Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/31 20:19:59 )
Grrr. Dont mind me, I'm gonna rant a bit here. I'm getting tired of this and need to rant a bit.
So, my sister has been living in my house with me, and completely free for nearly a year now. Doesn't pay a single bill, and lately she has acted like a complete stuck up snot. And I'm getting real sick if it. Ask her to help clean the house, since SHE, has company coming this week, nope. Doesn't do a thing to help. And for the last two weeks straight she's been out running around till 2 in the morning, without a mask, in a freaking pandemic. And not taking care of her dog either, she doesn't even buy her own dog food. Let's her dog pee and poop in my house. I am this close to kicking her out.