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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 15:42:16 )
@Koah: You.Are.Awesome for even suggesting that you'd make that trip for me! <3 Thank you! <3
I imagine that he's pretty busy and overwhelmed and "calling his mom" in front of his new boss is just something that he's not willing to do, but I would like to have that final little piece of peace of mind that comes with "yes, I made it all the way" even though I know he's an adult and fully capable, etc., etc. :3 Being a mom is so weird sometimes...

I hope your kids remain close through all the next stages of growing up! A lot happens over the next few years, and it's hard to anticipate or wrap your head around sometimes...

Awwww... I'm sorry to hear about your sick kiddo! I hope it's nothing major and that it goes away quickly (without him sharing!)

LOL - having another adult set of eyes on the group of kids (if nothing else) would go a long way to helping keep them safe and "contained"! :3 ...and, I bet your mom misses the kids and the environment....

I may just take a "do nothing" day today. It has been so much "hurry up and wait" and "stop and go" type activity (physical, emotional and mental) the last week or so, I'm beat!


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 16:18:46 )
@Wildfire: I'd travel there without complaint. well, I might whine a little, but It would be worth the trip. I think he'll send you that 'everything is fine' text at some point soon. <3 Just gotta let that dust settle with all the changes.
It dawned on me last night that he'll likely be the one going out to the watering holes and breaking the ice so the ranch animals have water. XD Makes me giggle a little that he's dealing with such an opposite weather than what he's used to.

I really hope my kids remain close too. It's hard to say, my daughter has these pre-teen moments of independence where her brother is 'uncool'.

as far as my baby being sick, every kid at this daycare shares germs. Drives me nuts, but there's nothing I can do. I've tried. One kid holds a toy, licks it, drops it, another kid grabs it. OR I'll hand them their own water bottles and I'll turn my back for 5 seconds to do something and the water bottle is in someone else's mouth. OTL so, they all have runny noses. a couple kids have a cough. That second week I took over, all of them got hit with the flu. o.e
My mom likes saying "this is easiest job she's ever done." and that I'm good at it and should keep doing childcare and I'm like "no. nuh-uh." I might be good with kids, but I don't enjoy it.

You totally deserve a lazy day. <3 Watch some tv, make a crock pot meal, just become a couch potato for a bit.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 16:39:45 )

@Wildfire: Well the Walmart delivery driver screwed up pretty hard and gave me like $30 or more in fresh meat (ground turkey and pork chops) so I guess I'm doing pretty well, though I imagine the delivery driver isn't doing as well. ^^;;

Sounds like the last couple of days for you have been nutty! A "do nothing" day may be just what the doctor ordered then!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 17:18:51 )
@Koah: lol. I'm sure he'll text when he gets a chance, but I can't help but want that confirmation of his arrival, and more info about the reality of this decision of his, but I'm actually not so worried about him as I am mourning the fact that he's now SO FAR away...

LOL - he chose this and he (kinda) knew what he was getting himself in to (at least in terms of the job itself - just not the weather or the impact it has on the job). I'll send him photos of palm trees and soft sandy beaches when he starts whining about it (which he probably won't because he's just a little too proud to do that). He'd probably love breaking up the ice, tbh - LOL! XD

Oh yeah... those preteen moments are not so fun - the kids are testing their limits, their parents' patience, boundaries, their own independence, and a lot of other things. By the time they hit 14, though, the kids seem to start settling down again, and good, involved, consistent parenting seems to be key (while giving them little bits of freedom to figure things out by themselves)... but there's also only so much you can do at certain points too. *sigh* Watch out for the influences of other people at that stage :3 (/my experience & observations of friends & their kids *shrug*/)

LOL. Your mom seems interesting, but I'm with you - I don't think I could deal with kids like that... and certainly not all the time! It's inevitable that kids share germs at that age for exactly the types of reasons you mention! Still, I applaud your attempts to contain the germs. Unfortunately for us, germs aren't really containable XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 17:23:15 )
@CooperationIsKey: That sounds like a story... so you ordered things from Walmart, and ended up getting meat?? ... or more/extra meat??

Yeah, the last week or so has been insane, and yesterday was particularly hard for me. I'm watching anime and hanging out on the couch today... at least for now. Of course, one or the other -or both?- of my boys started laundry and overstuffed the washer, and left stuff behind, and ... well, it's a mess that I'm having to clean up/follow up with. I'm ignoring everything else in the house ATM, but wet clothes are not something to leave unattended for very long XD

What are you up to today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 17:42:18 )

@Wildfire: Haha it felt a week for me... =w=
Well just rewatching old movies like Grown Ups 1 and 2.

If you got the time you should! I swear is a lot more comfier on colder weather and pair it with some tea or coffee.
But it also makes feel such a lazybum. I feel like I need to do something to get myself moving today.


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 19:50:27 )

@Wildfire: I ordered ibuprofen and cookies, lmao. The meat was a surprise! But it'll get eaten in this house for sure.

Yay anime! But boo for wet clothes left in the washer, oh yuck. That does get pretty gross pretty fast.

I'm not up to much of anything at the moment. Just ate leftover frozen pizza and am trying to puzzle out why my left shoulder has been bothering me lately. Other than that I'm just kinda here.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 21:15:07 )
I had a bit of chocolate milk today. lol. XD

@Wildfire: I definitely pay super close attention to my daughter's friends. My son has good.. instincts? Last year, we had a falling out with a neighbor kid. My son didn't like him and my daughter insisted he came over. Same age as my kids. She likes any kid who gives her attention and remembers her name.
The kid tattled on my daughter to me, and then said some mean stuff behind her back to my son. Of course, both my son and I tell my daughter about this kid. Anyway, I used that as a learning point of what to look for when you think someone is your friend.
She was bringing home gossip earlier this year and I explained all that to her too. Rumors and such happen a lot in school.
I'm pretty sure I can find a way to use every circumstance as a learning session for my daughter. XDD lol

I'm totally out of it today. Not enough sleep. :T

It's a whole 25*F outside today. I could walk my dogs with just jeans and a sweater. *o*
O000oooh! Tomorrow is supposed to be 37. -puts my bikini out to do some tanning-

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 21:18:55 )
@Wildfire: Also, I love hearing your descriptions of your youngest. C: He sounds like he's turned into a Man and he'll be an ambitious cowboy. :p
Hopefully he won't work himself too hard. :d If he does, I'll just have to... I don't know, Get him and bring him to thermopolis, WY for a spa day. lmao.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 14:55:05 )
@Purpsy: lol... hmmm... I was going to say it's not cold here but apparently the temps dropped last night to ~40°F (after being in the high 70°s- low 80°s the last few days) and there's some rain coming through today and tonight... or is that 40° drop supposed to happen tonight, after this rainy front comes through? I don't know. It's February in Florida - we get at least 3 seasons each day around this time of year but none of it usually includes "freezing" temperatures... XD

Still, I took my day off and sat on the couch and watched a bunch of anime yesterday. I know what you mean about feeling like a lazy bum, but sometimes it's really necessary to do something like that. I can't speak for you, but I needed it after the crazy week or so that I just went through.

What are your plans for today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 15:18:49 )
@CooperationIsKey: Well, naturally ibuprofin and cookies pair well with meat, Key... c'mon! XD XD LOL - that is a delivery that went in your favor. I wonder about the repercussions for the delivery dude, though :(

LOL - yeah, wet clothes left in the washer aren't much fun at all. I'm glad I caught it when I did. And, it sounds like he was planning on taking some of the stuff he had in there too! XD Oh well.

... just random shoulder pain? :( That's not much fun.

Anything going on today?

@Koah: I'm sure you'll use every opportunity as a leaning experience and it definitely sounds like you are "on top of" the friends and influences things... they just seem to grab a bit tighter hold on the kids when they're older pre-teens/young teens... just as the kid is grabbing for more independence. It can be a difficult line to walk, in my experience/observations. But, I'm sure you've got it now, and will be great with the next shifts and stages too! :3 <3

ROFL... that dry weather must make a huge difference in how the temperature feels!! My son told me that he hasn't broken out the big heavy jacket we found for him yet, and he's still running around in a heavy cotton/canvas/duck(?) "Dickies" jacket that we picked up for him. Still, I'm glad he has some gear for the truly cold weather. I know what you mean, though - there were plenty of times as a young adult that I would do simple, quick chores outside in ~35° with jeans and a shirt/sweater. Here, though, 65-70° can feel beautifully comfortable or chilly, depending on the day.

My youngest is an old soul in a lot of ways... always has been... and I think I made the "mistake" a few years ago of getting him a copy of "manners for men" (or whatever the name of the book actually is)... XD


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 15:38:06 )

@Wildfire: Lmao, right? And yeah, we've got an easy four meals out of it! I look at the pork chop package last night and it was 3 pounds total--seven chops--and then the ground turkey was four pounds total! And I like turkey but don't usually get it because it's kinda expensive. So that's fun! I have no idea what'll happen with the delivery person, tbh. I'm sure Walmart reimbursed the person who actually ordered the meat in the first place at least, but I'm sure they're annoyed because that'd be another delivery fee/driver tip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for my shoulder, yeah, I have no clue what happened but it's been bothering me for days. I can't lay on it which is annoying because I often sleep on my side. Idk, if it doesn't sort itself out I'll bug my doctor about it I guess.

Not really. Might bake another cake, lmao. That's about it. What about you, what are you up to today?

I am annoyed at my roommate/landlord at the moment though. She expects my rent in cash each month (she doesn't trust online banking so transfers are a no-go even though we use the same freaking bank), and we agreed when I moved in that she'd take me to the bank each month to take out my rent money (it's a couple miles up the road). Well this month she decides "you'll have to arrange your own transportation" and uh no?? That'd be like $25-$30 with uber/lyft just to go take out my rent money, there is no freaking way. I'd walk to the atm nearby but it's been out of order for weeks. There is no way I'm walking all the way to the bank either. So I have no idea what in the world I'm going to do but I'm peeved.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 15:54:43 )
@Wildfire: What anime did you end up bingeing?

I lived in Hawaii for 2 years as a teen, and in winter I'd get Cold! and refuse to go out because that wet cold was torture. Hawaii never went below 60*f [if I remember right]. I imagine FL is similar?
omg, I just remembered, I lived in Hawaii, had to get to North Dakota [colder than Wyo because of windchill] for Christmas. I went from 75*f to -15* in one day. I mentally prepared to be cold, but I ended up feeling okay once I got out of that ND airport. I was the tannest, blondest person in ND that Christmas.

I feel like my son would enjoy a book like that. :d

Old soul kids are the best!
I was one myself. lol. <3 Now I'm youthful spirited in my adulthood. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 16:13:07 )
@CooperationIsKey: Wow - that's a delivery for a full family, or somebody doing some meal planning and batch cooking! It definitely worked out in your favor :3

I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. It's more than a pull or a tweak, huh? Whatever it is, I hope it starts feeling better soon.

LOL - baking a cake sounds like a good thing to do on this overcast and rainy day! I am making bone broth at the moment and may turn it in to soup later - it depends on the actual timing of the broth and what kind of soup I decide I want to mess with. Otherwise, today is a day of putting away all the random stuff that has accumulated around the house over the chaos of the last week+ ... so... cleaning. Or at least organizing and finding the table-tops again. :3

That's kinda sucky for your room-mate/landlord to pull that on you... especially when there are other viable digital options available. Maybe you should go get the cash, but then deduct the cost of the Uber from your rent...??? I don't blame you for being a bit upset at this change of "agreement"


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 16:32:11 )
@Koah: oh jeeze... let's see... I am up to date with Campfire Cooking in Another World... and The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist... , so went on to watch other stuff, like The Ice-blade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World and Tomo-chan is a Girl... and Dr.Stone, I think, yesterday?? I don't remember all the names of what I was looking at versus what I actually watched without looking at the list. Hubby and I are watching a couple things together too, and after a while, they all start getting muddled together XD

The temps here will drop to 30°s once in a while (and remember, I'm in central west FL; north FL will get colder, more often), but our winters are often 40-50° at night, maybe, and around 70° most days...?? It really kinda jumps all over the place - there are days/nights when it's really cold and real winter wear is maybe not absolutely necessary but definitely helpful, and two days later it'll be beach weather. This time of year, clothes tend to end up piled up all over the place (instead of stored properly) because it's seriously hard to anticipate whether I'm going to want shorts and a tank top or jeans and hoodies and scarves! Most of the time it's that "perfect Spring" weather though. And yes - 50° here absolutely feels much colder than it ever felt even in the northeast!!

LOL - there are a number of books available along those lines. Another book I suggest for most young adults is Chicken Soup for the Soul ... and... there's another one or two that I'm blanking on ATM.

I was always an old soul too... and a youthful adult. Now, I'm not so sure what I am XD



Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 18:02:02 )

@Wildfire: Well the plan was to just chill all day yesterday but I ended up going out in the end
I had to help my mom carry something for her since she heavily bruised one of her hands. It was quite.. stressful in the end.

I get that, I need to chill after dealing some stressful moments but also when I'm just having a bad day or two or even a whole darn week.
But ooh! What anime did you watch? Was it good? My plans for today is just get some drawing done, do some minimal tasks here and there and avoid going outside at all cost. Is currently hitting double negative temperatures outside even if the sunny bright weather is deceiving


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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 18:45:46 )
@Wildfire: Lots of animes! A lot of those I haven't watched, but have seen on my recommendations. Dr. Stone I watched forever ago and never caught up/finished it.
I've been re-watching Trigun. [comfort anime]. My husband keeps wanting to re-watch Violet Evergarden and I can't bring myself to re-watch it. lol. XD It's good, great even, but dang it wrecked me.
Devil's a Part-Timer is also one of my comfort watches.

We have a lot on our watch list and I have zero patience for sitting on the couch and being like "what should we watch tonight" and flip through a billion options and never decide on one.

My son is so used to seeing everyone in snow-weather clothing, that now that I've been wearing spaghetti strapped shirts to bed and the occasional shorts, he comments "why are you wearing that?" or "... That's... underwear.. " he's 9. lol. He gives me that grandfather look of "And THATS what your wearing? I don't think so."

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 20:32:15 )
@Purpsy: lol... I feel like I've seen (or am watching with hubby) most of the truly good anime at this point, so I'm just kinda toolin' around. I'm currently watching Tomo-chan is a Girl because apparently today is also a "day off, sit on the couch" day XD

Yeah, I have some family who are still up north and they're complaining about the negative temperatures too (like -20, with wind-chill) XD

@Koah: Yeah, they're starting to get a little more obscure (& I'm watching on Crunchyroll), but I/we have watched most of the good ones already, and hubby and I are currently watching My Hero Academia and Lycoris Recoil together, so I don't want to get ahead of him ...and we're waiting for more episodes of Spy Family. I was tempted to rewatch FairyTail or the 2nd season of Attack on Titan (he got ahead of me with that one, I think). I don't think we've seen Violet Evergarden. Maybe hubby has - he usually watches more TV than I do.

LOL @ your son! <3 That story is reminding me of my youngest at around that age, actually... XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/3 23:29:21 )

@Wildfire: Oooh soup. Did you end up making that? What'd you settle on if so? o3o

And yeah I'm pretty peeved off. Though apparently the grocery store up the way has an atm (since the walgreens one is currently dead) so I guess I'm walking up there tomorrow to get the money. Because I loooove taking a buttload of cash out in public and then walking home with it in my pocket! -_-;;;

If I get mugged she's the one who's out of luck as quite frankly it's her own fault.

Please ping me!

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/4 01:31:23 )
I thought I replied here the other day, but I guess not lol.

@Wildfire: Aw, I hope the move goes well for your son. And I hope you're doing well also, despite your recent events.

@Koah: Your raccoon story sounds hilarious, but I'd also be salty especially since it was a near-full bag of marshmallows. xP I see you changed up your cowgirl avi, and I love it!

@Purpsy: Honestly camping can be really fun if you have the right conditions. I was just unlucky, I guess. Also in the same trip with the raccoon, it was rainy and cold most of the time we were there, so we ended the trip early because we were all miserable lol. Seriously though, you should totes try camping sometime!
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

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