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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 05:48:27 )
((yaaay, she found the photo~ :D ))

Allen continued to sleep soundly for a few hours and when he woke, it was around the time the sun started to set. It wasn't late, maybe close to dinner time? The sun went down earlier up in the mountains due to time zones and all that good stuff, in the winter at least. He himself didn't know what time it was, only that he was awake again and hungry, in both meanings of the word. He hadn't really eaten much that day..and he needed to hunt all at the same time. So, he slowly began to sit up and after a few minutes. he carefully found the cup of tea and sippd from it. Hot or cold, it was still strong..just not as strong.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 06:25:13 )
I decided now was a good time. Hah

Staring at the photo wasn't going to do anything. Setting it down, Kaneko resumed her task. She cleaned the cabin until it was spotless. When she finished, she put the broom and the dust pan away then picked the photo up and frowned. This had to mean something...but what? She walked to the bedroom and saw that Allen was up. "Hello Allen, i-is the tea helping any?" She asked and nervously walked over to him. He didn't need to know about this right now. Like she had said, they could focus on that once he was better. Kaneko opened a drawer and dropped the photo inside then closed it and lightly placed her hand on his forehead. He wasn't burning up horribly, but he still felt a little warm.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 22:19:45 )

Allen lifted his head when he heard her voice, and tilted his head. She sounded nervous.. Was everything alright? Instead of asking, he simply nodded to her questioned and sipped from the tea. "It's helping..and I've found it's not as strong once its cooled." He said, pausing when he felt her hand on his forehead. His breath caught a bit when he managed to get a good whiff of her sweet scent. He shrank back a little and lowered his head. "Kaneko.. I..need to hunt.." He murmured quietly, keeping his eyes low as if staring at the cup of tea in his lap. It wasn't bad.. But he definitely couldn't afford to wait until tomorrow, even if he starting to feel better. He didn't want to face day two without hunting.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 23:34:41 )
Oh good, it was helping. Kaneko let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that it's helping Allen." She murmured quietly. Her hand pulled back from his forehead and she crossed her arms across her chest, fighting back a yawn. If it really was helping then he'd be better sooner rather than later. She remembered what he said happened to him whenever he was sick. The different stages he had to go through. Three days was the usual length of a sickness but the second day was always the worst one. "Hmm? Hunt? want to go hunt?" She repeated and glanced out towards the window. It was cold, but as long as the hunt was quick he should be okay.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 00:56:37 )
Allen shook his head lightly at her uneasy sounding words. "..I need to. If I wait until tomorrow I don't know how well off I'll be." He explained cautiously, in hopes of not making her any more uneasy or worried. The tea was helping, yes, but he wasn't better just yet. "I'll be okay, I promise. I won't go to far, and it won't take more than a minute or two." He said to her, sounding much like an innocent child wanting to go to the park or something.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 01:05:07 )
"I...I know..I trust you Allen. I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine it's just.." She shrugged her shoulders and ran her hands through her hair. "You'll be okay, I know you will. I'll work on dinner for us and it should be ready shortly after you return." Kaneko explained. She couldn't hold him here in bed all the time. She just hoped being outside in this cold weather wouldn't get him sick. "Let me just make sure you're dressed properly before you go." How could she say no to him? It would be cruel to keep him locked away inside. He was free to do as he wished.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 02:09:59 )
Allen gently rubbed his nose against her cheek when she spoke, and then kissed her forehead. She was worried, and he knew that. He nodded lightly and slowly returned the cup of tea to the bedside table. "Alright, I can't very well deny that." He said with a small smile. "I will be back before you finish dinner." He said to her as he slowly slid off the bed and stood, waiting patiently for her to dress him once more.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 09:36:35 )
The smallest acts of affection always made her heart swell. "I hope so. If not, I'll just step out and look for you." She assured. Kaneko carefully got Allen all dressed warmly and kissed his forehead in return. She hoped he was able to actually hunt in his condition. She wanted to be there to watch over him but she didn't want to witness him hurt another animal even if he didn't kill it. "There we go, all bundled up and ready to face the cold air outside." She said with a smile. Taking his hand, she walked with him to the front door. Anything to have as much time with him as possible before having to let him go.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/29 19:28:11 )
Allen smiled at her words, and affection. Of course she would. He wouldn't put it past her, he knew better. He stood still as she dressed him, and easily followed her as she began to lead him to the front door. He gave her hand a light squeeze. "Thank you, for caring so much." He said quietly before kissing her warm cheek. Allen opened the door and went outside, welcoming the cold air.Allen stood still a moment, taking in the scents and sounds of the smaller animals that were out, then took off in the direction of one of them. He wouldn't go far, just far enough to hunt, and not get lost.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/1 05:56:00 )
"Of course I care. I'll always care about you Allen." Kaneko blushed when he kissed her cheek and sighed happily as she watched him go. She was completely smitten by this man. She waved goodbye then closed the door and glanced out the window before heading to the kitchen and getting started on dinner. She wondered if he'd want dessert as well. Milkshakes sounded nice but she decided against it. Tea sounded way nicer right now anyway. Kaneko was grilling some chicken breast after cutting it up into chunks and adding some vegetable oil to the pan first. In a large pot she had water and waited for it to boil. She added salt to the water and salt and pepper to the chicken for more taste. The corkscrew pasta was then dropped into the water when it was boiling and she would occasionally stir it. Letting it sit and lowering the flame on the chicken, she washed some broccoli and started cutting it up.

When that was done, she checked on the chicken and when it was done, she carefully set it into a ceramic bowl off to the side then began to make the alfredo sauce. Kaneko checked on the pasta and once it was ready, added the broccoli into the boiling water and let it cook for a few minutes before draining it. She worked on the sauce, adding some motzzerella cheese to it so that it was really creamy and cheesy. When everything was ready, she stopped the flames and grabbed two bowls then carefully served the pasta with the broccoli and the chicken on top. Then over that, she poured the sauce. It looked really good and hopefully he would like this little dinner she made them.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:12:58 )
Allen was quick to find his prey, not wanting to worry Kaneko anymore than he needed to. Not that he liked worrying her at all.. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he tried to focus on his hunt. He found his prey, but he still needed to catch it, so he took chase once the small animal scurried off. He just about had his hands on it when he stumbled over something he couldn't see, which normally wouldn't happen, but he was sick and out of sorts after all. Allen slowly stood and focused on finding something else since he lost track of his 'current' prey. He tried, and failed, several times before finally catching something and was able to feed.

By the time he got back, dinner would probably be done and Allen was steaming a little. Sure, it'd get easier as he would adjust but.. He had some dirt on him for different reasons and his hair was kind of messed up, but he wasn't hurt. It took him a little bit of time before finding the hut, with the help of Kaneko's cooking coming through the chimney. He could smell it a mile away.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 05:19:24 )
Kaneko poured them each some warm tea in hopes it would help Allen feel better. She was still pretty worried about him of course. Even though he could look after himself, she still worried he could get hurt. Frowning, she glanced towards the front door. Her mind drifted to the photo she had found. She did want to tell him about it, but there was a place and time for everything. She couldn't hear him outside even after walking to the front door. Only silence. However, it wasn't too long before he did get back and he looked rather messed up. "Allen, is everything okay?" She asked him, closing the door behind him and looking at him closely. She spotted the dirt and frowned. Had he fallen? "Are you hurt?" She asked, completely ignoring the fact that they were supposed to be having dinner together right now.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 23:24:18 )
Allen wasn't surprised in the least when Kaneko voiced her concern for him, and shook his head lightly. He rubbed the back of his head. "I'm alright, Kaneko, really. It's just a new place so I'm going to have to adjust." He answered sheepishly , offering her a small childish smirk. Allen sniffed lightly and smiled. "Dinner smells delicious, as always." He complimented.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/3 04:24:20 )
Kaneko was glad to know he wasn't hurt, and his sweet compliment brought a smile to her face. "Thank-you. I hope you like it. I was in the mood for mac and cheese but with alfredo sauce. It's different but it's warm so it's perfect for this w-weather..." She explained quietly. Taking his hand in hers, she led him to the table. "I made us tea as well." She informed with a smile. Dinner wasn't anything fancy, just some pasta with chicken and broccoli with lots of melted cheese on top and some alfredo sauce all on top of some pasta.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 21:46:05 )
Allen listened, hearing the joy in her voice as she spoke. Whatever she was making, he was sure it'd be delicious. He easily followed her when she took his hand and led him through the house. Then she mentioned having made tea and rose an eyebrow. "Normal tea I hope. If rather not try to drink the strong herbal tea with dinner.. " He murmured quietly, only to smile as if letting her know he was only teasing. He sat down at the table and patiently waited.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/7 21:32:08 )
Kaneko blinked, thinking he was being serious for a moment before noticing his smile. "Of course it's normal tea. I didn't want the tea to take away from the actual meal." She explained softly. After he had taken his seat, Kaneko whisked around and picked up his bowl and cup of tea and walked to the table to set it down in front of him. She then set down a fork for him as well. Kaneko grabbed her food and drink then brought it to the table for her and grabbed herself a fork as well. Lastly, she handed them each a napkin. "Careful, it's hot." She warned him sweetly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 00:40:04 )
Allen chuckled and kissed her cheek after she explained herself. He listened to her footsteps and fore a brief moment, he saw her thermal outline. Maybe because of the warm food, or the tea, but either way it didn't last long. Once she had set down the bowl, his tea and got him a fork, he carefully blew on the food before taking a bite from the fork. As he expected, it was delicious! "It's as good as always." He complimented kindly. Her cooking was always good.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/27 09:30:54 )
Kaneko blushed softly at the kiss. It was something so small and yet it warmed her to her core. She took a seat and softly blew on her food, stirring it a bit to help it cool a little faster. His compliment brought a smile to her face. "Thank-you sir Allen, I'm pleased that you like it." She thanked him. She didn't think her cooking was amazing, but knowing that he enjoyed it was all she needed to hear. She didn't need anyone else to like it, if he liked it then she was doing a good job. She wondered if he had a favorite food. She would ask, but she was also afraid to ask. She didn't want to bring up old memories he may be trying to forget.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/28 00:49:48 )
Allen smiled some when she spoke, and took a careful bit of his meal. "I'm pretty sure I'd like anything you cooked. You see, it's not just about what ingredients you use, or spices you add for flavor- whenever you cook something, I can always taste the feelings up put into your cooking." He said to her casually, It's what made her cooking special. He did eat a tad slow since he wasn't feeling well, but eventually he finished off the last bite and sighed with content. "There may come a time when I can longer taste your food.." He murmured quietly, lowering his milky eyes as if looking down at the table.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 22:38:25 )
Kaneko sat there, eating her meal and enjoying her hot tea. The meal and the tea did help keep her warm on a cold winter day such as today. She listened to what he was saying and smiled softly, that was very kind of him to say. "Thank-you. I do try my best to make a good dish and...I always cook with you in mind. B-because I want to make something that you'll truly enjoy." She said, shivering a bit. Goodness it was cold, she could imagine how cold it must be outside. He was still ill, she wondered if the fever had gone down any. When he mentioned not being able to taste her food, she stopped eating and looked at him. "Allen? W-what do you mean by that?" She asked softly, almost afraid to know the answer.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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