When I get migraines, it's best if I take medicine and rest in a quiet room with peaceful music.
As of lately, I have been doing okay, getting sleep, and waking up on time which is weird. D;
I feel that 100%. Yesterday I had a lecture I had to sit through as part of my immigration process.
It was nerve-wracking especially since I had to be up from 10AM till 3:30PM for that. D:
I would like to say it went well. There was a point we were grouped up with some others to discuss a topic.
Our topic was FREEDOM and the questions we were asked were;
- What does freedom mean for you?
- What gives you the feeling of freedom?
- What takes away freedom from you?
- Where does freedom stop for you?
Eventually, we had to make it so it all connected somehow or related in a way.
In a way, it felt like a college (or school) project we had to present our case after 15 minutes discussion.
I was the only North American in the entire meeting (there was I think 12..? People in total there).
It was nice hearing everyone's perspectives (my team had a person from Iran, another India, and the last one from Peru).
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! That is very thoughtful of you!

I accepted! Sorry didn't reply sooner!
UPDATES as of December 21st, 2021.
Thank you to everyone who has come around or stuck around. yesterday wore me out and a lot has come up lately with trying to decide how my husband and I want to celebrate Christmas this year, by celebrate, I mean, what foods do we want to make? Do we want to see his parents and bring them food as well? I don't do too well with huge group things like yesterday, but, it went well. We wrapped up at 3:33PM (and my sleep schedule has been out of wack lately). Once I finished, my husband told me I did amazing, hugged me, gave me food he made for when I was done with the meeting. I fell asleep around 5:51PM until 4:56AM. It's currently 7:14AM and I am so worn out.