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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 12:39:26 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yesterday I ran in to several people who were doing things like blocking traffic in the left lane doing 35mph in a 45-55mph zone... which is really annoying to me but not overly hazardous like I've seen around here often enough (people zinging across 4 lanes of highway in order to make a turn, etc.). Last week I saw a guy completely sit through his green light (turn lane/arrow) without realizing it.

It's normal for you to feel spooked with this storm coming through - especially after Ian. Ian was big and messy and took a last minute turn (which they do often enough, but it didn't give the people where it hit time to really prepare)... and Ian was your first storm here.

This is just a tropical storm. It really shouldn't be a big deal.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 12:42:15 )
@Mathonwy: yay - take out!
LOL - New England. Mind if I ask where (I was raised there)?
That sounds like a whole lot of money for a whistle, imo, but ultimately you're the only one who can determine if the price is worth it to you in order to have it :3

Good morning everyone
How are we doing today so far??


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 13:01:46 )
@wildfire: I'm in Massachusetts! It's a great place for apple-growing! XD (I know, I'm obsessed.) You know, I didn't even get the free food yesterday because her bf was so late and I was just like, "Ugh, I'm hungry NOW." But that's ok, next time. If If get enough free meals, I'll spring for the tin whistle. ^_^

I'm doing well! I noticed you have that storm business down there, and I hope it's not bad. There's not a cloud in the sky here, but it's cold now. There's a frost every morning, but you know how November in New England is: mittens in the morning, t-shirts in the afternoon (sometimes). It will probably be in the 60s later and not quite as bad, but I'm ALWAYS cold. Ever since the chemo, honestly. I just don't warm up as easily as I used to. No worries, though. <3

I get to watch a movie in class today, so I'm excited about that!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 13:28:42 )
@Mathonwy: LOL <3 Yes, yes it is a great place for all things Apple :3 I still remember climbing the crabapple tree we had in the front yard when I was a kid ;)

LOL - that's a good approach for the tin whistle!! I like it!! How long is the BF staying? Maybe if he stays long enough, and buys you enough food, you can get the whistle sooner rather than later XD

Yep... we're in the middle of a tropical storm. It'll hit my area before it takes that turn to the northeast. Right now, it's a little bit gusty and a little rainy... but really, nothing too far off of a good Fall rain in the Northeast except for maybe the humidity and general temperature (but it's probably 70 out there right now). I kinda miss days like this tbh - we don't get too many of them here and there's not usually much wind

Class? Movie?


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 13:36:27 )
@wildfire: My mother never let us climb the apple trees, so I had to climb the maples! Maybe if we had a big crabapple tree that was just used for pollination, that would have been fun. You can't beat the smell of being near an apple tree, so I imagine the smell of being IN one is even better!

He only came over for the evening. He lived nearby, but he has his own place. Sometimes I wonder if she wants him to move in eventually, but in past experience I've found that she seems to have no interest in giving up whatever lifestyle she has at the moment. So yeah, it was just an evening that he came over to be with her, and I'm the fifth wheel every time and just hide in my room lol

I'm watching "The Little Hours" in a music history class. We're talking about the ethos of the Renaissance and the switch from Medieval Scholasticism, and the movie is a HILARIOUS adaptation by Aubrey Plaza of one of the stories from the Decameron. There's a lot of actual Italian Trecento music from the late Middle Ages on the soundtrack, too. It's like all authentic music, so it puts everything into a fun context. And Aubrey Plaza plays a nun in a convent lol

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 13:43:54 )
Well, I have to run off now, so I'm sorry that I stop responding for most of the day! ^_^

Everyone have a lovely day, please!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 13:51:57 )
@Mathonwy: Well, given the orchard, I don't blame your mother for not letting you climb the apple trees. This was a random tree that my family didn't really care about, but we kids climbed because we could and because of the "instant snacks" available there! :3

I am going to have to find that movie! My creativity is more fine art than music, but ... yeah!! <3

Have a good day!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 14:49:26 )
@CooperationIsKey: How are you holding up with the storm?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 15:21:28 )

@Wildfire: Just woke up, surprised to find my bedroom window isn't even wet. I guess it's blowing the other direction, lol.

Just got a text from my roommate that the dog is refusing to go out, lmao. I can't say I blame him.

Catching up on the morning storm news at the moment via Spectrum Bay News 9. Handily I can watch that on my computer!

How's things with you?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 15:52:48 )
@CooperationIsKey: My dogs don't want to go out either. Heck - my son didn't want to go out either, but he has horses to feed and take care of and doesn't really have a choice in the matter :3

Oh, we're fine. The wind has blown over my tumeric plant and is knocking a couple other big leafy things around a bit (I'll have to re-stake them once this thing passes) but that's to be expected and they'll be fine. I'm enjoying the rainy "stay inside" kind of day, tbh. /shrug/


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 20:19:50 )
@wildfire: Update: the movie was really good! Warning though: it is VERY R-rated or even of the NC-17 variety of independent film. I don't want to give you any spoilers, but it's definitely not for kids! XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 20:56:49 )
@Mathonwy: LOL - well, it's a good thing that there are no kids here any longer then!! XD (my kids are still living at home, but they are 21 and almost 20 at this point). I appreciate the content warning, but that stuff doesn't usually bother me as long as there's a reason for it. I'm glad you enjoyed the film :3


Donator — she/her/hers Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/10 23:38:04 )
I just tried to restring my psaltery with steel strings instead of brass like I did last time, and it was a failure. I completely kinked and ruined the first string, so I had to buy a whole new set on Etsy (you can't find these things easily). I've had a stressful evening so far, but I managed to restring the broken brass string, so my instrument is working again. I don't know how I'm going to put the steel ones on. Brass is softer and easier to work with. Oh well.

I'm just going to stay in and drink coffee and try to relax for the evening.

@wildfire: I changed my avatar's hair color to grey because that's my hair color now, so I figured let's rock it! I went into the chemo as a brunette it grew back greyer than my mother, so I look older than I feel these days. Old enough for ribald movies! XD
It's just your friendly apple maiden!

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 01:53:37 )

I had one of my worst-ever pain episodes last night. Like I was almost in tears, everything hurt and hurt so bad, and medicine wasn't even helping. I nearly burst into tears trying to get a water bottle open because it hurt my hand so much. I finally managed to doze off for a little bit and that seemed to reset things a bit, and I've been okay for the most part today except for a headache that I couldn't get rid of until recently, so that I kept napping today because I couldn't really do much else. I'm really wondering if it was at all related to the weather. I seem to be doing a lot better at the moment; hopefully it stays that way.

@Wildfire: Lol yeah, my roommate has a horse and helps take care of several others where she boards hers, so she has no choice but to go out in the weather as well. At least it's more or less past by now!

Reminds me I need to put the recycling out though. o3o;;

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 05:29:30 )
@Wildfire: the other job is on hold for a couple weeks. They're having some internal issues.
Which is good and sucks at the same time. Since my boss is so tightly wound up - she's going to be pissy when i put my 2 weeks in.
But i hope i do end up switching jobs sooner rather than later, the pay raise and better hours will be nice.
Im adjusting well. Living with my mom is tough for me but she's so amazing with my kids, i have no room to complain.
Im already sore from working out and im only on day 3 with 15 min workouts. OTL

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 13:16:05 )
@Mathonwy: oh no! I'm sorry to hear about your string shenanigans!
I like the gray hair on the av, actually... and apparently, it's a trendy color these days too (<-- I don't pay attention to that stuff usually and my hair iRL is definitely showing some gray lately)

@CooperationIsKey: Oh no! That sounds like a completely sucky day - I'm glad you're feeling better. Do you usually react to the weather like that? What we went through yesterday was definitely a pretty typical tropical storm/cat 1 - I wouldn't be surprised if your body was reacting to the pressures and the humidity and whatever else was going on. :/

Yeah, those big animals need care and it's not often that they're on your own property... you have to go out to get to them in order to take care of them. It can be a bit of a pain when the weather is Hurricane...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 13:20:35 )
@Koah: I hope things work out for you on the work-front. It sounds like things are lined up pretty well, and your boss' high-strung nature is not your doing... but I hope you don't feel the fallout of her stress after you put in your notice! :3

Yeah... I bet that your living situation is a little weird right now, but at least you have help and support with the kids, and you definitely sound more relaxed than you have for a while. And, I'm sure it's nice (for you) to be able to get out of the house and have a job and be productive like that again. I'm glad things are going relatively well for you <3

Good morning.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 15:51:33 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

... and I've missed a small heap of conversation, apparently! XD LOL <3

@star2000shadow: ... so this is a good day for you? It sounds like it might be!

Yep was a good day. and today's friday so I don't have much to do just dishes which im a wait till people are up to get to so im not waking them up. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 16:29:33 )
@Wildfire: good morning. :)

I am definitely feeling more relaxed. We're so close to being financially caught up. Earning my own money rn is a big relief and that my mom and sister are being so supportive.

I am thankful it's the end of the week. I get to go to a movie tonight. Theater is showing an old western. So im dragging my kids to it. Lol. Theyll likely hate it.

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/11/11 17:02:05 )
@Koah: Lemons for me burn. Not like the way sour foods make you scrunch your face. It's a burning sensation. I always thought that was normal, until at my birthday I mentioned it and my husband and bestie were like that's not normal!!?

Right, like yes it's cheap, but a lot of people are allergic, so please find something else to use? Please stop mixing it into other precious metals, thanks?

Ooh a new job must be exciting op.

I'm alright, just exhausted and finally have a three day weekend, whoot!

@Wildfire: Right, like it's gonna be cold and gray, so chances for seasonal depression are high, but I like how the holiday season makes people nicer, so like that gives me a boost, until the new year.
Rei's Quest
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