— The Dude
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 06:05:47 )
While she searched, she didn't seem to find anything at first... however, she then stumbled upon an obscure underground website known for 'crackpot theories' and 'occult nonsense'.
Normally she would have just glossed over it, but she noticed an active thread where someone had made a post, and other posters were tearing into them for it.
The post read as follows:
The time is nigh. The apocalypse is upon you. The Great Lord will grace this world with his presence, and all those unloyal will be judged with fire. Repent and worship the true Lord. For he will rise come tomorrow.
And it was timestamped an hour ago.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi