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Forums Hangouts ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/30 16:57:45 )
@Wildfire: im so sick of snow today. Lol! On the plus side it's warmer outside now. A whole 25-30*f.
We had some snow-melting days this week and then it snowed all night again.
Wildlife is a little more common to see now, which means spring is ... Hopefully close.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/30 18:36:05 )

@Wildfire: Goodness, you have been busy! Congrats on getting house stuff done; I actually have gotten plant maintenance done but I still have some to go. I'm working on cleaning up my bedroom as well but it's kinda slow going since I don't have much in the way of storage space. That sounds neat about getting your art displayed; hope you're able to do that! The passport thing sounds like a headache--but what isn't when it comes to the government, right? :P

Something I really gotta get on the ball with is building the terrarium for my dwarf white isopods. They've been stuck in a very small container for far too long now. Plus the terrarium will be nicer to look at.

I kinda wanna work on cutting the foam for that but I probably need to do it in the kitchen so foam bits don't blow all over the yard, but I think my roommate is trying to take a nap in the adjoining living room and the noise would probably make her nuts. 🤔


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/31 11:33:30 )
@Totalanimefan: Hey Total! Yeah, it does seem like it has been a while. Everyone has been so busy lately! But yeah, you did tell me about your new job. It sounds like it's keeping you busy, but like it's going well. That's a good thing!

Yeah, it has hit the 85° mark a few times already, but it is mostly staying around the 75° range most of the time around here. I can't complain. ;) Are you still dealing with snow? It should be headed out about now, but this has been a long tough winter for those of you who regularly get snow...

@Koah: lol... oooOOOoooh! That's sooOOOooo warm!!! XD (*snickers slightly*... It was ~75° here yesterday & 77° or so the day before that). XD LOL. All relentless teasing about the temperature aside, I understand, and I do sympathize. You've gotten blasted with snow this year and I'd be surprised if you weren't sick of it by now. Hopefully Spring is about to... errr... spring! Like you say, seeing the wildlife start making appearances again is a good sign of that happening. Good luck. If I could bottle you some sunshine and warmer (snow-free) temperatures, I would. :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/31 11:48:32 )
@CooperationIsKey: Thanks. Some of the house stuff is done. There's plenty more to get done. Right now it's in that "I'm working on it, so it's a complete mess and there are piles of 'thoughts' just about everywhere". It's making me sorta crazy tbh, but it's a productive chaos... or at least that's what I'm telling myself. :3 XD But, one step at a time, right?

What is it about Florida houses and not having any actual closets or storage?? We have one small closet in each bedroom (one of which is more like a mostly-unuseable broom closet it's so small and oddly shaped!), a small, shallow closet by the bathroom for towels and stuff, and what's essentially a couple of shelves hidden behind a door that's acting as a pantry in the kitchen... for the entire house. /eyeroll/ So, it's not just you and I completely get what you're going through! It's hard to be organized when there's nowhere to PUT stuff!! (thus the current chaos and "piles of thoughts" taking over my house ATM). I wish you the best of luck. It will feel soooooo good when you get things sorted and organized the way you want! <3

It sounds like you have a couple projects going on that are keeping you busy! I hope the little critters like their new home once you get it set up for them!!


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/31 17:19:36 )
@Wildfire: i wish people could bottle sunshine. Lol
Then when i open it, it just blasts me in the face. And I go 'ahhhh sweet sweet sunshine'

We have those air in a can things here because a lot of tourists get altitude sickness from sea-level to mountain levels. The canned air- i guess, helps?-shrugs-

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/1 11:09:35 )
Wonderful April to everyone. It's a Topsy-Turvy Day.

@Wildfire: Happy to hear it wasn't anything to do with the weather. Electronics will always act up when you least want them to. It's finally the weekend and I can take time off, it seems you have kept yourself very busy. Conventions it's always a good idea to bring an empty reusable water bottle (usually security will ask you to empty it before bringing it in for safety purposes), medication (prescription and non-prescription for any headaches that may appear along the way along with allergy medication is helpful), and snack bars. It's always best to travel light for those sorts of events.

@Koah: Busy and warmer weather days are ahead no doubt, it started to get warm here and then we got snow a few days in a row. It's always when you least expect it. *_* Happy birthday to your daughter. <3 Wonderful to hear you are recovering well from dental work. n_n

@CooperationIsKey: Those snacks sound great and very fitting for a carnival. It's not too difficult to get coloured glass fish bowls, or, even colour the outside of the bowl with water-based markers. I feel bad for the kids who will bring home a fish for it to die shortly after too. Poor fish. T_T

@Totalanimefan: Nice to see an update of you saying it was a lot of work to learn and that you are adjusting as well as adapting well. I hope you're still enjoying it?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/3 16:20:50 )
@Totalanimefan: It’s good to hear that is something you were really hoping for and getting exactly what you wanted seems to have worked out.

Cherry blossoms are always beautiful and I hope the event went well? I’ve been taking time to appreciate the flowers that are popping up, some are taking a bit longer than others which is nice to see them finally bloom.

I have been very well thank you! Focused on making bigger, more sustainable, and long term goals for myself has been a little challenging, but, nothing I haven’t done before, getting back into it has me feeling inspired in my work as well.

I’m so glad to hear that the thread I made helped you visit over things you achieve or pursue. It’s easy to get so caught up to lose sight of how you feel or what could bring you joy. n_n

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/4 11:50:24 )
@Koah: bottled sunshine would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it?
Yeah, I can kinda see why the canned air would help certain, more susceptible people with the altitude changes... especially if you're coming from sea level (like FL or New Orleans).

@Lotus: thanks for the Con tips - they're in line with what I usually do when I attend one. This one wasn't particular about bringing in water or snacks, fortunately. I'm sure they probably would have stopped an entire cooler of stuff coming in, but they didn't mind a water bottle and a couple little things to snack on.

@Totalanimefan: Aaaaah yes, the cherry blossoms! They are really pretty - I"m sure you're enjoying them :3 I'm happy to hear that the job is going well for you too :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/4 12:33:36 )
....................... SO! ........ I have been busy and offline more than usual lately.

MegaCon was... mega. It was HUGE, and Loud, and chaotic, and because of the teenagers and their whiny wants and schedules at the Con (the ones I was dragged along to help chaperone), I didn't really get to do anything fun, tbh, but it was still interesting. I didn't get to go to any of the panels or whatever; didn't see any celebrities; didn't get any merch (nothing in particular jumped out at me - especially nothing I was interested in carrying around and/or taking home).

There were a number of furries roaming around, and a good number of people cosplaying various characters: Naruto, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Batman/Robin and the Joker (including an old-school version of the Joker from the 80s Batman movie), several Spidermen, Mario & Luigi (actually a few of them!), hobbits, elves, and a wizard or two.

There was some kind of mushroom person on stilts, there was a full-sized, functional Dalek, a number of Doctor Who (various incarnations - we saw one cosplay of one of the early-early Doctors (maybe the 3rd?) and a David Tennant Doctor that was really good), Spy Family (the most adorable (child cosplaying) Anya sat next to me at lunch one day), Demon Slayer cosplays were pretty much everywhere. HALO made an appearance, there was at least one cosplay of Fairytale that I saw, SHIELD and Thor (especially Fat Thor was popular) were wandering around...

There were a lot of cosplays of One Piece, several Jedis, a few Stormtroopers (and variations), Emperor Palpatine, a couple of Star Trek uniforms (not so many of them, surprisingly enough, especially since there was a Star Trek photo opportunity booth, celebrities from newer shows, and the fact that Star Trek started the whole Con thing). There was even a Superman, and a Roger Rabbit & Jessica, and a cosplay of The Way of the Househusband that I was surprised to see. Several people were wearing Maid uniforms and the Maid Cafes at the Con were sold out, and there were several "School Uniforms" that may or may not have been show specific (if so, I didn't make the connection(s)) ........ just soooo much!

... and now, I'm tired, but need to start thinking about what to cook for Easter and getting the house ready for whomever might come by and hang out with us this weekend (and because of the Con, the house is a bit messier than usual. Ugh.)

What is going on with you guys??


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/5 17:11:09 )
@Totalanimefan: Thank you so much. <3 Fantastic to hear that it was fun with beautiful weather.

@Wildfire: That's great to hear that the convention allows in a water bottle along with some snacks, I notice more conventions and events are allowing snacks along with water for those who have hidden or even visible disabilities. (Sorry to hear the house became a mess again after getting it finally cleaned up to how you like it).

What's going on for me is work and more work. Busy schedules and routines, the usual. Thankfully I can figure out my own work schedule and see what I should push around and sort out before a friend's birthday that is coming up.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/5 22:24:20 )
@Wildfire: you've definitely been keeping busy, wow. :)
Comic cons are always fun. People-watching is my favorite. XD
My last con, i dressed a bit steampunk and just drank coffee and explored, didn't buy anything, just people-watched and eventually met some celebrities. C:

My life is keeping me rather busy per usual. In my free time I've been reading and actually watching some tv.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/6 13:19:44 )
@Totalanimefan: Awwww ... that's a shame that the blossoms are already gone! They are lovely when they're in bloom! :3

I'm not surprised at all that you and probably Aisu and who-knows-who-else have gone to that Con. I was actually really surprised that I didn't run in to people I know there!

@Lotus: Yes! I think these big conference centers, etc., finally are realizing that they don't have to be complete and utter nutters about allowing water and small snacks in to their venue: people truly need to have them and I'm sure it doesn't affect their overall sales of their overpriced junk food. I was surprised, though, that the Orlando Convention Center did not have water bottle refill stations.

LOL - it's not really a surprise that the house became a mess while I was gone. I live with guys who just don't seem to see it, and dogs who happen to be shedding ...

You have a versatile work schedule? That's awesome! Are you and your friend doing anything particularly special in terms of birthday shenanigans? (I need ideas XD )


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/6 13:30:40 )
@Koah: Yeah, cons are usually fun. I think I prefer the slightly smaller ones than this one, though - it's easier to move around, easier to people watch, and meet celebrities who aren't afraid of actually going out and hanging with people, etc. Yes, the cons are a fun excuse to dress up a little. I didn't dress at all this time other than wearing a kawaii boba kitty tshirt, though - no time (or energy. or interest, really), and the focus was just being there to help chaperone teenagers, and keep my friend sane... ish. XD

I'm glad you're getting a chance to just chill a little bit. I hope everything is going well for you with everything you're juggling - you're a busy lady!!

... and yes, things have just been hoppin' lately iRL... Cons, Easter, birthday, trying to wrangle some sense in to this house, worrying about my boy who's over-tired, over-worked and still dealing with snow, etcetera.. and, on top of all the miscellaneous stuff that seems to keep popping up iRL, I just got tagged for jury duty. *sigh*


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/6 13:40:05 )
@Totalanimefan: Not too sure, based on the years previous, it could be mid-April to early May. T_T

@Koah: That sounds like you had a great time, which celebrities did you end up meeting? <3

@Wildfire: Yea, I am glad they're being more open about what is brought in as long as it's to help you. No refill stations lead to refilling in the bathroom which always gets weird looks. T_T Overpriced snacks are the worst as well, no, I don't want to spend money on a small bag of pretzels when I could be supporting an artist.

Shedding pets with seasons changing is always the worst! T_T Maybe ask the guys if they would be willing to take on a chore and swap around who does what? That is what my other half and I do, if I don't want to clean the bathroom, I know my other half will. As for my flexible work schedule, it makes life harder at times and need to be firmer in getting stuff done. xD

For my friend's birthday, I plan on surprising her with some cupcakes (thinking strawberry as it is her favourite fruit). We usually just hang around her place or she comes over, she is new here and enjoys small hangouts where we can just enjoy tea and something sweet. n_n

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/6 21:33:05 )
@Lotus: Yeah... and there's just something a tad off about refilling your water bottle in the public bathroom too (eww)

Yeah, my guys are pretty good about helping out... but I have to ask them - they don't seem to notice or care on their own, and frankly, I'm tired of being their babysitter.

@Totalanimefan: Holy crap that's hot for that region at this time of year! Yikes! XD

... yeah, it's a big Con.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/9 00:55:25 )
@Wildfire: I fell behind on Easter planning. XDD
Last minute I found an egg hunt today and tomorrow, I think I might take my kiddos to church which is something I haven't done since they were toddlers.
I think I'll put together a quick egg scavenger hunt tomorrow as well and I didn't plan anything for dinner. XD so who knows, maybe we'll do ramen or cereal. lol! or mac n cheese. Cx

@Lotus: I haven't been to a con in... 8 years. lol. XD But I had met Karen Gillen, I was a whovian at the time and a couple other celebrities that I used to be a nerd for. One of the TAP Ghost Hunters guys and Mr. Fantastic from Fantastic 4, Ian Gruffudd.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/9 14:30:48 )

Good morning and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! :3

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 14:37:27 )
@Totalanimefan: LOL - sometimes, you just gotta turn on the AC! I'm glad it seems to have been only a temporary temperature spike, though - it's really too early for those temps in your current area :3

@Koah: I can't tell you how many of those "oops - that holiday snuck up fast! What the heck am I gonna do?" moments I've had over the years! XD What did you end up doing with the kiddos? ... about dinner?

@CooperationIsKey: Good morning, Key... a day late. Did you celebrate? How are you doing?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 14:39:58 )
So... I've been busy cleaning up the house (which needed some attention - especially after my being gone last weekend) and shopping/prepping for dinner. I hosted. It was very mellow but nice. I managed to not completely knock myself out doing food for once. I made a ham, green beans with bacon (by request), mashed potatoes (also by request), and some sauteed corn with bell peppers. I had a beet, goat cheese/feta (choice) and mixed greens salad ready to go that never got brought out. We had carrot cake for dessert and appetizers consisted of mini-quiches (courtesy of Costco XD), devilled eggs, doughnuts that my stepson brought, and crackers & cheese. I think that's it, food-wise. It was just five of us: me, hubby, my eldest, my stepson, and my mom. My youngest called in between helping to birth baby cows. XD

... but I'm tired ... and sore, for some reason - which I'm not liking, tbh.

How are you guys doing?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 19:08:35 )

@Wildfire: Hello! I'm good, mostly. Easter was really nice; went to my stepmom's and hung out with the family for a few hours. Ate good food. :)

Today was a bit more excitement than I bargained for though; I decided to tag along with roomie to run errands today because I wanted to get out of the house, and while we were headed to the feed store, we got rear-ended. Turned out to be a four-car pile-up and the two cars in the middle are totaled. Everyone was okay, a little sore but nothing serious, fortunately. And roomie's car has only some damage to the bumper.

So it was an interesting day by noon!

Sounds like your Easter was nice! Lowkey holidays can be quite nice as well; I discovered that the first time I had a Christmas to myself lmao.

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