Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/27 14:47:22 )
It was.
Yesterday I was scheduled to sort some books from a pre-sort gaylord (pictured below). These things are pretty big, and absolutely full of books, magazines, dvds, cds, and vhs. Eventually you get to a point where you have to get inside the darn thing. I got to maybe a little under half by the time I had to go get lunch. Goodwill makes you take a 30 minute lunch break. Like they get mad if you don't. Anyway after lunch I was supposed to switch with my coworker and work the register. Turns out we didn't have anything for them to scan into. Because I hadn't finished that gaylord. So we call the bossman and ask what we should do. His solution was for us to switch again and I finish that darn gaylord. My bruises are from getting in and out of the gaylord. My leg pressing down on the rim. Usually I take a box into the gaylord with me. Fill it up and sort the different price points on a table. Well the only way I've been able to finish sorting is by loading my box with more than I can safely carry. So I'm lifting a heavy butt box up and down the step ladder I need to get in and out of the gaylord. I'm carrying that weight backwards when getting out. Which is very nerve racking.
Yeah, that sounds -and looks- like a daunting and potentially dangerous task! They really expect you to climb in and out of those things...carrying books? Yikes!
I bet it is! It seems like they -and you- would benefit from a modification to the box design... maybe a flap you can cut out and fold down or something once you get to a certain point in the unloading process...
... because that makes sense. Not. I'm envisioning one of those things filled with something like dolls... much lighter than books... and they have a fold-down flap (or something similar) but books don't?? What's the thinking behind that - any idea?
Maybe, when the box is full to the top... if the "flaps" aren't designed right to hold the weight and pressure of books leaning directly against them, but that's a design issue and those can be overcome. I would think the hazard to humans would be more of an issue if they want you climbing in and out of those things all the time...
I hope they're not giving you grief about your timing. Have you asked HOW they manage to do that in that time-frame? I'd be curious...
Maybe being able to do it is a hidden prerequisite for becoming a manager or something! XD
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/27 15:18:07 )
I kind of know what's slowing me down. Mostly I still hesitate at putting the item into a price point. I'm still not sure what is a 1.99 book or a 2.99 book. It seems like a small thing to slow you down. But each hesitation adds up.
That makes sense, and yes, it's amazing what 30 seconds here and there can add up to when they're totaled. :3 Is the price point something that you can ask for clarity on? Or is it just a "choose one and stick a sticker on it" kind of thing - are you thinking about it too much, maybe?