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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 03:05:00 )
It wasn't long after she began reading that he began to drift to sleep. He usually stayed awake as long as he could, just to hear her read but he was relaxed, and the tea wasn't helping him stay awake. He needed the rest so he could get better, if resting still made a difference. Either way, he had fallen into a light sleep and even moved a bit closer to Kaneko.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 04:16:12 )
Kaneko's reading came to a stop when she felt Allen get closer. Her eyes wandered to look at him and she smiled. He was sleeping. Something that usually happened when she read, but at least he was resting. It was important for him to get some rest since he needed to get better! "Rest well my darling." She whispered, kissing his cheek then looking down at the book. Kaneko closed it and set it off to the side, deciding there was no need to keep reading now. Maybe she could use this time to take a short nap herself. She didn't want to move away, she could make him his herbal remedy but that meant moving and in turn possibly waking him up.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 22:04:12 )
Allen didn't wake until late that evening, and he wasn't as warm as he had been the previous day. He could feel Kaneko close to him and it brought a small smile to his thin lips. Her scent was almost intoxicating though, and he felt as he did that morning when his craving had crept up on him, only this time he could feel the tips of his fangs poking his lower lip. He needed to hunt. Now. If he waited, he was risking Kaneko's safety.

Slowly and quietly, Allen shifted so he could easily slide off the bed as to not disturb Kaneko. Once he was pretty sure he was off the bed, he felt around the room and slowly made his way into the living room and towards the front door, not bothering to try and find a jacket.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 21:06:52 )
When Kaneko woke up, she right away saw that Allen wasn't there with her. Perhaps he had gone to the living room to sit on the couch and wait for her. "Allen?" She called out. Silence. "Hmm..strange." Rubbing her tired eyes, she slipped out of bed and smoothed out the bed sheets then fluffed the pillows and started making her way out of the room. Kaneko walked to the living room to find it empty. In the kitchen, empty. She walked out to the backyard. Nothing. Quickly, she walked back inside and walked to the front door. Had he left?

"What to do?" She asked herself and paced the living room back and forth. Maybe she should focus on making him some tea. Yes. Kaneko walked back to the room to pick up the mug of tea and cleaned it out in the sink then started to prepare a new batch for when he returned. If he wasn't home by the time the tea was done, she would go look for him but she had to have faith in him. He could take care of himself.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 00:14:41 )
Allen hadn't gone very far, just far enough to catch a snow rabbit and sank his fangs into it. He only took a small bit since rabbits were so small, then he put it to sleep and laid it down so it could heal. Usually that did the trick..but he was still craving more, so he went a little further and caught a second snow rabbit and did the same as he did with the first. His throat burned, it wasn't enough. He leaned against a tree and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, thinking of something else he could do, not even realizing there was a man watching him.

"How's it feel to be back home?" The man asked, causing Allen to stand up straight and jerk his head in the direction of the voice. Zero dropped down from the branch of a tree close by, he was wearing nearly all black and had a gun holster on his left thigh. Allen glared in the direction of his scent with burning crimson eyes. Why hadn't he sensed him a moment ago? "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you or your lady friend. Unless of course you force me to take action." He spoke calmly. "You know.. The foxes aren't bad, and they have more to offer than those rabbits." He suggested.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 00:56:13 )
Kaneko had set water to boil and looked through the drawers for the now glass jars that were filled with various different herbs. They were labeled with some tape that had the names of the herb inside written on the tape in blue ink. She opened up a couple of the jars, taking out one item of each then sealed them again and put the jars back. She gently dropped the items into the water in the coffee pot and closed the lid on it then waited for the water to boil. She knew it would take a while, so she decided to grab Allen's books on herbs and remedies to better educate herself and just refresh her memory. She had been reading them on and off when she had the chance and wasn't cuddling up with Allen. The books were set down on the table carefully and she opened one.

Her fingertips lightly turned the pages. Her eyes reading the words in a soft whisper, unaware of what was going on outside. Occasionally she would look towards the stove at the coffee pot then she would focus once more on the book. Kaneko had wanted to make his remedy, but she wasn't sure if he needed it since he hadn't mentioned any pain. Aside from the fever, which this tea should help it go down a little bit.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 01:49:13 )
Allen glanced off as if hearing movement in the snowy shrubs nearby, but it was out of his comfort zone. He didn't want to wander too far from the house and risk getting lost. "Come on, keep pushing yourself and you'll wind up like most ferals. I bet you can't even think straight." Zero mused, earning a growl from Allen, in which Zero chuckled. "Don't talk to me as if we're friends, I don't even know who you are. You're scent isn't that of a vampire, neither of a human." Allen spoke quietly. Zero feigned being hurt even though he was aware Allen was blind. "I'm hurt. I am a friend, for now, who just wants to help you with your frenzy." The male spoke.

For now? What did he mean by that? Oh, it must have something to do with what he said before about 'forcing his hand' but Allen didn't quite understand. Nor did he want to. In the end, he allowed the stranger to lead him somewhat further away until he stopped and lightly pushed down on Allen's shoulder. They crouched in the snow for a moment, and Zero quietly explained that a fox had left its den to find food, and if he wanted to catch it he'd have to be faster. At the nudge to the back, Allen quickly acted. Zero was there to help 'corner' the animal and stood off some once Allen had managed to catch it and sank his fangs into it.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 02:50:14 )
The whistle went off and Kaneko was up. She made her way to the stove and quickly turned the dial so the flames were gone. Then she looked towards the door. Allen still wasn't home. Okay, now she could worry. She put on some warm winter boots and a warm jacket. His jacket was right there which only made her worry more. She wore a scarf and a beanie with large black puffs at the end of the long braids. One on each side. Kaneko slipped some gloves on, took his jacket and opened the front door. The cold gust greeted her once she stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Where could he be? He couldn't have gone too far, he always made sure to stay close since he didn't want to get lost and neither did she.

"ALLEN!" She called out. There was snow for miles and miles. The trees off in the distance. She never really traversed the woods because she was sure that nothing good waited for her there. She could keep calling his name over and over, and she did a few more times before falling silent again. She had walked quite a bit but no sign of Allen anywhere. "Goodness, you're going to get sicker being out in the cold without your jacket." She said to herself. Her eyes scanned the panorama, looking for any sign of blonde hair anywhere.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 03:27:43 )
Since a fox was bigger than his usual rabbit catch, he knelt down some and cradled it differently as he fed, holding up it's upper body and letting it's lower body rest against the snow. He had to put it to sleep to keep it still, as he wasn't trying to 'hurt' it. It's fur was soft but not as soft as a rabbit and it was a little longer as well. Zero had to pull him off at some point because he lost track of how much he had drank from it and he now sat on his butt in the soft snow. "If you drink anymore you'll kill it." The male mused. Allen lowered his once again milky eyes and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

However, he stood when he faintly heard his name being called not too far off. "Kaneko?" He murmured quietly. Just how long had he been out here? Zero helped him back up to his feet. "She sounds pretty worried." He mused, and Allen could hear in his tone that he was probably smirking. "Stay away from her, and our house. I don't care if you claim to be a friend." Allen said with a tone that meant he was serious. "I can get back on my own." He murmured before following the sound of Kaneko's voice, and soon her scent. It didn't take him too long to find her, and he tucked his darkened hand behind his back as to not startle her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 04:30:16 )
Kaneko draped his jacket over her arm, rubbing her hands together to keep them warm despite having knit gloves on. Her skin was pale, but her nose was red from the cold as were her cheeks and her lips. She trembled, thinking of what to do. Should she wait for him? Or keep looking for him? But where else could she look? Her eyes locked on the woods. Had he wandered too far? This was the reason she worried. What if he got lost? What if he was too far from home and someone else found him? What if he was hurt?

That's when she saw it. A flash of yellow in a world of white. "Allen!" She gasped, running towards him. "Allen!" She called again ans threw her arms around him in a tight hug. She was so cold but she was just so relieved that he was okay. That he was safe and unharmed. "Allen, where were you? You had me worried. I noticed you were gone when I woke up so I stepped out to look for you but I couldn't find you and-" She stopped, stepping back to look at him and smiled. "I'm just glad you're safe. You're okay right? You didn't get hurt did you? Why don't we go back home, I've made you some tea to help with the fever but if you need your remedy I can make you that too. Oh, I noticed you left your jacket inside so I brought it with me. Would you like to put it on?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 04:43:48 )
Allen managed to keep his balance as she all but tackled him, feeling her arms around him. She was freezing! He could feel the coldness of her jacket through his shirt and gently wrapped his arms around her, and lightly nestled his head against the side of her neck. He felt bad that he had worried her so and it showed on his expression. He lowered his arms when she stepped back and nodded some, raising his eyes some as if to look at her. "I'm alright.. I needed to hunt, and didn't want to wake you.." Allen answer, gently taking her hand.

He shook his head lightly when she asked if he wanted his jacket. "This feels good to me right now, let's head back." He said, knowing it would be dark soon.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 06:44:38 )
He needed to hunt and hadn't wanted to wake her. So he was hungry, but not for food exactly. Kaneko looked at him, could see the pained expression on his pale face. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay. I was worried someone had hurt you." Her hand reassuringly squeezed his own. "Okay, let's go. You can have some tea and we can talk while I do the laundry. We can talk about anything." She said, walking with him back to their cabin home. She couldn't help but glance back towards the woods. This was the first time he had wandered there. Maybe it was accidental.

Kaneko helped him up the porch steps then opened the door and walked inside with him. The warmth of the house was very welcomed. She closed the door behind them and let go of his hand to walk into the kitchen and check the tea. It was still warm which was good and it had been steeping so maybe it would be stronger now. Carefully, Kaneko poured him a cup of tea, then set the cup down on the table for him. "Did you get enough when you were hunting?" She asked quietly, not sure how to word it.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 17:34:07 )
Allen nodded lightly to her words as he followed her back to their cozy little house. How far had he gone? Surely if he had been paying attention, he wouldn't have wandered out that far.. Then again.. That guy had taken him further into the woods to look for foxes..

He was relieved to be back home as Kaneko helped him up the stairs and easily followed her into the kitchen once inside. He sat down in one of the chairs around the table and took in the scent of the tea she had poured into a cup for him. Allen blinked his milky eyes at the question and lowered his eyes some, nodding lightly. "I met someone.. He seems to know me from a different time but I don't remember him. I had help..hunting.. I warned him though, about coming near our house.. I don't want him trying anything.."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 20:14:45 )
Kaneko was seated across from him, listening intently to what Allen was saying. He met someone? That wasn't a good sign. It wasn't a stranger and it sounded like this person was only out to help Allen. But, what was the catch? Did this person truly mean well? Or was he sent here by someone else who didn't?

"So you met someone? A friend from the past?" She asked, a small smile on her face. "Well, I think it was kind of this person to help you out. Perhaps they do mean well. I don't blame you for warning him though, I would have done the same. We can never be too careful. If he knows we're here then maybe others do as well..." That thought wasn't comforting at all though. Kaneko was curious though. She wanted to know as much as she could about this stranger. Was he trustworthy? "Did he tell you anything? Anything about how you might know each other?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 21:02:31 )
Allen was quiet as she spoke, and carefully sipped from his tea. He shook his head and set his tea down at her question. "Not really.. He smelled neither human nor vampire but he knew I lived here at some point. He asked me what it felt like being home after all these years.." He murmured calmly, taking another small sip from his tea.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 23:40:10 )
This friend of Allen's sure was strange. He didn't give him any indication of who he was. All Allen said was that he wasn't human or Vampire. Which only confused Kaneko even more so. "So...he wasn't a human, but he wasn't a vampire?" She asked him and frowned, wondering what this stranger could possibly be. They didn't know anything only that this stranger clearly knew Allen from somewhere before. Maybe he had visited Allen when he used to live here? How else would he have known that Allen used to live here. "How strange."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 00:09:12 )
He shook his head. "No, he's definitely one or the other.. His scent was misleading though." Like he was covering it up. The guy had mentioned dealing with he had to be a type of hunter, but he kept quiet about that as he didn't want to worry Kaneko. Allen nodded. "If I happen to stumble across him next time I hunt, I'll ask him." Surely next time, he'd be in his right mind and not border-line lusting for blood. He drank more of tea and bumped a book that was on the table as he set his cup down.

Allen carefully picked it up and smiled some. "Which one is this?" He asked curiously, happy that she had taken a liking to his old books.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 00:03:36 )
Kaneko thought about this. A human helping a vampire. That seemed unlikely. She was helping him though, still, many more humans would rather kill vampires than help them. So in her mind, she came to the conclusion that he too was a vampire. Maybe he had lived with Allen in the manor at some point before leaving him alone. But why come back now? His voice pulled her away from her thoughts. "Sounds like a good idea." She just hoped he didn't get too close to this stranger no matter how kind he was. Call her paranoid.

"Oh, it's 'Medicinal Properties in Plants.'" She answered with a grin on her face that slowly changed to a shy smile. "I wanted to read it a little since you're sick at the moment. I thought maybe I'd learn how to better help you get better."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 01:06:20 )
Allen nodded lightly as she spoke, noting that he was starting to feel a little tired as he dipped from his tea.

He smiled some at the name of the book and lowered his head as she spoke. She was too caring, and sweet for him. Allen gently traced her hand and traced the top of her hand with his thumb. "I love you, very much, lady Kaneko." Allen murmured softly. "I'm sorry to have you worried all the time.."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 06:53:48 )
Kaneko felt her face go red with blush when she heard his words and when she felt his thumb on the top of her hand. He was always so kind to her and gentle. She knew he'd never hurt her, she trusted him completely. "As I you, Sir Allen." She answered. Kaneko shook her head and smiled warmly. "I will always worry about you Allen, because I love you with all my heart. When I worry, it's because I care about you. If I didn't worry about would mean I didn't care." She sat there in silence for a moment before speaking again. "Has the tea helped any? It is supposed to help with the headache. If you have a fever still tomorrow, I shall make a tea to help with that. I read of one here in the book and I think we have the herbs we need for it too."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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