— The Dude
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 05:33:36 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?
@lina: She wears white and grey sneakers, and no, they're just black pants.
And as for your question, from what I've seen, the trade is usually started by the client, and then finalised once the finished product has been shown.
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 05:34:22 )
@Lina: I'll s3end the trade then!
Coming from my mule again =)
And usually, I see on sites like this, it's a case of 'sends trade before art is started'
'artist works on art'
'artist may or may not show progress, up to them and the client'
'artist finishes art'
'artist shows lower quality version.'
'trade is completed'
'full rez art is sent'
If that makes sense and works for you =)
Also, if you want to draw more, I can probably find more items to throw at ya =) ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 06:09:23 )
@Colin: thanks! I want to make sure I draw your character accurately. ^^
And that sounds good, would you please start a trade and we can complete it when the art is done.
@Amber Lynne: I forgot how trades work (cry) if I accept now what happens? It’s a 2 step process right? Like I accept twice? >.<
Part of why I decided to come back now is that I’ve been feelin really inspired to draw but my favorite thing to draw has always been avatars and characters. So I’m really excited to have subjects to draw! OuO
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 06:12:57 )
@Lina: Oh trust me. I can most definitely keep you in constant supply of characters to draw. I has plenty, and loads more to add later. LOL
As for the trades, you gotta accept it twice (since I accepted once) then I gotta finish it off.
If you accept both, I can leave it until the end, and then accept afterward and all would be good =)
(character art FTW btw) ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 07:22:55 )
I’m off to bed now. Thanks for helping me through getting this started. I almost can’t believe I forgot how trades work here. XD
I’m going to a small, local cultural fair tomorrow. It’s the first year so I think it’s going to be pretty small. After that I think I’ll just be home so I can start art then. ^^
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 07:29:30 )
@Lina:Oooohhh, Sleep well and have fun! ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 16:33:23 )
Thanks! I hope it’s fun! The town website was very vague about what’s going to happen, I think they’re worried about the vendor turnout since it’s the first year. But it’s o my one town over, so even if it’s small it will be worthy it!
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 17:06:13 )
Saturday I went to an international fest in a neighboring town. It was pretty small, but fun to walk around. And my sister and I did some shopping at the small shops around there. We got lunch there. And since we do little gift baskets (like stockings or Easter baskets) got Halloween we want to the candy shop for some unique treats.
Sunday after grocery shopping I did some sewing. I made autumn pillow cases and a table runner for my apartment. I had hoped to get some drawing done over the weekend, but I was really pretty tired after sewing.
I’m heading out soon. I go to the Panera cafe at the mall before work, since I work at a store in the mall. I’ll grt some drawing done there for a few hours before my shift.
Donator — Artist
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 21:36:48 )
OKay, may I buy 2 couples from you then for 15k plus dj?
I'd like C and E please
for C can the couple be holding hands like in F? if at all possible? or just holding hands period is good. qq
Here is the couple for C:
breakdowns here: https://i.imgur.com/LIF8oRe.jpg ~ https://i.imgur.com/My7Y3Ey.jpg
Feel free to simplify it as needed. the only things for detail that I'd ask be included are the 2 clips on the males ear, the belt loops, the flowers on my skirt. The weapon can be left out as well as the heart bubble.
Attitude: neutral, both their mouthes are covered. you can put the females (which is me) with eyes like this n_n though.
for E I would like these two characters. the character on the left
and the character on the right
again, you can simplify the black one, as long as there's the flowers on the side of the skirt.
Here is breakdown for white: https://i.imgur.com/BRyB5WO.jpg
attitude: the white one is more shy, so a mouth like in her ref sheet would do her good or a tiny shocked mouth? like the one you have on the right one already just instead of it being a smile have it pointing down a bit in slight shock? as for the other you can just keep it since shes the more daring one. ? xD and I like that mouth so. iunno maybe give me a wip on this one and I can decide which way I want to go with it? sometimes I gotta see to decide what will look better >w< if that's cool with you.
Please let me know if you want me to offer more ^^
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 22:00:25 )
@Rayon Declaire: wow, those are really complicated avatars. Even with the breakdown links I’m really not sure what is happening on the avatars. I can’t really see them very well. I don’t know Gaia, and they’re avatars are very small and hard to see. Unless you can give me a picture of each item on every avatar separately, I wouldn’t feel comfortable drawing them.
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 23:05:49 )
@Lina: Oh. My. Freaking. Word
... I might spam you with orders bby. ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯