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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/6 23:28:38 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, I get it. I've had similar "rounds" of that kind of fatigue, unfortunately, and similar conversations with hubby, who just doesn't get that a certain level of activity is simply unrealistic/impossible and downright counterproductive during those times. But his heart is in the right place... as it sounds your roomie's is. :/ Are you getting any feedback from the medical community, or are you just giving yourself the space to "have the recuperative downtime" you need? I hope you feel better soon! :3

Things here are ok, thanks. I tried to take this last week "off" from the chaos that is usually my corner of the world, but ended up spending more time than I would have liked dealing not only with Walmart, but also with my car and a mechanical issue that is obviously happening except that it's not throwing any codes and just passed a transmission test with the highest possible scores... and taking the dog to the vet... and dealing with my youngest who is still kind of beat up from dropping his motorcycle in the middle of US19 a couple of weeks ago... and ... everything else.

But other than that, things are relaxing...???? XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/6 23:53:50 )
@Koah: LOL - yeah, he's a big enough gator that I'm kind of surprised he hasn't been removed from the neighborhood pond yet. We chased another one off the bank of a pond today while walking the dogs. He was only about 3'. The turtles!! I love the big one stretching his feet out!! <3 XD The ones in the photo are pretty normal...not all of them around here are (like the soft-shell and alligator turtles (not my photos)).

It has been a long time, but I've seen moose in person before (NH/VT/Maine). They are much bigger than you tend to think they are!! And I love the photos you've shared of them! <3

I'm glad you caught the mono early - and that she seems to be feeling better already (yes, whining, although annoying, is better than thoroughly lethargic!). Good luck - that stupid virus... yeah, I hope your daughter (or anyone else) doesn't go anywhere near what I went through with it. <3


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/7 10:03:10 )

@Wildfire: At this point I'm just trying to give myself time to rest and recover fully. I know if I push too hard too fast I'll just end up sick again, and I sure don't want that. If things don't clear up soonish I may at least hit up my doc for like, a virtual visit or something.

What's really bugging me is ever since the blood sugar spike that landed me in the ER, I've been feeling off balance and my vision's been a little blurry. Not sure about the balance but I know the blurry vision should resolve on its own as long as I keep my blood sugar balanced, but man it sucks in the meantime and is kinda scary. Not sure what to think about the balance thing though. I already have balance problems due to whatever disabled me in the first place, but for the most part I have adapted I guess and don't have much trouble with it--but the last couple of days I'm stumbling a lot and it's very frustrating. :I

Oh gosh, sounds like your 'week off' didn't quite work out! Hope your car problem turns out to be minimal when it's figured out. And hope your kiddo is recovering okay!

And lol, yeah, "other than everything else" things are pretty chill here too. XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/7 15:21:46 )
@CooperationIsKey: For what it's worth, both hubby and I have been commenting on feeling just a tad off-balance the last couple of days too. It might be the pollen that's starting to emerge around here... at least for us. Could sinus issues be a possibility for you as well? /shrug/ Regardless of the cause, balance issues really suck... even without being sick. :/ It sounds like the best thing you can do for yourself right now is to keep your blood sugar balanced and try to give yourself the time to nap and recuperate, which sounds like what you're doing. You'll know when it's time to do something else. Still, good luck.

Yeah, it didn't turn in to much of a week off, yet ironically, it actually was less chaotic and less busy in a lot of ways that usual. LOL!

The car thing... yeah... fortunately, it's still under warrantee, but it is something to do with the (stupid) dual-clutch transmission I have. It's just not happening frequently enough to tell the (#&%!@*!!) computers what's actually going on, but in the meantime, sometimes I'll pull out in to traffic and the RPMs rev up to 4k before it finally drops in to gear, at which point I end up lurching/flying down the road instead of the absence of power I had before the car figured out what gear to be in :/ And it's not happening often, which makes it more unreliable in some ways - especially with the aggressive drivers around here who stomp on the gas when somebody dares pull out in to traffic in front of them (with what was more than enough room to do so safely). It's annoying to be sure. :/


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/7 16:32:20 )
Christmas and celebrating the New Year went well. (Everyone was very happy.) My other half and I extended our days off for just the two of us to clean up around the house, what we look forward to in 2023, and what we enjoyed in 2022.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 14:18:26 )
@Lotus: It sounds like you've had a lovely period of time to celebrate and to enjoy the holidays ... and to relax and do some introspective things. That's good :3 <3 Did you make any big plans for 2023?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 14:20:29 )
Good morning everyone. I hope your day is going well :3 Are you up to anything in particular today, or maybe taking the day off to actually, really relax??

I'm not quite sure which way my day is going to run, tbh... I have some cleaning up that needs to be done and didn't get done yesterday. And cooking. Somehow we've ended up with a fair amount of food in the fridge that needs to be cooked before it goes bad, so I'll be doing some of that today. I was hoping to spend some time in my studio, and playing with my tablet too, so I guess we'll see what ends up happening... but that should be about it. I'm still in need of caffeine though, so that's the first thing...


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 15:04:29 )

@Wildfire: Yeah, it could be sinus related, I dunno. Except I really haven't had much sinus congestion the past few days. So I'm not sure! I'm hoping it all works itself out though.

And yikes, that's scary with the car! Sounds like a recipe for an accident. Hopefully the mechanics can figure that out for you!


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 15:08:28 )

I did manage to cook that roast last night although I'm really grateful it was something that doesn't require a lot of babysitting to cook. Just scrubbing the potatoes had me wincing from how bad my arms were hurting, so fast! And even though I rested while it was cooking, by the time I finished just eating I was so exhausted I went right to bed. Bleh.

Today I'm thinking I might make this Cinnamon Toast Crunch cake mix I've got. Either that or the cookie mix (also Cinnamon Toast Crunch; I'm a sucker for cinnamon). The cake's probably less steps so I might go with that, lol. Just a sheetcake, nothing fancy. Even have Cinnamon Toast Crunch frosting for it, if you can believe that.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 19:09:16 )
@CooperationIsKey: I'm sure you'll figure out whatever is causing the extra dizziness... or it'll resolve itself. The pollen/sinus thing was just an idea. It sounds like you're starting to feel at least a little bit better, which I'm happy to hear for your sake! I hope the trend continues in that direction.

... that's a lot of cinnamon!! XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 02:35:03 )
Hey, everyone! I am new and just thought I would drop in and say hi!

How is everyone doing?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 14:50:25 )
@Wildfire: Just working today and I am already feeling tired. T_T Nothing too big planned for this year, yet.
@CooperationIsKey: That cake sounds amazing, did you end up making it? n_n
@daniellerenee: Welcome to Voltra! I'm doing great, how are you?

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 14:56:52 )
@daniellerenee: hello ... and welcome! How did you find Voltra?

@Lotus: That sounds about like what's going on here so far.

Good morning everyone.


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 16:02:29 )

@Lotus: No, sure didn't. We've got a fruit fly problem in our kitchen at the moment that put me off dealing with it. Didn't want to make a fly magnet!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 16:55:51 )
@lotus: Thank you so much! ^-^ I am doing okay. What are you up to today?

@wildfire: Thank you! I found Voltra while looking for avatar community sites! ^-^

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 18:12:08 )

@daniellerenee: Hello and welcome!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 18:23:05 )
@cooperationiskey: Thank you so much! How are you doing today? ^-^

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 18:45:26 )
@daniellerenee: cool - so you're familiar with them, then... most of us here are. Have you found any others in your search?

@CooperationIsKey: your avi is simply adorable right now, btw... so cute and colorful!

How are you both doing today?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 19:10:01 )

@daniellerenee: Lol I'm stressed, but I guess I'm okay. XD Went to withdraw my rent money and my card was locked for "suspicious activity" so then I was on the phone with the bank for like an hour and I still haven't paid my stupid rent.

I ordered myself some lunch as a reward for not murdering anyone in the process. ^^;;

Hope your day is going more smoothly!

@Wildfire: Thank you! I found the pattern for the shirt and kinda went from there. :D Yours is very pretty; I love the colors!

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 20:59:14 )
@Wildfire: Not to jinx it, but I think my daughter is dealing with mono pretty well.
I had an eventful weekend and I'm actually glad to be doing my mom's daycare now. XD Too much was too much. /bad, not good/
We have 2 birthdays this week. And no plans, unfortunately. I ordered gifts kind of late too. OTL

Omg. Softshell turtles look SO WEIRD! and alligator turtles look quite a bit like snappers. o3o I have a pet Mississippi map turtle. It's a dwarf-sized one. Never grew any bigger than my palm. My mom took him as her store mascot/pet since I kept moving around and ... it moving his tank was a lot of work.
I drove to the post office the other night and had to wait until the deer moved away from the door so I could get in. lol. XD
The place is in a residential area, so I couldn't honk or make noise to scatter em.

I only have 2 kids today in the daycare. o3o it's a really nice break. but I know, tomorrow it goes back to 5 and I'm soaking up the simplicity of today while I have it.

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