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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/17 18:56:56 )
@Koah: LOL 💙💙💙 I will definitely send him your way if he goes that way. You'll have to send him back once in a while though 😉

I did the same at that age too. It's normal and healthy, imo, to explore your spot in the world a bit, before you get caught up in other responsibility :3

And yes, there has always been and will always be political turmoil in one form or another. We seem to be in a truly "special" time with it now, though. I'm glad you're taking a break from the news - it's essential, imo ... At least if you want to retain some sense of sanity. 😳


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/17 22:47:27 )

Hello all, hope your days are going well!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/18 15:25:52 )
@Wildfire: Good Morning.
On the topic of being out this way, I'm hoping to go to my house this summer for a bit... if not- just stay there. buuuut, financially, I'm better off here for a bit. -shrugs- I know for sure, I want to go home this summer. Cx

@CooperationIsKey: so far so good this morning. I got my coffee made, and I'm still just trying to wake up a bit.
How are you doing today?

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/18 15:37:37 )
@CooperationIsKey: Hello. Good morning. How are you today??

@Koah: I can see that dilemma... and wish you the best of luck figuring it all out. There's something about being in your own space... but there's also something to sharing responsibilities and to having a healthy influx of money...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/18 16:13:41 )
@Wildfire: For now I need to stay focused on my day-to-day until my mom is back on two feet. I think I'm just trying to get something to look forward to. cx
I don't imagine I'll be able to find affordable childcare if I want to work once I go back to my house. :T
My sister dropped off several boxes and baskets of work for me to do at home, and I couldn't move them away from the door with a full daycare. I had one mom really, really press that she loved the product at the door and would really like a new set. XD I caught the hint that she wanted me to gift her stuff from my work, but like, no. XD that's not my department. lol
I'm working with higher-end gloves for all seasons. They are nice gloves, and they are super popular out here.
Now I know not to let product linger by the door.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/18 18:33:38 )

Good morning both of you! I'm okay, although I'm having a tooth pain flare from a cold sensitive tooth freaking out. >.o Don't really have anything on the plans for today. I think maybe I'll work on my OC profiles on Toyhouse. :)

@koah: And wow, that's weird and kinda rude, her hinting like that. Good grief.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/18 21:01:29 )
@CooperationIsKey: I had that problem yesterday. I have one.. or two teeth that need some serious love... from a dentist. Cx
I have extra toddlers in the daycare today and only one baby, which is mine. =o
Sorta funny how kids are born mean and you sort of need to mold them Not to be. XD
My baby was crying and like2 or 3 toddlers pushed him or yanked on him to try and get him to stop and I'm like "-sigh-, yeah. This is my life right now"

Kids are down for a nap, so I'm going to NERD out and play pc games for like.. a half hour.. maybe. I dunno. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 01:01:33 )

OMG this day has just not stopped... I had maybe 30 minutes this AM to swallow some coffee and it has been one thing after the other, after the next... none of which I was expecting to do (other than maybe cook) and I am tired. At least I got some sleep last night. But I'm really ready to just sit on my ass and do nothing for a while.

@Koah: One step at a time, hon... one step at a time. Childcare, from what I understand, is not cheap (don't know - never used it, and even if I had, that would have been several years ago), so I completely understand why that would figure in to your decision-making process! :3 It sounds like you're handling things reasonably well, though - especially with everything you're juggling right now!

@CooperationIsKey: Hope the tooth is feeling better :3

*trots off to die on the couch* x.X


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 14:11:44 )
Good morning.

How is everyone today (so far)?
Any plans for the day?

I haven't quite gotten to planning my day yet (or thinking about it) but I imagine that it'll include a fair amount of "catch up" and doing things that I didn't get done yesterday because I was being pulled in so many random and unexpected directions. But right now? Coffee :3 Then we'll just have to see how the day plays out. Hopefully it will include something fun. :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 15:24:07 )
@Wildfire: omg, I hope you got some rest last night. I hate when life just keeps throwing things at you and there's no break. [at least you got to swallow coffee lol]
Good morning, I didn't get much sleep last night. Mostly my fault, my husband put a little rpg game on my pc to help me unwind and it ended up eating up several hours of my life last night. OTL Today is the 'a lot of kids' day for the daycare.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 15:50:18 )
@Koah: I did actually get some sleep last night ... about 9 hours, actually (which I sorely needed) - thank you.

Yeah... video games... they're a knife's edge in terms of helping you unwind, but also winding you up (depending on the game) and eating up time that you could... maybe should... be spending sleeping or doing other things that might remove some stress. It sounds like you were probably enjoying the game, though :3

Overwhelmed and outnumbered at day care today, huh? :/ Are they all still sick?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 15:54:55 )

@wildfire: Hope you have a less crazy day today! :O

@koah: Oh dear, good luck!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 16:07:08 )
@CooperationIsKey: Thank you. At the moment, my day is paperwork, bills, and phone calls that didn't get done yesterday. Now if only I can find that &*#!@ phone number... XD

How are you doing today - do you have anything planned?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 16:33:58 )

@Wildfire: Oh gosh, sounds like fun. ^^;

The only plans I have so far are to run by walgreens to get some pepto bismol and a couple other things. I had a bad sour stomach off and on yesterday and had no pepto to handle it and it suuucked.

I'm getting the cherry kind 'cause I found out that actually tastes pretty pleasant. Though for some reason I've always kinda liked the taste of pepto anyway. Maybe I'm just weird. XD

Why on earth am I rambling about stomach medicine? Is this being an adult?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 16:44:50 )
lol! welcome to the 'adult rambling club'. XDD
Wildfire and I do that often here.
I'm not a fan of pepto. I've rarely needed it in my life though. o3o

I got to a spot in the game that made me narrow my eyes and wonder why I was playing it at nearly midnight last night. -3-

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 17:54:34 )
I found the phone number.
One call down.
/time elapses with a couple disruptions/
Another call down.
/more time and more disruptions/
A couple of bills paid and put in the mailbox (yes, old school style! XD )
Had mom stop by with her little dog.
Provided leash and poop bag and water for little dog.
Helped mom pair her phone with her new car (<--- helping her with this was one of my unexpected distractions yesterday)
Listens to husband swear up a storm about how the bathroom flooring is uneven and breaking the bolts holding the toilet down XD
Makes plans with youngest to follow up with his schooling (or lack thereof /eyeroll/) tomorrow...

... is that enough for one day?? XD


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 17:55:09 )

I got the 16 ounce bottle lmao. Should last me a while since I fortunately don't need it as much as I once did--there was a time where I had to use it so much to get by that I didn't even use the measuring cup because I could measure a dose by taking it straight from the bottle. ^^;;;;

My stomach was decidedly not well at the time.

On the bright side, Walgreens had a buttload of Christmas M&Ms leftover for some reason and they were on sale for like half price. :D


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 17:56:42 )

@Wildfire: And all before noon! Sounds like enough to me, wow.

Oh crud. What I thought was a crease in my hand from carrying stuff in turns out to be a scrape instead. Oops. Wonder how I managed that.

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 17:58:22 )

....yeah...see?^^^ Rambling! XD <3

Sorry to hear about your upset tummy, Key. I can't remember the last time I had pepto, or anything along those lines, tbh, but if it helps you, that's good, right? Hope you feel better soon :3

LOL, Koah... yeah, I can't imagine staying up that late playing video games with all you have going on right now and the hours I know you must be keeping if you're online here half the time when I get up!! :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 18:04:12 )
@CooperationIsKey: ... all before noon :3 I'm not done for the day, though - I still have some papers to go through (you know those random piles that seem to just happen once in a while? Yeah- got one of them to go through) and I should probably vacuum the house, and figure out what I'm going to cook tonight - which is a little complicated because we seem to have an odd assortment of veggies in the house that won't last much longer and I'd rather use them than toss them (if possible) but it's just a weird assortment of veggies. And we might (probably will) be hosting a friend of my youngest son's while she escapes a round of covid that her sister managed to contract... and I'd like to go do something creative...

LOL- I should just stop writing lists. It's starting to look overwhelming. XD

Yay for M&Ms? And no idea how you scraped your hand, huh? Those kinds of injuries are always just weird...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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