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Forums Hangouts ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:24:20 )

I'm pretty good. Got some laundry going, getting them ready for the work week. Did some doodling. Just bein' chill.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:33:26 )
That's cool - sounds like a good day so far.

I dug up some more of my yard, put up a trellis, mulched around it. Then I took down the outside Christmas lights, etc. Now, I'm newly showered, with a cup of coffee in hand and was just thinking about doing some digital sketching. :3


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:37:28 )

I was sketching up ideas for the signs I make for our store.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:45:37 )
... to draw attention to a particular theme or whatever?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:48:51 )

I do it monthly, so if there's a big holiday then I'll go with that as my theme. Otherwise it's like funny books puns and stuff like that.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:50:01 )
That's cute :3
I'm sure it helps get some attention at the least!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 17:50:59 )

It does. Lol found out that I have a fan in New York of the signs I make. XD a friend of my coworker.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:02:46 )
@Wildfire: how's your new year going?
I definitely like the darker colors. Especially with golds and silvers. I opened my avatar closet, and there's definitely a theme. lol. :3

@Hardcore Uvula: Thank you! I like yours! :D

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:03:40 )
Oh really? That's interesting. How did that come about?

@Koah: Hey Koah. So far my new year is going pretty well. It has been quiet. How about you?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:08:27 )
@Wildfire: I started off the new year by being an absolute potato and the most I got done was feed the family in the evenings with pizza or some other form of quick food. OTL
I did have friends over on the weekend though, they made food, they drank and I got to sit back and continue the lazy streak- but socially.
I realized yesterday that I'm in one of those 'growth spurts' with pregnancy. Baby hit my rib and I was like "OH.. he's way up there now."

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:18:41 )
@Koah: the end of 2021 and so far 2022 has been pretty chill for me too. I had some kind of intestinal issue last week that had me being a couch potato, and the kids are out of the house this week (mostly) so it's been just me and hubby. I did do some gardening stuff a little earlier this morning and I'm beginning to wonder if the springtime pollen craziness is starting a little earlier than usual...

It sounds like you need the chill/lazy/grow-the-baby time. How far along are you now? You know it's serious when they start tap-dancing on your ribs... and kidneys... and bladder! XD


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:23:48 )
@Wildfire: oh my gosh, early spring pollen?! in January? I can imagine it, but it's hard. We're dealing with rain/slush coming down hard with rain right now. It's yucckkky out. And the wind knocked down some of our garlands.
How's your garden coming along? It's been a couple weeks since we talked about it last.

I'm at 22 weeks now. Over halfway and expected to pop out a baby around 35 to 39 weeks. Super unlikely that I'll hit full-term.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:31:18 )
@Koah: Yeah, pollen in January. It's a little early even by central Florida standards, but it has been pretty warm this year and I've seen things growing already, so I wouldn't be surprised. I think I'm going to give in and go swallow an allergy pill. I hate taking them but it's better than sniffling and trying to scratch my eyes out if I wait too long. /sigh/

The garden is doing ok, I think. I'm taking it in little steps. I dug up some more yard today, mixed in some compost, mulched it, and put up a trellis. There are things growing, but it's mostly the stuff that started growing on its own out of the compost bin! I have a squash of some kind, at least 4 tomato plants, and a couple of beans of some kind. It's going to be a surprise garden! XD The other stuff that I'm wanting to plant needs to wait just a little longer before putting it in the ground - if the temps drop too far (which they still could), it would probably kill off whatever I plant now because it wouldn't have enough time to get established...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 18:39:55 )
And I'm so glad I don't have to deal with rain/snow/slush/ice! BRRR! and Ugh! and Ouch! XD

Not likely to get that last month of "baking" in, huh? Is this likely to cause you or the baby any issues? How are you doing with everything? You seem like you've made peace with the idea of being pregnant, so that's good. :3

I gave in and took a zyrtec. Joy. :/


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 19:11:33 )
@Wildfire: Ground has to be warm enough to keep the roots from dying. Good plan to wait. :3
lol, I love that you have a collection of compost plants. XD
I hate taking allergy pills too. I've only ever had to take allergy pills a couple of times in my life. And mostly since moving to OR. There are new plants here I'm not familiar with. Like Juniper trees and holly berry bushes. and Cactii/succulents all over my yard- which... for whatever reason, I had an allergic reaction to. XD
My son was born at 34 weeks about 8 years ago. The only thing we struggled with, initially, was everyone saying he'd be behind and it'd take him a while to catch up. But, it turns out, he- like all other kids, learned things at different stages. I kept thinking he was behind on things, but then he'd catch up or excel in a different area.
Mentally, every week now, I have the "Omg. I'm pregnant. and this is real. I'm not ready." every Friday as the week turns into a new week of being pregnant. XD

Our rain/slush turned into heavy snow. In the last half-hour, about a half-inch to an inch has stuck. Weather report didn't say anything about snow today. XD lol

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 19:22:28 )
@Koah: Oh, at this point the ground isn't going to get cold enough to kill the roots of my plants. It's more that if I put things in the ground now, they won't have a chance to establish roots before/if it gets cold enough to kill back the top growth. :3

Yeah, I never had allergies until about 7 years after I moved to Florida. The flora here is very different from the northeast. Of course, there are literal clouds of pollen that happen here too, and in about a month, instead of shoveling snow, we'll be raking up pollen ... it gets that thick that it just lays on the ground in heaps! /dead/

Everybody has opinions about things -especially kids and parenting, it seems (well, a couple other things too, but we won't get in to that now). Like you said, all kids have their strengths and weaknesses and learning styles, and times when their brains better handle one topic or another. It's normal. Being able to roll with that as a parent is what's important, imo.

So you're still getting used to the idea of being pregnant. Are you showing yet? Feeling kicks? ... or just the occasional stomp on a rib? (it has been so long, I forget when to expect to feel the usual kicking, etc. through the belly). Are you really doing ok with it all?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 19:38:47 )
@Wildfire: omgosh! I've seen pollen piles in Minnesota and Michigan before and a couple of times in Washington state, but I think Florida is as crazy as it gets for the U.S. You'll have to send me pictures with pollen season hits out there.
When I was a teen, my mom and I moved to a valley in between a couple of cities, and my mom, who'd never had allergies got so sick and overwhelmed by the air in that valley. It was city pollution mixed with pollen. She's had continuous allergies since.
She got reactions when she came to visit at Christmas. I think because we're still in 'fall' weather whereas, where she lives, it's snowy winter.
oh gosh, snow mold is what gets me. =;= In Spring and the ditch pile-ups melt and the fall leaves and dirt underneath the massive snow heaps begin to warm.

I kept thinking my son was behind and I was panicking all the time until we adopted our daughter and she had the same issues he had, but different. Then it finally hit me that I just need to parent and stop listening to everyone's opinions on my kids' health/learning styles. :p

So I've felt kicks and 'Flutters' since week 13. I'm naturally a very thin person, so I didn't/don't have a lot of fat on me. I'm now officially showing. It's month 5. I 'Popped' right after christmas. lol. My sister kept commenting "I wouldn't be able to tell your pregnant if you hadn't told us." Then they left and I 'popped' out. XD
Just Fridays I have mental breakdowns of feeling unprepared. and now I'm heckin nervous because I spent the holiday with 2 teenage girls and they drove me insane. o_o'

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 20:02:10 )
@Koah: Yeah, being a new parent is really scary and it's normal to want insight and opinions when you're so new to something and it's as important as raising a new human, but it's important to listen to your own instincts and to do what's right for your child, despite what everyone else is telling you. :3

LOL - so did you tell your sister that you popped as soon as she left? XD With my first child I didn't show until I was about 5-6 months pregnant either. I showed a little earlier with my second son, but not much... but that's having that "naturally thin/athletic build" (until recently. Ugh.) Teenage girls are insane, imo... but that's also me not having to raise any! One thing that happens is that you grow with your child... when the kids get "pre-teen angsty" or "teen drama", or any other stage, there's often a bit of a learning curve, but as their parent, if you know your child/ren at all, I've found that it turns out to be just a little bump, and you're all back on the same page again. You'll figure it out, and you'll do great!!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 20:11:48 )
@Wildfire: The niece that lived with us last winter has railroaded off the tracks and went straight into Terrible Teens. I see why my sister focused so much on Christmas planning, to distract herself from her kid being a crazy teen. My niece leaked a lot of random info to me and my friends over Christmas. Collectively I've now found out she's been sneaking out, teasing boys, drinking, smoking pot, and has tried acid. T+T uhhhg. and that's on my sister being insanely protective and a 'helicopter mom'.
I pray my kids keep doing their 'yin and yang' sibling thing. They keep each other in check. One's wild and the other is overly cautious. They're only 7 months apart. I'm sure you're right. <3 I hope I keep sane during their turn on the teen drama stages.

I'm showing sooner than I had last pregnancy, but I think some of that is on being older and/or having a better appetite this time. :3 I'm always hungry now. e.e

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 20:19:55 )
@Koah: The most controlling parents seem to have the wildest kids... in my experience anyway. If you give them safe ways to discover who they are and to test the boundaries a little bit, they tend to do better navigating those tough waters. Also, they're more likely to actually call you and/or confide in you if they get in over their heads, instead of hiding it, ignoring it, etc. It sounds like that niece of yours really trusts you and that she recognizes that you're not the helicopter/control-freak type. She was gauging your reaction to her activities, from the sound of it.

I'm glad your kids do the yin-yang thing. They sound like they're the best of friends! <3 Hopefully that will continue during their teenage years and they'll look out for each other :3 I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll have moments... but I'm sure you'll get through them.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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