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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 00:02:24 )
If the car ride had been any longer, surely Maddie would've fallen asleep in the car just like she was. She felt safe, and the motion of the car soothed her. She wasn't even really thinking about anything, except what she should keep an eye out inside the store. She liked casual t-shirts, jeans and sweat pants, high tops for shoes, or boots.. Stuff tomboys usually wear. She didn't ever see herself wearing sparkly tops or poofy dresses. Bleh. Okay, maybe she was thinking about it more than she cared to admit. She lifted her head and glanced at Clint when he spoke about trusting him, and him letting her use his card to shop with. Wait.. What? All she could do was nod lightly. Trust was a big thing in her book, and his too from what she learned about him the last couple of days. Once he parked the car and went to open her door for her, she unbuckled and got out of the car before carefully took hold of the offered card and slid it into her back pocket, where it would be less likely to fall out. She needed a wallet too...and maybe a cell phone.. But she'd figure a way to get that herself. She nodded some to his words. "Okay.. I'll try not to take too long.." She murmured quietly, then started walking towards the clothing store.

She had her mind set on what she wanted for the most part. So, once she was inside, she didn't waste any time gawking over how big this store was and busied herself with finding the right sections of clothing, after picking up a hand basket. She needed women clothing, so she headed to that section first. Ignoring all of the people who were giving her weird looks for the way she dressed, she looked through the shirts to try and find a few with her 'boyish' style, and size. For a woman of her age, she was just pretty slender, and being impatient she quickly grew annoyed with not finding anything right away. So she settled for something a bit less boyish and picked up three different t-shirts, then she went to look at pants. Again. looking for her size was the most tricky. She settled for three pairs of pants, and continued onto the night clothes. Two pairs of comfortable looking, and somewhat 'cute' sets. She picked out a forest green colored hoodie with no pattern or print on it. Next was the underwear. She saved that for last. Maddie had a small chest, so could easily wear a b-cup, as for the other.. She guessed she wore the same size as her pants.

Once she finally had everything, settling for enough clothes to make up three outfits, two sets of night clothes, a hoodie, and her undergarments.. She was forgetting shoes! Or was that a separate store? Some clothing stores had shoes, so she went and took a look around. Heopfully she wasn't taking too long.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 00:29:32 )
Clint watched her go. He closed the door and set the alarm then leaned back against the side of his car, watching her leave and walk into the store. How long was this going to take? Maybe she was one of those girls who knew what she wanted, got it and was out in less than thirty minutes. Maybe. He didn't mind though. Clint looked at his phone and looked through his messages, replying to one from a co-worker. Yes, I'll be at work tomorrow. I'll try not to be late but I can't make any promises. Some stuff has come up, personal stuff but it's nothing to freak out over. I'll see you tomorrow. He didn't need anyone, not even his co-workers knowing about the situation he was currently in. For all he knew, maybe they'd want to hurt her too if they knew about her. What if they were part of that cult Maddie had mentioned? It was possible. There wasn't a way to know who was in a cult. They didn't look any different than regular people. That was a scary thing to think about, but it was the truth. The person at the cash register was probably in the cult too. Okay, now Liam was just freaking out a bit too much. If these people were in a cult, he didn't think they'd go shopping here and if they did, he didn't think they'd try anything since it was a public space and there were witnesses everywhere. With that in mind, Clint could relax only a little.

He looked towards the store again, worried. She would be fine. She had survived this much. Yes, but how much more could she take? The more she survived, the angrier these people chasing her probably got. He thought back to what she had told him. Her readings, people were upset at her because of her readings. No what was it she had said? It was made to look like readings but they weren't. When she touched people, she could see the bad in their future. So of course when it came true... "They think she cursed them or something, hence why they hate her." Clint groaned. Getting the cops involved in this wouldn't help, they'd call her crazy and that would be the end of it and he didn't want that to happen to her either.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 01:00:25 )
Maddie soon found the shoe section and quickly browsed through the small selection, settling for a pair of cheap black and white converse knock-offs and picked up a couple of pairs of socks nearby. Now she had everything she came for so she headed to the check out. She set the basket up on the counter and retrieved the card from her pocket. Hopefully it wouldn't cost too much. Hey wait a minute, didn't she need an ID to us this thing? Maybe not.. He had told her to trust him, and so she would. Lucky for her, the cashier woman didn't ask for an ID when she was given the card and the clothes didn't cost al that much, for what she picked out. Once everything was paid for, she stuck the card back in her back pocket, picked up the large bag of clothes and casually made her way out of the store. She wouldn't admit that her anxiety had risen to a dangerous level, knowing she would be alright once she was outside. Next place.. I'm not going in by myself.. She thought, trying to remember where Clint parked. Maddie sighed quietly once she was outside and easily spotted Clint standing by his car. Relieved by that, she casually made her way over to him, managing a small smirk. She was in there maybe thirty-five minutes, and had decided she hated shopping, clothing shopping anyway. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long." She said to him, lowering her bag to the ground.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 01:42:41 )
Clint was going to have to figure something out. If she stayed below the radar, would they stop looking for her? One could only hope that would be the case. It was a relief when he spotted Maddie stepping out of the store with a shopping bag in her hand. It had felt like an eternity but in truth it had only been a couple of minutes. "Hey, not at all. I hope you found something that you liked and it wasn't too hard. Did you have any trouble using the card?" Sometimes you were required to show an ID to make sure the card was actually yours, he hoped that wasn't what happened though. He doubted it. If it had happened, then she wouldn't be holding a shopping bag right now. The next place they would go to would probably take longer to get everything she needed. Shampoos, body wash, face creams. Whatever it was that girls used to get ready for the day. Prepare for potential moods swings when the girl is on her cycle. Fun times Clint. Oh jeez, that was something he hadn't really thought about. What would she need for that and how much? Surely this was something that Maddie would know though. Snapping out of his thoughts, he opened the door for her again.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 02:55:43 )
Maddie shook her head lightly when he asked if she had any trouble using the card, then reached into her back pocket to get out and held it out to him. "Here.. Um.. I don't want to bend it by sitting on it.." She murmured quietly. Maddie smiled some when he spoke, and nodded. "I found three outfits, two pairs of night clothes, a hoodie, shoes, and.. Yeah.." She said, cutting her sentence off when she came to the underwear. "It wasn't too hard.. Just a little annoying after not finding anything the first ten minutes.." Maddie said, tilting her head when she noticed him get stuck on a train of thought. She blinked when he seemed to snap out of it and opened the door for her. She offered him a small smirk and carefully put her bag in the back seat before getting in and buckling her seat belt, a sign that she was ready to go. Next was hygiene stuff- where'd you even go for that? A dollar store?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 03:20:37 )
"Thank-you." Clint took back the card and slipped it into his wallet for safe keeping. She listed off what she had gotten and he smiled. "Sounds like you found what you were looking for. I get you though. Clothes shopping can be difficult even for us guys, so don't let it get to you." Clint closed the door and walked around, getting into the driver's seat and buckling his seat belt. He closed his door and started up the ignition. "Alright, next on the list is pretty much everything else a girl needs. I don't know what that might be, or where to get it. Shampoo you can get at grocery stores though. Weird, I know. Where do you suggest we go though? Where would you get your female stuff?" He asked, looking at her before starting to slowly back out of the parking spot he was in.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 03:36:21 )
Maddie couldn't help smiling some when she noticed him smile, and when he spoke about guys having a hard time looking for clothes. She bit back a chuckle and nodded lightly. She lowered her eyes when the topic of getting the other things she needed, and had to think about it for a minute. Homeless people didn't go shopping.. How was she supposed to know where to get that stuff? She didn't, but he mentioned getting shampoo from a grocery store and just went with it. If she was lucky, she could find the other stuff there too. "Honestly.. I don't really know where I'd go." She answered truthfully, and calmly. "Most of the time I was fishing for unopened boxes in dumpsters." Hey, it happened. An over-stock or a damaged box usually got tossed for good measures. Or going to a shelter when the time came.. "Let's check the grocery store. If they have shampoo, maybe they'll have the other stuff." She suggested, briefly glancing at him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 04:28:34 )
Clint listened to her and nodded. The grocery store it was then. Hopefully they had all the things that Maddie would need. He wanted to go with her this time though, just to make sure she'd be okay. A grocery store was bigger than a clothing store, chances were someone could maybe recognize her and try something. He had to keep a positive mindset though. She would be fine and he would be there to make sure she was. Besides, between the two of them, they could probably get everything she needed in a shorter amount of time. "I hope you don't mind me going in with you this time, Mads." Clint informed her, turning onto a street and continuing to drive smoothly. It was sad, to know that she had to go through the dumpsters just to get a few things she'd need. Not anymore though, not while she was staying with Clint. For however short or long that would be, she'd be able to live a hopefully safer life. Safer and healthier too. Home made food was better than any other food you could find out there.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 05:00:41 )

Maddie shook her head when he spoke, trying not to blush. "I don't mind.. Really.. I was thinking about asking you to come.. Going in the clothing store was pretty nerve wracking, I won't lie.." She said as calmly as possible. At least she didn't have to ask him. Maddie looked out through the window and focused on that instead of what they were going to do when they arrived at the store. " Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant.. " She listed quietly. Pads.. She'd need pads for when her cycle came, but she kept it to herself. "Razors, a hair brush, hair ties.." Yeah, she was mainly talking to herself but hopefully it wouldn't bother Clint. She did that sometimes when her mind started working, or when she was nervous. What else would she need?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 05:43:41 )
Clint listened to Maddie as she listed off the things she would need. Did the grocery store carry all that? He believed so. A hairbrush?He wasn't sure if the store would have that item but there was only one way to find out. Whatever they didn't find at the store, they would look for somewhere else. It wasn't long before Clint pulled up to the store's parking lot. It looked somewhat full but it didn't look like it would be packed which was great. There was nothing worse than shopping in a packed store. "Sounds to me like you have the list in your head." He told her after he had parked and killed the engine. He was a little worried she'd have a panic attack in the store from all the people that were bound to be inside, he just hoped they could be out of there before that even happened. "Ready to do this?" He asked her, un buckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car. He went around and opened her door for her. It shouldn't take long. That's what he kept telling himself in his head.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 05:51:54 )
They had painkillers, which would come in handy when the cramps came, and good for headaches. What about vitamins? Nah, they cost too much. She was certain she'd be fine without them. She blinked he spoke, and nodded lightly. "Mostly anyway.. There are some things I'm not sure about." She admitted shyly. She unbuckled her seat belt once he turned off the car and took a slow, deep breath, before nodding and glancing at him with a small smirk. When he went around and opened the door for her, she easily got out of the car. She'd be fine, right?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 06:12:35 )
"You'll be fine Mads." He said quietly. "You'll see, we'll be in and out of there in no time." Again, Clint was being positive about this. He didn't want to think that things would go wrong in there that wouldn't help any of them. Making sure the doors were locked and the alarm was set, he motioned for her to follow. "First thing is first, shampoo. I'm pretty sure a lot of the hygienic stuff will be in that isle. Hopefully. If not we just need to look around, no biggie." They had to have some sort of plan before going into the store or else they'd be there longer than they had to. And for her sanity, he didn't want to be there for very long. He made sure to grab a cart and walked into the large store with Maddie. Time to get this over and done with.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 00:58:05 )
Maddie nodded lightly, even though she was fiddling with the bottom of the shirt she was wearing. She waited for him to lock up the car, then followed him towards the store. At least things were kept together- hopefully that would make the shopping go by quicker. Maddie stuck close to him as they entered the large store, and he had grabbed a basket. Entering the store alone was almost enough to make her freeze like a deer in head lights, but she manged to keep walking, some how. Holy hell-o at all the people who were wandering about and casually conserving with one of their friends or someone they knew. Maddie lowered her head and walked silently, following Clint kind of like a nervous cat, only wanting one person to know she was even present. She'd be fine. They'd find what they came for and be outta here in no time! Right..? She certainly hoped so.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 01:04:17 )
It was loud in there. The store had the radio on and people were talking to one another, greeting each other. They all seemed happy. All of them were unaware of two people who had just entered the store, but that was good. Maddie didn't want the attention and neither did Clint. He made his way towards the hygienic isle where he knew they'd find shampoo and conditioner. "Alright, have a looksie and pick out something you like. I think they have toothpaste here too." Clint commented, looking around for some. He was out of toothpaste himself so he might as well by himself a few things too since he was here already. Besides, he was paying it all together anyway so it was fine. He could hear kids run past the isle, probably grabbing a last minute snack before they had to leave. He remembered doing that a lot when he was a kid.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 01:33:40 )
Maddie tried to keep herself focused on Clint, and the task at hand. First they needed shampoo, so when he mentioned having a 'looksie' she nodded lightly and did just that. She looked over all the different kinds they had, and curiously lifted up some of her hair as if inspecting it. It was a tad damaged, but not too badly, nothing to buy special shampoo for. But what scent did she want? She looked over the cheaper brands and the scents, mentally trying to pair a shampoo and a conditioner of the same scent. She liked strawberries, but how sweet would the shampoo smell? Carefully, she opened the lid and took a small whiff, scrunching her nose a bit and closing it, then put it back. Too sweet. They had ocean breeze, topical mango, kiwi, pomegranate. She picked up the last one and took a small whiff and closed it. She found the conditioner mate and easily put them in the basket. He mentioned toothpaste and frowned. Right, she needed to brush her teeth regularly. Maddie wandered down the isle a bit to look at toothpaste and toothbrushes, then glanced at him. "What kind of toothpaste do you use?" She asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 02:33:25 )
Clint watched Maddie go around and look at the different kinds of shampoo. It wasn't surprising to see her open and sniff them either since he was guilty of doing that too when he bought shampoo and conditioner. Females had a larger array of scents where as men didn't. She ended up picking one and grabbing the matching conditioner. How cute. Now it was on to toothpaste. Clint looked at the different ones and picked up a box for himself then looked at her when she spoke to him. "Oh, well I've used this one, this one, and most recently this one with baking soda in it. Crest and Colgate, those are the best brands. But if you have sensitive teeth then Sensodyne is your best bet. It's a really good brand too. I've used it once or twice before, really good." He explained to her. Yes he was giving her options. He wasn't going to just tell her to buy a certain one, the choice was hers to make. He was just there to help narrow down the many options to the ones he personally preferred.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 02:49:09 )
Her teeth weren't really sensitive.. but she would personally like a toothpaste that wasn't going to burn her mouth, or taste like a load of chemicals. He went with Crest of Colgate. She looked over the different kinds that had Crest labels on them and arches an eyebrow. Really? She counted like six different ones! And Colgate had eight! What the heck? She ended up picking up a spearmint one with a Colgate label and put it in the basket, after checking the price.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:02:06 )
"Good choice." Clint told her after watching her pick a Spearmint Colgate one. "Alright, toothbrush! I'm getting a new one because you're supposed to get a new one every so often. Not sure if people actually do that though, but I do because you don't want to keep using the same brush for over a month. That's pretty gross." He explained. "I'm going to get medium softness so that I don't tear my gums when I brush. Soft is...too soft. That's like for kids so I suggest you get medium as well. You can see what they are at the top of the packaging. See?" Clint grabbed a random toothbrush that said 'Soft' at the top. "Just look for the word 'Medium' and you'll be all set." He explained to her, trying to be helpful. Hopefully he wasn't being annoying though.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:36:45 )
Maddie couldn't help smirking lightly when Clint spoke. She listened to him explain why he used the 'medium' and not the 'soft' but she wasn't sure if 'medium' would be enough.. Her gums were probably a nightmare since she never went to the dentist, so she nodded and looked through the different kinds of toothnrushes. She found a dark green 'medium ' toothbrush and glanced at the price before putting it in the basket. Well, that was easy enough. Next was a more..feminine product. Where would that be? Or maybe she could look for a hair brush first. Really, she was just putting off the pads as much as she could.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:45:20 )
What was she smirking about? Maybe she found him amusing? Maybe he was talking too much? He didn't know. Picking out a blue 'medium' toothbrush, he tossed it in with his toothpaste and guessed their next step was a hairbrush. Okay, that stuff had to be here with the shampoo right? It made sense that something for your hair be in the same isle as stuff used to wash your hair. "Okay, hairbrushes should be around here somewhere. Or maybe they're in the next isle. Probably since I don't see them here." Clint said. Maybe they were in the next isle. "Come on, let's go check the next isle out. Maybe we will find you a hairbrush there." He said to her, leading the way over. When they rounded the corner, he say hairdye. "Aha, hairdye. Hairbrushes have to be in this isle here. Have to be."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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