@dreamerz: Honestly, i think everyone needs a friend like that.
@xvz: yeah it is a long time, and i do think it kind of is ingrained now. I mean, yesterday i went to bed at 9 pm because i had a bad headache and those knock me on my ass, and then i woke up at 4:30 am, but then i took a nap from 2pm to 5:30, and then went out for dinner. When we got back i had planned on going to bed after an hour or two, but instead i ended up playing Terraria with my husband.
No it's not been the same the whole time. When i first started i was care giving, and then when i moved to florida it was call center work mostly. There was one custodian job i had and hated, but that was also evening shift.
Yeah, most of our friends are night owls, but i have a couple friends that my husband doesn't hang out with (for various reasons, mostly disinterest) that have day schedules. I don't see them often, but that's the nice thing about texting or fb messenger- it doesn't matter when i reply or when they reply, we know that it will be there when they wake up. And if we make plans, then it's usually in the late afternoon to early evening, and i'll be hanging out with them until at least 11 pm, sometimes longer, depending on what they have going on the next day.
Some people are naturally night people, and function better at night. I know my husband and i are those kind of people because even when we were teenagers, we'd stay up late talking and doing homework and stuff instead of sleeping (drove my mom crazy too). Back then i'd actually lay awake at night trying and failing to sleep, and my mom would get upset. But she knew it wasn't insomnia or anything like that because i had no problem falling asleep when she let me be up at night and sleep during the day (like on weekends or during the summer breaks). It actually go to the point that when i went to college and picked my classes she told me not to take early morning classes if i could avoid it. So i think one semester had an early morning class, and the rest of the time it was afternoon or evening classes. So it's very possible that you might be one of the people who functions better at night and is naturally more active at night.
@kittybeary: you're welcome!