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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 16:56:46 )
@Koah: lol - you're welcome in to any conversation I happen to be having! :3 And it sounds like I'm not the only one thinking about ways to scare off squirrels! I'm gonna hafta get out my banjo .... uhhh... ukulele ... errrmmmm.... guitar....?? XD

Oh, I hope you can get your girls night out!! It definitely sounds like you could use it :3 <3


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 18:04:18 )

I found potato chips at walmart that are made to taste like Mexican street tacos. They're surprisingly tasty. :o

Speaking of tacos we're supposed to be heading to lunch soon to have tacos. Taco Tuesday! :D


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 18:15:14 )
@Wildfire: I'm just imagining you out in your garden aggressively playing a guitar near the squirrel's hangout zone. XD
Rough start with the daycare today. >3<' It's weird realizing some people pop out babies and live life like a forever daycare. o.e

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 18:18:18 )
O0oh hey- that's a good idea, Taco Tuesday.
I'm pretty sure I saw those chips and I thought about it.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 21:29:19 )

Well Taco Tuesday lunch out--which I don't do often, lunch out I mean--would have been lovely if my roommate's friend hadn't decided it was time to YELL AT ME about how I'm apparently not disabled or not disabled enough (she doesn't know my disabilities at all btw, I barely know her) and how I need to "get my rear in gear" and get a job and "don't I want a life" and what am I going to do when my current roommate, who's my mom's age, passes away?

She literally yelled at me in a crowded bar to imply I'm a lazy piece of garbage. Out of nowhere. She's always been so nice to me in the past, but now I never want to be around her again.

I tried not to let it get to me, but it did. :(


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 21:44:47 )
@Koah: LOL... right? XD Actually, it's hubby who plays guitar a bit, not me, so I'll sit his butt out there with the guitar to aggressively play and scare away all the squirrels...?? Lull them to sleep? Hit them with the guitar?? Hmmm... so many options! XD

"Live life like a forever daycare"... like they have kids but the kids are always in daycare?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 21:52:44 )
@CooperationIsKey: Oh no, Key!! Wow... that's ... arrogant (of her)... demeaning (to you)... and crosses all kinds of boundaries! I'm sorry to hear that you had that kind of lunch experience today. It's hard not to let something like that get to you... from anyone, but especially from somebody who you don't even know very well. They basically held you hostage in a public place with a sneak attack on matters that are quite personal. I don't blame you for not wanting to be around this person any longer. It doesn't sound pleasant -she doesn't sound pleasant. Try to let it go, I guess? Or maybe talk to your roommate, if you think that might help?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 22:05:49 )
@Wildfire: On my mom's side of the family, I have aunts and uncles that just keep producing babies even though their grown-up babies are now having babies. o_e 'forever daycare'. Like that's all you do in your adulthood? take care of babies and children... blows my mind a little.

I feel like... aggressively playing guitars or throwing one at a squirrel would definitely fit in that "Florida man" story liner. XD

@CooperationIsKey: I wouldn't wanna be around that roommate anymore either. ;[ How frustrating. :T

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 22:16:17 )

@Wildfire: For what it's worth my roommate defended me against her, she just wouldn't stop. Really wrecked my mood. :/

@Koah: Oh no no, it wasn't my roommate that did this, it was her friend! That barely knows me! She just decided to attack me for no apparent reason. I didn't say or do anything to bring it on other than answer her question when she asked how old I am (almost 40). I guess growing up and having "a life" includes drinking too much, gambling too much, and having an active sex life (I'm aroace)? To compare myself to her anyway.

I'm really tired of being compared to "aldultier" adults as if I have to change myself completely just because I got older. Screw that. >:[


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 22:16:39 )
@Koah: oh... that! Yeah, I don't understand that either. It was nice to have my babies close in age and go through the different phases of life with them... and go on to the next one... without always having to deal with somebody in diapers, for example. Why would you willingly do that to yourself? (I mean, sometimes it happens... but willingly? Ugh. Can't envision it.) Besides, wouldn't that make the family dynamics wonky? "oh this is your aunt... but she's younger than you" type of thing...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/10 22:21:27 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, I bet that did wreck your mood! I'm glad your roommate stood up for you at least. The more you explain the situation, the more it sounds like this person was really venting something personal at you... like this attack had zero to do with you, but maybe one of her relatives or something...?? You know- passive aggressive projection shit... :/

Key... you be you. Tell everyone else to fly a kite. You know what your life is like, what you are like, what you're dealing with in terms of disability or life events or whatever. They don't... and you shouldn't compare yourself to others. Please don't let this crazy person get to you....


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 15:17:24 )

@Wildfire: Very much felt like a "You don't LOOK disabled therefore you AREN'T disabled kinda thing. I dunno, I was just so drained after that.

And I do try to be me, unapologetically. It's just very difficult when people do stuff like what she did. :/

Ah well, I'm feeling a fair bit better this morning.

How are you doing?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 16:22:03 )
@CooperationIsKey: I hate that kind of thing. There's no empathy or sympathy there... no understanding, no consideration for any perspective or opinion or existence other than whatever is running through their own head. I find it to be a very limited and arrogant approach to living and dealing with others, tbh. But, I'm glad that you're feeling better today! :3

I'm ... groggy today so far... not particularly motivated to get up and do things, although I really should. I have some shopping/errands to finish that I wasn't successful with last week, some cleaning up around the house, and I should do some cooking before things start going bad in the 'fridge. And I should probably go do stuff in the garden since the weather is nice and the pollen isn't out in force yet. But I dunwanna. /slug-mode/ XD

What about you - any plans for the day?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 20:10:10 )

Yeah, I know she's just ignorant of what I'm going through/have gone through. I mean I still don't even know what caused me to become disabled in the first place. I literally had these changes happen overnight and no one in the bazillion doctors I've seen since has been able to explain it. So it becomes very hard to defend myself when people come at me like that because I really don't know what to say. It's not like it's just one thing, either, it's multiple.

She didn't even ask me what was wrong, she literally just immediately decided I'm lazy and decided I'm "playing games" all day, apparently because I was wearing a Five Nights at Freddy's t-shirt. Because I haven't played any games in probably a couple months tbh, I've been doing other creative stuff.

Oh well.

Lol, that's a mood. I went back to bed and didn't get up until like 1pm. I did make myself lunch at least but discovered that the walmart store brand bread is not really compatible with making grilled cheese sammiches--it sticks to the pan and just falls to pieces when you try to get the spatula under it. I had to eat one of my sandwiches with a fork, lmao. Was good though; cheese and avocado. :D

I don't really have any plans, no. I still want to make that cake but the stupid fruit flies are still at problematic levels (despite all our efforts to clean and with fly sticks out too). Maybe I'll make the cookies instead; at least those can be put inside a sealed container to keep the flies away. o3o


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 21:17:58 )
@CooperationIsKey: So, I'm not meaning to pry and please don't feel like you have to answer, but what kinds of things are you dealing with? And everything just kind of short-circuited overnight... and doctors have no idea, huh? Ohhh... that's gotta seriously suck! I'm a bit surprised, though, that in this day and age people are still so judgemental (and apparently preachy) over things like "hidden" disabilities... :3 :( I still think her rant had more to do with somebody or something going on in her life than it had to do with you...

LOL @ grilled cheese with a fork! I can completely envision a mess of cheese, bread and avocado in a bowl or something XD It sounds good though!

Awww... fruit flies are messing with your cake making! That's unfortunate. It sounds like you're feeling a lot better today though - able to get up and do stuff! That's good :3

I managed to get out of the house and do a couple of errands... and as I was leaving the shopping plaza, a car was on fire in the parking lot... so that was fun. Fortunately I parked well away from the area, and other than taking a quick photo or two, I got out of the area. The FD was just arriving at that point.


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 22:56:02 )


Basically one day I had what I suspect was some sort of seizure? Except the ER doctor and everyone since just, without really testing anything, shrugged it off as just "a panic attack." Well I've had panic attacks before and since and none was ever like this one. I managed to go to work that night but I was twitchy and off-balance and generally wasn't 'right'. I refused to do any ear piercings, risking my job, because I didn't know what the twitching was and was afraid I'd hurt someone. And at my coworkers insistence I went to the ER after work and that's where the doc pretty much just waved me off.

Ever since, literally overnight, I've had chronic fatigue, chronic pain (that doctors keep trying to blame on my diabetes despite my not developing diabetes for several years after that), motor tics (uncontrollable movements like the warn you about on medication advertisements), balance problems (it's not uncommon for me to start drifting to the side when I'm walking for instance), vertigo (I do not get along with ladders or looking straight up which became a problem at work since I couldn't access stored merchandise), concentration problems including suddenly having a really hard time doing even basic math in my head or even on paper (it took me several tries to do the nightly books at my store that night because it kept coming out wrong--normally it took me no time at all to get it done and correctly), and I started having nasty debilitating panic attacks while alone at work, which is a problem for obvious reasons.

Honestly I'm probably forgetting something but those are the biggies. And every doctor then and since has no answer for me. I've had several MRIs done and they came back normal. I'd like to see a neurologist and try to get to the bottom of things but every time I start to something has come up--usually an unplanned move or insurance change--and I've had to switch doctors or something.

Oh and in the days following the initial incident, I had at least one episode of terrifying double-vision, like really bad. I struggled to get around my tiny one-room apartment to even go to the bathroom. There was at least one day where I could barely move and had to call in--after struggling for several minutes with both hands to pick up my cell phone and call--because there was obviously no way I could possibly drive to work or work at all in that condition.

I ended up having to quit my job, which gutted me. I liked my job (I worked as a third-key management for a slow-ish Icing in the mall--you know, like Claire's but for a somewhat older clientele) and was really good at it as well. It was honestly the coolest job I ever had. My store was failing when they transferred me to it and in a while because of my sales and organization started doing really well. I was commended for my work regularly and they expected I'd be running my own store before long if I could just get my tardiness sorted, which I was working on. (Pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD which I believe contributed to that, but that's another story.)

Ultimately I lost my apartment because without work, I couldn't pay my rent. I would have moved home while I worked things out but my stepdad always hated me and he insisted that I just wanted to "live off the government" and that helping me in any way would just be "enabling me" so my mom was forbidden from doing much to help me (another can of worms altogether). So I lived in my car, sick and scared, for around six-ish months, including the height of Texas summer, which was super fun. Some days too sick to leave my car for anything other than going into a store to go to the bathroom. Eventually I ended up in California with a friend who had a spare bedroom, and I lived with her for like 8 years before bouncing around again and ending up back here in Florida.

It's been... fifteen years now? And I still have pretty much zero answers. Of course doctors like to blame every problem on my weight because of course they do, even though when I first got sick I was in reasonably decent shape and aside from depression/anxiety I had no health problems at all. So yeah she has no friggin clue what I've been through and continue to go through, but like many people in my life just assumed I'm lazy. My dad thinks I am, and apparently my mom has commented about it before too, though she's much more understanding and more on my side than most. My roommate still harasses me to get a job occasionally too, for extra money, and trying to explain that the jobs she suggests are going to trigger my OCD (cleaning bathrooms for instance) and things like that are difficult too.

Yeah I still haven't made the cookies but I've had the munchies all day and might in a bit. :3 And oh gosh, I wonder what caused the car fire?

I had a car catch fire when I was a teenager. Except I didn't find out about it until the next morning when I went to start my car for school and it wouldn't start. Popped the hood and there were ashes on the engine block. I think I had an oil leak of some sort I didn't know about, that caught the hoses on fire? And this happened overnight, without anyone knowing, while my car was parked right next to my parents' bedroom. Oopsie.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/11 23:13:25 )
@CooperationIsKey: Wow - that's a lot, Key... and it totally sucks that you haven't been able to find an answer to what the heck happened. No diagnosis makes dealing with something like that even tougher, imo. And nothing obvious triggered this, huh? - no bug bites, medicine/vaccines, or anything else? That's soooooo odd!! I'm so sorry... I really hope you can get a diagnosis and find a neurologist who might be able to help you fit the pieces together. A RL friend of mine found a good neurologist - I can ask her for the info, if you want... since you're in the same general area as I am and all that...

Wow...oops at your car fire! I'm glad it wasn't any more severe! :3 I have no idea what happened with this one, but it has been a while since I've seen a car fire. Nobody seemed terribly distraught at it, tbh - there were a lot of people standing around watching and taking video. I wasn't interested in trying my luck on any level (injury, getting blocked in, whatever...)

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 02:32:06 )
@Wildfire: I grew up being a really, really young aunt. So my nieces and nephews feel more like my cousins. GOSH AND THEY'RE GROWN WITH KIDS OF THEIR OWN! T^T so nuts, I know they're only a couple of years younger than me, but still.
I do have one aunt [i'm not close to] that is still having babies while her eldest kids are poppin out babies too. e.e' I think i'd swear off children if I was oldest of a herd like that. You spend your whole life helping your parents parent your siblings. idk.
@CooperationIsKey: sounds like your roommate's friend compares herself to others a lot and took it out on you.
My mom raised me to compare myself to more successful people, so I get that pressure. But judging another adult and giving awful advice is.. BLAH. not cool.
lol- Most of my friends are chill, down-to-earth, or homebody types. and my mom now complains to me how she doesn't have friends and yadda yadda. She's envious of me once in a while. CX

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 03:13:09 )

@Wildfire: The only thing I think might have contributed is that I was on Paxil at the time. I believe it was the only medication I was even on back then. So it's possible that could have caused it. The timing was weird; when I had the seizure it was right after seeing my dad (as a surprise) for the first time in many years. But those are the only factors I can think of. As for the neurologist, I'm certainly open to recommendations, sure. It's so hard to find a good doctor! o3o;

Yeah I'm glad it wasn't worse either. Could have spread to the house or, though unlikely, possibly exploded? Fortunately it just burned itself out. ^^; And lol, don't blame you for wanting to just get out of there.


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/12 03:21:15 )

@Koah: Oh man, I'm the oldest by far of my siblings and helped raise my two half brothers on my mom's side when they were little. To the point that I was expected, under threat of punishment, to get up in the middle of the night if either cried to soothe/feed/change diapers/etc, and god help me if my stepfather was woken by, you know, his own children. Because he had to work the next day, poor baby, while I was only trying to survive high school under fear of punishment if I didn't bring home good enough grades.

*cough* But I'm not bitter.

Seriously, I adore my brothers but the whole "make the older kids miniature parents" crap upsets me in general, I just don't think it's fair. It's also quite possibly why I decided I didn't want kids of my own while my brothers, as far as I know, plan to.

And yeah, I dunno what exactly was her problem, but she's pretty judgy in general so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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