Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Allen paused a moment as he weighed his options and listened to Kaneko. "Fine, I'll allow you inside our home but I won't hesitate to throw you out if you're lying." He said, making himself crystal clear on who was holding the reigns. Zero got up from the snow and brushed himself off, following the two as Allen led Kaneko back inside the house to warm up.
Kaneko smiled and silently followed Allen inside their warm home. "Are you cold Allen? How are you feeling today?" She asked, quickly pressing a hand to his forehead. He didn't feel warm anymore. Was he better? Just in case, she walked into the kitchen to make him the herbal tea that helped with the sickness. "I'll make you some tea. Zero would you like some tea as well?" She asked, figuring she'd make a separate batch for Zero and herself.
Allen shook his head at her question. "I'm feeling much better now, that tea really did the trick..and my eyes aren't bothering me much today." He said calmly, smiling some just for her. He did appreciate the offer of tea though. "Thank you." He said. Zero sat at the table and nodded to Kaneko. "Tea sounds nice, thank you. Unlike you're friend, I can still feel the cold of the snow." He said casually, semi teasing.
Allen wasn't much in the mood for teasing, or cocky remarks, but he'd wait a moment before talking. He couldn't think of he was upset, and he wanted to ask the right questions.
Allen wasn't much in the mood for teasing, or cocky remarks, but he'd wait a moment before talking. He couldn't think of he was upset, and he wanted to ask the right questions.
"Oh really? Well that's wonderful news! I'm so glad you're feeling better Allen. I was very worried when you were ill. I'm glad that the tea worked though." She'd have to remember to make it again whenever he got sick again. Herbal remedies really did work, and they weren't toxic like regular medicine. Since only she and Zero would have tea, she decided to make some peach with ginger tea. Kaneko smiled when she heard Zero, she knew he was only messing around.
Grabbing two mugs, Kaneko added a small spoonful of sugar into each mug and when the water was ready, she carefully poured it into the mugs. Gently she set a teabag into each and stirred the water with a spoon then let the teabag steep for a few minutes before throwing the teabags out and placing the spoon in the sink. She walked to the table where she set both mugs down. "Careful, it's hot." She said quietly and looked at both Zero and Allen, worried about what would happen now.
Grabbing two mugs, Kaneko added a small spoonful of sugar into each mug and when the water was ready, she carefully poured it into the mugs. Gently she set a teabag into each and stirred the water with a spoon then let the teabag steep for a few minutes before throwing the teabags out and placing the spoon in the sink. She walked to the table where she set both mugs down. "Careful, it's hot." She said quietly and looked at both Zero and Allen, worried about what would happen now.
Allen nodded lightly, also sitting down at the table.
Zero listened quietly to the two of them, nodding when Kaneko set the tea down and carefully picked it up to blow on the hot liquid. "Alright, Zero. Why have you come here?" Allen asked calmly. Zero glanced at him. "I believe I've already answered that." He answered. Allen folded his arms loosely. "Alright fine, what did you mean when you mentioned protecting Kaneko from the council?" He asked. Zero smirked. "You killed your master, did you really forget about the laws of our kind?" He spoke. "The council is going to find you, you can't hide from them like you can from hunters. I don't care how long you've been surviving as a lone wolf, you've brought an innocent human into your world, and the council doesn't particularly fancy vampires who put a human before their own life." Zero explained, earning a frown from Allen. "You're blind, a weak link to the council as well. That fact remains, you're already a target and by killing your master you've painted a red dot on your forehead."
Zero listened quietly to the two of them, nodding when Kaneko set the tea down and carefully picked it up to blow on the hot liquid. "Alright, Zero. Why have you come here?" Allen asked calmly. Zero glanced at him. "I believe I've already answered that." He answered. Allen folded his arms loosely. "Alright fine, what did you mean when you mentioned protecting Kaneko from the council?" He asked. Zero smirked. "You killed your master, did you really forget about the laws of our kind?" He spoke. "The council is going to find you, you can't hide from them like you can from hunters. I don't care how long you've been surviving as a lone wolf, you've brought an innocent human into your world, and the council doesn't particularly fancy vampires who put a human before their own life." Zero explained, earning a frown from Allen. "You're blind, a weak link to the council as well. That fact remains, you're already a target and by killing your master you've painted a red dot on your forehead."
Kaneko listened carefully. She was silent, blowing on her tea and occasionally taking a small sip and relishing the taste of the ginger and the peach mingling in her mouth. From what she gathered, hiding from the council was pointless. They would find them eventually but what would happen then? Would they really kill Allen? Well now, she wasn't just going to sit back and allow that. Her eyes went to the gun resting on the counter. It wasn't loaded but that was not even a worthy weapon. Maybe a good weapon against lesser threats, but not some high and mighty vampire council. That weapon would tickle them at most. She looked to Allen, a look of clear worry on her face then looked at Zero. "So then, what would you suggest we do?" She asked. "If hiding is pointless like you said, the only other option I can think of is to fight back but I don't think that's exactly wise either."
Zero sighed inwardly and took another sip of his tea. "I don't know." He said simply. Allen was starting to steam. Zero smirked and pointed to the gun sitting on the counter even though he couldn't see it. "I gave miss Kaneko here an anti-vampire gun, unloaded of course. Wouldn't want her to hurt herself. I was thinking I could teach her how to use it, then teach you how to properly fight another vampire. A stronger vampire, without losing yourself." He explained casually, glancing at Kaneko. "You want to help us take down the council?" Allen asked. Zero glanced at him. "If that's what it comes down to, then yes. I have a grudge of my own against them." He said calmly.
"Allen, if fighting is the only way then I think we should give this a try. I'm not a smart person, and I don't know anything about vampires but I think that maybe if we can defeat the council...then maybe you'll no longer have people chasing after you. You'll no longer be in so much danger." Kaneko said. She knew her father would still send men after her but they were the least of her worries right now. "I think we should give Zero a chance. We don't know him...but if he wants to help us, then we should give him the chance to do so. Just a chance Allen, that's all I'm asking for and if he doesn't do as he says he will, then we don't have to continue listening to him and you and I will figure things out on our own. I will respect whatever choice you make." Maybe Zero really did mean well. Maybe if the three of them worked together then they would have an actual chance. What did they have to lose?
Allen didn't really know what to think at this point. He was racking his scrambled brain for answers. They couldn't possibly fight the council.. "Zero, I hope you know what you're doing. I'll give you a chance, teach Kaneko how to use that weapon." He said calmly, running a hand through his blond hair. "I'm trusting you this one time, one chance is all you're going to get." He said firmly. Zero nodded lightly and chuckled.
Kaneko knew that this was a hard choice for Allen to make. Putting your trust in a stranger was never easy. Hopefully this actually worked though and they had to be quick, she imagined the council was probably on its way already so they didn't really have time to waste. "Don't worry Allen, we'll figure something out." Once chance was more than enough, hopefully Zero didn't ruin his chance. She didn't quite understand what Zero meant when he talked to Allen about losing himself. Just from hearing it though, she guessed it was when he lost control? "So when do we start?" She asked, sipping her tea.
Allen nodded lightly and gently rested a hand over one of hers. Zero smirked as he finished his tea and got up from the table, picking up the gun. "The sooner the better, my dear." He said casually.
"Well then, we should start right away." Kaneko suggested. They couldn't waste any time. The more they trained and practiced, the better prepared that they would be for whenever the council decided to pay them a visit. Just the thought of it sent chills up her spine.
For the next few days, Zero would teach Kaneko how to use the weapon and then he would train with Allen. In return, Kaneko would make him some tea or if he was hungry she would make him something to eat. It was the least she could do for his help. This went on for a while and during that time, her father was exiting the prison he was held in. He had done his time, and now it was time to get back to work.
For the next few days, Zero would teach Kaneko how to use the weapon and then he would train with Allen. In return, Kaneko would make him some tea or if he was hungry she would make him something to eat. It was the least she could do for his help. This went on for a while and during that time, her father was exiting the prison he was held in. He had done his time, and now it was time to get back to work.
Zero found training Kaneko rather amusing. He had to push aside memories of his late partner, and remind himself that she was not her. She was still afraid to pull the trigger, afraid to hurt him so he made a target for her. Handmade of course, along with just a sliver of his blood so the bullet would react as if hitting a vampire. He had given her tips on how to hold the gun steady when she fires it, and ways to make sure she'd hit the target every time. She wasn't perfect, but she had come a long way And could very well stand her own against the council or any threat they sent towards them. That's not saying she could take them down entirely, but she could at least stand her own if needed.
And he had sparred with Allen several days to perfect his fighting with the aid of all of his other senes, while also trying to set him off. He needed to see how far Allen could be pushed before breaking, and each time it took more to break him. Which was good. It meant he was gaining control. The council was very good at breaking their victims, so if he could fight with his senses and keep his head leveled, they wouldn't be able to break him. That's what they needed.
And he had sparred with Allen several days to perfect his fighting with the aid of all of his other senes, while also trying to set him off. He needed to see how far Allen could be pushed before breaking, and each time it took more to break him. Which was good. It meant he was gaining control. The council was very good at breaking their victims, so if he could fight with his senses and keep his head leveled, they wouldn't be able to break him. That's what they needed.
It was only a few days until Christmas. The weather was much colder and it had started to snow. Kaneko had bought Allen a few gifts and had even decided to buy some gifts for Zero. He had become like part of the little family. She thought it was only fair to let him join in on the festivities. Now, they didn't have a tree, or decorations like she was used to, but it was okay. "Stay out here." She had told them one day and when they had tried to protest she grinned and wagged a finger. "No, no. You can't go to the room right now. I have to wrap up the gifts and I don't want Zero telling you what I got." Kaneko told them both. "I'll be fast, I promise. Just umm...I don't know. Talk. Maybe practice a little more?" She suggested with a shrug of her shoulders before skipping away to the room to wrap up the gifts where she would sing Christmas songs happily.
Zero understood what she was doing more than Allen did. He found Allen's protesting amusing and had tried to protest in his own way, chuckling when it didn't work.
Allen sighed and made his way to a chair to sit. What was there to talk about? Allen still didn't know who Zero was or how he knew so much about himself, then again he hadn't really asked. Zero stood by the window and watched the snow fall outside.
Allen sighed and made his way to a chair to sit. What was there to talk about? Allen still didn't know who Zero was or how he knew so much about himself, then again he hadn't really asked. Zero stood by the window and watched the snow fall outside.
Kaneko worked tirelessly on wrapping up the gifts. She put nametags on each gift, there were bows on them all and so much pretty seasonal paper pieces everywhere. They had to be perfect. When she was finished, she walked out bringing them all to the living room where she set them down in the corner. One by one, she would leave and come back to put down wrapped gifts and then left to clean up the mess left behind.
"You know what we need to do?" She asked them when she returned. "Bake cookies. Santa will be upset if we don't. Of course, we don't have to do that right now though." She was grinning. "I am so excited! Ugh, I hope you both like the stuff I got you. I promise they're really nice gifts!" She said to them, humming softly to herself.
"You know what we need to do?" She asked them when she returned. "Bake cookies. Santa will be upset if we don't. Of course, we don't have to do that right now though." She was grinning. "I am so excited! Ugh, I hope you both like the stuff I got you. I promise they're really nice gifts!" She said to them, humming softly to herself.
"Cookies?" Allen asked, slightly confused. Zero smirked and glanced at Kaneko. "We'll make cookies the night before Christmas., I can help if you want." He offered. He hadn't made cookies for some time now, and you couldn't really Christmas without cookies and a glass of milk.
Allen chuckled and offered her a smile. "I'm sure we'll like whatever you got us." He assured her.
Allen chuckled and offered her a smile. "I'm sure we'll like whatever you got us." He assured her.
"Yes Allen, cookies. Specifically, gingerbread. They're so good and Santa Claus always appreciates some cookies and a glass of milk for when he visits." Kaneko explained. It was cute that Allen was unaware of human traditions. Perhaps he had forgotten. "It's fun, I promise. I'm sure you'll like them too, they're really good and the perfect Christmas cookie. With or without icing." She said and smiled at Zero, "Wonderful, that would be great Zero. Thanks!"
Their little family enjoyed some time out in the snow making snowmen or throwing snowballs at each other. Meanwhile, back home her father had gotten into contact with an old friend of hers. "You go and bring her to me, and I'll give you all the money you need. I want you do make sure you're not seen, grab her but don't hurt her and don't worry about her friend. I'll take care of him if he shows up. Which he will." The man said with a smirk and sent the young man on his way.
Their little family enjoyed some time out in the snow making snowmen or throwing snowballs at each other. Meanwhile, back home her father had gotten into contact with an old friend of hers. "You go and bring her to me, and I'll give you all the money you need. I want you do make sure you're not seen, grab her but don't hurt her and don't worry about her friend. I'll take care of him if he shows up. Which he will." The man said with a smirk and sent the young man on his way.
Zero nodded some. "You're quite welcome."
Allen had the most fun outside throwing snowballs and tackling Zero into the snow. He also tried catching some snowflakes on his tongue. Zero chuckled as he watched him and rubbed the back of his neck. How long had it been since he enjoyed himself like this, either of them?
Allen had the most fun outside throwing snowballs and tackling Zero into the snow. He also tried catching some snowflakes on his tongue. Zero chuckled as he watched him and rubbed the back of his neck. How long had it been since he enjoyed himself like this, either of them?
Finding out where Kaneko was staying, was pretty difficult. Jax wasn't too worried about that though, he was more concerned about how exactly he would get her back home. Asking her wouldn't work out. She was too stubborn. He smiled and chuckled to himself at the memory of Kaneko always doing exactly the opposite of what he would tell her when they were younger. They were very close, seeing as how she had no older brothers to protect her, Jax took it upon himself to protect her from anyone at school. He was a good friend, but that was all he was to her.
Kaneko laughed softly, seeing how Allen would tackle Zero into the snow. Weren't they cold? Maybe all this roughhousing kept them warm. Maybe they just didn't feel hot or cold anymore. She didn't know. She watched him try catching snowflakes on his tongue, he really wasn't familiar with snow? Or perhaps he had forgotten. Regardless, it make her happy to see him enjoying himself so much.
Kaneko laughed softly, seeing how Allen would tackle Zero into the snow. Weren't they cold? Maybe all this roughhousing kept them warm. Maybe they just didn't feel hot or cold anymore. She didn't know. She watched him try catching snowflakes on his tongue, he really wasn't familiar with snow? Or perhaps he had forgotten. Regardless, it make her happy to see him enjoying himself so much.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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