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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 16:43:02 )

@Wildfire: I was planning to do some laundry but someone beats me to it downstairs... the person has three loads of laundry to wash and we have only have one washer and dryer so screw waiting. I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning n_n I have to do some tidying up here such us sweeping, cleaning the carpets, throw some recycles and trash later and other stuff I can't think of right now. I'm taking a breather currently since carrying a full bag of laundry up and down the stairs is a workout. We don't have elevators here since is such a small unit...

Wow that is weird :/ You didn't feel that energy rush at all?

@Koah: Awe sounds like you had a fun weekend :3
Take your time, I may be off here for awhile


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 18:33:11 )
@Purpsy: A sleeping bag for a daybed is actually genius. o3o
I have a day bed at my house, it's such a weird size. e.e'

My weekend was somewhat eventful, and not. I ended up having a lot of stress that I vented out to friends. Now I'm sitting here, regretting having done that.
Made me realize I'm dealing with seasonal depression. Cx

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 18:51:42 )
@Koah: Oh! I hope you had a good weekend! <3 ... it sounds like it was an interesting one. Thanks for mentioning seasonal depression - I need to mention that to my youngest, who is so accustomed to sunshine 99% of the time, he might feel some of that with his move. I'm sorry that you're feeling it though :( At least being able to identify it might be a step in the right direction, right? I hope your stress goes away. :/

@CooperationIsKey: lol <3 Your day might seem boring, but I'll take walmart and purple nail polish over the drivers around here*. Are you doing more with the cosplay??

@Purpsy: I'm sorry to hear about your laundry situation, but it sounds like you have a good plan in place for tomorrow! :3
No... I didn't feel the caffeine rush at all. It was really weird... like really weird.

Some complete jackass tried his best to pick a vehicular "fight" with me because apparently, I didn't go fast enough for him off a red light and through a two-lane merge. "Aggressive" doesn't even touch this dude's attitude. He nearly back-ended me at least twice, then swooped around me across a no passing zone as soon as the physical/grass median disappeared, just to get in front of me, to then immediately brake-check me with a complete stop... in the middle of a well-used road... while traffic behind me was still managing the merge and options to avoid this jerk were extremely limited. All this happened over about four-five hundred feet worth of road (I actually measured it on google maps - lol)... *facepalm*


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 20:57:19 )
@Wildfire: omg what a dumbass. e_e Driving experiences like that really make a person not want to drive anymore. ;(
I watched a guy a couple weeks ago, pass me on the mountain pass [no pass zone] and almost get into a head on collision. He swerved back into our lane forcing himself into the line of traffic. So dumb for this kind of weather, we have ice and snow banks and wildlife on the mountain.

We have sun here, buuut- snow too. I'm not big on winter sports, haven't been since I was a teen. So going outside isn't something I have a desire to do anymore. Which forces me to be inside and working 95% of my week. ;T I don't have time to do indoor sports either like swimming or anything. :\

I get in that winter rut of "same sh-t, different day"

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 21:22:05 )
@Koah: Yeah - this guy was "special" /eyeroll/ (and I'm not usually slow on the "light's green, time to drive" thing either...). I hope he didn't take out a bicyclist or something further down the road where the rather popular and much-used county-wide trail has a road crossing (or a deer/other wildlife, which are all through this area too)... *shakes head* ...but yeah, I guess at least it was dry and sunny and this idiot wasn't pulling this sh*t on snow and ice and mountain passes! *envisions a Hollywood-style car going over the cliff scene* XD

Winter sports are... well, they're expensive, the last time I checked (and I'm sure it's more-so now)... and it's ... COLD!! Brrrr!!!
... "winter sports" in Florida are... well, they usually involve the beach and the water or a park/campground... and things like hiking, bicycling, boating, frisbee golf, etc....

It's easy to get in to that "same sh*t, different day" rut. :/


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 21:39:59 )
@Wildfire: When I imagine cars going off the cliff [hollywood style], I remember when a semi [semis aren't allowed on this road], going over the edge. It was a potato truck. The driver lived. Shaken, no injuries [thank god], and on that one cliffside on the mountain, there are a LOT of potatoes growing. lol.
It's not so much a cliff but a steep hill and a few trees stopped the semi from going all the way down the mountain.
Once a year, the newspaper out here prints an article to remind people to hike that way and get free potatoes. lol.
Winter sports are super expensive. Skiing and snowboarding are HUGE out here. The most I do is ice skate, and I'm still paying for skate rentals and the admission to the local rink.
We got a ton of snow again. FINALLY got my truck unburied to work on it and it's buried again. OTL

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 22:10:57 )

@Wildfire: Lol, fair. We did end up getting lunch, so that was nice. We split a Cuban sandwich. 👍

I found a sort of metallic purple that I think will look great, and then I got a bonus iridescent glitter because it was pretty and cheap lmao. Oh! Speaking of the cosplay, I have the printed, laminated "ID" in an ID holder now.

Sounds like you ran into quite an 'adventure' yourself. Gotta love road rage. 🙄


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 22:52:09 )
@Koah: That is ... uhhh... sad (that it happened)? good (that the driver was ok)? and absolutely hilarious that the hillside/mountainside is now covered in free-range potatoes! XD I bet there are (or maybe "will be") a lot of people climbing that hillside in search of side-dishes! XD

I used to ice skate on the local pond down the road from my father's house... if it was shoveled. If not, guess what the first "job" was? XD I haven't been ice skating in years... haven't been rollerblading in years either, now that I think about it. There's an ice rink in one of the local malls...

... and skiing? OMG - I think I was a teenager/young adult the last time I went skiing (snowboarding didn't really exist at the time - lol. (and yes, I'm old XD )).

LOL at the snow... but I sympathize. I remember times like that. I remember having to dig out the street block(because snow plows are next to useless sometimes) to get my car out from a storm so I could get to work...

Right now, I'm dealing with "but I just washed the car and 2 days later it's already completely covered in pollen!! *waaaah*!!!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/6 22:56:47 )
@CooperationIsKey: There is something about a good Cuban, isn't there? <3 I'm glad you got out... and got lunch! :3

LOL - it sounds like you found a good color... and look at you go with the ID cover and everything!!! XD <3

Yeah, OMG, this was entirely one-sided road rage, but he was maaaaaaaadddddd... at something... and decided I was a good temporary target for some reason. I'd love to know what the other drivers on the road thought when he was doing this shit... XD


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 02:15:10 )
@Wildfire: Oh yeah, I can't imagine how much space winter clothing and such takes up for those who live where it snows. My wardrobe is already too big for my own good, so I wouldn't do well with that. >.>

I watched a lot of tv this weekend. I started and finished this new series on Netflix called Pressure Cooker, which is a cooking competition show. Not terrible, but not the best cooking show either. I didn't care for the setup of the game, but I watched it anyway. Also started watching the revamped Fruits Basket, finally. I finally finished watching Hunter x Hunter earlier this week, and I think I need to find another shounen anime to watch.

Ooh, your soup sounds delicious. I can't remember if I've ever had white beans, but I do love spinach. What did you use for your stock? Any cream? I personally can't stand cream in my soups, but to each their own.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 02:31:05 )

@Wildfire: This place we go to makes a good one, too (Cuban I mean). We split a sandwich and I couldn't even finish my half! Guess I have a midnight snack lmao.

And yes, I'm stupidly happy with the ID, lol. It's just so cute! I'm tempted by a metallic alligator-scale lanyard I saw on Etsy but I can't decide if that's going overboard lmao.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 05:22:49 )

@Koah: It is honestly at lot easier to tidy up in the morning than the regular bedroom covers and is oddly comfy xD
Yeah it is a weird size... I believe mines is a twin bed but I still don't completely understand what's the purpose of it. Do most people put it into their living room area?

Awe, I think is not an actual hangout if there's no some group ranting therapy involve. At least that's my experiences with it so far, as long is maybe if it's some healthy dose of ranting? Idk

@wildfire: Hmm very weird but it does make me think. Does drinking caffeine too much over time has lost it's effects of what caffeine does for our body? Like I'm just addicted at this point and It no longer really wakes me up most of the time but only makes me poop twenty minutes later.

Sorry your driving mishap earlier, some idiots out there doesn't deserve to drive


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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 14:18:44 )
@Aisukohi: I spent the majority of the weekend on the couch too, recovering from the whirlwind that my son tends to be. I don't recall if I've seen that particular cooking show. And speaking of cooking, my white bean soup included a homemade chicken broth base, with onion & garlic, celery, carrot, navy beans, italian spices (thyme mostly, and a bay leaf), and spinach and a touch of lemon juice added at the end of the cooking. No cream (I don't tend to cook with it, and don't add it to soups). That's it. It was yummy, and super easy. Some big crunchy bread would have gone nicely with it, but we didn't have any on hand.

I didn't realize they redid Fruits Basket - I'll have to find it. I watched most of Hunter x Hunter but never finished out the series (got close) - that was a lot of seasons to watch!

@CooperationIsKey: Good. Not all Cubans are the same, imo, although in principle, they are fairly easy to put together. LOL at the midnight snack - that's awesome! :3

Oh fun color(s)!!! That purple looks like it will be absolutely perfect to your cosplay!! I think the alligator lanyard would be great too, tbh... and even if it turns out to be slightly overkill, isn't that more-or-less what (some) cosplay is anyway? XD I say "do it" XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 14:26:45 )
@Purpsy: ... eh... maybe your thoughts about caffeine losing its effects on a person over time would be the case for some people or situations but the 4 cups I had the other day? ... I think I was just that tired. I know what you mean about the addiction though and it not really waking you up any more. I need some caffeine to start the day or I just don't feel human (not to mention the withdrawal headache I'll have if I don't ease off of caffeine - no "cold turkey" for me!)... but it doesn't feel like I get a jump start ... o_0

Good morning everyone.
I hope you all have a tremendously wonderful Tuesday! Anyone have anything fun going on today?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 22:01:31 )
@Wildfire: omg, I've had to shovel a long driveway before [multiple times] and part of a street to get out. XDD Don't miss that. Although... kind of do, actually. I find shoveling snow to be a bit therapeutic.
I skiied as a teen out here, I enjoyed it as a yoooouth. but - did one last hill run at like, 18 and decided it's not for me anymore. XD Snowboarding has definitely picked up in popularity now.
I think I see more snowboarders on the resorts now than skiiers. But I see the skiiers out in the wild more.
omgosh, how are your allergies going this year?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 22:04:09 )
Good afternoon. <3
I got a strong coffee this AM before daycare hours, so worth it.
but then a kid called out, so I only have 3 +1[mine] today. CX /turned out relaxing. lol

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 22:09:00 )
@Purpsy: I ended up with sayer's regret. But, I did spend a lot of time thinking out-loud which helped me get my head cleared up a bit and narrow down what is actually bothering me.
Our day bed was in the living room/game room, worked there for awhile but then it just looks like a bed in a living room. So I moved it to my daughter's room as a spare bed for guests or slumber party friends. It's slightly smaller than a twin. <.< An annoying size but it works well for guests/friends. it's useful.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/7 22:21:25 )
@Koah: omg, my car is YELLOW from the pollen. It's like all the trees just burst completely open the last two days and there's clouds of pollen floating through the air. It's horrid... and it's ya know... about 75-80°F, sunny and gorgeous otherwise... /eyeroll/

LOL - I understand what you're saying about shoveling snow. I almost miss it sometimes...

How are you doing today?

My youngest sent me a photo of a rabbit that looks bigger than my dogs...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 01:13:58 )

@Wildfire: I ended up eating the rest of my sandwich for dinner lmao.

Speaking of dinner, I ordered the wrong size of yellow rice packet for dinner. It's like double the size I need. But, I know if you don't cook the whole thing at once the spices don't get distributed properly. So I think I'll just make it all and freeze half for another meal. o3o;; Also I could have sworn we bought canned chicken for this specifically but I can't find it now; fortunately I have a can and a half in my personal cupboard and I'll just replace it later.

You know, you may be right lmao. I've been waffling on the dang lanyard for like a week or more now, but I do love it.

I'm surprised the pollen is so bad for you; I haven't seen any sign of it here yet! I suppose I will soon though.

And dude! Some rabbits get so freaking huge, it's weird to me because I raised rabbits as a kid but I had small species--Minilops and I think Californians? But then I see photos of people with these monstrously huge, as you said pretty much dog-sized, rabbits!

Please ping me!

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 01:35:21 )
@Wildfire: Sounds like a good reason to stay a couch potato to me lol. Your soup sounds delicious, although personally I'm not a fan of lemon for savory foods. I looooove a good crusty bread with soup. <3

I'm enjoying the new Fruits Basket so far, so would recommend watching for sure. I enjoyed Hunter x Hunter a lot, and I won't spoil anything for you. But personally I'm sad with how they chose to end things. Don't get me wrong, it was a good ending, but it left me wanting more, like some loose ends were left I think? I'd have to look for the manga to see if it goes further--maybe then I'll feel a better sense of closure. Overall though, I really, really enjoyed that series, as long as it was. I'm fine with watching longer series as long as the plot and the characters are good. I actually didn't care for Death Note, for example. Okay, maybe that's not really a long series, but it's one of the more popular ones that left me like meh.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

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