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Forums Quests .:`* [Vegan's Wishlist] - [Updated: August 18th, 2022] - [Come keep me company!] *`:.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 03:49:36 )

    @Vegan: we will see LOL. i always seem like i get it together but then i flop HEAVY



Donator — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/21 03:08:27 )

    @Vegan: sent you a bunch of stuff! hope you enjoy!

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/21 07:14:42 )
When I get migraines, it's best if I take medicine and rest in a quiet room with peaceful music.
As of lately, I have been doing okay, getting sleep, and waking up on time which is weird. D;
I feel that 100%. Yesterday I had a lecture I had to sit through as part of my immigration process.
It was nerve-wracking especially since I had to be up from 10AM till 3:30PM for that. D:
I would like to say it went well. There was a point we were grouped up with some others to discuss a topic.

Our topic was FREEDOM and the questions we were asked were;

- What does freedom mean for you?
- What gives you the feeling of freedom?
- What takes away freedom from you?
- Where does freedom stop for you?

Eventually, we had to make it so it all connected somehow or related in a way.

In a way, it felt like a college (or school) project we had to present our case after 15 minutes discussion.

I was the only North American in the entire meeting (there was I think 12..? People in total there).

It was nice hearing everyone's perspectives (my team had a person from Iran, another India, and the last one from Peru).
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! That is very thoughtful of you! I accepted! Sorry didn't reply sooner!
UPDATES as of December 21st, 2021.

Thank you to everyone who has come around or stuck around. yesterday wore me out and a lot has come up lately with trying to decide how my husband and I want to celebrate Christmas this year, by celebrate, I mean, what foods do we want to make? Do we want to see his parents and bring them food as well? I don't do too well with huge group things like yesterday, but, it went well. We wrapped up at 3:33PM (and my sleep schedule has been out of wack lately). Once I finished, my husband told me I did amazing, hugged me, gave me food he made for when I was done with the meeting. I fell asleep around 5:51PM until 4:56AM. It's currently 7:14AM and I am so worn out.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/21 08:44:56 )
Forgot to also include it in my updates:
I will be updating the main post/s later when I am more awake.

Donator — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/21 18:14:46 )

    @Vegan: You're welcome! I'm not gonna have much use for them so I'd rather someone else have them.
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Donator — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/13 09:15:56 )
I can donate Breezy! Sending a trade ^^

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/18 05:40:53 )
Thank you so much once again! <3

Truly, you are a lifesaver, hope you're okay lately!

Christmas went better than expected! Things are slowly getting better over here.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/18 05:42:59 )
Hey friends, it's been a while, the list is up to date as of March 2022.
Today I am going to see my nutritionist to talk about my plan of action to get healthier.
(I don't need anyone to be negative on this by saying, "Well you're a vegan, how can you be unhealthy on plants.")

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/19 21:27:29 )
You as well! Thank you! I hope you're doing okay?

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/4 11:07:07 )
No worries! Life happens. I got very busy myself.
It was sunny for a few days then we got snow, so did UK apparently.
Today is just cold-ish, overcast and some rain (which I love).

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/4 11:08:33 )
Wishlist updated: April 4th, 2022
Massive thanks to @kiwi: & @Shy: for recent gifts!

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/6 21:31:24 )
Oh no! I hope you recover soon! ;o;
It's been raining here lately and it's so calm.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/6 21:47:56 )
No problem! That's never any fun (having no energy to even make tea or cook)!
That's good that today is going decent for you though. Today has been so off and odd.

Learned from my husband that the food we prepped me yesterday? Had mold.
Turns out? I used the pasta sauce I accidentally left out vs the one I put in the fridge. D:

Otherwise, I've been sticking to eating foods and not cooking with oil, some foods still have it.
But, my brain fog is mostly gone, also haven't had gluten and am feeling SO much better.

Tonight's dinner was brown rice pasta with; carrots, celery, crumbled tofu kale, mushrooms, onions & zucchini.
I added a premade marinara for sauce and at the end topped it with fresh basil, sriracha & nutritional yeast.

Also found my love of balsamic vinegar again, could literally drink it straight, but, I shouldn't. ^__^;
The one I found gives me big nostalgia for when my mom and I would eat at this Italian restaurant.

They'd give you sliced whole wheat sourdough bread and on the side was balsamic and oil to dip it in.
Ugh, I am drooling. I cannot wait to experiment with making gluten-free baked bread at home.

Speaking of my mother, I got to talk to her and dad today, that got stressful.
They have to mail me a new SIM card as Sprint no longer is a thing & they don't understand electronics.

Also had to explain how to put Facebook Messenger on speaker as well as how they can call me there.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/6 22:45:13 )
Right?! Round 2 turned out better anyways I am sure as we took our time with it.
Ugggghh yesss warm bread dipped in balsamic is truly chefs kiss, a masterpiece!

I was aware T-Mobile bought them, there is T-Mobile over here in the Netherlands.
They told my parents to update to their service as we have Sprint SIM cards?
That it would be important to have their own SIM cards. (Which, I mean, okay.. sure.)

I told my parents it would be best to see if they put the SIM card into the new phone they sent for me.
(They being T-Mobile) - More than anything, I would just need my parents' info for T-Mobile to activate.

They seem to think that won't work, but, I know if I took the phone in with SIM Card they sent already
(one they mailed me when T-Mobile said I'd need a new one and not Sprints, eye-roll, I know)
then take it into the location here, they could activate it easier over here, but, my parents are still worried.

So I said, "Well, if you activate the phone there? Keep it there, mail me just the SIM Card & I will get phone eventually."
They just worry that it won't "work that way" when I know that it will, especially if I am putting it in my old phone.

Or, if I had to have a new phone? My husband and I can easily accommodate for that vs them paying $200 for shipping.

You would think, their daughter/child, now 31 (turning 32 in July) who has worked on computers from age of 5 no less,
would UNDERSTAND how these things WORK, and if you don't trust your DAUGHTER CHILD? Has a husband.
Who works in IT, by the way, understands electronics and how most things work or function.

But, no, I get their concerns. It's just... frustrating.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/1 16:20:00 )
That isn't fun, today? I haven't felt too well, woke up with a migraine.
My stomach has been sensitive as well lately, so, not sure what's up with that. D;

Update on the phone saga, my American SIM Card registers there is a SIM Card, finally, BUT!
Sadly? It doesn't connect to any of the towers here, even the T-Mobile one itself. D:

My husband + myself came to the conclusion, that it's not long-distance enabled, so!
I plan on telling my parents about that more as my husband messaged them and dad called on FB.

I was asleep when he called. So, that's a thing. Fingers crossed he can talk to them today.
I should make my dinner as I am hungry, but, also feeling fairly dizzy/tired.

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/3 19:08:12 )
Long COVID sounds horrible! I am sorry loves.
I am doing okay now, had a few days of full headaches.
(Pretty sure it's from having gluten a few days, always happens).

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/6 22:22:20 )

If I am sticking to whole foods (+no enzymes) vs replacements? 2 days.
If I am still eating replacements (but taking enzymes)? 3 maybe.
If I don't take my enzymes + eat replacements? 1 week is max.
If I take enzymes + eat cleaner the rest of the day? 2-4 days.

They don't prevent me from getting issues, it just means it helps things move faster.
(Not bathroom-wise, just the breakdown of gluten/gluten-based grains in my gut flora).

When I saw an acupuncturist (intimidating for me as I HATE needles, yet, want tattoos),
I wanted to ask him about possibly cutting out gluten/gluten-based grains as they made me sick so often.
Before I could say it, he asked me, "Do you happen to eat a lot of gluten or seitan (vital wheat gluten)?"

I was shocked, didn't say anything yet, he already reads me like a book at this point, I said,
"I mean, seitan? Sometimes, but, I stick to brown rice pasta or noodles vs gluten ones and-"
He cut me off to say, "I mean breads, crackers, but, pasta? Good job, stick to that please."
So I said, "Oh, yea, sometimes I do- I was going to actually talk to you about that, I noticed...-"

He cut me off and said, "Cut it out." I was shocked laying there on the table, I said, "For a month or-?"
He said, "No, permanently. Does it hurt when I push here?" (specific spot he pushed) I nodded
He said, "And you get a lot of brain fog, migraines you told me, I am certain these are linked."

This was all back in November 2018. I wish I listened to him sooner, but, he did help me find enzymes.
Those enzymes I took were made in Oregon (E3: Live - all Vegan) and so when I moved here?
I had to find some Vegan based enzymes here for times I'd still consume gluten (if eating w/ in-laws, etc).

Present-day? I noticed when I went very low fat+oil (best as I don't have a gallbladder) + no gluten in April?
(Despite my few times I slipped up) I felt so much more energy, no migraines, and less brain fog.

I need to jump back on that train (sticking to whole foods, no replacements, and as low as I can oil).
I also have been learning how to make stuff without oil and water sautéeing has made food taste WAY better.
(Better as in, I feel like when I first switched my lifestyle and I could actually SMELL the roses+lavender in my parents' garden).

Life is going well though, I have also cut way down on caffeine, so, not as much caffeine 'hangovers'.
(Never had hangovers when I would drink alcohol and I am glad I don't drink anymore as of late 2018).

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/8 22:12:18 )
Not too difficult as long as I stick to nuts/seeds/legumes/gluten-free grains/fruits/veggies. ^__^;
It's a lot more difficult as gluten as you said is everything. Thankfully? I've found a lot I love.
Also, as a personal preference, I just enjoy brown rice pasta more than wheat-based. xD;
Anyways, hope you've been well lovely? How are things going for you lately?

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/8 23:08:35 )
I tried Banza (which is chickpea-based), but, wasn't a big fan. I feel I made it wrong.
How did you like it though? :3 I have heard mixed opinions from different people.

My favorite fruits are almost any, but, my top favs:

Banana, Apple (golden delicious /or/ pink lady, I also enjoy fuji and jonagold + few others I don't remember names off the top of my head), Blueberry, Peach, Pear, Watermelon, Honeydew, Mandarin, Plum, Pineapple, Avocado, Strawberry, Blackberry, Pomegranate, Starfruit, Guava, Elderberry (raw it's poisonous, but cooked into a syrup is nice), Apricot (especially apricot jam? YUM), Medjool Dates, Capers, Jackfruit (I want to try fresh as I heard it tastes like my favorite gum growing up - juicy fruit). - Let's be honest, I like a lot, except the ones I am allergic to, also, yes, I lumped in berries/etc in this.

Glad to hear things are on the mend for you and oh goodness, presentations make me anxious, I wish you the best of luck with it! How is the loved one doing with their side?

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/18 13:33:33 )

Glad to hear you liked it! Oranges are so good, I really want to eat them more! xD;
Also, honeycrisp apples are nice, sometimes too bitter for me, but, delicious!
Fruit truly is so good, I love it so much and am excited it's getting warmer for fresh fruit.

No problem! I hope that things have gone well for you since we spoke last.
Antacids are never any fun. I remember when I had gallstones, I relied on them a lot.
After having my gallbladder taken out, I have had them far less vs popping them like candy.

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