@CooperationIsKey: Awww... it seems like a mixed day for you today, huh? I'm sorry to hear about your brother... but happy to hear your obvious excitement about the beads and the cosplay you're putting together!

@Wildfire: Thanks, yeah. I thought about calling my mom but I'm so anxious about bothering her and figured she was probably at work anyway so I didn't. Maybe I'll call her this weekend or something.
And yeah, I went to lunch with the roomie today, and not only did her cousin pick up both our tabs, I managed to score two plushies out of the claw machine for a whopping $2.50!!

I did not expect things to get so busy with work (even though it is every year). I injured my shoulder in the process, but nothing too serious.
How are you all doing this morning?
@CooperationIsKey: I am sorry to hear about your loss. That was nice of her cousin and that sounds like a fun win! I think that your mom would love to hear from you and that you can get in touch with her sometime soon, looking at your cosplay idea sounds like a lot of fun as well.
@Wildfire: That sounds like a lot of travelling (if the truck may not make it, he may have planned to go with others and has an idea. It wouldn't hurt to ask), I hope he has fun and that you can rest easy knowing he is safe.

@CooperationIsKey: I am sorry to hear about your loss. That was nice of her cousin and that sounds like a fun win! I think that your mom would love to hear from you and that you can get in touch with her sometime soon, looking at your cosplay idea sounds like a lot of fun as well.
@Wildfire: That sounds like a lot of travelling (if the truck may not make it, he may have planned to go with others and has an idea. It wouldn't hurt to ask), I hope he has fun and that you can rest easy knowing he is safe.
@CooperationIsKey: Trust me - parents are not ever going to be truly bothered by their adult children calling them, but you know your family dynamics and details and the weekends are usually less busy for people... better to actually chat :3 <3
Sounds like you had a "win" today with lunch ... and the plushies! Congrats!
So what's in the plans for today?

Sounds like you had a "win" today with lunch ... and the plushies! Congrats!
So what's in the plans for today?

@Lotus: Good morning.
I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder, but glad that it's not terribly serious! How have you been other than working a lot?
It is a lot of traveling for my son - in to terrain and weather and environments my native Florida boy doesn't really know anything about - for a FT job. This momma can't help but be a little apprehensive, even though I know he's smart and capable, etc.

@Lotus: Thank you. <3 And yeah, I'm excited about the cosplay, haven't done one really before! And as for my mom, I do keep in pretty close contact with her over messenger, but sometimes hearing a person's voice is nice too. I'm just not a big phone-talker in general. ^^;
I hope you're doing well today, shoulder injury notwithstanding!
@Wildfire: I tell myself that but my anxiety tells me "don't be a pest." ^^;; Plus I've never been a big phone-talker in the first place, so it's a bit hard for me to make phone calls.
As for today... I dunno, I need to do laundry so probably some of that. Also I have a devil's food cake mix I've been wanting to make so I might do that. :)
What about you, anything interesting planned?

I didn't drive my little pink car because it's not meant for the cold- at all.
Does he have triple A? XD
@Koah: lol... his truck is a Florida-based 1994 F250... in need of some love, so it's really anyone's guess whether or not it will deal with the weather and conditions there (probably not XD )... I'm not sure it's ever seen a real hill, nevermind a mountain!! Yes, he has AAA... and omg I seriously hope he's not going to try going through the mountains in that truck of his (especially in snow!!!!!!!!!!)... if he ever gets it there. Right now, he's looking at flying in to start the job ahead of calving season, and maybe bringing the truck up later. Apparently, they have a ranch truck that he might be able to borrow to get in to town (an hour away). IF he's smart with the vehicles (and that's definitely up for debate these days), imo, he should leave the truck here, sell it, and buy something better meant for that area, if he intends to stay there.
I am up in the air on whether or not I want this whole gig to work out for him, tbh. My little momma heart is breaking a bit, knowing that he's going to be so far away (and out of reach), but also breaking in a different way, knowing that I raised him right and that he has the confidence to even make that kind of a move... ARRRRGGGHHH!!!
... but, the initial preparations are going pretty well, considering we're in Florida and it's the end of the winter clothing season. He has some long-johns, and a good (name-brand) winter coat now (the coat might be a bit of overkill, but I'd rather he have it than not... especially with that FL blood of his)... as well as a good hat, and a couple of flannel/fleece body layers that he can play with layering. He has some wool socks, and more are on the way. I gave him a couple of good wool sweaters that, for some reason, I still had from my time living in the northeast, and which seem to fit him... and he's looking at insulated boots and work gloves.
There is so much to do, still... and he's looking at getting up that way within the week!! @_@

I am up in the air on whether or not I want this whole gig to work out for him, tbh. My little momma heart is breaking a bit, knowing that he's going to be so far away (and out of reach), but also breaking in a different way, knowing that I raised him right and that he has the confidence to even make that kind of a move... ARRRRGGGHHH!!!
... but, the initial preparations are going pretty well, considering we're in Florida and it's the end of the winter clothing season. He has some long-johns, and a good (name-brand) winter coat now (the coat might be a bit of overkill, but I'd rather he have it than not... especially with that FL blood of his)... as well as a good hat, and a couple of flannel/fleece body layers that he can play with layering. He has some wool socks, and more are on the way. I gave him a couple of good wool sweaters that, for some reason, I still had from my time living in the northeast, and which seem to fit him... and he's looking at insulated boots and work gloves.
There is so much to do, still... and he's looking at getting up that way within the week!! @_@

@CooperationIsKey: Seriously... kids calling home is not being a "pest"!! ... but I also "get it" as a "non phone" person. I absolutely despise being on the phone for more than a few minutes...
My plans for the day -for the next week- include spending as much time as possible with my youngest son and trying to help him prepare (on absolutely all levels) for his impending move to Wyoming for a FT job as a ranch hand...
... which is partially why I'm telling you that phone calls from kids is absolutely Zero bother! <3
So other than taking my son to the dentist, we went to the mall and found an actual winter coat for him and a couple of fleece/flannel shirts... and... I cooked??? XD

My plans for the day -for the next week- include spending as much time as possible with my youngest son and trying to help him prepare (on absolutely all levels) for his impending move to Wyoming for a FT job as a ranch hand...
... which is partially why I'm telling you that phone calls from kids is absolutely Zero bother! <3
So other than taking my son to the dentist, we went to the mall and found an actual winter coat for him and a couple of fleece/flannel shirts... and... I cooked??? XD

@Wildfire: Yeah I've never been a big phone person. Like I enjoy talking to my mom, very much, but I get frustrated with holding the phone after a while. Maybe I need to use the speakerphone feature more, lol.
From Florida to Wyoming? Wow that IS a move. :O That's gonna be some culture shock!
Definitely spend all the time with him you can while you can! I live half a country away from my mom (she's in Texas) and it absolutely kills me that I can't spend time with her in person when I want to. I miss her a lot.

@Wildfire: I am doing good, thank you, I feel relieved it isn't anything too serious. Unseen weather conditions, traversing terrain, and doing this for a possible future job, I can only hope that it all works out for your son. He knows he can call you if he has questions, which, I am sure he will. Most people tend to call someone they love and care for when something goes wrong. The very first time I went flying, I landed to call my grandma to say I love her, miss her, and that I was safe.
@CooperationIsKey: No problem! Cosplay can be stressful, just remember to have fun. Seeing what everyone makes for their own costume is inspirational, you can really see who has put their effort and research into it. The time for the smallest of details that people otherwise sometimes miss is always nice. As for communication, I reached out to you in messages a while back but I wasn't sure if the message was ever sent. n_n; I enjoy talking sometimes, but, I can understand not being a phone-talking person. Thank you so much, I am doing well today, and about to make some coffee before work starts. <3
@CooperationIsKey: No problem! Cosplay can be stressful, just remember to have fun. Seeing what everyone makes for their own costume is inspirational, you can really see who has put their effort and research into it. The time for the smallest of details that people otherwise sometimes miss is always nice. As for communication, I reached out to you in messages a while back but I wasn't sure if the message was ever sent. n_n; I enjoy talking sometimes, but, I can understand not being a phone-talking person. Thank you so much, I am doing well today, and about to make some coffee before work starts. <3
@CooperationIsKey: Yup... it is going to be some big changes for him, in about every aspect you can think of (other than language). And there's a lot to get done in the next few days to try to prepare him for it...
Did you call your mom? You should, imo :3 You obviously miss her <3
@Lotus: Yes, he knows he can always call and that he can always come home, but he's talking about staying up that way. Of course, time will tell, and if he's really interested in working with animals, and especially horses, he might find himself back in FL anyway. I guess we'll see what the universe has in mind for him :3 It's quite the adventure, if nothing else!

Did you call your mom? You should, imo :3 You obviously miss her <3
@Lotus: Yes, he knows he can always call and that he can always come home, but he's talking about staying up that way. Of course, time will tell, and if he's really interested in working with animals, and especially horses, he might find himself back in FL anyway. I guess we'll see what the universe has in mind for him :3 It's quite the adventure, if nothing else!

Good morning.
What is everyone doing today?
My days are being rather spontaneous right now, so I'm not exactly sure what to expect with mine. Right now, I'm just trying to wake up... and realizing that the pollen is apparently out and active again in FL /eyeroll/

What is everyone doing today?
My days are being rather spontaneous right now, so I'm not exactly sure what to expect with mine. Right now, I'm just trying to wake up... and realizing that the pollen is apparently out and active again in FL /eyeroll/

I did wanna ask you if you'd be alright sending my personal to him, just as an emergency contact. We're far, but- close enough that if he needs help, we could do our best to drive over or something. <3
I think my first trek out to wyo as an adult, I left my car at my parents and got it later.. turned out my little Malibu handled the winter and passes far better than anyone predicted. XDD
OTL I'm the one to blame for the wyoming stress and I feel kind of bad about it. CX I'm sorrrrryyyy.
husband is finally going to go get a note today from a doc saying his back is good enough. He seriously needs to go back to work. OTL He's just sitting and playing video games from open eyes to shut eyes. e_e' he's driving me insane. He is doing little piddly things I ask him to do- but otherwise he just sits. =3= His laziness bothers me, and then I have my mom trying her best to not breathe down my neck about him. She just keeps making the comment "He really needs to get back to work."
HAh, I am taking advantage of him being in this state of laziness, I'm making him listen to the most obnoxious and popular romance/fantast books. The Court of Thorns and Roses books. CX we're 1/3rd of the way through the first book and he looks at me and shakes his head. I've read these books a couple of times already. lol. ... it's like... Beauty and The Beast meets Twilight.. and fifty shades of grey. >.>" '
I'm staying on my workout routine even though life has been hectic here. yay for me keeping that up. /thumbs up
@Koah: I'm feeling a bit rushed and overwhelmed atm (there is so much to do before Feb.1, and he's dragging his feet), so forgive the quick reply - (1) You are not the source of my stress concerning my silly boy-child's decision to go to Wyoming. He's really good at eliciting that kind of stress in me without any help! XD Why do you even think that? (2) That would be awesome - thank you. <3 <3 <3 Looking at maps, etc., apparently it's a solid 35 hours of straight driving to get there from here without any stops, and he'll be literally in the middle of nowhere... so, yeah... 'nuff said on that right now... and (3) I've read that series - your description is accurate XD (4) I hope hubby gets back to work soon - it sounds like things are starting to get volatile without him working :3 Good luck with that.
...gotta run an errand or two. BBS, though.

...gotta run an errand or two. BBS, though.

I'm back and that was not nearly as productive an errand as I was hoping it would be. *sigh*

@Wildfire: As you said yourself, time will tell, he might come back and he might decide to stay, even if it's not permanently. Life is always an adventure and it's a good lesson as well if things don't pan out the way he would want them to.
@Lotus: Yup, I know it, and he's about as ready for this as he can be. Still, I'm going to miss him, and he's going to be a long way away...
This leaving the nest stuff is for the birds XD (birds... nest... see what I did there? XD )
Good morning everyone. How are you doing today?
*puts out treats*

This leaving the nest stuff is for the birds XD (birds... nest... see what I did there? XD )
Good morning everyone. How are you doing today?
*puts out treats*

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
I've done backroads out of wyoming to south dakota before in dead of winter and it was.. very unwise. cx
I surprised my family and showed up to a birthday and they grilled me so bad for having drove what I did. lol, but nothing happened and it was overall a stressful trip in freezing... below freezing weather and no cell service for hundreds of miles. Once they were done being mad about my youthful nature, we had a great time. XD
I'll send you my private info via fb. He can text me anytime.
I definitely sparked the interest in Wyoming and I'm excited to see how he fairs out here.
Today- I have a full 7 kid daycare and a parent teacher conference for one kid.
My mom was told she can put some weight back on her foot in 3 weeks. I imagine I'll still be running things after that while she figures out her limits.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.