AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!! I just wrote an entire post and somehow I highlighted it and deleted it and can't get it back. This, after not sleeping great last night /eyeroll/
@Totalanimefan: so ham and root veggies, basically. :3
I'm thinking more along the lines of turkey, spaghetti squash, green beans, a spinach and apple salad, roasted pumpkin and acorn squash (& maybe beets), mashed potatoes and stuffing (for the guys, mostly), and probably another veggie of some kind. It's too early in the morning for me to remember everything I've been thinking about in terms of dinner.
<------------- both are mine because I need it this morning! XD
@Totalanimefan: lol - I would love to find a three pound bag of green beans instead of the two or three smaller bags I'm probably going to have to buy... but there's no Aldi close by here. I wonder if Costco has something like that. And yeah, I understand about "only so much to put on a plate" :3 There should be six of us for Christmas dinner - it's not a huge amount of people, but it's a huge difference between that and two!
@Another Movie Addict: oh yeah... yum! There's a huuuuge difference when you make hot chocolate like that than with the stupid little packets! I'm happy to hear you had fun and that your chocolate was a hit! :3
I saw your thread with the photos - if they were from the party (minus the bowling which I know happened a week or so ago), it definitely looks like a hit!
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/21 15:45:53 )
Well I got everyone a coffee mug with their wanted posters from our game, and with a quote on the other side of the mug. I got a small candle that's scented 'studded leather' and it does smell like leather. A really nice pin that says 'bard' on it, lmao too big tiger paw slippers, and a water bottle holder that can be worn like a necklace. One of my gifts wasn't ready yet. My friend was crocheting me a witch hat.