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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 19:25:27 )

It brought him some warmth when Kaneko spoke about cooking with him in mind, but his words set heavy even on him. "Most vampires who have been turned, eventually reach a point in their age or maturity where we can no longer taste human food.. I'm sure you've noticed how cold my skin is, even though I still bleed. I still have a heartbeat even though I am not really alive.." He began quietly, gingerly placing a hand over his heart. "Eventually.. My heart will stop beating and my blood will run as cold as my skin.. When that time comes, we won't be able to sit down and eat together. I will still be by your side, and I will still love you more than life itself- I just won't be able to eat human food.." He explained as simply as he thought possible. Why had he brought it up now, of all times, while he was ill? Maybe he afraid that time would be coming sooner rather than later.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 01:56:23 )
Kaneko looked at Allen, listening to him when he spoke up. She nodded, it was true that his skin was much colder now but she just assumed it had to be from how cold it was outside. They wouldn't be able to sit together? Kaneko frowned and looked down at her food. "I see..." she said quietly. She never knew it would get to that point but..if that was what had to happen, then it had to happen. There was nothing any of them could do to stop it. " that time you'll only focus on..feeding right?" She asked him curiously, eating some more of her food and drinking her tea quietly. He'd still love her, that was reassuring. However, Kaneko couldn't help but start to think. If he no longer ate human food, then what would he eat? Would he really only survive off of blood? Was that really the life vampires were left with? A life of immortality but no appetite for actual food? "Thank-you for telling me this Allen. It probably wasn't easy, but I appreciate it. I...still have much to learn I guess. But, I'll still be here of course. I'm not leaving, regardless of what happens."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 02:08:07 )

That was the fate of a vampire. Allen sipped his tea as Kaneko spoke, and offered her a small smile. She was always so understanding, and accepting of certain possibilities and other warnings he might have given her. He had to be one of the luckiest vampire's to exist, having met a woman like Kaneko. After she finished speaking, he slowly got up from the table and casually made his way over to Kaneko, just to gently hug her from behind the chair. He loved this woman..more than life itself. At this point, his life meant nothing without her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 02:35:20 )
Feeding...she was okay with that. Of course, she'd worry every time he walked out that door. She trusted him though, and she knew he didn't want her to see him, thinking he'd frighten her. It was a really sweet gesture. Would she be frightened? Perhaps, but he'd never hurt her. They had been through so much together, it was impossible to think he'd turn around and hurt her in any way. To love someone, vampire or human was to make sacrifices and compromises. You couldn't have everything, but if you truly loved the person and were happy, then what more could you ask for? She and Allen might as well be married. It was a silly thought though, because she didn't need marriage to know that this was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Kaneko busied herself to eat and finished it up, soon after finished her tea as he hugged her. The hug was a surprised but it made her feel so warm. It brought a smile to her face. "I love you very much, Sir Allen." she said to him quietly, turning her head and kissing his cheek.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 04:32:24 )

Allen smiled as she spoke, and soon he was feeling her warm lips against his warm cheek. "I love you, lady Kaneko.. and I and truly blessed to have you in my life." He murmured quietly before placing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'll wait for you in bed before falling asleep." He said, as a way saying goodnight in a teasing manner. He slowly piled away from the chair and headed to the bedroom, where he laid down and everything.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 05:01:46 )
Kaneko felt her heart flutter in her chest at his words. He really was a sweet person. Vampire or not, she couldn't see herself loving anyone else. A soft chuckle was heard, "I will be there shortly. I shall only wash the dishes before heading right over." She answered, smiling at the kiss on her forehead. It was always the little things. She really was a hopeless romantic. Kaneko stood once his footsteps had retreated. She carefully picked up the empty dishes, the pots and pans and took to the sick to start washing them clean. Afterwards, she dried off her hands and made her way to their room where Allen was waiting as he promised. "How are you feeling? Still very ill?" She asked softly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 02:13:47 )
Allen laid in the soft bed, on top of the blankets rather than under them. He closed his milky eyes and listened to the sounds caused by Kaneko washing dishing. The sound of the running water from the sink and the small noises that the method of washing dishes made. He wasn't sure if she was using a brush, or a sponge, but it didn't really matter either. Once he felt the bed shift under her weight, he smiled. "Better.. But still ill.. Tomorrow isn't going to be much better." He said quietly, gently holding her hand

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/19 03:21:21 )
Kaneko nodded, Yes tomorrow wasn't going to be better really. If anything, it would probably be worse. She thought of the gifts waiting to be open and knew people would find it silly to shop for someone who couldn't see. However, Kaneko was a girl of tradition; and she wanted to make him happy. "Every day that passes by, you do get better though. Even if it doesn't seem that way." Her voice was soft, comforting. Her hand in his cold one. "As long as we keep making you that tea, and as long as you get plenty of rest then you will be fine." Kaneko reminded with a smile on her face.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/6 06:50:09 )
Allen had a small smile tug at his lips as she spoke. That tea did make him feel a bit better, he would admit. It wasn't long before he had an arm draped over her lightly, as he laid on his side next to her, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/12 01:13:05 )
Kaneko looked his direction and sighed. She wanted nothing more than for him to get better. To see him smile. To hear him laugh. To see him happy. Was that asking too much? Perhaps. Turning to her side, her dark eyes watched him sleep peacefully beside her. She lay still underneath the protective cover of his arm, tired but happy. His words floated around in her head. He was changing, and so was she but he'd finally stop soon, and she'd keep going. While she worried about it, she didn't want to think about it right now. Instead she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come over her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/21 01:07:00 )
Allen woke early the next morning and slowly opened his milky eyes, early enough to say that the sun had just barely begun to rise. At some point during the night, he had pushed the blankets off of himself in order to release some of the built up heat he was putting off. He was still running a fever and his body felt incredibly heavy as he slowly started to sit up. Not knowing if Kaneko had woken or not, he would rather not take the chance of waking her. Other than sitting up, he hadn't moved very much.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/9 17:08:50 )
Kaneko had curled up closer to Allen during her sleep. Even if he was cold to the touch, she still enjoyed being close to him. She stirred a bit and groaned softly, getting comfortable again and sleeping soundly. Kaneko was completely unaware that Allen was awake, or that he was even running a fever still. She was sleeping for perhaps a few more minutes before her eyes slowly fluttered open and she saw Allen. "Good morning." She said sleepily, pushing herself up to sit. Her hand reached out and felt his forehead which was burning up. "Still ill..." She said quietly to herself. "Allen, is there anything I can get you? More of that tea perhaps?" She asked then snapped her fingers. "Oh! I remembered something!" She gasped. "It's going to sound very silly, but it always helped the fever go away for me anyway. I don't know if it will work on vampires but I think we should at least try it." She said to him softly. She brushed some hair out of his face, a sad smile on her face. Today really was worse.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/11 01:45:44 )

Allen shivered slightly when Kaneko's cool hand came in contact with his feverish forehead and his milky eyes glanced in her direction. "Tea..?" He murmured as more of a question than actually asking if she'd make some for him. He averted his eyes and jerked some when she suddenly snapped her fingers and raised her voice after recalling an idea of sorts or something. His ears, and other senses much more sensitive this morning than any other day. "Very well, I'm interested in trying this idea if it did as so. It's worth a shot." Allen spoke, sleep lingering in the tone of his voice. Maybe it would help him the same way, or at least in a similar way that it helped Kaneko with her fevers.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/12 01:09:44 )
With a nod, Kaneko slipped out of bed and walked around to his side. She removed his shirt and then rolled up his pants legs. She folded the shirt up nicely and then set it to the side. "I'll be right back." She whispered and left to fill up a large bowl with cold water. Then she grabbed a few hand towels and dropped them in the cold water. Kaneko carried the bowl back to the room and set it on the bed by his legs. "Alright, I just need some rubbing alcohol and I'll get started." She said to him. She couldn't imagine what pain he was going through right now. Fevers must be much more painful for a vampire than a human. That's what she believed. Kaneko walked into the restroom and opened the medicine cabinet, grabbing the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls.Then she walked back into the room and dabbed some of the alcohol onto a cotton ball and gently rubbed the bottom of his feet with it. Strange, she knew. But it was an old family thing and it worked. It was supposed to bring down the fever significantly. Afterwards she grabbed one of the wet hand towels, wrung the excess water out and started to wipe down his face with it carefully, then his back, then his chest. It was a way to cool down the body. She had gotten a few though because she knew they would dry up quickly after touching his burning hot skin.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/12 01:24:08 )
Allen waited patiently for her to return with the needed things, not minding that he was shirtless in this situation, then focused on her scent once she had opened the alcohol, as well as stated still while she rubbed his feet with the cool cotton balls. It felt strange, but he wasn't really ticklish so it didn't bother him much. He made sure to sit still as she proceeded to rub his skin with the damp cloths. He closed his eyes and focused on the feeling of how gentle she was being with him, and really just enjoyed the feeling. It was oddly relaxing.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 00:14:19 )
Kaneko hummed to herself while she cared for Allen. She still didn't know if this would actually help in any way or not but she had still wanted to give it a try. Over and over, the hand towels were dipped in the cool water and wrung out before being used to rub his hot skin. "Is it helping even just a little bit?" She asked in a quiet voice, smiling softly after noticing his eyes were closed. He must have been enjoying it, or perhaps he had fallen to sleep. Poor Allen was probably just exhausted. His body was fighting as hard as it could to fight off the illness but it didn't seem to be working. Anyone who was ever sick could tell you that they would only want to sleep all day and night from how drained they felt.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 00:27:57 )
Allen continued to keep his eyes closed and just relaxed as she rubbed him with the damp cloth, and slowly he felt less like he was a furnace. He had nearly dozed off with how relaxing it was, then she spoke and slowly opened his milky eyes a little. "I can't tell if it's the dampness of the cloth, or how carefully you're being, but I am feeling a difference. You've almost put me to sleep with your humming." He semi-teased her in a quiet and lazy voice.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 03:50:22 )
"Perhaps you should sleep. You need to get as much rest as you can." Kaneko began, a small smile on her face. "I'm sure you must get tired of hearing me say that to you." He added quietly, gently wiping down his chest with the cool rag then his neck very carefully. "You have nothing to worry about, I won't leave your side while you sleep. It's okay." Kaneko smoothed out his hair after dropping the hand towel back into the bowl of cold water. She wasn't sure if this would help reduce the fever any, but he said he was feeling some difference and that was all that mattered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 05:25:12 )
Allen sounded a soft hum when she spoke about him needing rest and he closed his eyes once more. He smiled as she spoke, knowing that she wouldn't leave him. They wouldn't be here right now if he was worried about that.. She always stayed with him, as long as she wasn't doing something. It was still nice to hear since a tiny part of him did fear her leaving him. A tiny part of him pushed back as far back in his mind as he could manage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 06:14:34 )
Kaneko watched him rest and covered up only his feet. It was a superstition in her family growing up that if you slept with your feet uncovered, you'd catch a deathly cold and die. She wasn't sure it was true, but she didn't want to ever risk it. Her soft humming resumed, filling the quiet room. If she could somehow help him sleep better with her humming, then she'd hum all day just to make sure he got the rest he deserved. This was what love was about. Her fingers stroke his hair gently and she placed a kiss atop his head. Loving someone meant being with them no matter what.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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