mindset, but I found that I'd prefer to put some time in to thinking about it ahead of time, writing up a list of ingredients, etc. instead of scrambling every night at dinner time. It helps us eat better and use the food that I buy instead of letting it rot in the fridge (except for cucumbers and avocados - they are just determined to go bad! XD ) Also, I have a small M-F whiteboard stuck on the side of my fridge where I write out my menu plan every week, and another plain whiteboard where I tend to write up lists of available veggies, frozen things, etc., so if I decide to swap things out mid-week or don't quite get to the store when things are running low, I know what I have available and what I'm dealing with. :3 But you need to do what you can do.

Especially lately, my ability to add something -anything- else to my SOP has been limited. It's getting better, though.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 18:29:06 )
@Wildfire: I did a pretty good job doing meal planning on my own last year when my husband wasn't around. I lived 30 miles from any grocery store, so it was about efficiency out there. I can't seem to get that schedule going again, mainly because I think, my husband's food tastes are broader than mine. So I can't just make the same meals weekly anymore. He's getting fat off my know-how foods. OTL
I also need to hunt down the spices and foods my dad used, I miss his cupboard of spices and frozen veggies from gardens' past.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 18:38:27 )
@Koah: Yeah, it's really a different thing cooking for different people, or different combinations of people! All you can do is what you can do, and take one thing and one step at a time. :3 You'll get there if it's important to you. And if not, as long as you have something in place that works for you, that's all that matters, right?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 18:41:01 )
So far, I have a lot of little side dishes to make for my menu the next couple of days - nothing too much on the 'main dish' side of things. But, I have some stuff in the freezer that I need to get out and use (mostly meat), so I'm sure it'll work out ok :3 It's interesting to see what kinds of things I gravitate towards in a week - lol.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 20:02:06 )
@Ava: Awwww, thank you <3 I really like your avi right now too - it's very cute! :3
How are you doing today? Have you been up to anything fun lately?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 21:19:52 )
@Ava: Well, right now I'm trying to get myself motivated to go walk the dogs with my husband, but I'm tired and don't feel like it...but I want to go. Other than that, there are just stray things going on around here today - I vacuumed the house and cleaned up the kitchen, I looked at some recipes and started a meal plan for the next few days, and I've been kind of putzing around on the computer. ~shrug~

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with work! Did you make your quota for the last month? How are things going for this month so far? ... or would you prefer not to talk about it?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/11 23:39:03 )

@Koah: Yep TwT

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 13:38:06 )
@Ava: Wow - you've been busy! But it sounds like you're definitely making progress in a positive way with all the new changes and things! Good for you! <3 It sounds like you're making some good solid connections through this streaming position of yours. I bet that will help you going forward in terms of meeting your quota and everything too, don't you think? I'm glad you're doing well, even if you're a little stressed about meeting this month's doubled quota (and who wouldn't be stressed about that?)! *cheers for you*

Dinner here last night was nothing special - leftover chicken legs, wedges of baked purple cabbage, and fresh-made plantain bits with tangy black beans. And I had a small salad. I'll need to either defrost something for tonight or go shopping, and since we're out of eggs, it'll probably be shopping XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 13:45:43 )
Good morning.

What's going on in your world today?

Today, I'll have to run a couple of errands (to get a few groceries, and probably to walmart), and somebody is coming to pick up the car we're selling/sold. Other than that, I'd like to work out, but will make that decision after coffee hits my system and I feel less zombie-ish and I see what time it is (the car thing is by appointment and I need to be here for that, versus the errands) ............. and I'm babbling, aren't I?

Apparently we can still earn currency for the event. Who would'a thunk it at this point? XD


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 14:07:43 )
@Wildfire: I'm up extra early. Our string of financial woes isn't quite over. Husband hit a deer on his way to work. =3= So far sounds like manageable damage.
anyway, Good morning. I stayed up late and woke up early. I need many coffees.
Congrats on selling your car. I hope that's a smooth transition to the next person. I know with covid stuff, we still don't have our 'new' [used] car transferred to our name due to the dmv being so backed-up right now.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 14:21:37 )
@Koah: Oh no! I hope the damage to his vehicle is not severe - deer can make quite an impact *punny drum roll* XD

The transition for the car should be pretty smooth, but I need to be here to sign paperwork. We posted it for sale privately for a while to see if we got any bites and we did, but they all wanted to seriously under-offer (this car is in almost-new condition, with average or little under mileage, for something that was driven daily (preCovid)... it was like "you DO realize you're offering 4k under it's actual KBB value, right? Do you think we're stupid - especially in this day and age where used cars like this are in very high demand??"), so we opted to take Carvana up on their offer. They had the highest offer and are coming to pick it up, and all the details about the title transfer should be easier as well (and no trip to the DMV), and although we could sit on it for a while and probably get a higher price, it's much simpler this way - one more thing off our shoulders... and it pays for the new (used) truck 100%. <--- babbling again. Oops.

DMV here is not horribly backed up at this point. We were able to get in within a couple of days with an appointment the last time we needed to get there (which was a couple of weeks ago)

-hands you a coffee or two or three-


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 14:38:55 )
@Wildfire: C: I enjoy a good pun. I laughed. <3
KBB saved our butts when my husband 'totaled' our car. Okay, he hit a rock. The rock hit the oil plate and the engine got wrecked. XD We used KBB to fight our insurance on how much our car was worth, even with a bad engine. I love KBB
When I think of totaled, I think of all the cars I've seen in ditches that rolled a few times or the time someone played chicken with a moose.. the moose won, but also died. That was legitimately a mess. Also very confusing because I've seen moose walk away from car accidents more than not. Like 4 times out of 5.
OH gosh, I'm reminded that I'm not done playing with the DMV. oTL Our local offices are 'closed' but also open. To make an appointment, it's months' out. BUT, if you know they're open, you can wait out front and they'll let you in if there's a spot available between appointments. Walk-In, but not.
I'm already on my second cup of coffee. It's a strong coffee brew.. just wish I had whipcream.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 14:47:33 )
@Koah: lol. More and more it sounds like your husband shouldn't be driving! First a rock, now a deer? It wasn't Rocky the Deer, was it? Oh wait! That's Rocky the Squirrel. Oops. (yes, I freely admit you might not get that reference) Trust me it's funny, but not that funny.

Wow, I'm in a strange mental place this morning! XD

Yes, I have seen moose walk away from car accidents too - they are immense animals! No Bullwinkles here though...

It sounds like it might be worth it to make a trip to DMV and hang out outside to "sneak in" between appointments.

Gotta go play "shuffle the cars" - brb.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 14:57:51 )
@Wildfire: You made me think of Rocky and Bullwinkle. <3 lol. That was the point, I think.
I'm in a weird mental spot too. XDD lol I actually got some peace and quiet this morning. My son slept in. o.0 That rarely happens.
My husband is still a new driver. He's on a learning curve. //sigh I'm just glad you drove the truck this morning and not my little dinky car, a deer would total that.
I need to order some papers out of state before I get back to the DMV for more 'wait and see if I can go in' walk-in.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 15:18:48 )
@Koah: lol - yes, Rocky and Bullwinkle. Your husband's rock, then the moose comment... how could I not go there? XD

Oh, I'm glad you at least got some quiet time this morning <3 ... and yes, small things like hitting the deer with the truck instead of a car can make all the difference in the world when it comes to things like damage. Did the deer make it, btw?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 16:50:44 )
@Wildfire: My peaceful morning has thoroughly been broken. XD busy-minded kids, doggy snuggles, and phone calls from husband about damage and budget. Husband didn't get to see if the deer made it. Sounds like it knicked the front bumper hard enough to break the headlight. -could've been worse- but still, not what we want/need atm.
I grew up watching Rocky and Bullwinkle. c: <3
I try and drive my little car only in-town. It's, imo, an oversized golf cart.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/12 16:51:16 )

Wow the event is still going? o.o
Goodnoon everyone~

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