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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/4 14:20:33 )
@MoodyB: scammers seem to come in waves, don't they? I hate it.

I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but time will help heal the remaining bits of your injury and at some point, you'll want to (have to, really) start moving around again to build up the rest of that strength. But you'll get there :3

lol - are you a fan of Japanese foods, then?


Voltie — Moody Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/4 21:23:23 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: definitely. usually after I apply for jobs lol.

I'm moving around a lot more but, just annoying to still feel somewhat weak. my family is homebodies due to the viruses do we font really go out.

mostly all Asian foods. I'm probably more so for Korean or Chinese foods than Japanese foods.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/5 13:09:38 )
@MoodyB: lol - I suppose that would depend on the methods and means of your job applications, which for you, I would imagine are mostly (or all) online, for virtual work, right? So yeah, I can definitely see scammers or spammers getting your info that way. I really hate having to deal with that kind of thing, and I've had to block a lot of phone calls recently because of the uptake in that kind of activity...

I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better and moving around more, even if your mobility is apparently limited by your family's choices to mostly remain inside and restricted in their activities. :3

Really? I like all kinds of foods, but what is it about Asian foods that you like so much? And why the Korean and Chinese over the Japanese? /curious/


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/5 14:19:05 )
@Wildfire: this winter has been perfect compared to the last 5 or so.
This town relies on winter sport tourism and its consistently snowed for almost 3 weeks now. All the resorts opened on time for once.
I had to use my truck yesterday, which i havent driven in weeks. I just stood on top of my truck and shoveled about 2 to 3 feet of snow off of it. XD
I just spent my entire weekend nurturing a sick baby. Oof. Im pooped. He's feeling better and now i gotta go back to work. -sigh

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/5 14:39:18 )
@Koah: Well, it sounds like you have plenty of snow for a winter sports town, then! Congrats - hopefully it will be a good year for you guys! :3 I definitely do not miss all the work that goes in to dealing with snow - Been there. Done that. Over it! XD

I'm glad that baby is feeling better, but sorry to hear that he was/is sick!

How's everything else? Are you able to take some time for yourself?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/5 18:36:37 )
@Wildfire: my work hours this week or a bit wonky. So this might be a tough week to recover from a sick baby/getting sick myself.
But having money is nice and i'll keep chuggin along.
Im so used to snow removal, that Not doing it feels weird. Lol!
Back at my house, we haven't gotten much snow, so feels like we just breeeeze over winter quickly.
My roommates Told me that there's a couple inches right now. They're driving my dinky little pink car because i have snow tires on it. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/5 20:36:43 )
@Koah: money is a nice thing to have :3

LOL - it took me a long, long time to get used to the lack of seasons here (they exist, they're just much less dramatic than most of the rest of the country), so yeah... I get that not dealing with snow would feel a bit wonky for you. LOL at the roomies driving your car with snow tires and 2" of snow... XD


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 16:30:02 )
@Wildfire: Well I don't know when I was a kid if Doctor Who was airing in America. My mother wasn't into shows like that, and when I was little and finally had a tv, never saw anything like it on a channel we had. Would have like to watch it when I was younger. Did you end up watching the 8th doctor movie?

Oh I agree and notice how each streaming services, or a bunch of them are reporting big lossses constantly. Because people don't want to keep 5 billion services and only buy for a month if enough is out. But they are like what if we just add more ads, and make it cheaper. I'm like then it's just tv and I don't even watch that anymore.

Well last week we got busy on vacation, and then ended up going on our small disney trip. Today is my home recovery day. So pretty busy, but fun.

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 16:33:23 )
@Lotus: Oh I can relate to that. Ever since it got cold,. I can stop coughing. Heck went to Florida and my cough left, came home and lookit it's back. Are things improving for you?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 17:43:04 )
@Wildfire: there's a lack of seasons here, as in, there's winter- and then like a week or two of spring and Bam! Summer. A week or two of fall then Winter again.
However in Oregon, it's a pretty even seasonal transition aside from summer being a bit longer than what im used to.
I think ill be putting my 2 weeks in this week abd switching jobs. o3o hehe.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 18:51:48 )
@Rei Ann: The original Doctor Who series was originally aired in the early-mid 1960s, and available through reruns for a good amount of time after. Then it was rebooted in to the series we now know in ... early 2000s?? ... yes, 1963 and then 2005 (I cheated and double checked my memory with Wikipedia. Apparently there was a gap between 1989 and 2005 other than one season that was aired in 1996 for some reason (<--- this also courtesy of Wikipedia)

I am 100% with you on the ads and the services. I do enjoy watching some TV, but undoubtedly watch too much of it just because it's easy, and I'd much rather walk away from it altogether than to sit through ads...

It sounds like you've been busy. How was Disney? Did you have fun?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 18:55:08 )
@Koah: Oh! You got it and everything is finalized and just waiting for you to show up?!! That's awesome - congrats.

LOL... yeah, apparently I've been here long enough now that I'm beginning to forget just how short Spring Summer and Fall really can be further north XD I think I'd rather have perpetual summer than perpetual winter...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 19:08:44 )
@Wildfire: i used to be a big doctor who fan myself. However, the latest season/s turned me off.
I spent a fortune in merch in the earlier 2000s.
I don't mind the female doctor, however , they somehow got political and yeah- no thanks. >.>
I just haven't found a show that pulls me in and makes me want to see every episode since then. .... Aside from Game of Thrones which also threw a wrench final season. -eye twitch.

My sister needs to fire someone, then there is room for me. XD (not with the intent to hire me because of firing someone) they're just not a good fit.
Ill make 4 dollars more an hour by the end of December. 3 more weeks at this job. Hopefully.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 19:31:48 )
@Koah: I'm not a particular fan of the Doctor Who series, tbh... we just happen to be re-watching the latest reboot of it. I can't stand it when shows get political or preachy either ("I'm here watching to be entertained, not lectured!!"), and that's probably one big reason why we stopped watching it before. But for now, it's an interesting diversion at the end of our evening /shrug/. The show Wednesday (Addams Family) was surprisingly entertaining (the first episode was "meh"; it got better), FYI/IMO. Other than that, I don't really have suggestions for interesting tv shows. I honestly don't have the patience to find them. I let hubby do that as he seems more involved and interested in TV than I ever have been. :3

Gotcha. They found the replacement (you) before they let the other person go. Regardless, congrats on the new position! I hope it works out well for you.


Voltie — Moody Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/6 21:49:30 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: they aren't even finding my info. just DMing me on socal media lolol.
but they are not sly from their wording lol

it's more so nostalgia for me.
mom and her mother took me to Chinese restaurants as a child so it's something I'm fond over. Korean foods it's for spicy foods. Japanese spicy food is not spicy lol. and they tend to have more sweets but I don't like sweet things.

only Japanese food I'm interested in is trying different kinds of Ramen or tonkatsu

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 02:22:11 )
@Wildfire: Oh, well that might explain why I didn't get to see it until reboot times.

Right, jsut always ads and it's like so tiresome at this point.

It was super fun. I did enjoy it alot, but so much walking that my legs and feet are swollen.
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 14:09:39 )
@MoodyB: Oh, that's annoying... but probably better than if they had your personal info and were calling your cell or something.

LOL - Korean food can definitely be spicy! <3 And that's sweet that you have a memory of Chinese restaurants with your mother and grandmother! <3 I was just curious about your distinction between the different types of Asian foods or cooking styles :3

@Rei Ann: LOL... yeah, that could do it. XD The show was being run and older seasons shown in reruns through at least the 80s, I think.

Yes, the ads are definitely tiresome and annoying. Objectively though, (when the ads are absolutely unavoidable) it's interesting to see them... just to see what is being "pushed"...

LOL... yeah... there's never a lack of walking and standing at places like Disney! XD I'm glad you enjoyed it :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 14:34:30 )
@Koah: Thank you, I love this colour combo too. That sounds rough. T_T
@Rei Ann: Things are on the mend and I am able to take some time off soon. I hope your cough goes away soon. <3

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 14:41:47 )
@Lotus: Good morning Lotus. How are you today?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 14:49:26 )
@Wildfire: Good morning. I am doing well, about to make some coffee. n_n How are you doing?

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