Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Allen mainly just sat there, relaxing He knew that sooner or later someone else would come in place of the hunter he had buried sometime after the attack. He really was trying to think about it, but that's where his mind went once he was left alone with his thoughts. During their fight, he had seen him. Even if only his 'heat signature''. He had been experiencing weird instances with his 'sight' ever since he drank from his beloved companion. What if there really was a away to bring back his eyesight? He sighed quietly and leaned back against the pillow a bit more before laying down and closing eyes.
The hiss of the water hitting the empty mug was heard. Kaneko used a spoon to seep the leaves in the mug for a few minutes before scooping them up and throwing them away. Placing the spoon in the sink, she carefully made her way to the bedroom. "I've brought you the tea." She said softly. Hopefully it would work. She thought about what the book said about restoring eyesight. Was it actually possible, or was it just a rumor people thought to be true?
Allen lay curled up in the bed, curling up against the pillow once more as his eyes began to trouble him. They burned and it looked like he had been crying into the pillow, because now it was damp and fangs were poking out from under his upper lip some, just the tip. Or you could say It looked like he was sweating, but that clearly wasn't the case. He had a fever yes, but he wasn't sweating from it. He didn't want to move. Even when Allen heard her voice come into the bed room. "..I need a minute." He murmured quietly and weakly. He was expecting this.. Though he had hoped he had more time to prepare.
Seeing the pillow and how Allen looked, it didn't take a genius to know that something was wrong. Kaneko carefully set the mug down on the bedside table. "Allen...dear what's wrong?" He needed a minute, she knew she should give him some space but instead she reached out and gently placed her hand on his forehead. It was his eyes wasn't it? Had she been too late with the tea? Removing her hand from his forehead, Kaneko focused on clearing out the dirtied dishes, quickly taking them to the sink. She'd have to wash them later, right now Allen was her priority. Kaneko walked back to the room and sat herself down on the other side of the bed, running her fingers through his hair. "It's okay Allen, I'm right here. You'll be just fine." She hoped he would anyway. Hopefully the tea would help some. He was still warm though, she'd need to wash him again in warm water and allow him plenty of time to rest.
Allen brought the pillow closer to him, smushing it some. He could smell the tea, but he was more focused on willing the pain away. He listened to Kaneko's footsteps leave the bedroom, and hearing dishes clatter lightly in the sink. It made him want to cringe in his current state. He tried tuning everything else out for the moment, so he hadn't heard Kaneko when she came back. Allen felt her fingers in his hair and slowly began to relax at her comforting touch. "As much as it pains me to admit it.. I was expecting this a lot sooner.." He said, as he willed the pain away as much as he could.
"I'm sorry Allen. I should have made the tea sooner that way this could have probably been prevented." Kaneko told him. She looked at the mug with the tea in it, at least it was cooling down while they waited for the pain to die down a bit. "How bad is the pain right now? I-is it really very bad? Or has it g-gone down a bit?" Her fingers continued to comb through his blonde locks. She could do this all day and she wouldn't mind. Kaneko liked being able to help him, even it if was by doing the smallest acts of affection like this one.
Allen bit his lip and shook his head. "No need.. It's nothing like that. Once the fever set, I knew it'd be like this.." He explained to her quietly. "This isn't the first time I've had to bare it.. The first time, was shortly after I had started making my remedy. It was because I hadn't stocked up on the ingredients I needed.." He murmured weakly. "It lasted three days.. The first day was when the fever set and the pain of my eyes flared.The second day, the fever remained and the pain escalated as did my..craving..and by the third day, I had managed to get the ingredients I needed so the effects weren't as bad- plus I had something to break the fever.." Allen continued to explain so that she would have some idea of what to expect from this. What would happen on the third day though, if this blend of herbs didn't help? He slowly loosened his hold around the pillow as he somewhat relaxed as she continued to comb her fingers through his hair. "It's.. Gotten a little better.." He breathed softly.
Three days? Well that wasn't so bad. This was the first day, so right now he would just experience the eye pain and the fever itself. Okay, not too bad. Second day would be the fever, eye pain would get worse, and his craving would as well. So the second day sounded like it would be the worst one yet. The third day he would be fine if they had all the ingredients required. But, what if they didn't? What would happen on the third day then? Would the pain become unbearable? Would he not be able to control himself? Kaneko didn't want to find out. She wanted to help him get better. "Well Allen, we'll make sure you're better very soon. I'll do whatever I have to in order to help you. You will be okay." Kaneko stated with a determined look on her face. The pain had gotten a little more bearable. This was good. Kaneko noticed that he always seemed to relax whenever her fingers combed through his head, it was why she always did it. "Good, good. Would you like to try some of that tea now? Or would you like to stay like this a little longer?" Kaneko asked him.
Allen couldn't help the small smile on his lips as she spoke. She always did what she could to help him, and he truly appreciated it. He laid there a few moments longer before slowly beginning to sit up properly. "I think.. I'd like to try that tea now." He murmured quietly, once he was propped up against his pillow some.
"Okay." Kaneko reached for the tea and carefully handed it to Allen. It was still warm but she was sure he wouldn't burn himself at this point. "I hope it isn't too bitter. I was going to add some sugar on it but I thought maybe if I did, it wouldn't be as effective." She explained. She probably didn't need to explain but she at least wanted him to know that if it was bitter, it was her fault for not adding sugar to it.
Allen carefully held the cup for a minute, enjoying the scent it produced. The smell of it alone was semi-relaxing, hopefully it would have the same effects when he drank it. Smelling certain things was almost as important as feelinging things. Touch, sound, and smell were his most importamt senes without his sight. He chuckled at her works and smiled. "It should be fine.. Adding sugar could very well dampen the effectiveness." He said quietly. Allen slowly brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip and instantly used one of his hands to cover his mouth to cough, keeping a firm grip on the cup with the one hand as to not drop it. Okay, so he was wrong. It wasn't bad, but boy was it strong. Almost as strong as his remedy! "Okay.. That's going to be one to adjust to." He murmured after the coughing stopped. "It's not bad.. or bitter.. but it is strong. I'll just have to drink it slow until I get used to it." He explained to her. Allen slowly took another sip, then lowered the cup down to his lap.
Ha, she had known adding sugar would have been a bad thing. It was nice to know that Allen agreed with her. Kaneko watched Allen carefully take a sip and had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from laughing at his response to the tea. "It's that strong isn't it?" She asked and pat his shoulder. "Well I'd rather you take your time drinking anyway so that it can have a longer effect on you. In the meantime, I shall wrap up some gifts. And before you ask, no I won't tell you what they are. I'll tell you after you open them. For now, I'll leave it to your imagination." Kaneko knew there was no point of wrapping up his gifts since he couldn't see them anyway. However, she was going to stick with the tradition and wrap up the gifts, place a tag on them and a bow. It was all just for show at this point.
Allen offered a small smile and lowered his head some, only to lift his head at the sound of presents. There was that word agin. He wasn't used to getting presents at Christmas, or ever really, but he nodded lightly when she mentioned not telling him. It only made since, no reason to spoil the surprise right? Now.. What could he get her? Well, first he had to get better. Then he'd try to find her something. He slowly sipped from his tea. "I understand. I'll sip on this tea and try to rest while you're doing that." He said casually. Maybe he'd even finish his oatmeal.
"Take your time." Kaneko said and went to the closet. From there she pulled out a roll of red wrapping paper with Christmas trees on it. She grabbed a bag of bows, some scissors, some tape, and some Christmas tags. Then carefully carried that off to the kitchen so she'd have enough space to do this without making so much noise and keeping Allen up. She walked back and gathered the gifts then looked at Allen. "If you need anything, just call my name and I will be right over, alright?" She asked him quietly.
Allen listened for a moment. Listened to Kaneko rummage through the closet for some things, then listened to her leave the bedroom once more. He sipped his tea slowly and freely stuck his tongue out slightly. He carefully set the cup on top of the bedside table and moved his hands lower to the bed until he found his oatmeal. He picked it up and took a small bite.
Kaneko sang quietly to herself, making sure to keep her voice soft in case Allen did fall to sleep. She went to work, measuring how much paper she'd need and then cut it carefully with the scissors. Wrapping the gifts carefully, one by one they were set off to the side once she added the tag and bow on each one. Then she carried them to the small tree, setting them down underneath.
Allen had managed to finish his oatmeal and sipped on a bit more of his tea before laying down just to relax. He felt more relaxed, but he didn't feel different elsewhere. Not yet anyway. He had so many thoughts swimming around in his head but eventually, he fell asleep shortly after focusing on Kaneko's soft singing. He'd probably sleep until Kaneko woke him, or something else did.
Wrapping gifts wasn't exactly easy, it took time and much care to make sure you didn't wrap it crooked or that you cut too much paper or not enough. Everything had to be precise. Any extra paper, was cut off and tossed into the fire as fuel. The house was silent except for her singing and the crackling of the small fire. Taking a break, Kaneko walked to the room and smiled seeing that he was sleeping. She didn't want to wake him, so she gathered the empty dishes and took them with her to the kitchen sink to wash them carefully.
Allen slept for a couple of hours, waking from a strange dream. He didn't even feel like he was awake.. Part of him was still dreaming. He still had a fever, so maybe he was just hallucinating or something, but he slowly sat up anyway since he was unable to reason with if he were awake or still asleep. He was blind, so why was he seeing things anyway? Even if they were merely images. The image of a small boy lead him from the bedroom into the next room were two more images were seen only by him. He had seen them before, in a different dream. A woman and a man who the young boy approached only to hurry outside happily. Dazed and very confused, Allen paused by the chair. His head raised in the direction of the front door. Was there something outside he needed to see?
The dishes were washed and set on the rack to dry. Kaneko took out the ones that were already dry and proceeded to put them away in the cabinets. She had everything organized for easier access. Cups went in one place. Plates and bowls in another but on different shelves. Cutlery was stored in a drawer with a sectioned box inside where she put the spoons in one spot, forks in another and knives in the other. Everything was put away with much thought behind it. She didn't want them just lying around, someone could get hurt if they weren't careful. Drying her hands, her singing ceased and she looked towards the fire which was running a little low so she went and tossed another log in it then looked off toward the direction of their room again. It had been very quiet but she thought she had heard something. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. "Allen? Are you awake?" She called out nervously.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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