Rum is bomb af.
Might be my new go-to.
I used to go all out with vodka, but the last time I got super drunk on vodka I ended up having a panic attack while drunk...
It was an entirely horrible experience because everyone just assumed I was freaking out over being drunk, and I couldn't communicate to anyone that I was actually having a panic attack so it made it worse.
So now I'm kinda like, turned off of vodka.
It doesn't even taste good to me anymore.
I have even a little bit in a drink and I wanna throw up.
It's horrible.
I used to laugh at all those memes like "that one alcohol that reminds you of that one time you died" and I was like "haaah, you got fucked up" but now I definitely understand it, and it's not super funny anymore.
Okay, share time is over.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
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