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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 14:48:27 )
@Koah: Yeah, it happens, but like you're saying, if I were part of a brood like that, I'd probably swear off having my own kids too. When I was a kid, there was a neighbor who had 11 or 12 kids and still poppin' 'em out... and yeah, I think the eldest one or two were starting to have their own kids at that point. It was weird trying to wrap my (kid) head around it then; I'm not sure it's much different now that I'm an adult.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 14:55:22 )
@CooperationIsKey: Have you looked up the potential side-effects of Paxil? Sometimes drug side-effects can be bizarre. Or maybe when you visited your father you got bit by something new, or were exposed to something weird in the air or water or...? /shrug/ Sorry - although I'm trying to help, I'm sure you've been through all of this a gazillion times and my mental meanderings aren't actually helping...

I'll ask my friend for info concerning the neurologists that she found and PM you.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 16:01:18 )
@CooperationIsKey: omg!!! OTL that's awful. BUT that's exactly how my uncles and aunts are with their kids. D:
My second eldest cousin, I don't even remember his name, he is a year younger than I am, went into the military, and didn't have kids [as far as I know]. And my cousin the same age as me [his older sister] raised her siblings alongside her mom and has gone off to make a family of her own. e.e
blows my mind.

@Wildfire: I moved to a Mormon town for a cheaper lease. CX I stayed home from work one day. I was outside with my 2 toddlers at the time, and there was a gal about my age if not a year or two older out in the yard across from our rental. So I went over and struck up a conversation. Told her I was excited to meet a fellow young mom- blah blah blah.
AND THEN the school bus dropped off. A bunch of kids went hurdling into her yard, playing, yelling and I made the comment "wow, your house is popular. :) " and she laughed and said "oh, these guys are mine. Thats ___, and ____, and _____, and ______, ______ aaaand ______. and this one -shifts baby on the hip- is ________" I didn't count heads. XD

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:02:22 )

@Wildfire: My mom for her part is pretty sure the Paxil had something to do with it, perhaps set off by the shock of seeing my dad after so many years. She may be right, though I don't know how much my dad really impacted things. 🤔 And thank you! I appreciate that. 😊

@Koah: I think they now have a name for it, too, "parentification." It's not considered a good thing, either.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:15:54 )
@CooperationIsKey: I'm sitting here googling and reading about parentification now. o3o it's interesting to read about.

-Daycare had a rough start. toddler bit my baby. Toddler got time out and the baby gets a nap.
So, coffee while the 3 toddlers play is what I'm doing now.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:19:53 )

@Koah: Man, I couldn't do daycare. I love kids, like my cousin's kids for instance? but prefer to not be responsible for them lmao. At least you get to hand them back at the end of the day, lol.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:46:14 )
@CooperationIsKey: I can watch my own kids just fine because I can parent them and read into their actions. Now that I need to run my mom's daycare.. I can't really discipline these kids and I don't understand why they do some things. :T
These families are upper middle class, they pay my mom a good sum of money for us to watch them. This daycare is technically called ' a nanny share'. XD
but like- what if I time-out the wrong kid and the parents get mad and pull their kid out and my mom can't pay her bills anymore? cx

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:52:02 )

@Koah: Oh gosh, that sound tremendously stressful. D: I can understand your fears, for sure.

As for why they "do some things"--my guess is, from your description, they're spoiled little farts. XD;;


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 17:58:14 )
@CooperationIsKey: lol correct. XD I have one toddler I know I can give time-outs to, for the rest-... don't wanna rock the boat. >3<
I am definitely stressed, but I'm living that "it is what it is" life. XD
I'm going out with friends this weekend after I work my regular job. :d so that will be a nice break.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 18:21:11 )
@Koah: Oh boy... must have started pretty young... or maybe "her kids" from a polygamous situation? Either way... far too much/many for my liking! @_@ That would have freaked me out a bit :3

Oh no!! Toddler bit your baby?! Eeep?!!! I hope it wasn't horrible...
I hope you don't get any negative repercussions from setting that kid in to time-out. Parents can be really weird with their kids, but what are you supposed to do - let biting go completely unaddressed? And if you do, then what? - wait for the toddler to bite his dog at home and have the dog bite him right back (and the dog gets a bad rap)??

Eeesh... yeah, I'm glad I'm over that stage of kids... of course, dealing with young adults is stressful in a different way...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 18:22:12 )
@CooperationIsKey: I'm waiting to hear back from my friend, btw.
What do you think? - do you think paxil had an impact on your "event"??


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 18:32:53 )

@Wildfire: In the absence of any other factors I can think of, I think it could have. But haven't never been able to fully investigate it I really don't know. It would be nice to finally get an answer but I won't hold my breath either. ^^;

In other news, the ebt site is down and it's frustrating timing since I want to order a few things and don't know what I have on ebt at the moment. You'd think the freaking government could manage to afford a decent website, but nooOOOOooo.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 18:38:35 )
@CooperationIsKey: Well, I hope you find some answers ... and something that might help you deal with symptoms... soon :3

LOL - government. /eyeroll/ ...Functional is not a word I would use to describe much of anything government related XD I hope you get those answers soon too!


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 19:04:40 )

@Wildfire: Right? It blows my mind how government websites are always just the most awful rundown pieces of crap. Always riddled with errors. But hey, save time, do your government business online! XD

How's your day going?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 19:22:37 )
@Wildfire: In these recent events where my job became babysitting for a living.. it's become obvious that kids will always be kids, doesn't matter who is rich or poor. Typically it's the 'poor' kids with the best manners. CX

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 19:28:44 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah... /eyeroll/

My day is ok, I guess. I keep feeling like I should be doing something more productive than the long walk I took this morning, or switching the laundry... but now I'm getting tired and a little headachey... I'm debating whether or not to go get eggs, or take my dog for a ride in the car, or both (kinda wish I could do both, but that probably wouldn't work out well for the whopping 2 minutes I'd be in the store (we only need eggs), on this lovely cool day we have today /eyeroll/) ...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 19:41:10 )
@Koah: Yeah, kids will definitely be kids and tend to do the same things at similar ages and in similar situations. I suspect there is an economic aspect to kids being polite and respectful or not (appreciating the things they have versus tending to take them for granted; attitudes that roll over from things to people)... but it also has to do with parents being directly involved with the kids, regardless of economics (knowing what they're doing, guiding them, reprimanding them, etc. (you know, actually parenting!), or letting them run wild). I've seen some very respectful and appreciative affluent kids, and some very arrogant and rude 'poor' kids, and visa versa... but it's the 16yr olds with the brand new Mercedes/Land Rover/whatever who whines about the color being wrong that perplex me. It's hard to envision being that self-absorbed... even as a teenager.


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 19:45:19 )

@Wildfire: Well I guess I can't really solve that dilemma for you, lol. It is a nice day though! Supposed to be kinda crappy the next few days so might as well enjoy it while we can I suppose.

Also I never understood the kids who got upset because the car is slightly wrong either. I would have been stoked to get a car as a teenager instead of being forced to "buy" the piece of crap Ford I did get (my parents, and I think this was mostly my stepfather's decision, basically confiscated my savings and 'gave' me the car without me having any input whatsoever).

Actually that's the car that caught on fire! LMAO

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 21:20:32 )
@Wildfire: Are eggs overpriced over there too? or is it just this end of the country?
We just got charged 8 bucks for 12 eggs. e.e" that's nuts.
I've met some homeschooled kids with well-off parents who were well-behaved and not sooo... idk, awful. But That is because the parents decided to stay home and be supportive of the kiddos.

Nap time over here: I got myself a hot cocoa.. and I'm relaxing while I can even though my own baby is awake and still fussing. My husband is home, so he took over baby duties while I chill for a minute.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 22:28:36 )
@CooperationIsKey: I had my son stop for eggs on his way home and ended up deep cleaning the bathroom. Fun times, I'm tellin' ya! XD

LOL - what is it about the first car being a Ford? Mine was too... and my father chose it for me, without any input from me. /eyeroll/

@Koah: I think it's the whole country going nuts with eggs and pricing (again)... I don't know what my son paid for the 18 we now have, but yeah... I was astounded at the price the last time I personally bought some...

Yeah... kids seem to be well-behaved as long as there's an attentive, interested and involved parent in the mix (who is actually willing to parent).

I'm glad you got a break. How is the little one... now that he's been bitten (seems like a weird rite of passage)

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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