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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 04:04:20 )

She found him both amusing and distracting. Hairbrushes, thank god! Maddie glanced at him curiously when he mentioned them being around here somewhere, but failed to see any. She did see body wash though, which must've slipped her mind. Why that on this isle, and not with the purfumes? Whatever the case, she pointed at the body wash, but he had already rounded the corner. She sighed and took a quick look through the soaps and picked one up that had vitamin E and aloe in it, then hurried followed after Clint. "Forgot body wash." She murmured, putting the bottle in the basket. She blinked at the hairdyes and smirked. Maybe she could she her hair while she was at it. Nah. Her eyes skimmed down the isle until she spotted the hairbrushes and casually walked over to the section. Ugh, so many different ones! This would be tricky.. Despite her hard head, her scalp was rather tender.. So, she picked up a few different ones and felt how hard the bristles were. A square one she found didn't feel too hard, maybe this would work? If only she test it before buying it. She found a.color she liked, purple, and put it in the basket. She still needed deodorant, razors and the other thing.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 04:27:59 )
Why were there so many hairbrushes? They all served the same purpose so what was the difference between the bristles. See, guys had it easy, they just used a comb. Nothing to it really. Girls were picky though. He'd been around enough of them growing up to know that every girl always had to get the 'perfect' thing. Whether it be a brush, perfume, clothes. Guys usually didn't care about how they looked, but he wasn't sure that was a good thing. Certainly not something to be proud of. Clint looked at her when she spoke up. "The body wash?" He asked then facepalmed himself. "Ohhh right! Right, sorry it slipped my mind as well. Probably should have made a list. It's called a 'Shopping list' for a reason Clint." He muttered, scratching the back of his head nervously. "But at least we found the hairbrushes!" He said, gesturing towards them. So many choices, he imagined this was overwhelming for her. Once she had picked one though, Clint didn't know what was left to really get. "So uhh....what's next?" He asked her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:43:13 )

Maddie was quiet as she ran the list through her head again. Didn't really need a list when she had one memorized. She only had three things left to get, unless she happened to find something she hadn't thought about. Did she even need razors? She didn't really have any hair to shave.. Not on her legs, underarms or other places.. Okay, so two things. "Deodorant." She said after coming out of her thoughts. She didn't need perfume or anything like that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:56:21 )
Deodorant, where would that be? He looked around, wondering if it was here or in the last isle they were just in. As much as splitting up would help in this situation, he was too paranoid to ask for it. "Hmm, doesn't seem to be here. Was probably in the previous isle. We just didn't see it because we weren't looking for that at that moment. Come on, let's go back and check. It has to be there. If we see razors then the deodorant should be nearby since they go hand in hand." Clint explained to her, his eyes still searching the shelves of this current isle in case he had just missed it probably. "Ah no, here we go! It's right here. All the feminine ones anyway." He motioned for her to follow him to a section of the isle where the different feminine deodorants were located.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 06:09:31 )

They missed it? Weird.. She certainly spent enough time in that isle. He had a point though, they weren't looking for it at the time. She followed Clint as he walked a bit. She blinked when he pointed out that he had found them and sighed quietly. This place.. She couldn't wait to be done here so they could leave. Maddie walked over to the section and all but facepalmed. Again with all the different types to choose from! What the hell? She was rather annoyed as she looked through the different ones. What kind could she even use? She ended up choosing one for sensitive skin and just went with it, picking it up and putting it in the basket. Next was.. Pads.. She silently cursed and glanced at Clint nervously. "The last thing we need is pads.. Then we can check out and go." God, this was embarrassing !

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 06:37:03 )
It wasn't difficult to see that this was all difficult for Maddie. Difficult, annoying, tiresome. Shopping was annoying no matter who you were. Unless you actually liked it. "Alright, one more thing off the list. What's next?" Clint asked, unaware of what she was going to tell him. When he heard what they were looking for, he blushed and averted his gaze. "O-oh...right...that." He started, rocking back and forth on his heels. This wasn't awkward at all. Except, it was super awkward. At least this was the last thing before they headed back home. "Saved the best for last huh?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood and failing miserably. "Come on, they're probably over here somewhere." He said, motioning towards the next isle. They were almost at the end of the store so they had to be nearby right?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 06:54:56 )
Maddie briefly lowered her gaze, seeing how he reacted. Totally normal for a guy to act like that, right? Her own cheeks darkened with blush as he attempted to lighten the mood. Really with the joke? Really? It didn't help, and with his statement she figured he got that message. She followed him over to the next isle and silently hoped they could easily spot them. It took a minite, between panty liners, tampons, 'diapers' for people with a more severe bladder problem, and finally she found pads. She didn't even wait for Clint to say anything before going over to them, looking over the different sizes and brands, and picking up a medium sized bag. This much would probably last her about three months. Maddie put it in the basket and sighed. The nightmare was nearly over with. Now all they had to do was check out and go. Finally!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 07:10:32 )
Well this was very embarrassing for him. He could only imagine how Maddie felt though. Having a guy with her while she looked through the brands and sizes of the bags. His eyes momentarily flitted across the various different names of the brands before he tore his gaze away for respect to her privacy. Instead, he focused on the laminate flooring that the store was sporting. Hideous, but it was clean at least. Clint looked back at her and noticed she was done. "Let's go. I know you don't want to be here any longer than we already have. We'll pay, and then we'll go home and you can know...relax. The hard part has already been done." Clint told her, walking off to the checkout, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Maddie was following him. This was something he wasn't sure he'd ever get used to doing. Shopping alone was easy, shopping with a girl was strange.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:38:46 )
She hated shopping. Hated it. The people were loud, the music was deafening, the isles were packed with too many things to chose from. Okay.. Maybe her anxiety was getting to her. It wasn't that bad! Maddie took a deep breath and slowly breathed out, nodding to Clint when he mentioned paying, and then they could go home. She casually followed him, keeping her eyes on the floor as they walked. She could relax once they got back to the house. Her stomach rumbled quietly in protest. Or she get something to eat.. That would work.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:50:05 )
At least the cashier was female. Maybe it would make buying all this stuff less awkward. Thankfully there were no questions asked. Perhaps a look was given but Clint didn't return it. He only slipped the card along the reader to pay the total. It wasn't too much money so that was good. "Thanks." He muttered, taking the receipt and the bags, he motioned for Maddie to follow him out of there. Out into the fresh air where they could finally breathe.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:19:25 )

Maddie was afraid of looking at anybody as they passed people, or people passed them, so she just kept her head down and eyes low. She briefly glanced up at the cashier, then quickly lowered her eyes again. Once everything was paid for, she happily followed Clint outside, and away from the hell they just crawled out of. Maddie sighed. She really needed to do something about her over-acting thoughts. It wasn't hell, it was just a grocery store. A big store where lots of people liked to gather for different reasons, and shop. She still didn't like it though. Maddie easily followed Clint to his car and ran a hand through her long black hair.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:27:45 )
" survived." Clint spoke up, unlocking her door and opening it for her. Maddie had survived a day at the grocery store. Didn't sound so scary really, but it was an uncomfortable experience for the two of them. Maybe over time it wouldn't be so awkward. What mattered was that it had been done and now they could go home and just take it easy. He could hand over some books for her to read while he wasn't around. Or just for whenever she wanted to be alone. "And thankfully we didn't run into anyone, so that's also good." Clint pointed out, trying to keep a positive mindset. "That was everything right? Anywhere else we need to go?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:04:22 )
Maddie managed a small smirk. "Yeah.. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, even with my anxiety trying to convince me otherwise." She said with a quiet chuckle. When Clint unlocked the car and opened the door for her, she easily slid into the car and buckled her seat belt. To say her mind was wandering was an understatement. She'd probably be thinking about it the rest of the day, until she found something else to think about anyway. She nodded to his question and glanced at him. "That was everything, we can go back to your place now." Maddie answered casually, once again feeling her stomach growling again. She lightly crossed her arms over her stomach and huffed quietly. What time was it anyway? Probably close to dinner time.. They left later in the afternoon after all. "Maybe we can dinner?" She more-so asked than anything. Was he even hungry?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:26:29 )
"You'll probably get used to it eventually. It was your first time out in a public place like that." Clint said to her, closing the door and walking around to his door. He set the bags down on the back seat then hopped on and buckled up. Closing his door, Clint started the ignition and backed out of there to head back home. He heard her mention dinner and nodded. "I'll make us some dinner when we get home. Unless you want to stop somewhere for dinner instead?" He teased and looked at her but could tell she wasn't having it. "I'm just teasing, don't worry. We'll get home, have some dinner and then I'm going to look through my books to lend you a few." He promised. What would be a good dinner idea? He wasn't picky and he liked to think that she wasn't either.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:58:35 )
Maddie didn't argue. Maybe she would get used to it, with a little bit of time. Cline had promised not to throw her out, no matter what- but that didn't mean she could've leave if she wanted. Which she didn't. Not now anyway. The man really thought they could beat the cult, or at least wait them out, and she wanted to trust him. She blinked at his teasing comment and rose an eyebrow, shaking her head lightly. Maddie sighed when he admitted to only teasing her and managed a small smile. Of course he was. Books sounded nice right about now too. Books, and a nice hot dinner. She had told him the day she woke on his couch, that she wasn't a picky eater, and she wasn't. She'd eat it as long as it was edible. Now she was just chillin' and glancing out of the window.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:00:36 )
The ride home was quiet. The only sounds were those of the cars passing them by. Glancing up at the sky, it looked cloudy off in the distance. Perhaps it would rain soon, that would be nice. It didn't always rain here but it wasn't rare either. As they drove, Clint kept his eyes focused on the road ahead of him. A few minutes of being on the road, they arrived at his place once again. He parked on the driveway and killed the engine then stepped out, grabbed the bags from the back seat and went around to open her door for her. "Come on mads, let's get some dinner in us." He suggested. His voice was quiet, his eyes glanced around to see if anyone was watching them.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:12:27 )
With the car ride being so quiet, and her being so worn out from the little shopping adventure, Maddie dozed off as Clint drove. It was nothing but a cat nap, but either way, she looked peaceful enough. She only woke when the car stopped and yawned a little just as Clint came around and opened her door. Maddie nodded and got out of the car, closing the door since Clint had bags in his hands. "Can I help carry something?" She asked curiously, since they were mostly her things any way. Besides that, he didn't have to carry everything. She was there, and she wanted to help if she could.

(bleh xD)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:37:45 )
Clint was surprised. She wanted to carry something. "Oh...uhh sure. Here, you can carry this." He said, handing her one of the bags. With his now free hand, he made sure all the doors were locked and the alarm was on. Clint quietly made his way to the front door and unlocked the door, opening it up and holding it for Maddie to walk into the house first. He soon after followed her into the house and locked the door behind them. "Alright. I guess we take these things to your room since they are yours. Well, except for one tooth brush and one toothpaste. But, I'll get those later. We'll take these to your room and then I'll start on dinner. Oh wait, I still have some books to lend you!" He remembered, snapping his fingers and dropping his keys in a small wooden bowl on the stand near the front door.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:47:46 )
(btw, for 150 tickets you can buy the clown suite from the joyful jamberee, or however's spelled)

Maddie smiled some and happily took hold of the offered bag. Did he really think she was gonna let him carry everything, after going and taking her shopping like he did? She was an odd character yes, but she wasn't totally rude. Maddie casually followed him up to the house and stepped inside, being sure to give Clint some room to come in as well. She nodded when he mentioned taking the bags to her room and blinked when he mentioned the books. Oh, right! Silly her. She easily made her way down to her room and put the bag on the bed for now. She'd probably go through them while Clint was either hunting for books, or making dinner.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 02:17:49 )
(Oh dang, really? I have like a little over 1k tickets right now.)

Clint took the bags to her room and set them down then turned and left to his own room to grab a few books he had read that she thought she'd like. He looked them over. They were a little old but when a book was good, you didn't want to get rid of it. You kept it and read it many times and even when it was falling apart, you taped it together to keep it for as long as you could. He loved his books, many belonged to his father but he was given them after his father read them. Those were the ones he took the most care of honestly. He had grabbed a total of five books. That should keep Maddie a little occupied right? If she was a fast reader, it was fine, she could always look in his bookshelf and get another book if he wasn't home. "Mads, I picked out a few books for you. Umm..I think they're pretty cool so hopefully you like them too? No drama, and no horror because I'm not sure if you're a fan of horror or not but I'm going to guess that you're not." He said to her, walking back to her room.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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