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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 13:58:10 )
@CooperationIsKey: ...aaaaah... so what are you doing (or what did you do) with the yellow rice and canned chicken? ... that sounds like a partial recipe to me, although I know that might not be the case. Regardless, I'm curious!! :3 I'm glad you have a plan for the larger pack of rice at least - that should help make an easy meal some night when you don't have enough time or energy or whatever :3

LOL - yeah, it's definitely "pollening" here. I am surrounded by a nature preserve and county parks though, so that might have something to do with the amounts that I'm seeing right now and you're not yet. It seems like after that last front that came through 2 or 3 days ago, all the trees exploded... but it's only going to get worse... because... Florida. *sigh*

Get the lanyard. You know it's perfect and you know that you want to... XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 14:07:46 )
@Aisukohi: The soup came out really well - and you couldn't taste the lemon - it was just a touch and it helped brighten up the flavors a touch. It was also something that could have been omitted.

I kinda got bored of Hunter x Hunter after a while... it started reminding me of the whole Dragonball Z phenomenon (as I call it) where one punch in a fight between the characters took 4 episodes to actually happen... but maybe I'll go find the series again and pick up where I left off. It kinda feels like I should finish it out. I liked Death Note but I can see where and how somebody might not; it had its fairly intense and tedious moments :3

Good morning.
I slept a lot last night. Again... something like 10 or 11 hours... for the 3rd? 4th? night in a row...?? x.X Apparently, I'm exhausted and am in need of sleep. I'm not terribly surprised, given everything that has happened iRL lately, but it might just be time to start taking my vitamins again! "Vitamin B, go!" XD

What is going on in your world today??


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 14:10:12 )

@Wildfire: I have known people who drinks too much coffee for their own good. But yeah maybe that's very likely in your case. I have drink caffeine sleep deprive before although it only works for a very short period of time. But wait there's such a thing called withdrawal headaches?
I just have zero energy and maybe grumpy if I go cold turkey... honestly is like having a second period minus the blood and pain xD

*takes the * Well good morning anyways. I just woke up not too long ago how's your morning going?

@Koah: I always find it best to be honest if you ever rant too much afterwards and usually their cool with it. But I think they are mostly trying to be civil about it or at least what my overthinking insecure mind is saying... But I get what you mean on daybeds, I've known one neighbor who owns one and they place it on their living room as well. But I feel is useful on small apartments with limited bedrooms.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 14:44:10 )
@Purpsy: Yes, definitely withdrawal headaches from caffeine (or the lack thereof). Not everyone gets them, but I do. Some people get other symptoms, like you said - grumpy, etc. I sometimes feel a little of that if I'm withdrawing from caffeine, but not too much. And normally, I have 1-2 mugs of coffee a day, so the four was unusual... and its lack of effect was even more surprising...

I'm trying to wake up. I just feel a bit groggy, despite a cup of coffee already, and plenty of sleep for the last couple nights. I have some computer work to do today, and some cooking/menu prep, and probably setting up my bullet journal again... and I should go for a walk at least (which means going to the gym because although the weather is lovely, the air is also full of pollen).

What do you have planned for the day today - anything fun?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:06:36 )

@Wildfire: Ah I have the same amount as well (mostly 1 cup). But at least I have an alternative if I do need a caffeine break sometimes. I now like tea~ I feel like my taste buds are getting old...

Honestly I'm deciding if I want to get some cleaning done around the kitchen today or work on a new artwork. Or if I have plenty of energy enough to do both. Then there's a part of me that wants to throw it all off and work on a new avi here I do need to catch up on some missed items here eventually.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:10:58 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, sometimes I'll have a little tea in the early afternoon if I want something warm to drink or want just a touch of caffeine to get me through a particularly rough afternoon/evening. There's nothing wrong -or old (LOL!)- with enjoying some tea! XD

Prioritize - what is it that you most want or need to do? Do that first. Then, depending on how you feel, etc., go on to do other things.

It's always amazing to me just how much time it takes to create avis here... it seems like I'm always hunting for X item/pose that I know is in there somewhere, but it's hidden behind or underneath a mess of other items/poses that I may or may not know the name of or what kind of item it is...

... I'll often do quick avis in the morning when I'm still waking up and nobody else is online yet XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:20:23 )
@Wildfire: Oh gosh, I remember growing up in Washington state [rainforest area] and pollen just hammering the cars. =O
I can totally envision your car being yellow now.
Wait until your son sees the foxes that run around out here! oh my gosh, I actually mistook one as a coyote. [totally wanna see that picture of the bunny lol]

Yesterday was a good day, however, kind of ended the day on a weird note.
But today is a new day, I did a coffee run. [falling back on that bad habit] >.<' I'm expecting... 6 kids today, I think, at my mom's daycare. Or maybe 5. /shrugs/

My kids are headed to hawaii for spring break and my son is already checking the hawaiian weather channel to mentally prepare for the temp difference. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:28:33 )

@Wildfire: I often drink them on afternoon or late evenings. Which I'm sure you shouldn't do because some tea has caffeine on it but it often helps me calm and sleep a bit better at night. Is honestly the best to pair with when I'm eating something very sweet, is like deep cleanse on my tongue before I kind of abuse it with intense flavours again lmao xD

Is kind of a gamble for me. If I go what I most want to do often I won't get much done I feel like I talk a big game of being responsible but what I really want is to laze around, draw or watch videos all day... Verses what I need to do is the boring adult stuff (at least that's what my brain sorts out things) Balancing that out is hard.

Yeah it is :3 But honestly that's the fun of it♥ And as an artist I love to draw my avis or others here. And same! I just listen some background music while I work on a avi. Is truly relaxing~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:48:34 )
@Koah: Yeah, the pollen is probably pretty similar, given that we are in a semi-tropical area...

LOL at your son, but yeah, I completely get it, and good for him! It's a temperature shift, that's for sure! :3

I don't know that he's seen the foxes yet. He sent me a selfie with a calf yesterday XD

I'll try to remember to post photos later (of the bunny and of the pollen - lol) - I have to get some work done first (before I decide it's time for a nap or something, despite all the sleep I have been getting lately)

Hopefully your day goes well today, and I hope whatever weird note the day ended on yesterday doesn't repeat or affect you today! :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 15:53:36 )
@Purpsy: black tea has caffeine. green tea has caffeine. red tea has caffeine. the herbal teas do not. some teas, like camomile, are known to help you sleep. And yes, that makes sense... balancing out the sweet with something else :3

adulting is ... difficult sometimes. But really, everything is a game of "choices"... do this, and that suffers... do that, and this doesn't get done... so it's a matter of, like you say, balancing it all out. But there's nothing selfish about taking time to do stuff you really want to do either...

... eh... most of the time, I do not find creating avis here particularly relaxing because I get too annoyed at not being able to find that one thing that I know is hidden in my inventory somewhere... or having something equip and remove something else that I really liked and can't remember where I found it...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 16:33:43 )

@Wildfire: Wait there's red tea? It seems I need to learn more about teas. The ones I often drink are Orange Pekoe and Honey Lemon tea. But I still haven't open my box of Lipton Green Tea yet so thanks for the heads up. Two months ago a close friend of my mom is moving away so they give us their remaining tea collection to us and it's a lot...

Yeah, but I am a harsh critic to myself when I do want to just relax. I always feel like I need to do more because I definitely made some good choices before... sometimes you learn things the hard way. But nonetheless I do want to update some of my threads here and draw later. I'll clean tomorrow :)

Ugh that is so true >.<
Is a lot more tougher here out of all the similar sites I've been in. Other than the commons you buy on shops, the one that comes in sets you can get easily confuse and get lost in. Since I've been back I forgotten some of the items I have...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 16:55:17 )
@Purpsy: LOL - yep, there's red tea too. And your orange tea probably has caffeine (it's probably based off of a black tea, with orange flavorings). Green tea usually has a little less caffeine than the black. I'm blanking on where the red comes in, in terms of caffeine levels. Often the boxes will tell you what to expect. Herbals are not caffeinated ... they're flowers, usually.

Sounds like you've made a decision or two about what you're going to do today :3

Yeah, the common items here are pretty straight-forward. I wish the rest of the items were too... the items here are more like "sets" on other sites. The organization makes it really easy to get lost in the wardrobe or lose "things" in there. I admit that I'm not a fan of how it's laid out here... :/


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 17:14:41 )

@Wildfire: Ooh I'm learning so much! But... I may still drink my orange pekoe at night <.<;
But maybe don't drink oh so too late then. I'm not sure how much caffeine it is since my mother threw all away the boxes and put them on separate containers. But the orange pekoe I have is local it seems.

Although I have wasted a great amount of time spacing out

True and although is nice that we got more than we bargain for but Voltra haven't updated on searching the items on our invo yet.
Hopefully they get around it eventually.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 17:30:39 )
@Purpsy: sometimes the info is also printed on the tea bag wrappers as well, or you could try looking up information online for whatever tea you're interested in. You'll figure it out, and I'm far from a tea expert, but you can try asking me if you have questions :3

I don't know if the search function will help us find the specific things within each item, but it all depends on how the system is set up and then how the search function is coded, of course...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 17:52:12 )

@Wildfire: Hmm... well for starters I do want a type of tea with low or no caffeine since it does help me calmly sleep well at night. Which I assume the best for that are herbal tea right? Other than Chamomile, what other types would you recommend?

I think it will help a little bit for some people. My issue here often is I know the specific item name I want but I struggle to find it on my inventory.
But yes it all depends on how they set that up here and how accurate the searches are.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 18:19:29 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, herbals would be best if you're looking to sleep. Camomile is awesome for that - it actually has properties to help you sleep... not just the whole "tea is warm and cozy, let's relax" thing. Uhhh... let's see, I have a lemongrass tea that I like sometimes before bed, or a mint or ginger tea if I want something a little uplifting/refreshing without the caffeine, or if my tummy is upset for some reason (they both help ease nausea). I also have a hibiscus tea that I really enjoy sometimes. There are a lot of different teas out there...


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 19:02:38 )

@Wildfire: Chicken and yellow rice, and we had spinach for our veggie. There was a ton of rice leftover, but instead of freezing it, roommate's gonna pick up more chicken tonight and we're going to have it again lol. It's a simple cheap meal to be true but it's tasty!

Well I guess I know to expect it here soon. We have a big ol' Live Oak in our front yard so I'm sure we'll have a mess soon enough lol.

And yeah... I did, lmao. Looking forward to it!!

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 19:19:41 )
@CooperationIsKey: LOL - I do that sometimes too, tbh! XD It removes the stress of making other decisions and it's easy enough to mix up "the same thing" just enough so that you don't get bored of it.... like, I can easily see this chicken and rice turning in to a bit more of a fried rice / stirfry thing without much hassle. :3

... yeah... I made the mistake of taking the dog out and checking the garden real quick. I was outside for about 5 minutes and about 10 minutes after I came back in, had a sneezing/leaky/itchy fit from the pollen /eyeroll/ I have a serious love-hate relationship with this time of year. *sigh* I'm surprised that you're not seeing it yet, actually. You must be just different enough climate-wise or environmentally-wise from where I am to have that much of a difference.... which is weird given that we're ... what? 30-45 minutes away from each other at the most? We're practically in each other's back yards, but I know the micro-climates around here can vary tremendously, very quickly. Florida is so weird. :3

You bought the lanyard? oooh! Congratulations! You know you're going to have to show off this outfit once you get it all finalized! :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 21:12:52 )

@Wildfire: Hmm I might have to look through what we currently have here again if we have any of those.
I honestly need to get some Chamomile eventually. But there is definitely a lot x.x I'm not sure I'll explore most of them. Maybe?


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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/8 22:28:26 )
@Purpsy: LOL! <3 Learn about what you have first, then explore from there. But if you know you want camomile, for example, then I say "go for it"! It really is a lovely pre-bedtime thing, imo!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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