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Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:04:34 )

@Wildfire: Not a lot; mostly I finally slept after about a night and a half of not being able, so I slept in late, and then had a nap, lol. Going to my roommate's stepmom's for dinner though, it looks like, and maybe swimming in her (screened in) pool if the weather holds out, too! So that'll be fun. :)

Oh and the eggs/food finally came for the knockoff sea monkeys kit I got recently, so I'll be able to start and film that soon! I'm looking forward to it. :D

I think you're right about our locations! Neat. :D It it's been kinda amusing realizing how many people are from Florida here. I don't feel so alone, lol.

@Another Movie Addict: Your sig gif is so cute; is that from the con music video you mentioned?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:05:46 )

@CooperationIsKey: Hehehee yes. I loved it so much I had to make a gif.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:09:23 )
@CooperationIsKey: You said you're in the central west area of FL, right? Yeah... I'm in the Tampa Bay area - can't get much more central-west! ;)
Yes, the weather definitely looks sketchy right now! And wasn't it about this time of day yesterday that the skies suddenly opened up and rained on everyone? I think so... But somehow it seems a little early for the "summer rainstorm" effect that happens every year.

Knockoff sea monkey kit?? That could be interesting. Do you usually stream your hatchlings and the whole process??


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:11:48 )

I had like a 10 minute storm just earlier today lol. And I'm in the panhandle area.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:14:13 )
No rain here today... yet. But it has been overcast the entire day.


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:30:58 )

I'm in the Tampa Bay area too, I was just being vague 'cause some sites get upset if you name cities and I didn't wanna get in trouble XD

It's supposed to rain (50% chance) for the next couple hours but supposedly will be done by the time we go to her house, and she's got a screened in but not technically covered pool so we'll see. I'm hopeful; I haven't been in a pool in years!

And yes, from some company calling themselves "Seatures." I ordered right away because a lot of these so-called 'companies' come and go very quickly. The tank they sourced (they clearly didn't manufacture it but found a third party company, but whatever) is super cool, some kinda kid's STEM toy. It's really big for a sea monkeys tank, even official ones are way smaller.

I don't stream it but I'll be filming the setup and then doing progress updates for my YouTube channel. I've only done one knockoff kit (which was technically a Chinese repackaging of an official Korean Sea Monkeys kit, it was super weird) so far on my channel but I've got three knockoffs waiting, counting this one, plus an official kit I've wanted for years ("Sea Monkeys on Mars") that I'm excited to do too. I technically have one more (Aqua Dragons, a fairly successful UK-based competitor) but I only have a refill kit of theirs and not one with a tank so I'm waiting on that one.

If you can't tell, Sea Monkeys and similar are kind of a special interest of mine, lol.


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:55:07 )

I had to stop wearing my Converse--and I had like five or six pairs in different colors--because they didn't have the support in them that my feet need and it was getting too painful. :( Fortunately Sketchers makes some really cute sneakers to make up for it.

There goes the ice cream truck, playing... a music box rendition of The Love Theme from Romeo & Juliet???


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 22:58:26 )

I traded my knockoff Converse for a pair of shoes built for standing all day. That switch really helped me with my body pain from standing at work. Give American cashiers chairs damn it!!!


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:07:50 )

@Another Movie Addict: Right? I might actually be able to work a retail job if I were allowed to sit the hell down!!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:41:55 )
@Ava: Feet can be weird. I hope he likes the Converse

@CooperationIsKey: I have... *goes off to count*... 9-10 pair of Converse in different colors and styles?? Yeah... it's a lot :3 XD

It's funny... I have a couple pair of Sketchers sneakers too but they are not real comfortable after a while. I think I'm too used to running around the house barefoot at this point.

BTW, that tank looks interesting... and you mentioned your sea monkey hobby a few days ago. I think it's neat. How did you get in to doing that to the degree you apparently have??

@Another Movie Addict: I'm sorry... but that makes sense. You should not be in excruciating pain at the end of the day


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:43:34 )

@Wildfire: And I've been in that kind of pain two evenings in a row. My back just giving up right at the end of a shift.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:44:20 )
@Another Movie Addict: That's not good. Can you at least stretch it out?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:45:00 )

I'm hoping that I can.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:54:13 )
Are you sore now? Do you know stretches to do to stretch out the soreness?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 23:55:18 )

I have no idea how to stretch out the soreness.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 00:05:05 )
try standing and folding over (touch your toes) and just hang there.
lie flat on the floor, knees bent.

there are other things, but that should start you off.

I need to go do the dinner thing - bbl, maybe


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 00:23:44 )

I do miss my Converse; I love the look of them but a day out in them left me in so much pain. Pro tip: Don't go to a Renaissance Fair in Converse. It hurts. XD

And really? I have ... I think currently three pairs of Sketchers sneakers, and they're all pretty comfy. The fanciest-looking pair can hurt after a while but they might just need more breaking in. I have Sketchers clogs too, that are super comfy (though they're getting worn out and I need to replace 'em). It probably depends on individual needs, I would guess.

Right? It's really cute, even has a built-in plastic 'microscope' for watching your critters, lol. And I dunno, I bought a basic kit on a whim years ago, I think I was still in college or maybe it was shortly after I dropped out, anyway well more than ten years now. And I just was fascinated with the little guys, and with the different tanks and funky accessories--I even had a Sea Monkey Watch at one point, where you could actually put a sea monkey or two in it for a few hours. And I wore it.

It went from there. They're a lot harder to find nowadays and generally the tanks aren't as inspired as they were when I first got into the hobby, but other companies are making their own kits here and there. I document whenever I find a new kit (I even archived the Seatures website a couple days ago) and I'm thinking about making a website as a companion to my YouTube channel, with info on the various knockoffs/competitors I've found, and whatever else might be useful/interesting. :3

I even want to make my own 'tanks': I have plans, if I can ever track down a reasonably priced one, to turn one of those Waterfuls toys (you know, the handheld water toy from the 70s & 80s, where you pressed buttons to fling balls or rings around into/onto goals?) into a Sea Monkeys tank. I think it'd be rad. :D

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 13:22:59 )

Good morning everyone~
I supposed everyone is still a sleep? I woke up early this morning =w=

I hope everyone has a chill Saturday~

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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 14:00:02 )

I'm awake. Even though I really wish that I wasn't.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 14:25:58 )
@CooperationIsKey: OH! I remember that watch! I think it's pretty awesome that you are still pursuing that rather funky trend as a hobby. :3 I'm kind of surprised that they haven't made a style or trend come-back, actually. Chia pets have... to some degree, anyway :3 XD

My Sketchers may just need to be better broken in. I bought them because I needed something I could easily walk the dogs in for long walks (I can do it in Converse but prefer not to), but I'm just ending up with sore feet in a way that's entirely different if I try walking the dogs in Converse or something else.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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