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Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/7 19:42:01 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: oh its a apartment inzpection thing.and so we've been cleaning for a week and two days, not that we had much to clean but we where making sure. anyways we all things are good <:3( )~~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/7 19:53:00 )
@star2000shadow: aaaaah... gotcha. Well, I'm really glad that you passed the inspection for the apartment! :3


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 00:20:26 )
@Wildfire: Well he ended up mulching some of the leaves tonight, when I was driving home from work. There is barely and sunlight, so I feel bad for him.

@Koah: Oh, that does sounds like a hassle.

I think so, I've seen people buy stuff like that at craft shows. I can't due to allergies, but I think others would.
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 02:11:47 )

@Wildfire: I did eventually manage to get to sleep, yeah. Felt pretty crappy all day though, including a headache I couldn't shake for most of it. Fortunately bad ticcing attacks like that don't happen often, no, but they are miserable when they do. There doesn't seem to be anything consistent that triggers it, either--discomfort in general can cause me to tic, so like if the room is too hot or something when I'm trying to sleep I might have trouble. My pain and tics have been a bit worse than usual lately anyway, not sure why. But they don't usually keep me from sleeping. The only thing I've done out of my ordinary in the past few days is take tylenol instead of ibuprofen because I ran out of the latter. So maybe that? I'm not sure. ^^;

Soooo how about that latest gonna-be-a-hurricane-when-it-reaches-us storm? 🙃🙃🙃


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 02:45:06 )

Rofl I just commented a couple times that "I'm taking my trash [from dinner] and the recycling out," picked those things up right in front of roommate, and went outside.

I got just over halfway down the sidewalk when the porch light turned off, followed by the sound of the deadbolt locking behind me.

I had to go knock on the door (to which roommate shouted at me not to open it), wait for her to turn on the light, look out the window to find me glaring over my glasses at her, and then come and unlock the damn door for me!

If I ever wondered if she was paying attention to a word I say, lol.

Please ping me!

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 13:42:37 )
Good morning, Wildfire! Good morning, everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day. If not, I shall be forced to play my psaltery and sing a song.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 14:31:18 )
@CooperationIsKey: well, I'm sorry that you're having issues like that and hope that your nervous system settles down and you feel better soon. I can imagine that dealing with that kind of thing would be pretty annoying :3

The storm... Nicole... *goes to look at the latest info*... I'm not concerned about it. Unless something changes significantly with the storm, which I doubt tbh, we won't bother doing any preparations - it's a TS, maybe barely a Cat1 when it comes ashore on the east coast. It looks like we (in the area you and I are in over here on the west coast of FL) are likely to have a rainy day or two and a couple twigs falling from the trees. And now that we're back in to dry season, we could use the rain. :3

LOL at your roomie! At least she let you back in!! XD I've had my husband do that to me before ... XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 14:34:07 )
@Rei Ann: It's hard to keep up with outside things when you're limited to 'after work' hours and the sun has already set. You end up sacrificing your weekends or just doing stuff in the dark instead. It's not much fun. :/

@Mathonwy: ... oh no... not live music! XD /sarcasm/ LOL.
Good morning! How are you today? Do you have any plans for the day?
I'm still waking up and trying to shake off the grogginess so I can prioritize today's activities... and right now, I'm not entirely sure I wan to "adult" today XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 18:42:37 )
@Wildfire: i looked up those sites. A handful of them are no longer around.
Thank you for giving me a link and site suggestions. I appreciate it.

Hopefully i'll get something going soon. It would be good to force myself back into a creative mindset and actually make a few bucks in the process. o3o

I had a long weekend and now work seems like a break compared to my home life.
I had a dang angel lookin out for me yesterday, i was driving home from the city and was going over a slick mountain pass. I hit ice, drifted so hard and slowed enough that i hit the ditch with minimal damage. (Hit a snow pole tho)
The car behind me stopped for me. I got out. Looked at the damage and snow above the tires.
I told the nice couple "i have no service. Im not sure what to do." And the guy just replied "you got 4 wheel drive. Did you try and drive it out?"
And stared at the buried suburu (my mom's car) and said "no... You think it can?"
And he replied "yeah. I can do it for ya" he got in the car and drove it out of the ditch.
And by some freakin miracle, No cars came by while this whole interaction happened. And! That couple drove ahead of me as a guide over the mountain.
-omgosh- I've hit ice before. But never lost control. T^T

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 18:45:19 )
@wildfire: Yay! I just got home from work, so I'll be sitting around home doing laundry. Right now I'm eating a Cox's Orange Pippin and a Roxbury Russet for lunch and feeling fine. ^_^ I think I've done enough adulting as I can do today, so I'm partial to making some spaghetti for dinner and trying to relax a bit. It sounds like we all need it! <3

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 18:58:07 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

@star2000shadow: aaaaah... gotcha. Well, I'm really glad that you passed the inspection for the apartment! :3

Thanks Me to haha. Now I just get to enjoy the day after. though today I need to run and pick up bread. sister's giving me a bit to myself before I have to go. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:05:24 )
@Mathonwy: oh my gosh! What's that bear item from?!
Also good morning or afternoon.

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:08:59 )
@koah: Good afternoon! It's from a set donated to me called "Oh, Honey!" (I just took it off while playing around though, sorry!)

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:14:40 )
@Mathonwy: thank you for letting me know.
I collect and love western/mountainous items. :>
I don't remember the Oh Honey item. I need to do some digging and get my hands on one. C:
So thanks for briefly wearing it. Lol xD

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:17:40 )
@Rei Ann: ah. Dang allergies! Do you have a lot of allergies or is it specifically to metals ?
Im hoping i'll find my market to sell in the town im in and having an etsy will help when i leave. :d

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:19:07 )
@koah: Always a pleasure! =D I was so excited to find that in that trade because I LOVE bears. Although I love a lot of animals.

What's your favorite animal? Mine is the porcupine, which I think is just the cutest little darling. The forbidden cuddle monster, oh how I wish I could!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:23:28 )
@Mathonwy: lol! The forbidden cuddle monster. I love that.
My favorite animal are raccoons. Lol. They have only caused me issues in my life, like stealing my marshmallows, attacking my legs, chasing me- etc... But i love them. XD
I live in mountains and woods, so i see a lot of wildlife.
Second favorite would be a Moose. But they scare me more than bears do.

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 19:43:33 )
@koah: Moose are extremely scary, I agree! We have moose and black bears in my area, and I'd rather meet a bear taking a walk through the park trail than a moose, most certainly!

Raccoons are such cutie pies! And opossums! I think I like all the funny-faced little animals. Not that I dislike bunnies or anything, but a little duckie just steals my heart compared to something like a beautiful wolf.
It's just your friendly apple maiden!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 20:00:10 )
@Mathonwy: I've run into both in my past.
Black bears just sort of... Meander. Whereas moose see you and get pissed for no reason. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/8 20:19:18 )
@Koah: Oh wow... that's scary! I'm glad nothing serious happened and that you had a couple of people stop to help you! It's definitely scary losing control on icy roads like that. I've done it before too and still remember it a good couple of decades later! XD I'm really glad you're ok :3
... and on a different note: You're dealing with snow and ice.... and I'm looking at another hurricane / tropical storm XD XD

I'm sorry to hear some of those sites are no longer active. It was worth a try, right?

@Mathonwy: yeah... I wish I was done adulting but I have more to do yet. I dunwanna. :/
... I had to look up what you were eating. I suppose I should have guessed it included apples!! XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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