— They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 05:09:08 )
Troy looked up at Aria when she entered the room. "Oh don't apologize miss Aria. You were enjoying yourself, no need to feel bad about that. Besides, Lyle was there to keep me company. We were just talking about how Lyle doesn't enjoy communicating with others." Troy began and sipped his drink. "You two are interesting you know. Complete opposites.I don't know you both very well, but from what I saw today I learned something. Aria is a free spirit, does whatever makes her happy, doesn't care who sees. Lyle, you're very closed off. You have walls around you, so you don't allow anyone to get too close. Aria and your parents are perhaps the only people you have allowed to get close. Opening up is hard for you, maybe you didn't have anyone to talk to growing up. I think you do enjoy talking to people though, even if you yourself don't think that you do. It's probably why the two of you clash so much over the simplest things. I think you just have a hard time really expressing yourself Lyle. Ugh, now I sound like my father. I'm sorry." he said and chuckled.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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