Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/3 19:11:33 )
@Wildfire: Ground has to be warm enough to keep the roots from dying. Good plan to wait. :3
lol, I love that you have a collection of compost plants. XD
I hate taking allergy pills too. I've only ever had to take allergy pills a couple of times in my life. And mostly since moving to OR. There are new plants here I'm not familiar with. Like Juniper trees and holly berry bushes. and Cactii/succulents all over my yard- which... for whatever reason, I had an allergic reaction to. XD
My son was born at 34 weeks about 8 years ago. The only thing we struggled with, initially, was everyone saying he'd be behind and it'd take him a while to catch up. But, it turns out, he- like all other kids, learned things at different stages. I kept thinking he was behind on things, but then he'd catch up or excel in a different area.
Mentally, every week now, I have the "Omg. I'm pregnant. and this is real. I'm not ready." every Friday as the week turns into a new week of being pregnant. XD
Our rain/slush turned into heavy snow. In the last half-hour, about a half-inch to an inch has stuck. Weather report didn't say anything about snow today. XD lol